LIVE STOCK MARKETS, Montreal, * : > Monreal, June 20.--Choice $12.50 to $14.50; good, $12 Je medium, $10.60 to $12; $8.50 to $10; butcher cattle, hid $12; 'good, $9 to $10; medivm, $7.50 to $9; lambs, $12 to $15; sheep, $10.50 to $12.50; calves, milk ted, $6 to $12. Toronto. Toronto, June 20.--Cholce heavy steers, $13 to $14; chojee butcher, $12.50 to $13; medium butcher, $11 to: $11.50; common butcher, $1 $10.75; heifers, good 'to $11.60 to $13; butcher sows, '$10.76 40 $11. 50; do, medium, $9 to $9.60; bulls; choice, heavy, $10 to $11.50; do $9.50 to $10; do, light $9 to. $9.50; do canners $4 to $4.50; feeders, 900 to 1,000 «Ibs. $11.50 to $12.50; do, 809 pounds, 10.50 to $11; do 700 10.750 pounds, | Ww $10.50 10 $11; do Nght ed $9 tol4 '$10; grass cows, $8 to $8.1 wilh} cows $75.0 $100; spring fambs, 1b. 20 to 22¢; sheep, light $9. 500 $10.50; heavy sheep and bucks, $8 and $8.50; calves, $16 to $18; hogs, fed and watered, bid $22.26 to $22.75; do off cars, bid- $22.50 to at do fob, bid $21.25 to $21.75; do at country points, bid, $21 to $21.50, i Winn 4 Winnipeg, June 20. Butcher steers, $9 to $14.50; heifers, $8 to $13.50; cows, 34.50 t0°$12.60; bulls, : $6.50 to $9.60; oxen, $6 to $10 stockers, $6 to $8.50; feeders, $1 to $10.50; calves, $7 to $12; sheep and lambs, $10 to $16. Hogs, sel- ects, $20.26; sows, $15.50 10 $17.35; bheavies, $16.50 to $18.25; stags, $10 to $12; lights, $15 to $17.50. Chickko, June 20.--<Heavy weight, $21.20 to $21.50; medium weight, $21.15 to $21.60; light weight, $21 to $21.60; Haht Hghts, $19 to 310s a. acking sows, smooth $20.95. %0 © packing sows, en! #0 a» $20. 25: pigs, $18 | to Weel steers medium and roa he Shoes az and prime, $15 to 3 26; med! , $12.26 tommon, Ary 75 to '$12. 35; Hight weight, good and choice, $12. 761% to $14.16; common and medium, $10 to $13; butcher cattle, heifers, $7.75 bo $12.85; cows, $7.50 to $12.65; pal ip yp Jy $6 to $7.50; veal calves, Might dnd handy weight, $16 to $17.25; feeder steers, $9.75 to $18; stocker steers, $8.25 to $12.25, Lambs (including springs), 84 pounds down, $16.50 to $18.75; culls and common, $9.50 to $16. 50. Yearling wethers® (including aged lambs), $12.25 to $15.75; ewes, medium." good and choice, $7.75 to 3 and common, $3.26 to don se, es Heme 76c higher; Orie steors $15 to]to $15.50; Jiveieg steers, $14.60 to is" woman i304 10, $13.50; cows, 4.50 to 312.55: bulls, $8 to $11.50; stockers and feeders, $8.50 to. $11.50; fresh cows and $80 to $165. | Se, 3:3: Sheep . 5880 head: market higher; tol$2.21% Bigher; veals, "3 ted salves, $11.25 to $13.75. . and Lanibs---Rec vals, $17 to $21; culls, $12.50 to §16; Sein uk and fed calves, $11.25 to Ha Shot 1m and Lambe --Recelpty 8.860 $18 to $20.50; culls, Hogs-- Receipts, market higher at $21 roughs, $18.50. GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Toronto. 3, 9 ue. to $21.50; northerd, ; $2.24%; No. 2 nort WW; i northern, $2. TL No. 4 wheat, §2.11. Manito oats--No. 2, CW. ih No.'3 CW. 77e; extra Np. 1 yg feed, 0 4c. i. corn--No. 3 nosiindl Manitoba barley, in store, Tilam, No 3 &. $1.33 3-4; Nao. iow $1.29 4; rejects, $1. 21-1 Joed, $1.21 3-4. - Italo "wheat--~No. 1 it te $id 20; No. 2 winter, Jal 19; 3 winter, $2.07 'to $2:16; No. 0 spring, $2.09 ¢0 $2.17; No. 2 spring, $2.05 to $2.14; Neo. 3 yellow ping. potits, according to freigh Qntario oats--No. 2, white, to freight outside, Barley Maltin, $1.28 0 31.33. Péas--No. . 3, nominal, according to freight autaide, . Buckwheat--Nominal. + Rye--Na. 2 nominal, Manitoba flor ~-- Government {J sanjay .- $11," Toronto. Onta > flour----Government Hama ard, Taronto-Montreal, $10.76 ; $11, new bags. Milifeed--Car lots, dellvered, Montreal, shorts, $44; bran, $42; feed flour, not quoted; middlings not' quoted; "good feed flour, per bag, $2.80 to $2.90. Hay--Baled, track, Toronto, lots, No. 1, $33 to $36; No. 2 mix- ed, $22 to $24 per. tom; straw, car Tots, $10 do #, ' Montreal, Pr to -- Extra No. 1 ood, '89 Vac. Flonr--Naw standard goade, $11 f0'$11,10.. Rolled os pam, 4. Hay---No. 2, per ton, car lots, i to $43. ony Winaines wonipee, Tu une a ts, No. 2, ¢ T8¢; No. 3°C.W., 17¢; extia No. 1 feed, 7c; No.1 'toed, 75 bc Bazlex-No, 3 C.W.3 $1.83 3-4¢; No. C.W.,, $1.20 1-43 rejected, $1.21 Hh Fiax--No. 1. NiW.C., $4.75; No. 2 CW. $4.68; No. 3 OW, $4.44; condemned, $4.44. gpolis. Minoeapolis, J 20.-- Flour gn- changed. Barley, $1.10 $1.11. Rye, |! $1.46 to $1.47. Bran, $34. Flax, $4.88 to $4.88. ph uth, June 200 Tinvesd + on, on , $4.84 to $4.88; arrive, $4.80 $4.89; "July, $4.77 'asked; October, $4.47, A : \ ; Now. ok, New: York, arket dull; ary ansas straights, $11.5 spring clears, $9.76 ig bi hits 3 ; winter straights, $11 to 3414 wt Flow b|steady at $4.35 b to $435. [faced 34 pt firm; nk "> west a. $1.64.1-4, cont end freight New 50 to $16; skim pivefs 3 Jind: unde culls, ys oe fine, ed ; No. 1, feed, 5 6-8¢c; No. | Wheat, Port agen Astand-hang "pags, $10. winter, ['\ spring, $2.02 to $2.19, 1.0.5, ship- | not | quoted; No. 3, 97c tg 80¢, according |, nap | Porterhouse steal cay wes iad 40: Jon $4.10 0 $4.35 Shots, Ho Wii pd amuiated, $4.87%: white stick: setiow | To hs rtening, per 1b., 28¢c. per 1b. large, 38¢c; small, SooRked him, vr 1b., le. | Hcy per 1b. Windsor Sateists. réakfast, 4c to 48¢; ndsor |vrsdxrast. 49 Sa. per 1b., milk fed, 45¢; fowis, 33c to. 8bc; ae. 30¢; Jurkess, 48¢. Ib., white clover; ey "ee: b bulk, '26¢; buckwheat, 21c to 226. ' Maple syrup, Imperial gallon, ne Top, $2.60; sugar, per Ib, 26¢c 3 ec. jeans, per. bushel, Canadian Toronto, June 20.--Manijobalhand-picked, $4:60 to $4.76; pears, wheat, in store, Fort William, ha . ataioes, car lots, $2.10; out ed hogs, por, ae ) 1bs., fresh killed abattolr, 2 Govern- Flour, per bbl, 30 EAC Spaderd, $114 siialier. Quah. t di to the trade, $11.20; winter wh per bbl, $10.20 . to per r lots, No. , $37 to $38; No. 2 Sot to #7; No, 1 3 smothy, $34 to Kingston, June 20th. Creamery butter, 1b. .. Butter, rolls... . Whey butter ... Bj fresh, doz. 0 eomargarine se ww Poultry.' 0 } Chickens, dressed, 1b. Chickens, Hye, Ib. Hens, dressed, 1b. Hens, Hye, 1b. ... .. Turkeys, dressed, 1h. ee -- Beef-- irloln steak, Ih. ound steak, bi ib roast, n. oiling cuts... . est/n carcase, cwt. est'n, , ewt. est'n, hinds, cwt.. al fronts, cwt. . Local hinds, cwt. .. i Pork-- "20.00 to 23.00 20.0 "80.00 to 31.00 . 18.00 to 20.00 32.00 to 25.00 40 to 45 40 to 45 40 to 453008 ole ane Fronts we ee ing utton, Ib, Rabbits, Ib. .. $4.84; September, |Finnan Haddock, Tok re Kips to good, 1 to $450; ? choice to [§imor . 22.00 to 22:50] 30.0 30 | nounced, however, that he had been ) | government at; Omsk, under Admiral \ERYVICE, --This|" ia an the development jon. Our experience and rman are at the service every customer. = STARS BARK o, imperial Russidn government Son 000, 63%, per. gent, three- year credit, will not be paid, accord- ing to a statement wihich, issued by the American. banking syndicate of New York which subscribed to the loan, was received from. 8. Ughet, charge d'affaires ad fiterim - and financial attache She Russian om- bassy at 'Wi 5 "In his letter to ihe syndicate Mr. Ughet/stated that "due to ciroum- Stand beyoud control, 1 shall be to provide fupds," which im- bias that the Joan will go by de- fault. The Russian charge d'affaires an- in connection with the all-Russian Kolchak, and while he bad received no reply an, Jet uvlishad accounts of 3 pc. for the cusremt quarter for the t earnings for the ears, has es a Hgures sold this week for ever paid for a membership on that |» 8X nipeg, Permanent Mort: and of the Canada Lom pany, takips lhe place of the Ryerson & Co., was born in Prince Edward Coun Educated in Port Perry, he receive his early financial training In fintanie bank at Port Periy. with R. G, Dun & Co., and before slanting in business for himself was 0 Canadian ma nection with summer vacations, and cause its general altitude is comsid- erably greater than in Toronto's. communiea~ | o #| feet abbve the level bridge Statio: Simcoe and Coucliiching waters avs BE 718 feet, ph, Is 800 feet. are those of the Canadian National | Railways main line to Vancouver is region. ¢ the heart of the Muskoka t National iT the multitidd of summer hotels and Lasls{ 5a; Cle 3 lly git final time for de i of the Toronto Stock lp Mere Mine is'now making the largest earnings im its history, A commercial aviation co ¥ with a capital of £100,000 has 1 started at Jobannsburg. The Corporation of St. Catharin accepted the bid of the Bank Bond Co: for $100,000 20-year ser ial Public' school © debentures, the company's offer being $101,337. 'By the declaration of a dividend payable August Ist, record July! 15th. Merchai.s Bank came in line! 4% the majority ty going on a 12 basis. Canadien Pacific Railway gross seoond week ' June totalled = $3,062,000. Boss | show an .ncrease over ihe 00! ding period in. 1918 of $148, 000, : A Montreal' Stock Exchange seat $30,000. This price is equal to the highest price LOEW'S TORONTO THEATRE FIRST MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS Payable Canada and New York, Due any year, 1921 to 1084, Yield 6 14% The best mortgage Iavestnient oifecing ¢ . timtted cunt. Ask us {ok further information, uA 4 change, George W. Allan, K.C., M.P,, Win- as elected a member of the |e "dredtors the Canada {] * Corporation | anent Trust board W. D. Mat Fire I wy ead States and | Canada during May egated $16,- J 516,300, compared th §20,545,~ 1900 Yast year, and $24,698,900 dn . Mex, 19117. 1 Q bert R. Bongard, of Bongard, |] brokers, Toone, the was er of Charles Head | & Co., New York. Mr. Bongard is a mémber of the Toronto Hunt, Royal ! Canadian and Ontario Jockey Chibs and belongs to the AF, and AM. Saglety, The Monetary Times estimates Canadian provinces have to borrow about $50,000,000 Yhis year to carry out announced programs. SEEK THE ELEVATIONS. "Where the People Invite and Life Is Delight." More and more/ people are regard: ing as important the elevations = at which the places they select for summer vacations ile above the level of the sea. ' Bverybody knows, to a slight extent at least, 'that i certain rejuvenation is effected when after a long day in office or factory, the worker returns to his home at an elevation greater than that at which the workshop is located The same principle applies in con- the Muskoka région brings rest and freedom from. fatigue largely be- e Toronto Union Station ac- to standard figures is 251 of the wea. Beaverton Station is 751 feet, Cam- "15 740 feek, Lakes the Severn river is ximately 726 feet. No 712 teat, Luke Mus : bE et at a dhe eleva- tion above the waters of Lake Jos- *. The stations that are shown her Tr restifig = additional interma- thon, ai ed form at amy office of Canadian iilways is that pertatal to thé named, facilities, and rates o houses in the Muskoka tor: ¢ thinking of 'Mi ka Unni tion with sunme- 'on, et a copy of this list now ely guard against being nt to effect cision arrives. Avoid the long ors Bayer A FE ed. "It 1s 4s easy for a fool to give ad- Regan K 1s for u wise man to past, up. AER RRR ante DENOMINATIONS, 8500 CAPITALIZATION 7% 'First. Mortgage Bonds, Authorized $1 000,000.00 Outstanding, $875,000.00; Common Stock, $1,500,000.00 SECURITY ~All present and future real estate and as = floating charge on all assets present. and future. PROPERTY 40,000 acres timber and pulyvood lands. 10,000,000 cords of wood, water power and mills. BUSINESS--A business connection 'of 40 years' standing. The company has an offer of a contract for the sale of its' entire production at a market price for ten years at a guaranteed profit. Excess of Assets Oyer Liabilities $1; 500,00.00. "We Offer These Bonds at Par With Accrued Tanerent to Yield 7% any As7ing 8 Honus bt 29% of Comma. Stoo Ae Ny HR ATL A A which is available in print-| BENEFICIAL ECONOMY All Canadians should remember that the econ bmies necessitated by the war helped pave. the way to Victory. pe the way to future ccount is both a moral tii Mri -------- rsa ri