YOU CAN BE 100% CERTAIN OF CLOTHES SATISFACTION You'll get careful safeguarded clothes service, a guarantee of the wear you pay for and expect----you get uncommon smart ness in style no matter what your age or build. Exclusive weaves, distinctive patterns. ' New Color Effects in Livingston's Suits Yon may be critical as to fit, fabric or color, but the variety hee is 50 large and extensive, you're sure to find the right ng. 2 $20.00 up to $45.00; all prices between ~ THE DAIL ¥ BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1919, Ar the Gr Grand, Am, 'ekeoptional progrinime of hign-elags vaudeville und © feature | phctoplays was offered to the many patrons of the Grand Opera House Pictures artiste, appeared in "The f Lesson," a play which gives plenty of scope for her chs ity. "The son' was adapted for the scr from ithe well-known stories By Virginia Terpune Van de Water and is a highly pleasing slice of life, with beautiful scenes of the Pocono Mountains, = Atlantic = City, Lopg Beach and « oth®ps. Charlie screen exploited his . clever antics in one reel comedy. A one reel Mutt & Jel! comedy cartoon was also shown. Miss Rose Victoria, an' En- glish soprang sang several popular English songs, which drew much' ap plause. This bill will be repeated to-night for the last time. Musical Comedy Players Coming. The Grand has secured something out of 'the ordinary for all next week. Wilkes Musical Comedy Tab loid Players will appear each day, afternoon and evening, giving a change of show daily. This dom- pany ecneists of an all-star cast. in- cluding Miss Vanola Malburn, Rhex Robinson, Plo Parker and other welt known miisical comedy stars. A big beauty chorus is made up of girls in their teens ,who have been selécted dor their excellent voices and Terp- sichorean, abilities. Press reports from several large cities that this company has played, speak favorably of their : talent. Together with the msuical attraction; ithe Grand will offer the usual Tye reel feature photoplay and comedy films, making & double antraction. The dobiing system which is operated in ithe Grand makes this theatre one of the coolest in Camada.--+Advt. At the Strand. A story written expressly for the gereen, and 'with its chief recom mendation for conversion into 'me- tion pictures, the fact that it ocon- forms in every particular to the technical réquirements of 'the fifth estate will be presented, in "A Mia- | sna Romance," second of the Anita ivi " Ons - Stewart special produciions to be shiown at the Strand theatre, start- $l ing Monday, June 28rd and two fol BROCK STREET If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk Open 8 am., Close 5 pm.; Saturday, 9 pom. \ lowing days. The story was suggested by 'Mar- fon Orth, afl was produced by Lois Weber It gives to Miss Stewart a roié she never before has attempt- ed. Her introduction is with a boat } load of refugees being landed on the [American shore trom a stranded | ocean liner, Then whe becomes an S| enfgma in the capacity of a maid at the' Sea' View Hotel. Twice 'her = charming smile and gracious mian- save her from dismissal for open insubordination born of her reseut-{ {ment of criticism for her lack of a proper attitude of servility toward ----y fsb dui i "hat are Attractive fi | _ Both in Style and Plies The coiitinhity, or, in the -- man's terms, the sequence of action 7 in "A Midnight Romance" is an ex- i. of. the truly superior results i} in production with a story written . In many ftories from books . OF lays. it has been necessary for dix- otors to ignore logic and go beyond the mits of possibility to encompass] } the theme or motive in the story. {This has nesulted in breaks which ve ors to detract the tensity ) ns or the smooth moving y of the Pletute., In the dn- * will be shown tor | 2 'the Strand commenc- June 23rd. hav. Lo ------ At Griffin's. Toe al be the last ois 'pleasing = programme last evening. Consiance Talmadge, ! fthe winsome and captivating Select] personal-| Chapln the original funmaker of the| prations|. Sta jor Victor "Witliais, 'of the dg Medical Corps, and & son-in- A. PF. Roney, Univergity Avenue, 'has been transferred to the military hospital ar Cobourg. : The 88. Scotian js expected to doek at Halifax on Sunday » . The following Tacinbets ot te Bt berian force are expected to. al e in Kingston on Tuesday: Lieut.-Col F, L. Cartwright, Lient.-Col. 'D. J Renaud: G. W. Boss, A. F. Frasso, E. R. Kennedy, Ww. J MeCntoloan, L. Kelly, W ~ TIagke. 'Three officers ani 59 other ranks, disembarked from the 88. Aquitania, are due in Kingston about = ten o'clo¢k Sunday morning. The 88. Saturnia, with one officer and 12 other ranks for Kingston, is due at Halifax on Juge 27th. The officers and staff of the dis- trict depot loft on a picnle from Wolger's' wharf this afternoon by the steamer Brockville. There were 250 military men on the boat, and a faumber of civilian guests. \ On Monday the soldiers in Queen's 'military. hospital and the Mowat will ba given a pionic to Brophy's Polnt, St. Mary's Guild will provide the re: freshments. : The Rifle Association recently formed at the armouries has recelv- ed' the stamp of official approval, | and thet first practice. shoot took place this afternoon at the Barrie- field ranges. THE FOURTH VICTIM OF THE EXPLOSION Alexander Watts Died Vin the Hotel Dieu on Friday Evening. / Alexander Watts, the fourls vie- ftim in the boiler explosion on ihe whaleback ~Atikokan. at the' Mont- reat Transportation Company's wharf on Thursday after n, pass.) ed away at 8.30 p.m, Friday, in the Hotel Dieu. The unfortunate man was terribly burned by the steam. Thé late Mr. Watts was born In Kingston, being a son of the lajs James Watts. He was aged fifty-' four years .and six nionths. For | béilermaker, and was twenty years in the emyloyment of thé M.T. Com: | pany. Besides his widow, he is sur- vived: by three daughters, Mrs. Emery, Mrs. C. Hartman and Mrs. H. Clarke, all of Kingston; one step-daughter, Miss Pelow, and one brother, James Watts. The deceas- ed was a member of St. George's Cathedral and the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends. i § Miss: Mills Injured. Miss 'Mills, 378 Brock street, was shaken up shortly pelore Why i ocloek on Friday evening, hi caught in. a st hn the" corner 'cf Bagot and Prinses streeth as she was alighting. was taken to hér home in a car, and was attended by Pr. E, ¢ Dn, D. MacCallu, Hi . Wilne. And ten other Zane "Grey "titles, the Tarzan Books, Yellow Dove and books opuhe Sopyrighis to-night 650 at The College Book Store, x ] many years he waa employed as af Big Circus Coming. | three ving agents. for Sparks. re circus are here ree \ ring eds are her heir at: traction to Kingston 9% July on. & ar reac June 1 a ria tayo Ia short and no sleeves with a host of pretty trimmings. These we sell regularly at 50c each. Very special Tonight 356 cach Hosiery Sale COTTON HOSE x All sizes, 8} to 10. The quality is most exceptional. Worth to-day 40c pair. On sale Men' s Underwear. Sale 600 men's fine balbriggan = shirts and drawers. Shirts are short and long sleeves. Drawerd: are knee and ankle length. Yours Tonight 75¢ Ga r READY TONG AND V SUILGUER SY SEE THESE TONIGHT og