Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jul 1919, p. 2

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5 4 THE DAILY BRi riSH WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1919, 147 oi SITY YEARS ON THE LAKEINGDENTS OF [HE DAY -- Established 1859 SAD IY SERVICE Tp | Ont AN mS OF Special Book Sale of Popular Copyrights, Rn 3 : ro Phi, Stamens. Ratan pp eh ut vila : Formerly $1.50 and $1.75 Store Closes Daiiy 5 O'clock. From Chicago, with Ci Whee te y = Offer © . the Readers of the 'Whig. : Was Bom and Raised at arden] vw. Swaine, piano tuner, orders at Islan, McAuley's, or 'phone 564w. W ' To have sailed on the great lakes| In Montreal sirloin steak is selling ; ® and also the Salt: water, in the capa-|at thirty-five cents a pound. That is ' y * city of a steward, for a period of |more than Kingston ean boast about, JUST THE BOOKS YOR SUMMER READING Trail 'of the Sword. sixty years, is the proud record of Forethought--planning anead--is ELEANOR H. ARBOT: Ladder ot Swords, Joseph Norris, Who 18 on the steamer | batter than regrats. Read the ads. Molly Make Believe. x Cumner's Son, Kalkaigka, which arrived from Chi-| before buying, The Stingy elver. : Romany of the Snows. cago With orn, and is now unload-| K. O, Hortop, principal of Wel a Little Eve Bdgarton. Seats of the Mighty, ing at Ridhardson's elevator. Ar. lington public school, will spend the KATE LANGLEY BOSHER Donovan Pasha, Norris is no doubt the oldest in| next six weeks in Kingston, Mary Cary, ' Right of Way > point of" rs and service on the The' steamer Empress Britain People Like That. E. PAULINE JOHNSON: Summer Furs in Seal Mink Mole Sable, lakes tony He is seventy-eight | docked at Quebee on: Frida. morn- How It Happened. The Shagganappi. ? Ar aa) years of #86, but is still as active as a | ing and the troops left for the west Man in Lonely Land. The Moccassin Maker. Squirell, Baum and Stone Martin, Etc. man thirty years his junior at 9.30 am. ] G. A. RIRMINGHAM: MISCELLANEOUS: 2 ¢ "Yes, 1 guess I am the oldest, and The matriculation examinations General John Regan, gros Strings by Klapnor Sates; ' if not, one" of the oldest men in the | commenced in Queen's University on The Red Hand of Ulster, seed by Righteous, Juliet Tompkins Our Fresh selected Collection of Fudson Seal Skins Arriving business," sald Mr. Norris, when in- | Thursday afternoon. The entrance The Lost Tribes. Mr. Opp hy Alice Hegan Rice, Daily, terviewed by a Whig representative oN ingtions hava been 'concluded. HENRY IRVING DODGE: Sonrish of Capt. Silas Portor, hy. Rolph on Friday morning, Do you know Now the time to have your Skinner's Baby. Bennet, Your Inspection invited--No obligation to buy, u.Js Just twenty-one years since 1|piano tuned Wo carry two expert Skinner's Dress Suit. BOOKS FOR EVERY LIBRARY, SPECIAL 30c. was in Kingston, and on that occas-|tuners and will assure entire satis- MARIE THOMPSON DAVIES: Private Peat, by Private Peat. « o ® fon it was my first time Here in twen- | faction. ©. W. Lindsay, Limited. The Melting of Molly. Face to Face with Kaiserism, Gerrard. Jo n C ay. mite ty-five years. It seems 'pretty quiet| The temperatures on Thursday Andrew the Glad. Germany and the Next Republic, Acker- i 2F; F around here now, compared with the | were: Singston, Momrenl, 72; Ora Over-Paradise Ridge. Jan cturers urs days when I first started to sail the|wa, 78; y » Buffalo, Que- DAVID GRAYSON. Pan-Germanism, Rolland G. Usher. Manufa o ne lakes. This harbor was a busy place. , 74; Calgary, 88. Adventures in Friendship. When the Prussians Came to Polany/ 149 to 155 Brock Street I have seen a half dozen or so vess} A ses Of Queen's Hempfield. A Note Book of an Attache, Brie F. ood. . . Ont. sels being built here, and there was | Military Hospital tq the number of GILBERT PARKER: Over the Top, Guy Empey. Kingston / 2 4 great traffic in grain, I was born |225 had a splendid trip through the Translation of a Savage. Home Gardening, B. F. Albaiigh, . ..JJ | and raised on Garden Island, just ac- | Thousand Islands "on Thursday af- ' eee, | 1088 from Kingston, and the fest ves- | ternoon. = |Sel I made a trip on was the old brig| We Will rent you a piano, -and at "Willlam Penn." end of six Months if you feel like | RE ; Mr. Norris inquired about Garden | Durchasing instrument we will allow p ' } y @ island, and appeared rather disap- the x mouths' Jental oi BuIvhase : = Tn pointed to learn that there was no Price, an Tange easy terms on bale ictro as shipping out of there now, and that ance. C. W, Lindsay, Limited. OPEN NIGHTS : ! PHONE 919 it had simply been turned into ai 'S. S. Holmes, representing md- ; summer resort. manson, Bates & Co., Toronto, was The veteran steward, in addition in the city to-day in the interest of dll to his long career on the lakes, also | Dr. Chase's remedies. This is one sailed on the salt water, and travel] of his periodical advertising visits, ed extensivély in England, Ireland|and old friends were glad to wel. and also spent some time in Mexico, | come him agai. : ' when there were some very stirring | About three hundred persons en- dS er S times there. joyed a moonlight trip through the Mr. Norris fs a brother of Robert | Islands fo Gananoque on the steamer Norris, . shipbuilder, of Portsmoutn, | Brockville on Thursday evening un- tho is also an old friend of Ex-Ala, |der the auspices of the 1.0.0 The . n wt . Joseph 'Hooper. He was very glad of party arrived back in the city after 1 ecor S the opportunity of visiting Kibgston | one o'clock. i = Victrola No. 10---$136 again. He makes his home in Chi-| Thomas B. Clarke passed. away in cago, when he is not sailing, the Genéral Hospital on Thureday. i The Whig ran across Mr. Norris | His home was fn Wallaceburg, where while he was busily engaged at D, J. |e was a farmer, ® Millan's store, making his purchase, SAmpolght vears a. onthe ' Mr. Norris certainly knows how to . y Was sent to 'Wallace- Records of the F. amous Vessella s Band lok after the boys on his vessel, He, [DURE by James Rony. undertaker. : which is now playing m Ottawa has been in the business so long thar | There are a number who served > he knows "All the tricks of the eh oT [Queens Genera) Hos- Traviata--pPrelude (Verdi) 17729 trade," as the saying goes, and the een home for a Alda--Pretude (Verdi) Vessella's Band-- aie? fellow who ships on the vessel on} . It is the desire of the aunthor- ey plaltman-~Y én Vessella's Band-- $1.50 which he is the steward is sure to ities at Queen s to have them aitend Slavonic Dance , M A 8 garden party to e e at Stradella Overture (Floton) 35276 get three square meals and a lunch , Mornin Noon and Night, i Vessella"s HAG 41.50 if he requires it, Mr. Norris has been. Rompoomaa Sit. tn. honor of the FOR THE LADIES Peer Gynt Suste--Part s "Morning" 55 3 Bias , ¥ Poor Gynt Suste ian IL "Death of Ase" ....Vessella's Rand $1.50 a faithful painstaking man fn his bu 1 hter of the Regiment--sSelectio 35191 siness, and his services are greatly : ra Dinyohs- aoe = Bho Vessella's Band-- $1.60 appreciated by the company employ- White Cotton Hose ' e ' up Moonlight Sonata (Heethov ny $644 Ki A Funeral March L000) Vessella's Band-- $1.60 Ce um nr White Lisle Hose . . acu . up gion Tite Teco at: : "THE HAT STORE" White Silk Hose . ... up a a Black Cotton Hose . .. - up | «wd 25 Bagot Street 1 Letters to the Editor We Hat Black Lisle Hose... . "via up | § roams turnace. ued "eelinr: : Black Silk Hose .:.. | | "5 up Jol Soe ot kilarbers Ksplain Position. ar Everybody iil Brows, Grey, Champagne Lisle 1 Satta meten. THe nthe 7 : + bed roomy. Run. n tor) : 1n view of the misrepresenta- ose... uo. ARON a ay .50¢. up corner, br A EH tion and inisunderstanding in the city, concerning the present differ-| ences between the Master Barbers : Ladies' Silk Hose--Brown, Sky, Canary, a Sonning hint: gsngarabie tor and their employees now on sirike: [|| -- Hats for Men. I Palm Beach, Champagne, Fawn, Sand, | Nelson Street tha undersighed journeymen desire Hats for Ladies Grey, Gun Metal, etc, .. .. + «.. 1D¢, up Darvehod Sonme; elodtrd-~ ho io hr statement ing Hate > Children, Girls' black, white, brown Hose--sizes 6 to ll Enon: Ponsa nes to the public of Kingston, after be- _ 8 tor I ing placed in full possession of the ; ; : . Hons at prices to sult your purse, : facts, to decide as tp the reasonable y i ros ; | aa ode 23 to the reso ob Heavy Hose for Boys in black or brown Rrra any. . 38cup {Hh We huve properties in all Toca. . lf It you are considering buying a mon wd Alun atreat, upd the declaration of me ike saad tts lH shades--sizes 6 to 10 ...... 40e. UP HHH Vesntig fronse for ani 3 0 @ en barbers wor, 2 . Shes 2 toma. suc} NO MAN NEED nik6 and & WAI hours per don or xed B52: | Sox for Tot--allsizes ... 1." 350, up ffi "EreeSAESTS: Street West ww Monday to Friday, and on Saturday brick; 9 rooms: Oak WONDER twelve hours, exclusive of meal &: ] : furnacy, ; Whether his eyes need glasses or irs and Without os halt. i ' "i 3 arf - hil EW MULLIN i SON : B3800--Alert street, near the | HE KNOWS the moment the {onium in the trade in = almost $2 [E= : | - Johnson & Division Sts, park; 7 rooms and attic: hot print blurs, the eyes tire or! avery other wity in Canada. They [ ; & | Phones: 580w and 639, water heating; hardwood raining the eves to see makes Ihave: been paid 'at the rate of $151] : ; 3 3 HH : ny Yerandah and. ba) | Wo any of these symptoms{Per week, and half the takings = of 4 a SH) | : . made themselves felt in Your their work over $21, bringing their; . ts (40 118 | : y i | ---- De Arr 1f 80, there's relief for you in Average Wage to around $25 per WIRY : -- BPUNLDAss PUPPFLINS Brg seeing-- a 8 LR i : ; ; ) On June23rd wa submitted to the NS +8 {8 3 master barbers a new schedule to BT AR UE 4 in , : { d J S D 0S become' operative on July 1st, ask- x \ | HH e ar a » * og that working hours be reduced Band 13 F | [ two and a half hours per week, that % ~ » We start work at 8 a.m. and work Wk § \ Sh gl. unttl 7 pan, (stead 3 7.30), and fl to see Susser: Hat : ANGM in es : did not ask' what has been freely e xp emer Hy conceded by almost every employer ||} 80 bo, es om Frown This spring has been a splendid in the business in the dominion, a ar the, iggos eh ema. season for Shingles, ; halt-holiday, and we proposed to! ey 1 iB RES on, rr : : They have proved their usetul- work the full twelve hours on Sat. Sher bis ment : hess by shedding barrels 'of urday. A od » -------- | ater, Ween web addition to the reduotion of,|| Yesterday. To Discover What Personal Property , one oS RELNY § They keep one, dry ahd. com. ; ; : a Poiner forabl ering time, The "eo Possedses, 5 3 ict JDaiy 1 $23.00, nn EAse dn ap- ' irs Specially printed with Your: own copy, 1,000, $3,505 5,000, $15.00}. 10,000, $25.00. fal prices ipping « Fare Bld on gov nt en BRITIS 16 PUBLISHIN; : hs HN iNoeron® 8 co, to value quality above a mere minfmum price, Read- ors of the ads soon | this basic] prineipie of good buying. "ee ee pig ee EN aie el wae 3

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