Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jul 1919, p. 4

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: PAGE FOUR THE BRITISH WHIG STH YEAR, 'Semi-Weekly by 16 PUBLISHING TED, President + JSditor and Managing Director, «R43 suns ON RATES (Daily Dain) One year, delivered in ¥ x One-year, If paid in advance .. 36.00 * Ome year, by mah 20 rel offices 3 Be Ome to Uni os iy. . hr TR po Bdition) Une year, by mail, cash .. ... . $1.0 One year, if not paid {i advance $1.50 One year, to United States ,.. ... 50 Six and three months Pro rata, MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE BK. Bruce Owen .. .. .133 St. Peter Li FR Northrup, 125 Fifth Ave, New York ¥F.HNorthrup, 1519 Ass'n Big. Chicago © Letters to the BAItor are published Made the actual name of the w , Attached Is one of the best job Printing offices in Csnada. The circuiaton of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABO Audit Bureau of Cirenlations. i search through all the blue books js. |PIOt sent 'him into retirement for 01this rule to be made in the case The big forest fires in the Gatineau region furnish only another warn ing to campers and smokers that their carelessness Is costly to the forests of Canada. Seats for the Paris Victory Parade are being sold at from $450 to $5,000 each. It is a sure thing that the ma- jority of people will prefer to stand during the parade, Having conquered the Atlantic, the British aviators are looking for other Worlds to conquer. The latest plans are for a flight from America to Aus tralia over the Pacific. The members of the senate-are ovi- dently determined to get their cel- lars filled up if they possibly can, even although it means the ond of the upper chamber. Lioyd-George, having settled the Peace treaty with Germany, now has Ireland to deal with. ; will find that his former ~ Easier of the two. A celebration of peace while there are still from twenty to twenty-five medium sizbd wars going on seems 'rather out of place.' it shows how Jeallows we have grown during the - Past five years. § fhe high cost of living committees has made some sensational disclos- ures during its sittings It is hoped that the Combinss and Fats Prices Act will reniedy the conditions which they investigated, A contest has been opened in New York to determine which is the most beautiful girl in the city. The prize ; Is $10,000. Now watch for the rush 'of emigration of Kingston's beautiful members of the fair sex to New York. 5 ----l A labor conference in England has decided in favor of working spell dally. Ana then. some day they will come forward and say: "Oh, Pshaw! What's the use of working at all." ; -------- mina "As the senate's amendment to the prohibition bill will aot come into Foot. until after the pedee is pro- + it may be a few months he- Tota the importation of Hquor will be permitted. Isn't that eruel da this hot athe! Sang ¢ Great Britain's reprosentatives, It] 18 up to the Dominion to work hard to amongst the -- - keep that coveted place An Empue Galendar, Hations of the Empire Battle of Sedgemoor, July 7, 1685. 6 The history of England in the Will be made by France, Great Britain closiig gears of the seventeenth pen. And. the United States to preserve the tury might have been written very peas the world in future. As alll differently if the Duke of Monmouth e of he world in io i ry Dot Pes had been successtul in the abortive of these &re nations which de n|Tohellion of which h& was the figure- gard treaties as PAPEL, "I head and in Which is hopes were it will probably achieve the object! finally quenched 'at the battle of which is intended. Sedgemoor, which was fought two od hundred and thirty-four years ago Sky vesterday. - For if the matural son of the ill-fated Charles had been : he spoch in the his-|Suceesstul in hig enterprise it is ljke- begtaning of « new ®poch 'n dhe his. ae England would have seen an- tory. of the world, With that new other Protestorate headed by Argyll, ora, now dawning, the destiny of the! Grey and Fletcher of Saltoun, and world will in no small measure de~ the Prinee of Orange night Rover J rage, steadfustness| have been invited to the shores o pend on the courage . wr . a { Engfard. Monmauth, who was the nd foresight of the Enghsh-spea "Ison of King Charles' mistress -Luey ing peoples, but, above all, on their) waiters was born at Rotterdam be- unity of purpose and of action, Inifore the Restoration. He married this let them not fail in remembering | the Countess of Bucelough, who was the triet joi r hold for fut a vg at that time the wealthiest heiress in ie Ur oy hold for future gener { Scotland, 'anid became the spoiled tions. Sir Robert Borden, fetid of a wicked court. Of a weak kt is rumored thal a defeasive pack seraps of The treaty at Versailles marks the future, he became the tool of able c ay ot {but ugserupulous men, and around PROMOTING CANADIAN TRADE, him rallied. at one time the discon- The average person would find lit-| tented factions in Charles II's reign. tle of luterest even after = carefull His connection with the Rye House sued by the government at Oftaw. There is an exception, some time, but on the fecassion of James IT Monmouth reached the eri tosis of his fate The men * under of whose control he had long been, ry 5 V 308 a7 3 x r 1 De.fused him for their own purposes, 1a Annual Report of the De and Monmouth started from the partment of Trade and Comores, | woo of England. as the stronghold | which has just issued. With' of Protestant dissent, to oppose the the signing of the Peace Treaty, there now king. He och Sotlacten an aly} £ h " : {disciplined body o about 1.500 men, g #t been 1 red fn a vigorous ¢ : Bas in 2OR Nsherad in * 8 jand he entered Taunton and Axmin-| fampaign to capture the world mar- ctor. The king hurriedly sent | kets, Wo know sométhime Of What! troops to met him. and by the time | Britain and Canada have done along Monmouth reached Bridwater, Al- | this Hne, and, therefore, the furthes bormarle he Cahn parassing his | rear. AS 3 . w 5, + IR ro ot | Information contained in this Tener eile success; Monmouth was atx. | is doubly teresting, fous to give up but was overruled. | One of its most striking features! On July 3rd this rabble of an army | is a lengthy discussion of the Ger.| reached Bath, and however, the heen three days later wa Ri : wo! Feversham and Lord Churchill (af.! man Cartel System, which: betore (wards to become the famous Duke | the war, enabled Germany to get al of Marlborough) completely routed commercial grip upon the world un-| the expedition, and two days later equalled by smy other country, which| Captured Monmouth, who, atter mak- 1 {ing the most abject plea 'for his life, EID, up to the outbreak of the war, was heheaded in the Tower at the | early age of thirty-six. | Co-operation of Banu } was being strengthened enormously every year * great war. would be complete without: facturers and producers generally for X the purpose of ° winning overseas'| Some famity skeletons { i Kept in the closat markets is again urged by the Depu- -- ee se Ro ty Minister, and notable German can't be THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, jmatter is flushed out, | this tegtting Dr BUGLE WHICH SOUNDED LAST CALL} This bugle, blown by Bugler 7T. Bell, § sounded last: call over Capt. Haggard, PP.CLL, § nephew of 8 Rider Haggard, the Well-known nove. list, who fell at the Passchaeadale at- tack, Lance} ii isi Have Returned Home, Mr. and Mbps. ¥. 1 Lalonde and son, Alexander, 2 Orchard street, with their = little grand-daughter, Marion Revelle and Mrs. ®B. H. Card, Wolfe Island, motored home Friday from Toronto. where they spent a delightful = week sesing friends and visting Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Lalonde, Ossington avenue, Tore onto. . 2 > : Disorders over. food shortage is increasing in. Italy. The red flag has been hoisted in many places. Firing began outside Forenee. Gananoque had a lively = rain storm -on Saturday allernoon ac companied hy hail i Ever Feel "Dopy" After Meals? At times wa an feel ~ dull and heavy. Just one thing to do relax the bowels and cleanse the system With Dr, Hamilton's Pills. Unclean the liver is toned. blood is purified. and at once you. feal hetter, food health and invial snirits are quickly found fy celebrated medicine, dnor- mous benefits follow tha use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills in every case; they are very mild, very prompt and guaranteed by the makers Insist on Hamilton's Pills, 25¢ per his argument. The expansion of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics apa} the Commercial Intelligence Service| are especially referred to. Special! mention is alse made of overseas ac- tivities and foreign exhibits of the Department, and the appointment of additional trade commissioners is re- commended, as well as the establish- ment of a Bureau of Industrial Prac: | tise. "Another interesting portion ot the report consists of a review of the! War work on the part of the Departs ment of Trade and Comemree. No publication of Canada's part in the, methods are instanced in support of Ri li I call upon auince,'t and he thing you wish and boneless pry cause would collect, to mention of the work accomplished By that department. Few people will have realized that Without any trum- peting' the Department of Trade and Commerce was forwarding great quantities of supplies to the Allies, | and performing othor war work of ' 'lamors for his w very considerable importance. veins; I brag not I merely say, "I Sin STATE INSURANCE ¥OR DIS- : ABLED SOLDIERS, Major McGibbon, M.P., put fo ) ward jn the House of Commons the other day a plea which deserves to ji En he heard and to be seriously consid- | ff SATISFACTION ered. He broached the question of i On repair work of providing government insurance for} i stationary and motor returned-men whose disabilities debar them from securing insurance policies f with regular insurance companies. |} Kingston branch of the GW. VA. and resolutions on the subject have! been sem forward, So far, however, bo action has resulted, although the question is an impontant one, There are many cases right in this city of men who have been disabled at the front, men who have been | who will be lett «| disabilities are of mich » nature that] ~ Naturally, It is their 'duty to make some provision for these dependents behind when they Pass the way of all flesh. But their his kiln dried fn glance around the store," he cries, not of my angel face, of sizzling brains adorn the well known sax of which I'm: one. Was not always thus; 1 used Lo owe all kindg of + and bailiffs kicked upequite a fuss purswing me through ILl know how cheap one feéls, if he owes ni Jon frane box everywhere. tt the merchant prince, and ask to see wits, and say, "Send ne a replies, "Yon bet 'your 'boots! CREDIT Just "and order any- we. have some dandy, ghubard ples; nes dnd. potted fish." "rig thus in all the mys of trade, 1 find the welcome stn in view, be- ay bills are always paid quite promptly when Said bills are due. J feel you owe no man a dime, and when the marchants It's helpful to your self respect fo have the roubles, evhry'tinie. I boast nor of the blue blood in' my of my queenly grace, nor of 'ny store ; when I'm inclined to toot my horn, owe no mon," and saying, feel that I Alag, | heels, and Jimpson for his fron 'nen. SWax pills, and sleep at night in some one's hed, than bearing bills, and have men say, "Your credit's dead." --WALT MASON. GUARANTEED magnetos of all kinds, Incindi arine, systems of all mak and st hig. stare na graer of a oH, orage A } : now threaded bone dry battery before purchasing, the % and generating This is 4 subject which has been dis-|ff 'WILLARD SERVIC) fino a eranpih by ne i Ri : : VICE STATION 19 Brock St. |. LESSES MONDAY; JULY 7, 1919. fig and| NA ML BIBBYS Kingston's One-Price Clothing Store MEN'S FINELY TAILORED CLOTHES AT PRICES THAT 7 WILL DEFY THE KEENEST OF COMPETITION See Bibbys Young Men's Suits in the new, two-three button models at .. $22.50 See Bibbys Young Men's Suits--the new Waist Line models the absolutely newest ideas in clothing styles .%,. . . $32.50 SEE BIBBYS YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Form-fit models--real aristocrats--fine Worsteds and Cheviots, In new colorings and designs. Special value wai dvs 335.00 Sale of Men's Panamas and Straw Sailors Some real beauties. Special . Warm Weather Toggery = White Duck Trousers. at ----Khaki Trousers. pli " Palm Beach Trousers. ~~: : ~----Light Homespun Trousers. ----DBathing Suits, special value ----Athletic Underwear, special value chee te $2.00 Suit sn $1.50 per Suit .3 for $1.00 ------ Wash Ties---tublar styles. Special value . . . \ .50c. per pair ----Summer Hose---dainty effects. Special . . ~----See Bibbys classy $2.50 Shirts. PANAMA B ° b b PANAMA HATS HATS FOR PRESERVING TIME luminum Kettles ...... $1.50 to $4.00 Scales, to weigh from ! oz. to 30 Ibs, .$6.00 ming Racks... 0... .;. "70 BUNT'S ) HARDWARE King Bt. Burial on pe of price | > pamphlet. Address

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