Snaps finished at Best's give the great- ost results possible. Quickest service--best results -- lowest prices. These combined make ours the much appreciated ser~ vice. The best films we can buy and always in freshest condition, we supply you. We repair or adjust your Camera and are glad indeed to be able to give you any informa- tion that will assist you to make better pictures. At Best's The Popular Drug Store Open Sundays Phone 59. "NE - FOX FURS For summer wear in black, mew shade brown and Ww $e 3 W.F.COURDIER eee Kingston Cement Products Factory Makers of Hollow Damp- Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults, And all kinds of Ornaments] Cement Work. Factory, cor. of Charles and Pairick streets. Phone 730W, Mgr, H. F. NORMAN Have you ever notic- ed how a black back- ground will enhance the appearance of a small diamond or "Black forms such a background and is very fashionable at present. We have an excellent selec- tion of Black Onyx designs in Rings, Pendants and Mar-rings ,. Set with pearls or diamonds. These are very attractive and very reasonably priced. Wedding Rings, Marriage Licenses. SMITH BROS. Limited Established 1840 King Street : Kingston THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 Wanting anything done In the carpen- tery line. Estimates given on ali kinds of repairs and new work; also hard- wood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention. Shop 28 Queen street. f Prepare for the | Canning ° | Season Economy advises. the conservation of fruits and vegetables, and as the housewife will not have the same dif- ficulty in 'sugar it looks like a big canning season. We suggest you try these canning Shao No. oh Tin Canning Boiler, ¥ for holding fruit jars in HANDY HOUSE SCALES They with the Ceo 82.50 will weigh from 14 0% to B30 1bs. (Government tested with certificate) PRESERVING KETTLES Aluminume---No. 121 BI "TH, No, 32«-Ename| ware--18" x 5%", Holds 14 quarts . .. $4.50 Holds 12 quarts .. 93e, +14 ¢«15¢. and 20¢. IR | nflamed How Customers Find New Sales Points In ANY retail store which handles a large variety of lines, especially in the stove that is departmentalized, the big job cut out for the adwvertis- ing man is always to try to get the various departments to "pull evenly" so that one department will not be overcrowded with customers while ments are standing idle, itching to tance." of course, be entirely done awly with, but M. C. Maxwell, advertising manager for the Summerfield and Hecht Furniture Company, of De- troit, Mich,, has proved that with teamwork between the advertising man and 'the sales people on the floor it is not such a hard task after all to have customers come in and ask to see different lines so that all floors and all departments will be kept busy. "1 keep at my finger tips the amount of merchandise on hand in every department.' Mr. Maxwell says, "and I know how fast it is moving. The minute things get slack tn a department 1 immediately vestigate by having a talk with the salesman in that department to see what the trouble is, whether or not 'we hiave been giving the depart- ment enough attention in our ad vertising, and, if not, the 'weak birother' gets the lion's share of the advertising space till business picks up. So many furniture stores ad- vertise in a haphazird manne and 4s a result are playing up bedroom furniture when 'business for a week or more has been brisk in that de- partment while the sales people in the talking machine balcony are dye ing 'of ennui (because they have no customers to work on. I have our sales people trained now so that the minute business gets slack they run to me to suggest something, We put our heads together with the result that we usually get something started pretty quick." Getting in on the Ground Floor Mr. Maxwell is really more than an "ad man," He asked and secur ed permission to go right out on the various floors 'with the sales people whenever he has time and sell goods, In this way, he not only gets the frank viewpoint of the Sales people as to why this or hat line will mot sell, how it could be adver- tised to better advantage; could be done in ia general way to boost the business of some particular department, but he further gets ihe customers' jdeas as to what they would like to see in the store's wd- vertising, "Yes, I often jawk a customer if she reads our advertisements," Mr. Max- well says, "and what she likes or dislikes about them. You would be surprised to find the number of good ips 1 iget in this way. Take a recent instance, We had just gotten in a new line of combination ranges, amd I went out on the floor to have a try ait selling them, 1 got hold of a customer, and got her interested in A Clogged Nostrils Open New Method Very Successful. Be . : It is a new method of treatment, that of medicated air, and cannot the sales people in the other depart- | Such a condition of affairs cannot, | "Editea by MANSFIELD F. HOUSE (Copyright. ) J) In this column, which appears every day, will appear news and short articles their salespeople and business men and women in general. All phases ot' store management----buying, accounting, ship--will be dealt with, not theoretically, bug by descriptions of methods actually in use by successful merchants, of specinl interest to merchants, advertising and retail salesman. one of these ranges to the degree that goon we were taking it to ple- ces' and discovering what it really wotlld: do. "1 thought I knew about every- thing there was to know about that range. I had read the catalogue de- scribing it get a customer within "talking dis-; . must admit that she virtually sold 'herselt, 1 told the boys about it, we put down all that 'the wy had said to use in our sales talk Bereafter and 1 went right upstairs human-interest ad 1 ithe customer ihlad told me. The re sult was an immedige Jump in the salle of ranges," Summing up his "system" for keeping aM lines as near sible in "even" demand Mr, Mix. well says: "It's simple enough---just keep track of the stock you carry, what's moving steadily and what isn't, get your salesmen ito tip you off to how things are going, make regular visits to all departments Yourself, size up the sitwation, then give the advertising space lines that need it most." Athletics to Keep Trim Army Physique Sport. goods dealers will look with favor upon the national campaign in newspapers that has q launched by the ativetic goods ma- nufactures of the United States un- 'direction of the pub- ttee on recomstruction: Blasically, the ide is itihis : Every soldier knows taat entering the service did him a world of good. He came out of it sy 'ter physicality. The Boold work should 80 on. Men should not return to the old way. Exercise means health. The space used in three and four columns and the illustrations show boxing, baseball, football, ete. with larger views of X before he enter afterward, The comparison tells a very significant story. But hear the message, in part: 2 "Multitudes of men who entered the amy and Ravy--round-should- ered ang hollow and away below pla Physieally-~are home as oon: what has byxing, wrestling, munning and Jump ing. The important pant played oy atinletics din winning denced by: the millions of dollars It is a campaign to stimulate in- terest in athletics and athletic goods. Such advertising has a two-fold mis- sion. It will perform a service for 'the nation and it will sell goods for tine dealer and Mmanufadturer, for it 8 a long-neglected field. Filipinos Wont Eat Straight=-Tailed Fish "Any American .o hbit contemplates 'all to be beneficial. It goes wher- rt aver air can go, thus reaching all the affect; ris: It purifies as by fire. Simply burning up the disease germs, : Catarrhozone is a mon-poisonous ind healing agent; it therefore acts apon the mucous Hlssuce af ra throat nasal passages, an rone 'tubes, destro pr microbe life, -at the same time heals up all the ZA a core for Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma La Grippe; as a strengthen. rot, Catarrhozone can-| Monday, Wednesday and Satur- PAGE THREE = = sS s&s = = = = BE tive war is evi-|= PROBS: -- Tuesday, fine; not much change. | g A ----_---------- We have ready a number of attractive values that will appeal for their exceptional quality and lowneis of price. FOR LADIES 200 pair Black and White Lisle Hose, with double foot and heel. Tuesday . . . .. Seeesiioi..... 35e, or 3 for $1.00 120 pair Mercerized Black Lisle -- a splendid wearing quality -- worth 50c. Tuesday .......... 172 pair Black Silk Hose, with heavy Lisle Garter Tops--seconds-- regular 85¢. for first quality. Tuesday 59¢. 184 pair of Queen Quality White Silk Hose--a special $1.00 value. Tuesday... ...... nea ar ee ai dae i iT De, - Other special values in the finest quality Silk Hose in black and col- ors. Priced at 85¢., $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Wa ee ew RIMES IEA NaN eee ey . Boss male Wie a ae ee ae oe ay ae FOR MEN-- ih 300 pair, heavy, black Cotton, Chee ee TE TIN remy Sy wwe er ES Lisle Socks; all sizes, "Tuesday .... BE crude heh : 35¢., or 3 pairs $1.00 240 pair, black, white and brown, Mercer-Lisle Socks -- Penman make--worth 65c¢. a pair. Tuesday . . ER ieee aw we te ele gg PY 180 pair fine Silk Socks in black and white--sold everywhere as a special value at 75¢. a pair.: Huesday:...............7 = 49c¢c. (A limit of 4 pair to a customer) : ' FOR CHLDREN-- 5 180 pair of fine one in one rib White Lisle Hose in sizes 44 to 9}. Tuesda Frases nen ae sa LE Se, 1 50c. = * 600 pairs of Children's plain and Rovelty colored Socks -- a broad = variety to choose from. Tuesday. . . 25c. to 48¢. & oh eTown NE Ne AN BATHING SUITS FOR BOYS! ozen boys' two-in-one-piece. MISSES' SLEEVELESS SWEA TERS 160 bright colored, sleeveless,' Sport Sweaters, in sizes 36 to 42 --a splendid assortment for your bination colors--Penman make. 1,200 yds: of fc. hoa frEco Fon ik 30 inches ition 5 ; - of fine, heavy, Bleached Cotton, 30 wide---a special value to-day at 250 ayd. Tuesday ci vo Aves ei 19¢, in navy, 300 heavy, bleached Huck Towels; good full size: regular 50c¢. val- y y Ee ey aa 1 - - a. a . » or <. BLES EN eee ea NNN YN # = ae » el