Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jul 1919, p. 1

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A KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURDAY, JULY '17, 1019. an ™ ¥BAR 86: NO. 166. Merchants Are Urged to S4 eace Holiday cpm STIL MRRMNGE |" 505 DRCES OF FOOD | 255 er WL ROTEET But It Advocates the Principles For Allies Who Mingled "Dramatic Move" Contemplat- Sang For Which the Ontario Praiss For of Youth hog ed to Hold the Present ' § rl Liberals Stand. 'French, Ottawa Ministry. i Baro Toronto, July 17.--In its leading Panis, July 17-~In the Chamber Toronto Globe Despatch. apticle on 'Wednesday morning us- of Deputies, Pani the presi- Ottawa, July 17.-- Ontario, the E n P d Quebee ae hore Stlon - Follow my Hastrey| NO ENOL Has Mo Joy Made to Slop fone oF che chamber, spoke th sion: But This Is In Le] Ad Not In Can-|7rairle Provinces and Quebec are gy pang Carson's Recent Utterances Dewars Premier ing terms of Monday as a day umi- a 4 gue "in history. = He. glorified the ee fon forming the first perman- Ac Termed fnnammatory. Présch soldier, dod 41d living, and eo i aast,_socording, to : Toit mavle 3 abandon a dha praised the allies, Who, he' said, had Reports 8 . . 2 ---- Aas vocacy . th ol t problem in Quebec is finding - Ang ; ; Pos of political Liberalism during D ine Bod of a] thelr Jouth PROFITEERS ARE CAUGHT electing Unionist Ministers. The Shree Quarters of a century and fol- "Phe. moments Wa hive lved, | probicm in Ontario and the West is w M ; , x "dt says, in part: "The Globe finde OW Mr. Rowell inté the new permis. .Desth: SNencetort 1 to, stay the get-together movement Bont Unionist party, which, vecsuse| | ; ai hue Dep ILLICIT DEALERS HAD mus |Thils BAT of both sections of ay THE OFFICER AFFIRMED if M8 Composition, must remsin es-| pr. C. K. OLARKE'S VIEW OF THE [those 1d 50 ; is- Tal party which set in. om the 3 g THE GUNNER DESIED Sia the old Conservative party DUEL w trust ho. dha of dis- STORES CONCEALED. termination of war and the necessity | THREAT T0 CALL 'OUT VOLUN. ? Siger the thin disguise of a nameless ¢ mingled their blood: : Woe to those for tackling the economic issues of TEERS CRITICIZED. . STE ) y likely to repel the progressive Siig i peace. Jat That Is to Take Place By Torontn who do not understand the sacred | Drop Of One Hundred Per Cent. In ent. rand g : {.. On the prairies it is believed in The Daily Ex Says That Gress oud, tis 8 mo reason for con-| and St. Phal Doctors to Test Mod: IF Proaiior Clementbuy sosaking to] Prices In One Day Since the Alles {Unionist circles that political or: y oe ar t Britain Does Not Dream of Faflict- old thet the Siohe has taken | op Theories of Disease, the name of the Governmept, saiq| Blockade Wag Raised. {ganization by the Gewin. Growers i ing Tdustics 'on Uletes. . LN Exgunner. James. Notoman was HERartiey Dewart to its bosom Ube Bt. Paul, Minn. July |17.--o|Wonds sould sot express the'siuotise| Bena, July er oe | Set, fhe 2 mation of any unl London, July 17.~ir Edward Car ou Th ¥ acquitted by a gegeral Liberal » in Ontario: er in steps have been taken by ekther the [OF the French people in viewing the foodstuffs have fallen with a erash armtic ove is contemplated 10 So's 8) er olin the | Dar court maWial of striking an officer | "Prohibition fs the supreme iseue| local or-the state iithorities toypre: [mortal soldiers returning 10 thelf | 1, Borin 55 a reduc of the litting of peech-Lqudemningsthe Domis- 3 "save the sitgation" Ontanlo. a on {he Bight of November 28th, [in Ontario. politics," the Globe says, Yont the proposed germ dual tothe] on ; the blockade. 'They began to show Pressure is to be brought Xo bear on |100 Home Rule scheme for Irelknd 1918, in Belglum. The ofiders who | "80d on this supreme issue the pos , 4 - {and threatening in extremity to ecalt J a : k hen # ed that|Previnecial Premier Hearst to. estab-|an « Ha Lt.-Col. F.|ltion of dhe Liberal party in"Qniario|dP8th between Dr. H A. Zettel, an ] yy we ie Ly rimory t the {18h ""Unioalsm" in Ontario by tak-|out the Ulster Volunteers, was men- compased the court were Lt.-Col. F.[ JU "i doubt. { _|®lectropath and Dr. H. W. Hill, exe: Ga ; 8 embargo wou « DW ing Mr. Wm. Proudfdot and probably | tioned in the Commons, but the th 'D. Boggs, Cobourg, Lt.-Col. R| eae position of the leader is by | entive secretary of the Minnesota real 'drop came only when #llicit two other Liberal Unionists into his! leader 18° unrepe + and. baa Crocker, of Kingston and Major| 6d means so © early defined. He pro-| o 11. Health Association. = Mean. dealers with huge concealed stocks Cabinet. - By this action it is be- made. another sna ntant an a b 'af Ottawa. The only evi-| Wises to make and enforce laws for by ht th it 1 irtual panic lieved that the Libera! forces of the Rother speech, attacking Mts Newsamb af HAA BIVER by the | Hh6 atrying out of the will of the| While both men are preparing for eas ey ut In 3. virtue poliss | PrOVince may be Kept divided aiid | adversaries in the peo He Is agai; dence adduced as They Sh on he Reople, Whether they vote wet or dry{the contest whieh will take place in | f to unload before competing supplies the success of the Unionists assur-|subject to newspaper 'comment. The complainant, Lieut. Leckie, =-but he gives no indication 5f his | ine gail. entered Germany. ed. Times calls upon the Government to was absolutely denied by Gunner he Rtitude tqward the Siestion of Doctor Zettel is the wmnbeMever |. | : Tous of provisions are being ship- ER DEINE 7 do bomething for Ireland and sayé § d Fo 0 0 @ sale quor either over the bar ' 143 i : ; . Mossman, and the opr sowd = #110 shops. That is not leadership. | who ime' forward. to yopresent Dr. ped in from occupied territories, | MINIMUM PRICE ction in the absen that Carson has conferred a charter register a eo! Bh 4. he Globe Is not singular in fail- | John B. Fraser, of Toronto, wha! | : While 'everywhere in the city great FOR WHEAT CROP of lawlessness upon others who dis of very important evidence. ing to follow a Jeader who refuses " 5 1 stores of coffee, cocoa, butter, saus- ; : j started oll the argunient by a pub- like the présent state f th "The officer charged that a difficul- | 16 lead, or even disclose his cone : Pp 3 i dges and other supplies have made |@OVernment May Set Figure at of things. Gn. hy night of Nov. 26th, vietiine convernife the great issues | 14Hed article challenging any beast thei? 'appea Coffee prices tell | Which It Will Buy he Dally Express says: Carso ty Shots i Billet'ng in Belgium, The| that 'has come before the electors |of health to prove that germs kill. their appearance. pric th must know that Great Britain 4 191 , over of the. Bouse objected: fo of 'Ontario for thelr fnal verdict." Doctor Hill is the defender of the . a? eras of forty Tay to & Grain. not dream of inflicting injustice: on the pressiite of some Bian soi] + germ theory. He wiil be vaccinated | 3 i roduct could easily be. bought fo Ottawa, July 17.--1In order to give | Ulster. It is perilous in these times presen : some wi called: in. srANDING OF CLUBS, and' inoculated against the most ? RE, 1 product' eo ¥ he Dong r stability to the financing of the Can-|to talk of revolt, and it is amis. diers and er ml Io aol. Alias. deadly diseases, typhoid, smalipoz,| [ [fteen. Other food prices were eor- |23ian wheat orop of the present year |ing such talk should come from Sip He offered ao wr ont fata] Washiugton, 11: utc 1 and 'the - bubonic = plague. Doctor|: ooudingty ' a ates and oo ruard Wrices. from fod Nas | Bdward Carson, the paper Soncludes. after. and foligwe i il ; New b. Zettel will rely on only sanitation, |" fi IoNaver, Stl. m the Toe The Manchester Guardian thinks Rd oa am the fond dur- Clovetand 3: Besta 11 bube'tis ana. proper fowd a , {hugh prices and apparently intend (°f #raln exchanges Wn the prosemt vou ive : the speech conld be heavily : 1 uncertain and unsettled conditions, punk i ols. Bi Philadelphia, 4 (four | 45. escape. the efteots of exposure' to tq continue to do so as long as pos ig oJ probable that the Dominion gov- | Ider the Defence of the "Raid the germs. ¥ '1sible. y ernment will fix a minimum price | L8W- it International League. «|. Boctor Hill does not helleve that] : BR An oA tes_ to in the Binghamton, 10; Baltimore, the test would be illegal, but he said ' . movement. 1 t - (frst game). .| recently that permission would have |. i {HEAVY LOSS OF TIME oy or A lak the nten, side, it causiot an ¥ Binghamton, 6; Baltiniore, = § [40 be obtained from the health au-| § BY STRIKES IN JUNE be the price at which wheat must be t2er: (second: Same 4 : p ee we enter into the test of J wt e-- i Sud ia Canad, Trading may take ron oe or. the Timon Ro 8 Orn Ne ne Son aha Stat [Nearly a Million and a Hair Diste freely on the exchangss at any tow policy. 'app lauds the game). os re Prices h - may | Rochester, 1; Reading, 0 (second bo ah Doster Jets will have nT "o Working Days; By 87,917 be offered. The purpose will be know from Ca of f i 2 Wy 4% C / hy ; y 3 fix a minimum price at hich the a a nenr-|_ Pres =} ole July 17 Had the wheat should the pries fall to , ¥; Newark, 1 (second : SA : me eencl, Oftewa, July 17. Heatily in: um _fighre. ~The fixing phe 4 Sg hee ol the grim possibilities | \ creased loss of time; as the result of Mn appears necessary to en- pnta, 8; Jersey City, 3 (frst od; is found in the letter 3 i industrial disputes, was registered site stability - and "bring about the y. Conse Lweit < Doctor Zettel- to' Doctor during, June. = There were in exist: 'movement of the crop. . Toronto, 7; Jersey City, 3 (see- Ha Part:of the letter reads as fol- ® ce 2) Jomo time or Sther during . ce City, We 3 ; «| Copy Rs ©' mon rikes, volvi ond game, Seven: innings.) UT will turther agree that the sur- y rtd gir | 21917 work people, and resulting TER MANY . <\lceptible advan 1 WOULD NOT OBSERVE vivor shall be honorary pallbearer for APTE YEARS a 85 Newark, 4 = (dist] a a will July 24 UE Lin & loss of about 1,446,021 working Rule Act now in suspense, and: if Ahe victim; and should We be [the knock "ol man, but YOU days, us compared with 84 strik Hate Besrd «| regard to that act, it Is Sumosstig Rr] 2 : } fortunate enough 10 survive we |8¥e Hot the only one; 717.688 work people and £93,816 Tat Eight Tow for Forty to find either among its authors or The 'Peace Holiday---Petition to | win hold a grand rally ut the Audi-| - | working days in May 1919 and 32 Montreal, July 17--For the first|béucficiaries and: single person to (Cinadian Press Despaten,) ~ [toriimh un 7H She rpeople: of 'sur More Troopships Enroute, strikes, 11.888 work people ahd 48,- {Gime tn forty-eight years, J. A, Chol- | %8Y @ Word for it. gh Dublin, July '17.--Xil grades of | xPetiences. : y Montreal July 17.The steamshipe|®4! Working days in June, "IMS. " 107" a vetoan of tee Franco-Prus: : | Oficinls of the city Corporation: have) ii = Cedric and Royal George are due at i Slag War of A330, eat ns barbes . ei Sor Dome arial 16 the Lord May- Ridiculous Says Dr. Clarke. | Quebec, Sunday, with Totutued sol. RANTEES $2.30 HEL a nt am for halt a codtury| Home Rule Bill ~~ .* ih ay Din. not to recognize IE] b. July '17~--When Dr. | Mots. TheRe ius, IE NY 2000]. GUA : A BUS Old, and 'the trimming of a bearg| : Will Be | Bs 1 Hong tes ui liday. on the John B, Fraser, of Toronto, goes to ho ed 3 Sue at ax President-Also Prohibits I rie and | that was more than patriarchal. 1 ; ee" Sur hetweon tween the British government and | he Vii : Sites i nth to a i ; T-- After a sitting of Jess than half anf For New the Irish people, and the latter do | ON Sand 'serme He is | 9p Overcome Wilson's Veto. Washington, July 17.--President | bour Jo emerged from the chair] ibm EE IR not dene to participate in the k ho mane all of solentin X July, 17. ~~Republican | Wilson yesterday signed an executive i a pecrapbad heag a a London, July 17..-That the Irish peace celebrations. |medieine, according 'to leading Tor- party Tonnerne, House: Supported r x oder increasing the Staranteed Brice | Imperial, alte Tact Baber Pot | Home Rule bill, whieh was to be of- | THREE MEN TRAPPED. ; ato Physicians, If he eats a the attowp Ut tepastage of the atTioulure bushel el at Galveston ang New Rg France. 'Mr. Cholley had discharg-| erative six qpths after the war, ge -- he _-- St Pani Mins. nd lees, appropriation sin wit lis . daylight At the same time a presidentia) a va Jade I 1811, of Dever in be Sheived for a néw policy, Wie a Mine nnel They Ma; : oh y & repeal rider dedpite Presl- {proclamation was SU g 3 £ © genera opinion to-day, following » e ey y Goan It: Will prove that, he. is dent's veto. fa that in order "to protect the Ubitas trimmed, ntl} France had taken ber], oo tion in the o by Lord SH ridin States. against undue enhancement of Tevenge on Germany. Birkenh. 1060 adeptal' A general strike, acc by its liabilities" under the law. guar: oud, oneny Str Frederick oh ; Sup rioting, Has started at 8 "ply anteeing wheat prices, ; E. Smith, and riey-general. | relelf mine in Salmon River Valley|ONto General 1 - | tal of ihe Preciaed of Pombrdny . i Jo snd shia ANOMALY IN LAW. general... yn ; or Seusrdl i 0 2 y 1st, no wheat op wheat flour i There are not twelve constitu r o, ¢ § 4 g } A MO Bay ile. Zhe lave Be as or edieine and a The strike involves all trades. liould: be o excent yudey | Woman May Not Marry Dead Hus. |eticies in Ireland favorable to the ye, y ul } ~The only way to bring down the| yd States except under | band's Biother Rule: HL Spas Slocan otrensin fost of bacon Will be by smashing prescribed limitations to be fixed by | y - en burning k the wheat prices, decording to a To-| Wheat Administrator Julius H. Bar. aos hdon, July os Faglish, us es aT : ; : ronto meatpacker. 4 : : stand = } "If he goes to St. Paul and lives Pn dead wite's sister, but a woman can- attar being' inoculated with some : not wed her dead husband's brother. a of sotie, does it prove him |. The point 'was made clear by the

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