Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jul 1919, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1919. er ---- mn min ~ |GRAND OPER i -------- Gage's Cash Grocery | rimimismne |B iT) a | 3 BROOMS! BROOMS! 2 om = Good strong Brooms, nedium weight. 'Sale price iii > | Henry B. Walthall = TR Ee FRR _-- 5 = SPECIAL FOR WEER-EY1: ~ Naw a In a 5-Reel Feature sv ; Green 6. nn Peas--Beans--New Potatoes a) je Glltrants--Cherrion-- Flume Melons ioe" Sogscherries-- Red Li, Still Small Yoice OO TEER OG berries, + Constance Talmadge | coxnexsen aovenrmsing mares TEACHERS WANTED. : FOR SATE. 100 tins Lombard Plums . ti In 8 5-Heel Feature gi - AL FA a . %. XO, 4, 'Ok. 3 PHONE 248. PROMPT DELIVITE "APairof Silk |MmimniiTERLESCR| TIRE OLL Ge FOUND | sm semen ro cent Mintmum charge for Deavigh, Ont Stockings" ome insertion, 20¢) eS Jsertiana car on Bath road. Owner may AT A BARGAIN FOR CASH, UPRIGHT ENN AA rr Comedies and Other Reels 0c; six $1; one month A FEMALE PROTESTANT TEACHER "have same by calling on Wormwith Piano. T. F. Harrison holding second-class certificate for Miss Harker, Bath Road. Co, Lamited. Su ior Va ille I School Section No. 11, Pittsburg. LADY'S BLACK SILK BAG IN G.W.V.A. perio udeville | HELP WANTED. Salary 3650. Duties to commons Mchonald Park. Owner may || wwe onOION SQUARE PIANOS. Sie Dail t 2.30 E 7 30 , Sept. Ind. Apply Fred Wilson, R. have same by calling at 1% each. = Ap P Dept, R. J. (Incorporated) Ys vg. at 7. GIRLS WANTED FOR THE IMPERIAL R. 1, Joyceville, Ont. George street and proving Rodger, Princess strept d - : 3 e RE ---------------------------- -- properiy. General Meeting--Mondays at 7.30. 10¢ & 15¢ 15¢ & 25¢ Steam Laundry, MALE TEACHER HOLDING SECOND have same by ideutification DOUBLE SEATED COVERED PRAW. Band practice, Tuesdays, 8 p.m. : ; My v 3 y NO TT class certificate for Separate School on application to Thomas ; cheap | geen xX Richardson Chapter, LODE. 2nd -- A NIGHT WATCHMAN. APPLY Section No. € Wi pal on oar Maoreaa: Can be at. Mr. pt, ep : 3 wolfe Island. Appl A WATCH AND FOB ON TUES. 3 asell street. snd 4th Thursdays. . Anglin & Co ary and experience to day morning. Lov aer may T's 24 Ru Se A MAID FOR UPSTAIRS WORK. AP. \ cir onwood, secretary. Mills, Swift's wharf. A SMALL HOUSE AND LOT, CHEAP » Iy Y.W.C.A., 196 Johnson Street. treasurer Wolfe Island R. R. No. 4. for a quick buyer; north end of A ann yy FOUND ARTIOLES ADVE. Vietoria street. 'Apply 160 Clergy When You Want An ; WwW h ASSISTANT GAS MAKER, STEADY TISED FRE. street. a COO! ; Apply at office of the works, AGENTS WANTED, Any: véhing and ; e t er 00L AND. REFRESHING. Queen sire RR wishing. So rea the' Whe max PRING WAGON, WITH TOP ATTACH. 5 6 ihe of: bly : To-night and Saturda Suen CANDY_MG FAY, START oNm. or|] < JSSINE to reach the whet o ed; suitable for picnics; will seat I you are thinking uy uc I oneer y EXPERIENCED AMERICAN PLAN our Specialty Candy Faotories The British Whig. The adver. twelve persons. Apply 439 Broek Ing a Kodak or camera, why KITTY GORDON cook wanted at the Highland Court Four home, small room, anywhere. tisement will be printed in this street. not do it now! We would be Hotel, Hartford, Conn, 'e tell how and furnish = every. column free of charge. how you our stock C 11 IN thing. Advertise. Grand opportun- AUTOMOBILE TOPS, OUSHIONS, SLIP glad to show y 4 a WANTED, EXPERIENCED MAID, AP- ity, Menswomen. Candy Co, 1518 covers, etc. 15 years at the busi "" " on [Tanufe, Jrun 83.00 Se H L BEDFORD ADELE ply. petween 7 and 9 1a evening, to Ranstead St, Philadelphia, Pa. . ness. Judson's Auto Tops, Brook. $25.00. Developing and print. . o » Adapted from Adele Bleneau's Third, X12 Wellington street. : ey 2 vilie ing our specialty. (Returned soldier, late of C.M.R.) y yh t : - - HALL STOVE AND KITCHEN STOVE Mice, G.W.V.A. Rooms. Phone 2191w| Thrilling Romance, "The Nurse's | woMAN T0 DO WASHING y FINANCIAL LOST. iL. 8 AY. anoHEN STOVE: ie : Story" cleaning. Apply to sine Matron, ah mi -- high chalr TAnaninet and ohild's ~ - ; Home for Aged, Ontreal | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE | moo ¥ LUMBER . HOAG'S Drug Store |~--------==| muihomor | it BRE Eompdey ISK amcr. no, Cue, Tow Ten | | NEL 2 assets »187,2185. n 4 x + + 4 The Lightning Raider AN EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER| which the polloyholders news tor| Anglin. TYFEWRITER--22 INOH CARRIAGE, Opp. X B 1 ; : ; why i wn esis Spm WITH PEARL WHITE with knowledge of hook-kesping, Security the unlimited liability of " RREROTR SE IH tabulator, in good condition; cheap -.M emova Apply to King and Smytno, 11719 ShrAEroverty, insured "at lowest! A PEARL CRESCENT PIN, SET WITH Zor Quick sale. Box 1711, Whig " * 9 Sti Clarence Bt. rates. Before renewin > OSW. . The Tiger s Trail old or giving mew business ge In Finder please phone 1508 , @ 4 ® 3 y Reward offers: g@ 0x n y 0, " y 3 ST, rat from Strange & Strange, A NEW BOAT, TWENTY PERT LO atts People $ Notice FEATURING ng aH ROLAND ™ Sans WANTED A Agents. Phone 33. and four foot beam. Can | be used da pisod ne wages. Write or phone J. H, Scott, x DOLLARS, ABOUT 2 0 or a family nch, ay FLORIST Dr J Leonard Walsh HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY proprietor. : 4% PR Tan Aoctety Ta Aran RE Cock Monaas mie on Brock stre be scen at 357 Johnson street, city. . " tc i. i N . Cor.Gore and Wellington Sts. | a The, BOGRAMME | between New England Cafe an 170 Wellington St. AT ONCE, AN EPBRIENCED LADY President, wr 5 Barrie street. Finder please return FOOT NEL) LOTS ON MACDON | ' . n ] B. un Street, for §175. Terms 310 down ne 1 N clerk, f roe st: . Appl , and receive r 8 own fon tke ei DENTAL SURGEON Ra i2 | [8 } | AY 101 Lower Bagot, corner Bagot and 10.21) Prosion street ; and $5 per month, ADP di K P1CTY URES 3 orders given special attention. Raglan Road. tures: : oll Agency, §6 Broe announces his removal to the \ a A NARS le; GHRAPHONOLA ; ; 4 LIVE MAN WANTED--SPARE TIME RGAL AND ground floor of the 'Wellington WHERE [EVERYBODY GOE./ or steadily--aselling our guaranteed : Ek i your own choles, wieis. . Apartments == 132 Wellington trees and plants. Outfit free, Lib- B., CUNNINGAM, BARRISTER Terms, §5 cash, §1 per week, C, W, PALMISTRY street, opposite Post Office. TO-NIGHT eral commission. Brown. Brothers "" and Solicitor. Law offies, 79 Clar- ddndsay, Limited, 121 Princess St, C . N: y ls a Madame Alice, famons Scotch Ay rues Po Ment mited : Snes street A MOTORCYCLE AND SIDE-CAR; IN. Imist nd Phtenciogint = Anglo . ° « TO-LET, dian; tan g¥iinder rican otel, ours: a.m, te TN 2, > . " he equipped with Presto 10 pan. All readings $1.00. Billie Burke YOURS. MEN AND WOMEN LEARN | \ RED SITTING-ROOM, APPLY Dox UPHOLSTERING Telegraphy; big salaries to start hig Office. condition. = Owner leaving with; have direct wires with outside fps WIE Offfee nid CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. J. Apply 32 'Ontario Street. recur Terenrees vor DAVID SCOTT al training; Day and evening shes: | TWO, FURNISHED BEDROOMS. Ar: | OA He Ae Polen Tne" Deedt A GOOD BUSINDSS PROPERTY IW --IN-- cal training. Day and evening class- ply 201 Queen street. street. the' Village of lg nar mw resh Gut Flowers Plumber Wind? Bicck. 300 Printens street dwelling od outhuliaings, must ub : 6 : ocx, ncess . LARG GARAGE AND A GOOD = Plumbing aud Ges Work a special Il "Good Gracious Anna- A Die AMIAGE AND A PAPERHANGING Ply 1. IK Catron ABpticulars Ap: a ineral. designs, floral |[] 13. All work guaranteed. Address belle" Toa one Ea me FATNTNG : ney. 56 Brox Ing bo: t rder ~' . rr ---- A FURNISHED BI M; CE + | PAPER HAN NTL - 7%, Wedding bouquets made to o Jy_Jocated. Apply Box 710, Whig Trainin ahd Kalso oming. Wall Office, or . y JOS, ois G.W.V.A. Charles Ray Coat, Pant and Vest ada AT PRESENT OCCUPIED BY Belong, an AL ie ro fom HEE Sh Ratt 115 Broek St. Phone 220, C. R. Webster, 302 King street. Ap- owley, 153 Queen street. giyent to all kinds of bicycle repair » "Ho R + @lso bicycles to rent, a Makers Wanted piy W. J. Crothers. 12663, week or month. © eo. MAL S87. ~ + 5 373 Ki treet, Pho) 1082w. BATHING CAPS, Band --ane PE oo [I norms rem anys Te But i . 11 . . " Vest atart at . sees. Bl. Apply Box 50, Whig Oitine. BRICK HOUSE, CENTRAL, LARGH 35c¢. to $1.25 Tarren, atusany, at 11 mm enn | "Greased Lightening Pant start at : POWER, SON AND DREVER, Anomi. ("PION MOUSE. CENTRAL, LARGE vs duran, OE . Extras paid. SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE, IN GOOD tects, Merchaits' Bank Chambers, in good condition; modern improve. musi¢ stands. 'or Bi an Wellington : T™ eal bargain. ---- no np F ¢ Permanent position to expert condition. Possession immediately. Corner of Brock a 8 ments his Is a nr a - Mary atty A bu kle workers, » Apply §82 Montreal street, ¥ streeta. Price $5500. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock Street. Phone $8 i171 Wellington St. Phone 40. - wy nde pipes ---------- : J Mr, THREE FURNISHED ROOMS; PRI. ; - Th Apply ir McNabh vate entrance; use of phone. 44 L. FOR SALE. ONE JERSEY HEIFER, COMING TWO; : ie Veterans hing Co. William street, or phone 13747. one Holstein and 'Ayrshire calf; six SELL ON EASY Ne Ef ------------------------ FIRST CLASS ENGLISH ROLLER months old; ope buggy; one grind- ; FURNISHED ROOMS, CONVENIENT birds, Apply 104 York street. tng stone; cheap. Can be seen ®t "THE BELL BOY" for light housekeeping; in good Massey Harris store room. Apply locality. CHEVROLET CAR, 1018 MODEL, to H. Orooker, Rose Lawn, cor. _ Ladies® Suits, Dresses, Skirts WANTED GENMRAL. ) 3 Avply Box 631, Whig Ofce Cheap for quick buyer. Apply 212 College and Un'on streets, Suitcases, Universi venue. ey ts, Overalls, Underwear | THE ORANGEMEN | Mutt and Jeff Cartoon -- [FIRST CLASS RooMs AND BOARD; versity ' of Kingston, are requested to meet 'at SMALL MODERN HOUSE WANTED BY ed. Apply 243 Brook Toot. A FORD TOURING CAR, IN GOOD OR- |nRiiABLE USED OAR eto. 4230 RUYS : 74 : St the Orsuge Hall, Princess street, at AUCTION SALE young couple; no children; cen- 3 rder; good tires; snap for quick buy. Runabout Truck; $276 buys smal . 3 King 5.45 a.m. Saturday, July 12th, 1919, and tral. Wirite "H. M."" Whig Oftice. FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN er; owner in the West. Apply Joe Runabout; $330. buys 6 STORA , proceed to the tirand Trank Station. At Murray's To-morrow, at 12.00 Noon S------ He ry. Apply then, Eves, 171.Raglan Road. Touring. 1 also have Saxon Road- ii A nn Pony outfit, comprising black pony, FIVE OR nx noom RLAY OR SMALL 143 Nelson Bireot. ne 1391). 2 FORD TOURING, 1 FORD new stor, Mclaughlin, Re ae . * ' i » - » » ] Administrator's Sale pad On Cemrout 14 hands, Auiet aud inst Week (in August. Apply Box |STORAGE FOR FURN BAX] ~~ about: all in good conditions will with starters. Also two Fords and | TT PROPER Sleigh, harac Wicker. phaston; Bi and dry. MoCana' 6] be sold right. Apply to Box 68 two trucks. If you have a car for i DR. A Ww. WINNE AAAS Offered f i on Sera, 3 hay nos ; 310, Wag Dittee, Agency, 88 Brock "street. Phone Odensa. 5 PRi¥ : =e sew. Palmer, 218 University A . here ie oife or a crn « 3 } y 4 | : w ee Ys the 16th day of July, 1919, AUCTION SALE SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO THREE BRIGHT UNFORS = OE Avenue. Phone 2180 W. Murray wt hin soction, roome on Market] Shr Hriine Sireet, 2100 o'clock Satur. | for chsh or'in pert or Cc Wo Linge| fooma supble for Soupte ter na] A Yin Kod comatton tay raAGE i : Murray at his auction rooms on arke ny aftermoon--hrown mare, 7 ears « jo C ¥ DENTAL SURGEON Brreat, In 416 City of Kingston, the fol-| (1300); bay horse: two a rs say, Limited. 131 Princess street. housekeeping. Apply 113 Patrick after 5 o'clock, at 210% Montreal | 155 ACRES OF LAND, BLACK AND | . lay loam, 120 acres tillable; neve lowing property: wagon: two sets bob-sleighs; cart street. e Y Lots Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, harness: rope; blankets; waterproof | TEAM OF HORSES, WEI MING he er Sarr failing spring, windmill Bumping i Fourteen, ¥ifteon (And Sixten. on the sheets. and other articles. | var hirarey 2 ahd tweity- WELL FURNISHED ROONS, surm. 20 AMINAT DLAs GRA maple fenoing, good outbulidingy with { o A it, d JRRAY, uctioneer, - rm able for ladies or gentlemen, w! t . ir 1 . Fadden, erary, R, H. Fair, R. Sugar bush; st house; good out- barn and house and wire fen -» Begs to announce that he prs SR ingatanck street, In the sald nT ww. ie No. & rr * board. = Phone. Centrally located. Buildings; fine locatity: lone to good outbuildings with resumed hig practice, e Fe fy arn. will be offered sub- NO I ICE -- at lower Snion. School (Apply Box 107 Whig Office. Hi i a, On a hn corner Johnson and Welling- J] | ject to a reserved bid, 3 I Will not be responsible for any | WANTED TO RENT SIX OR SEVERN --r a rR in Son om, ip of Adolp- pons 33. MOH Tol Bl th tee RRB RR Ee Sa ett IRR cram tn wean on axcmovg| FRE 0 AGES oN mows Bdfd mies Atged iS ) * e {* a Niles, she having left my bed d . i 3 s for 0 . i. phone 363. the sate ; the balance to be pald wibhin board without cause" ged. an 2a No apply Box 1, Fann. Real Estate, 86 Brock Street. oe an i pn Patrick Walsh. iy 3: ota A Lena 5 rip 8. : BURTON H. NILES, Fadi x one or 821. Owe " For JSunher, particulars. aptly to: Toronto street, City. BUY A MODERN 8 OR 7 ROOMED : Rh Swe Mind. ---- mm N---------- SRL, » IAA AA AA rss co v ocation; - { LOT SollgROrS. for th. x athinisteato -_-- 000." 'Aluo® sevaral ammties Bouts IIE Toten To EAN | i Roue Iomaer AkCLEAR LOTS] MANS SUAL R--aTH AGENCY Hd $1500 to $3000. G. A. Bateman, 159 Key. Froste ity otage." 338 change for good make Automobile, Tes. 989. bust tn Sr 34 HERERO The Best! Grocers Wellington street. city. Queen street. Phone 636; Br he Office. Avil Box 2. BL BRICK VENEER BUNGALOW, UR SCR IRON, WILL BUY YO AP -- tal, rubber and rags., We also THIS RTAENT 18 WAYS EXTRA LARGE, SPECIALLY 5 FOR SALE--$10 DOWN ANF kinds of bags, 'includin 8 aa rie from anyon ALW built Refrigerator: § feet high, i iar month, PPly you with the _feeq, flour and potato bags, 'suit ot an 3 on Sdvortising 4 ft. wilde, 20 inches deep; Jerks lo ve Wollsre. per, e | celebrated a for, farmers and ts. Write or "phone up about it. . box: three separate compartments |gaseo--mRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS, osen & C 140 ma: With shelves. Apply Box J-9, Whi * 3 wood az a 8 Sabany, Rides : 3 be ale to you. British Pil Poly g #ll_'mprovements; hard floory A " PERSONAL » T, 35 FEET OVER ALL, |0000--PRESSED SN ny wool ; : beam; 14 inodern; elect.1e ts, COFFEE Bey DENTAL. 7%. foot wer Orga oors, t double cylinder, Grey engine. Bult 3 To d6 this you must have & re- Ad Si ebay as. BI kin Blom: | ditics 300 Princess sirest' Phtas| for fish boat." Would do very nice Hanes. i} Toshtion, v y 6532, 8 Hable watch, one upon which { remo obra Xith- ¥ for pleamire boat. App IMPROVE out scar; nee, Dr. r street or phone 18379 W. {§3500-BRICK HOUSE, de B Fock Ville ------ EE ro ice Blrenpee JOAN We have tn 1 - ] : . ! WE HAVE FOR 8, 8 od £8 in stock. S48 Tliable Walch En = Street. he' 1978, good | jis niture ane » eaten; Sank bern and silo. ® also have other grades not i a pms. ARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- re ti we .. v SR | ale BER ER comer. misc noes, 1 noon Sule no Sood: ut nevertheless 3 § epended upon. : > . | vii ol rou tg Cal at our Regular trips to Amherst|§& : {Eh a om goin or a be SEE iiie store and see Tato < ; , : $100.00 death 3 OARPS ATIIAHED 8 ROOM. cres--e 800d watch fs a good find. % Island Tuesdays and Fri- 5 ' » death 'ot bedi Rm od re | waes YOU WANT THE CARPENTER e: Sores of lane nleel r . Sores. soft Wood, EE es 3 ta le oi pL, informatia Ri J hi 1966 £ L days, 5 p.m. F are 50c. 262 ® " 1 8 245 pam. Red Sox, Sr. vs. Athletics| Frise rsasansens Serena aE

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