_ PAGE F OUR THE BRITISH WHIG 4 BEN | | lak hy HING Cr oh sneer www ss. President Guid ., .. . .Eaditor and Laman * Managing Director. HUSIness OMICS .. ... iis doses +043 rr ERS TE RATES One year, by mall to rural i oMces $2.50 Ome year to United «so +:§3.00 (Bemi- Weekly Baition} Une. year, 1 mail, cash 1.0 One year, id in advance 8 50 One In States aia 50 and t ont pro ra MONTRBAL REPREBENTATIVE J Biuce uN Owen .. il ha St. Peter St. K.Northrup, mn fth Ave, New York FR Nerehray: § 10 Ass'n Bldg., Chicago Topers 10 ihe Haitor are published ong over "the factual name of the EE % The of THE BRITISH WHIG authenticated by the a ABO Audit Bureau of Clremlations. «It some folks would work six days a week and talk only one, Instead of working one day and talking six, things would tend to settle down a lot. Toronto has decided to allow bathing and the sale of ice-cream on Sundays. Oh, to be in Toronto on these hot Sundays such as we had last week! . Alcohol ruins the health, = but Uncle Bottletop says he cannot agree that when a man gets careless with alcohol doctor; he really needs a lawyer. The increase in salaries for the civil service will now create a keener competition and provide # better class of candi@ates for positions it the service. The salaries formerly offered for beginners aid 'not even provide a flving wage. Fitty-tive. thousand Canadian sol- dierd 'Were "brought home. in May, according to a statement: made by neral Mewburn » dn the Hpuse. This number would have Ween ox- "ceaded in June 12 there had hewn ne * [trouble; I will deliver 0 signing thesé times he needs al' Inasmuch 5 n delivered; it should, tha r glorify the DeMverér.:. Ba @ WHICH. can ever lope to succeed 'iif Sither Canada or the .United States. A SERVICE OF THANKSGIVING; Offer unto God thanksgiving;d snd pay thy vows unto the Most call uposi Me in the day of hee, and thou shalt glorify Me. : * Whose Offereth praise glorifietn Me; and $0 him that ordereth his conversation aright will I show tic salvation God. 'After © a hymn of triumph, in which the Psalmist calls upon all nations to praise the Lord as the declared God of the whole = earth. David, the "sweet singer of Israel," in the 'words above quoted, calls to the whole 'world to witness how God judges His people, how the on- ly sapcrifice. He will be found tp ae- cept, even of them, is the sacrifice of thanksgiving for His benefits, How appropriate, thé®fore, ix the call of the mayor of Kingston to his people to assemble fn public and offer their thanks to Almighty; God for delivbrance from potential bond- age and to the continuance of their freedom to work and worship as their consciences may dictate. The of . the Treaty of Peace marks an epoc in human history. It ushers in a new and better day for all the sons of mén. The power of the barbarian has been broken; the false gospel of might over right, has forever been shattered; and the age- old, truth) stafds onc¢e more reveal- ed--that "Godis In His heaven; all's: right with the world." We have passed through four jong ° years of suffering, suspense and sacrifice, such as the world never knew before. Canada has had its full share of the burden. She was proud of the privilege to stand beside the mother country---besida lion-hearted Britain, who never hesitated, who never counted the cost, when duty pointed the way oF right bade her sheathe thé sword. The price we paid in defence of li- berty and justice was staggering, as thousands of homes in this fair land can attest, but, after all, it was fice that Britain made. Let us yey- er forget thag-fact. Canada held nothing back that would contribute to the overthrow of the power that soumht to. place the world in bond- age. Her part in the ~ great world war may have Been small, but it waa glorious. She paid the price of victory, but she helped, in no un- certain war. to make that vigtory sure. = And now, iin "the shouting ant the tumult dies, and the captaldy and the kings depart" 1s néntly fitting that the day of peace Shbuld beteclebiated by the Bolding | F< of a thanksgiving service in eyory town and city the dominion [God Tor the victory over: the. powers |: that would destroy 'the ast vestige of the ocivilibzation that ithe {world has. built "up through centuries of strife and struggle. as the world has i the Senate, which they torment ihe purpose which' the 'eity has opposed, is a much-needed Canadian \rase will stick and make the 's name revered and honored in pie 0 ®ng as Canadians exist. The cost of living committee d that the Dominion "Textile 1 made 2310 per cent, profit 318. With this. in view, the eoirt honse on the 'evening that | 4peace is formally declared I fs knee to Him who Hath - given ihe victory, that they ghould" 'offor praise for deliverance from a fate worse than death. Ih all reverence, mayor's appeal, and. join in this great and memorable service of {To praise and thanksgiving, Te 'A GRAVE MISCARRIAGE C0 JUNTION, A sad case was Brought fo émall in comparfson with the 'sacri-|4 fine senge pt fitness. emicds Thanks should be rendered unto} view: 'when ths mayor announces &|/ ° { public meeting' before' the steps of | stand | well that the people should bow. the th gtants the same amount of kale humility and thankfulness, let the! {people of Kingston respond .o 'he demand, and it seems, he has Heh to pdr is that he Fak exist for Pest such cases as. thig. Prisons are not only intended to pun- ish & Can for his crimes, but they should 'also. tend to turn him from a dour f wrong-doing. But this' jndietal monster forgot that he owed a duty to this boy as well as to those whose préperty he had appropriated, and that hat d ty Was to help him to be- come i"! ful, honest citizen of Canada) Instead of giying him that ehance, he ordered him to be impriséned for seven years in the company of . hirdeged criminals, where he would "have 40 associate with men 'Steeped in crime, and would have Hitle or no chance to raise himself to a higher level. And the' magistrate not only come fitted a crime against the lad, but he alsf committed a' crime against socletys The prevention of crime is one of the chief ends of the law, afid the making of one more criminal tends to creafe' a. greater menace against, sodtety. By condemning young Rogers to associate with' criminals 'for seven years he almost made him a hardened criminal. 'We do not wish te make any apologies for the Boyls crimes, but we do feel that 'his life has been ruined through a misinterpretation of the spirit of the law. ~~ We have only sympathy for the lad, and hope that he will THE DAILY BRITISH ee, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1919. een A Lop Coat. " i Battle of Vitoria, June 21, 1818. Vitoria, one of the great battles of the Peninsular War, which practical- ly freed Spain from French domina- tion, was fought ofie hundred and six years ago to-day. The French army in Spain; consisting of about 85,000 men and 150 guns, was com= manded by King Joseph Bonaparte, and occupied, a somewhat extended line in the basin of Vitoria, along the line of the River Zadorra, a left handed tributary of the Ebré.. The Allies under Wellington had £0, 000 men and about 90 heavy guns Atl daylight the Allies moved forward in four columns to attack the 'enefy, the Spaniards under Genéral Hill be- ing the first té draw bidpd. It was a day of success for . the Alles, thagls to the brilliant generalship' ellington, who was quick to see A and stant in turning them to his credit. At six o'clock in the evening the French made a final stand agamst Colonel G.aham, and after some hard fighting they were compelled to yield. = 'After the Allies had occupied the city, they pursued the French until dark. 'The victory was complete. All Joseph's equipages, ammunitions and stores together with 143 guns, a million pounds in gold, and vagious trophies, fell into Wellington's ~ hands, the French loss inomen being nearly 7,- 900 and that of the Allies over 3,- 000, or whol 1,600 were Portuguese 4 in spite of the handicap imposed upon him, yet prove to be a good, useful citizen of the country . The sentences imposed upon him should not he allowed to run their' full course unless the lad = proves that he does net deserve clemency. As soon as possible a report should he made as to his: conduct during his strong appeal for official clemency made to the Minister of Justice, This boy was as mueh sihned against gs sinning, and by the lawdof a square deal he is entitled to have his case thoroughly investigated from start to finish and to have it seriously con- sidered by the proper governmental authorities. ® 'A Day To Long For, (London Free Press.) It is t optimistic to hope for a day whely Bolshevists cease from baulking and, the Kaiser is out ot print? Ba Ng Semse. Of Fitness, (Toledo Blade) oo Boleheviki 'have selected the dra- as: Jaietr symbol. They shold souk b8ed the blowfly. They dave ft {Siar oo Nor. ondon. Advertiser) The early application of 'the peace terms they stand, whether Ger- many signs tiem or not, will be the best Yrtice the Bllies can do the Sor id. | = ing: The' Piper. na polis: Times) eticed forty years 'for It is only fair that he evote the next forty years to ie 'Addler. he "Heinle, | Ne dabest u paying? Homie 'Lack. Little' Rock Arkansas Gazette) that = Bolshevism in Russia] of being a success is something ithe. people to eat, something to rand something to do. i ae ¥ rr nts cot tr. + Puzzleds (Washington Herald)" «We Have never been able to under. ¢ justice of a wage system man who is doing his darndest and the man who is doing just on} ough te get by. . to al oeive HAA return for his labor provide for his od early days in the penitentiary, and a t and Spaniards. MOTORCYCLE PATROLS ON PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY Special Constables Appointed For the Queenston and Kingston § Sections. Speeders op the Provinéial High- way, beware! The 'edict has gone forth from the Départment of Highways that mo- who break the speed laws on the Provincial Highway which comes within its jurisdiction. will be prosecuted. Within ithe last few weeks there have been an increas- ing number of complaints chat motorists were making no attemat to keep within the speed limit. There were also several reports of reckless driving on the part of the 'peed antists, whio have made the or- dinary peaceful eccupation of work- ers repairing the roads hazardous by {aiding do properly turn to the side of the road. W. A. McLean, Dépuity Minister of. Highways, stated that the depart. ment had just appdinted®several econ- stables, who will act as motorcycle patrols, particularly on the Ques ston and Kingston sections of the Highway. 10 SPEK REOIPROCYTY In Regard to Ateoptaiice of Medical Certificates, One important mitbeér of business before the Dominion Medical (duns cil. wa tire decision of British' (® | uma, to relinquish the pro- £7) EX tion for their loense I favor of ithe examinations as set! ye Medical Council of Canada. A ments of detail to phovide practically for thi§ were completed by the eouneil. Another important matter discuss: ed was the re tion into ithe act of powers {0 negotiate with Great' 'Britain and' coufitries looking towards menits of he opinion is held that Canada as a whole is strong ens ough 'to assert Wer position in 'mats ters involving medical training, and should be dealt with as a 'whole in- stead of through provinces, as: now obtains. For i come | bout it is fo amend the-uct awd an amendment by the fener al counsel. Mr. Chrysler, and to sub- to_opiain consent for such legisla ar "4s Examinations were ordered in treal and Halifax, in' Detabior, 19, and in Toronto, Winnipeg, an ances in June, 1920, the obj to facilitate taking of examina: tions at as little expense as possible to: canshidn ten, the registrar is empowered to have! mit it to alisthe provinces in! order|f Yi wv 'PANAMA HATS Men's and Boys' Wear. Where A New Thin IVER Bibby Ss Fi irst \ Madras, silk 'mixturgs; quiet or bright shades; garelully; made and per- fectly matched; stand many trips to the laun Special values: "Silk (fancy stripes) .. ... Silk mixture, very preity Madras (neat patterns) . Percales (plain or fancy) . $200 P 'anama Hats. Special value, $2.75 Sand $3.75. Two new shapes. i Men's Athletic Underwear. - values, $1.50 per suit. Balbriggan, special values $1. 50 per suit. | Outing Shirts with soft reversible col. . "lars. Special values, $1. 25, $1 50, . $2.00, $2.50. SEE OUR SOCIETY BRAND SUITS Into the making of these better clothes go the all wool fabric, the skill and care that carry out perfectly the distinction of design, which differen- tiate the better looking clothes from the ordinary kind. New models are on display. They're designed for young men | and men who stay young and Tor thoée of high school age, suiting every taste; and in a convenient price range. .$35.00 and $37.50 'The Poole $35, $37. 50, $40, $45.00 The: Raverhill $35, $40. 00, $45. 00 The d'Orsay . . PEFECTION & FLORENCE AUTO. ~~ MATIC OIL STOVES AND OVENS In 1.2 8 burner. Automate, Bon We carry wieks in stock for Perfeatiin; Ami, Dangigr Quick Meal, oil. PANAMA