Established 1859 Store Closes Dally 5 O'clock. Summer Furs in Seal, Mink, Mole, Sable, Squirell, Baum and Stone Martin, Ete. Our Fresh Selected Collection of ¥ Daily. _Your inspection invited--No obligation to buy. John McKay, Limited Manufacturers of Fine Furs 149 to 155 Brock Street Kingston a Hudson Seal Skins Arriving Ont. AAA rs er re or a - Victrolas and MW His Masters wwe VOICE Records 64814 When You Look in the Heart of a Rose--Gillespie-Methven, 10 in.; $1.25 What sweeter message can a rose bear in its 'heart than the secret whispered into it by the giver--a secret inviolable to all save the one for whom it is intended? That is the subject of this delightful song of sentiment which John McCormack sings with amazing charm. His voice is never so sweet as when it is love's messenger, and though you may guess something of the nature of the message of the rose, you will hear the record many times before you measure the depth of sincerity and heart- yearning which the great Irish ten simple waltz refrain of this fascinating song which, sung first in "The Better "Ole," has so rapidly grown popular. The refrain is repeated, as it to give emphasis, and to the melody of Me- Cormaek's voice is added the enchanting strains of a violin ob- ligato. Hear this record at -- 'MAHOOD BROS. Detached. Dr 7 rooms and attic, hot water heating, hard- wood floors, electric light; Al bert street, ten from Collegiate, $2,100 our tenement frame build- ing; Montreal street. Annual rental $400. Paping 15% net, minutes' walk specialty of mine, 1 study the features, the for. mation of the eyeball, whether row fs high or low, and a 4 lassen just the right pH ana thick i Thags, aize ckness suit ap- bearance best, to g P Let me suppty YOUR Elnsses! J. S. Asselstine, D.0S. quality, Black Tea. {old a wie -45¢. Ib. kK 4 wll ae way RIFLE SHOOTING SCORES -------- MADE AT RANGES ON SAT- URDAY APTERNOON. By Two Teams of the Headquarters Rifle Association--Bad Visibility Owing: to the Storm. The first competition between teams of the Headquarters Rifle As sociation took place on the Barrie- field ranges on Saturday afternoon. The firing at 600 yards was carried on under unfavorable tonditions of Wind and visibility owing to a storm to the rear of the butts, The totals rst team: Capt. Wo BE. Swaine .... ... Sergt.-Major 8. G. L. ayer. . Sour, a TMuner ae un ergt.-Major ¥. J. Coldham . QMS. W. Pugh, ... ... .. Sergt.'B. Osborne ... Staff-Sergt. A. Aldridge .... out. «Col. G. H, Gillespie . .. + C, Barrett .,, .. | Capt. B, A. Palmer .,, . | Second team: Sergt. ¥. Webster aa ant a Lieut. 'W. Blake ... QM.8. A. Newell : Sergt. A. Middleton ... SQMS. I. Gask ... Bergt. H. J. Baker Sergt. 8. J. Batt Capt. C. J. BlHott Sergt.-Major T. J. Turner . ,. Corpl. H. W. Shaw... ... | Seta thin WITH THE BOWLERS Teams May Be Sent to Tournament At Proscott., The consolation Scotch doubles, egun on Dominion Day, were con- cluded at Queen's bowling green on Saturday afternoon, In the finals 'W. C. Crogier and Dr. R. C. Cartwright won from R. 8. and C. Sleeth, five up. it satisfactory arrangements can be made, several local rinks will at~ tend the tournament of the St. Law- rence Bowling Association at Pres- cott next Monday. A One-Sided Baseball Game, Y. I. C. B. A. made an absolute clean-up of the Tigers in the junior baseball game at the cricket field on Saturday afternoon, defeating them by 23 to 1. The teams: Y. I C.B. A--Fitzgeraid, 88; Claire, rf; Connolly, «c; Gourdier, 1b; Arneil, of; Devlin, 2b; Gauthier, $b; Meredith, 11; Guthrie, D- Tigers.--Compeau, rf and 88; Mathews, p; Turcott, 2b: Bennett, 3b; Purdy, of; Serutton, ¢; Bird, of and 3b; Betts, 1f; McQuaid, 1b. Golf Scores Saturday * At the Golf Club on Saturday af- ternoon, A. B. Cunningham won from Dr. McKee by one hole in nine- teen, an extra having to be played to decide the match. There was another very interesting match, in whieh Dr. Ross won from C. G. Shan- non, by one hole in eighteen. MATCHES CAUSE FIRE IN AN UNUSUAL WAY Total, 94 Vestibule They Began to Blaze. A peculiar fire started at the home of Mrs, McMahon, 30 Sydenham street, at 10.30 a.m. on Monday, through careless handling of a box of matches. Mrs, McMahon had or- dered the matches from a grocer and the delivery boy, instead of laying them on the vestibule floor, threw them in. The concussion ignited them and soon the hall was filled with the sulphurous fumes. A wall 'was sent to the fire station but when the brigade arrived Mrs. MMahon bad quenched the blaze. The end of every match in the box was burned, and Chief Armstrong is sending it as a curiosity to Fire Marshal E. P. Heaton at Toronto. I------ ve i osella's Band. Ottawa Citizen. * July T.--Vesella and his band made their debut to an Ottawa audi- ier Avenne. . They began a week's engagement, and if the r night 18 any indication of what is to follow, one of the finest musical Ottawa ence last night in the Arema, Laur. n Sm ---- Happenings in the City and Vielndty ~~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. W. Swaine, piano tuner, orders at McAuley's, or 'phone 564. Good progress is being madé on the work of 'alterations at the pol- ice station. J. 0. Hutton will sell you a mod- ern bungalow. Price reasonable. Ap- ply. 67 Clarence streat. Major W. J. McManus, has moved with his family to their summer cottage at Dead Man's Bay. Is it not time that other poles on the street, besides these of the Util ties Commission, received a coat of Paint? William MoNeill, who has been at his home on Ridean street the past two weeks, returned to Toronto on Sunday. Guy Seott, Kingston, was called to Cherry Valley on' account of the ill- ness of his sister, Mrs. Lambert, who suffered a slight stroke, J.C. Blomeley, Kingston, is spending his: vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Owen P, Callan, 194 Seneca street, Oswego, N.Y. Mrs. Tu the H At East View, St. Lawrence, an ideal summer cot- tage, completely furnished, may be had by applying to J. O. Hutton, 67 Clarence street, Kingston, Ont. Mrs. Emsley, wife of Major-Gen, Emsley, who was the guest of Mrs, Victor Williams, 157 King street, for the week-end, left to-day for Co- bourg. The time for receiving road pav- ing tenders has been extended till Wednesday by the Board of Works. ferendum committee having juris- diction over Leeds county in the com- ing campaign is W. J. MeConnell, Kingston, Mrs. W. Vince and daughter Bessie and Miss Margaret Muckler left on Saturday on the steamer To- ronto for Welland to visit their sister, Mrs. Frederick Milo. Prevost, Brock street, has ust re- ceived a case .of tweed, cheviot ang blue serge for his order department. His ready-made clothing and gents' furnishing rtmen corted with the latest goods, Albert Redding, who received his theological training for Holy Orders at Bt. Paul's Hostel, Kssex, Englang, was ordained to the Deaconate on Sunday at Belleville ' by the Bishop of Ontario, At "Kensi dale of When They Were Thrown inlits price, and arrange easy terms ance. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. ba Quite a number from it over the Gana ue Bath, Om. a performance given last on -------------- ee | 2 gon Fanon Pu Store" 1 (= ee -------------------- Regular Saturday Book and Music Sale - Latest popular copyrights . . . Special 65¢, Latest Popular Music . : Two-for a r Complete reports on the Willard-Demp- sey fight will be covered by special writers for the Toronto Mail and Globe. Complete reports in the Saturday edition. Extra sup- ply will be received. AUTOMOBILE ROAD GUIDES Automobile Road Guide of Canada, the No. | and 2 Automobile Blue Books, cover- ing New York and all the New England States and Montreal, Quebec and the Mari- time Provinces. Price $3.00. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE OPEN NIGHTS | PHONE 919 We have the goods that particular ladies are looking for -- Gowns--Camisoles-- Corset Covers -- En- velope Chemise-- Mull Bloomers, etc., etc., Popular Priced . Our stock of Blouses are the best in the trade--not the largest, but by far the best se- lection, $1.25 or $10.00, with many prices between--white, flesh or maize. For the Cottage Heavy Jute Japanese Mats--size 2 7x54. Ex- tra speciai .. $2.50 Verandah Mats and Rugs--big assortment of popular sizes, : Buy a Home " UNION. ST New frame; cellir; yard, gateway, electric lghia, 4 piece bath, § rooms. Near the car line. Possessicp July 15th. ALFRED ST Near Princess St, frnmet gateway; big yard; cel ars; PEOVeM ents. 423500, , BARL ST Bro yard and extra | dot. Barn on rear; in best loca. thon ; improvements. Furnace; fide and front entrance; 4 room be JOHN ST.-- Frame, on a forner; With extra Jot, Improvements. side and front STANCE BI000, EWMULLN & SON | Phones: 530w and 639. Pictorial Patterns for July. & Shaw | Busy Store" J "We can now make deliveries of the best galuity hard Coal for ; 3 the coming season. ie Have full stocks of Egg, TT WE p 1] Stove and Pea Coal. 4 Stock Printing," "Choice Dairy Butter," ; 1,000, 32s; 5,000, $13.00} 10,600, $23.00, y 'printed with yotir own f 1,000, $3.50; 5.000, $ts.008 10,000, $25.00 Spee prices on larger gasntities. ipping charges paid on 5/000 and over. BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING C0. KINGSTON = Queen's 3. 2 and Edveation opened on Monday worning. Up to noon there had been nly fourteen r 8 but it is expected that there will be au record- king attendance this session. Be- | students are ex- for the sfx weeks' course Will last until August 15th, teaching staff includes i _-- ti Mg. W. J. Hanlan, Renfrew, died on Wednesday in Kingston, aged thirty-one years. A husband and. three young children survive, | x 5 iu Er i