Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jun 1919, p. 6

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~ N ' PAGE SIX | cave | | BANQUET AT HARROWSMITH In Honor of Soldiers Returned From Overseas, i Harrowsmith, Juno 19.--When Great Britain sent out her call for (From Our Own Correspondent.) men to take up arms in defence of Junie 21.--Under the auspices of and country, thousansis of men the Ladies 'Auxiliary of the Catho- DODI¥ responded to that call. Among lic 'Literary and Athletic Club, ap-' the first who volunteered were a offier well patronized gatden party 180€e number from the little village was held on the lawn at Gananogue ©f Harrowsmith. They willingly and Inn last evening. The Citizens' | Bl8dly offered their services in the band rendered a concert, and' drew | defence of home and loved ones, 'and a large crowd to 'the river front. (HOW, after years of service in Bng- Pop" Watking' famous Red Sox ball| 14nd and France, they are again ye team also rendered a fine programme | YUfning. Alas, not all. for four of of plantation melodies, which was | the brave boys pald the supreme much appreciated. A dancing plat-| Sacrifice, and will never return. form and orchestra was also a feg-! On Tuesday evening a number of ture, and was kept in use up till | the ladies of the Red Cross Society midnight. The committee in charge | 83Ve a banquet in the township hall consisted of the Misses Rebecca | Int honor of their brave soldier boys: Calow and Mayme Brennan and the; The hall was artistically decorated Mesdames Frank H. Lutz and Wil-| With ferns. roses, and dozens of fred LaQue. flags. The tables, profusely deco- Pte. Henry Beaverstock, son of [ rated with cut flowers and laden the late Mr, and Mrs. John Beaver- | With all the delicacies of the season, stock, of this town, who has been' 85 Well as the substantials, fairly overseas for several years past, and [8roaned beneath the weight of good who has been spending a week inj things. Ample Montreal with friends ,arirved in| the boys, and then the evening' town-on Thursday, and was met by | tertalument was commenced by sing. Mayor Wilson and a goodly number | ing "0 Canada!" and other patri- of citizens, who gave him a welcome | otic songs. 3 3 home. R. J. Vair, Glenburnfe, made an Mr, and Mrs. Calvin J. Robeson, | efficient' chairman, and gave an ad- who conducted a baking business dress of welcome. = He was ably as- here for a number of years, and who | sisted by F. 8. Sine, M.A., of the Syd. sold out during 'the past year, have!enham High School staff, 'who was lefy, town and purpose locating at| quite in his element, and felt it an Maple, near Toronto, where he has| honor and pleasure to assist in the purchased a flour and feed store, | "Welcome home' 'of thé soldier boys which he will conduct. who had so nobly acquitted them- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barnhart, of | selves in the line of duty. Buffalo, N.Y, who are spending Solos were delightfully rendered some time at W, W. Shipman's re-| hy Mra. John D, Shibley. Mrs. R. J. sort at Ivy Lea, spent a short time in | Vair, Bert Vair, and £. E. Day. The town this week, guests of their aunt | speakers of the evening compliment- and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Willlam|ed the Red Cross workers on their Kidd, King street east, . filenaid work daring the war. and Pent ite @ splendid banquet and welcome RENFREW WILL SPEND extended to the returned men. Miss $225,000 ON ROADS N. Barstow, the secretary of the lo- County Council to Issue $150,~ cal branch of the Red Cross, person- ally 'addressed them, and presented 000 in Twenty-Year Debentures. to each 4 beautiful gold signet ring, suitably engraved, Private Perey Boyee replied ou behalf of his soldier Pembroke, June 21.---The Ren-! frew county council at its sessiom ito- day gave assent to a bylaw for the comrades, and in a neat speech maising of $150,000 for the county thanked the ladies who had provid- ed such an excellent banquet, for the 200d roads system. The money will be secured ly the issue of deben- gifts extended and for the work done tures p¥er a period of twenty years. for them through the four long, weary years of the war. Three hearty cheers were given tie soldier lads, and they in return i rovincial rants which | cheered the ladies In good woldierly wt Fg the expenditure of this! style. With the singing of "God money the total will aggregate at] Save the King" a pleasant and mem- least $225,000, and while. it -willj orable evening was brought to a not all be spent this year, equipment will be secured and the work already planned earried out, while plans will be prepared to commence opera- close. HEN THIEVES AT PITTSFERRY, tions on an extensive scale next sea- S01. Caught by a Resident, But They The total equalized assessment for this year is $200,762.14, an increase of about $40,000 over last year! There were only : minor * changes made, the largest being in the case of @, Which was increased ens SCA o Pittsferry June 19. ---A resident of this vicinity returning home late one evening found the lock of his hen house door broken: and = hen thieves busy. They had thirteen of fourteen of his hens in two bags, and were filling the third, when he ar- rived and made things lively for them, He ordered them to drop the hens, and the only satisfaction he #ot was to have the jack of a at i hurled 'at his head. aRortduately i pmiseed Bim... He. then. thought he would defend himself, so he knocked EE Eh down one thief and looked around Pioneer Resident of Arnprior Dead. ! for the second one, Fhe at this time Atpprior, June 21.--One of the' was carrying off the hens. The ploneers of jthis community passed thie? dropped the hens. The first way on Sunday at the home of her thief knocked down made '4 quick Sou, James Lesarge, in the person of get-away . It is thought the thieves Mrs, Letarge, who for over came If & chr, us the jack of a oar fifty years resided in Arnprior. Het! was found in the school yard the miiden name was Christena. Bur- [next morning. The resident thinks nette. She was ninsty-three years He would know the mbn again if he of 'age. mat them. #s it was 8 moonlight Surviving are six sons, Joseph and gb, and he could see their faces ichigan, Alexander of | plainly. ! A Ti oii and Sends of Ot-| +The same' evening another Signs tawm and James of Arnprior. drive shed was broken: open a : Tamiami kit of tools stolen. ona : A number from here went to two horses $200, and with automobiles, boats or aeroplanes $300 per year. Lae "At Carrying Place, on June 16th. livia Hawking, second ton of 'Mp. and Mrs. William Hawkins, Carrying Place, was srriod to wil Alam Bruce Ruésell, ouly son © home in the evening with them, eerste pp ------ od a= The Disappearance of a Returned © Montreal, June .31.~-The police, and military authorities'in Eastern [Canada are making a careful search | ito determine what has become of a urned and invalided soldier nam- ed Claude Balley. $ 10. be 'active agitators. 4or their trial, Wright, M.A. B.D. rector. First Sunday . More Aliens. Are Arrested-- Being Brought to Peniten~ 3 tiary in Ontario. BiB > > -- ---- (Canadian Press Despatch) Winnipeg, June 21.--There were ah more arrests yesterday of 'Whi- ; pee f men charged with sedfious icy. The men gatheréd in were all of the alien class, and said The names Were not disclosed last night. The arrests were made by mem- bers of the Royal North-west Mount- 4 Police, who carried them out as quietly and effectively as on Tues- day morning, when ten of the strike leaders were taken in custody and conveyed to Stomey Mountain peni- tentiary. The aliens arrested yes- terday were sent to the penitentiary in Ontario, pending arrangemenis Canadian Pacific Railway offi- clals have been verbally motified that the striking carmen will return Justice was done by |.10 Work on Monday whether or not the sympathetic strike is called oft by that time, it was announced by a prominent railway man last night. The reason given fis that they con- sider that the chief point at fuse, that of 'the principle of collective bargaining, has been conceded to He metal trades workers; SATURPAY'S MARKET. Prices Were High For Most Pro. duce Offered for Sale. The market'on Saturday was ex- ceptionally large. Batter and. oggs remained at @ high figure the form- er selling almost exclusively at 60 cents a pound, with eggs going at 55 cents. el? In the meat section, su Hes were small end prices high. * Veal sold at 15 to 18 eents & pound for front quarters and 22 cents a | for hinds. Lamb 'was not so' plentiful and sold at 35 cents a "pound for forequanters at 40 cents a pound for hinds. 'Fowl 'was alsof "dear "the majority 'selling at two dollars each, with a few at $1.76 and $2.50. In the vegetable - market; " there was large supply of fresh v les of all kinds at low prices, ttuce and onlons sold wt five cents a bunch, and 'rhubarb; which was scarce his week, sold at the same figure. ' Cu- cumbers sold at 19 to 25 centx-each. Some new beets sold at 10 amd 1§ cents m bunch. Potatoes remained at last week's high price of $2.50 d bag. Strawberries were on the market in large quantities, The majority selling .at 25 cents a box. . A" few choice specimens sold at 390 and 35 cents. ; { AUTOMOBILE OVERTURNED And Frank and George Alarie TY ly A serious accident took place oh Gibsons' Hill, Sydenham Road, on Friday night, when a Ford roadster 'driven by Frank Grace was over- turneg and badly smashed up. Mr. ; (e¥ was accompanied by George rie, . G.: T. R. freight clerk, were a were conveyed to the city by a car sent Out by Vanluven Bros. and taken to the Hotel Dieu. Mr. Grace re- ceived & gash in the hand, and after it 'was dressed he was able to pro- ceed to his home. but Mr. Alarie's injuries proved: to be rather serious, and he is still in the hospital. He was injured in the back, besides suf- fering from cuts. : and A Pathetic Incident, : A niost pathetic incident bechrred during the. inguest held at the police station on Friday nigh on the have Rev. J. de 3 ch, corner of Prin: St. Luke's Church, : in and Nelson after 11 am, morning pra school me, n 3 Nora' otia, } fli 'cordially invited to at 5 dabei THE DAIL Y BRITISH Wht TO RETURN TO WORK astrophe or Atikokan. |= ile the jury was debating on'the 8 a given, one of the members stated that he the Journ. to SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1919. THE CATARAQUI Progeamme of Competitions for 1919: June 21---Fonrsomes against Bogey. June 28--Club Handicap: Qualifying round 18 holes medal play. Best 16 th play out by match play, 1st round on or before July 5th. 2nd round on or before July 12th. Semi-finals on or before July 19th. Finals on or before July 26th. 12---~FKeolectic Competition. 19--Inter-club Mateh. a 26-President's Handicap. Qualifying round 18 holes aedal play. Best 16 to play out Ny match lay. 1st Lond on or before. August 2nd. 2nd round on or befere August 9th. Semi-finals: on or before August 16th. ! Finals on of before August 23rd. Aug. 9---Flag Competition. i Aug. 16----Medal Competition. : ' : Aug. 23-Club Championship. Qualifying round ' 18 holes medal play. Best 8 to play out by match play. 1st rotind on or before August 80th. Semi-finals .on: or before Sept. 6th. Finals on dr before Sept. 13th. Aug. 30--Bopgey Competition. Sept. 6-- Medal Competition. Sept. 13--Mixéd Foursomes against 2 Choose partners. Fall competitions will be announced latér. The Handicap Committee reserve the right to alter any of the above arrange- ments, notice of the change to be published in the local press. Bogey. Mateh play. ly. Competi Monthly tions. Gards; may be .laken out for these competitions 'at any time and pla rers may hand in their scores for either the first oF the second nine holes. Player with the best combined score 0 Win: June and July--Handiecap against -Bogey. August Handicap medal play. September----Han icap against Bogey. October----Handicap medal play. Season Competiti Phe elub record for the course and t for the season. i..Players must 'enter before starting to play. All eards returned must opponent.' Players may hand without previous entry. Fees--0One Competition - Match Competitions Rk Cards: for Monthly. i soenne ol een 40 A card for the Eclectic Competition will be posted in the Club House and 'members may ger selected scares at any time, same fo be initialled by theft opponents. There is no fee for Shiis- e 3 i+ All fees will be used to provide prizes, as may be deter~ mined by the Handicap Committee.' : Y be deter All questions arising in connection with the competiti 5 petitions shall be referred to the Match Cemmittee, whose decision shall be final. ; LATE SOCIAL Funeral of T. W. Gibson! Miss Emma McLean, nurse-in:| ne funeral of the late Thomas W. tralaing in the Kiligston Genera: | Gibson took place 'from his resi Hospital, after spending her thret dence, 458 Division street to Catara- weeks' vacation at Glen Mount Re- : pidence, has feturned to the city, hasty , pastor (of © Brock ; ee dat Cl | | street st church, "officiated Mrs. 4 Toronto, 9! He Rovers Basket, pron in assisted, by Rev. Samuel Shibley, Be: Waddell, ¢ alfeet. fh Sides thie meuibérs of the immediate seis mae, | onesies Sri 5 po rederick Bro vated. ao ; al taragqul Lodge AF, Van Leslie, ' wd AM. There 'were aumerous ' 1 soll, ero utiful flosal offerings testifying. ed this 'week and is. en pension at the "Belvidere." : 10 the esteem in which the deceased {was held. The peligious service took Miss Hazel Qleariline; Who 1s vis. Place at the house, but at the grave iting Mr. and Mrs. George McKay, University avente, '#9 leaving for her or estmount, Que., on ! i . i \ a Saute ! Lloyd George is TH. Mr. and Mrs. James: Linton, Pfc (Canadian Frees Despatch.) { fale, N.Y., are spending a few dive| . Paris, June 21~~Premler ' Lloyd Mr, Linton 's MOUher, 51 wiv... | George Is contified to his room with BERGBE" 7 cy BONAIEN JB, ast severe sore throat. } best eclectic scores for all except the Season Competitions be signed by the player and his in card for fhe club record score made according he ancient order, ¥ yesterday at the meeting of the sii- Preme Allied Council, His place at {the con was taken By Arthur Z San British / foreign secre- GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB] Ghoese own partners. best tea ata saving of 25 pel cent. The Thompson Bot This sale ocers dn opportunity to housepeskers 0 buy the he Bathing Caps and ~ Water Win Telephone 41 i a wr w DRUG STORE Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. PHOTO FINISHING AND SUPPLIES . || 5d A. G. WILLIAMS || E395 be 171 Wellington §% Pidus oF fer "+ At-nine o'clock Friday night many is still attempting to form new Government. x i FOR SALE We have a large number of Military Tents Bell and Marquees for sale, cheap 1. Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario Street. Phone 584 x will sure. : iruggists or ra =| Ee ~~ LINDSAY'S Do not buy your new plano be- fore first baving seen and heard the { Be in P C.W.LINE 121 Princess. Bt. Kingston ¢ Grocery Fresh Seasenable Fruits of all kinds arriving daily. Tomatoes, C barb always on 4 numbers, Ru--#i nd. License 8-3979 Sie 4 - As 4 ri, money Five Hundred 'thousand English cotton epinners may go out to-day if forty:pix and a half hour week and i cent. incredse in wages 'are not granted. - Set from Weimar stated that Ger- ---- « . "His ln- | legion prevented his attendancs

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