Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jun 1919, p. 12

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* [Duls the power plant where it be-|e | longs, close to the rear axle, thus - 's For Your {dispensing 'with thd long shaft, ie: . Storage Battery. { luniversals, and their likelihood ot o breaking and wearing out; and thefr " power loss. South Dakota led the states for Phe 'motorist who will examine | Electric automobiles ofthe pres-| wild hay last year, harvesting 3, the baitery of his car regularly every ®Bt all have their power plants on|282,000 tons, week and heed the following instrye- OF near the point of power applica-| One city in England waters © its tions, will continue to receive satis- tion. One truck which drives from|streets entirely with electric sprin- OR TRADE One. 1918 Ford Sedan. Chevrolet 1-~1917 Roadster, ll' new. tives. ONE-TON TRUCK The Ford One-Ton Truek brings. down the eost of delivery and hauling fo a sensible factory service from his battery day after day; says T. G. Breen, dealer in Chevrolet passenger cars and trucks. i Don't allow Syour storage battery to stand in. a discharged condition for any length of time. Should the battery, for many reasons, become discharged, have it fully charged at 0 nee at the nearest garage or charg- all four wheels, and at least one front drive passenger car, show that some engineers appreciate 'the real source of power and the place where the power is applied as close jogert. er, not as far apart, as possible' The car of the future won't leave anything to be dome by man power. In a few years, foot brakes will be things of the past, except on cheap kling wagons. Hinged rear feet on a new straight chair permit it to be used much like a rocking chair. . Discoveries of deposits of tale, or Soapstone, have given a new indus- try to South Africa. . For the convenience 6f travellers ilquid soap is being packed in easily punctured capsules, @ue 1017 Overland Roadster. All kinds Of cars bought, exchanged. sold or: Bert Stansbury, 169 Raglan Road."Phone 1674w ing station. A battery, when in a[cars. Why should man exert mus~| The ofl fields of Algeria will be dischargéd condition sulphate rapid-|cle to stop a car any more than 10|exploited by a company that is be (ly, makin charging extremely hard [Start it? 'What's that great brute of ing. formed in France. : jand in' time entirely destroying the [an engine idling under the hood for?| "An inventor has mounted a cit: elements, And in the near future the Carlier for railroad rails turnt Don't allow. dirt, water or any|With the steering wheel will be Yas 8.00.4 turntable figure. Fiest cost'is low. Operation and maintenance costs are low. Few firms can afford to cling to the old costly ways of hauling and delivering goods. Stop! Look! Listen! If you have a delivery problem, if you are paying carlage 'bills, learn now what fhe Ford Truck will save for you. Solve thal problem. Let us show you a Ford One-Ton «Truck. We have them complete with body and enclosed cab. . . FRICES FOB, KINGSTON Ford One-Ton Truck, Chassis only . AONE von For either Stake or Express Body in lead coat, with cab but without doors RRR «+ $150 If painted job desired add .. ... wre ays 9400 It doors desired on cab cab add .. ... ... .. ... $6.00 $774 VAN LUVEN BROS. 34 Princess Street 'Phone 1609 AERATOR __ The Motorists Friends Pomoc 2) o Pp Nay Wl Tried and proven vader er all conditions. To b gether they have travelled many rough roads sad earned the reputation of --Dependability,' P Partridge Tircs--better than the best," by Tho FE PartridgeRu Tn TT = sjshoweases. = If malleable glass is ever : with, but this story cannot, go. rear axle. 1 |was to have a gasoline engine pléces of metal to come in contact with or remain on the thp of your battery, . Inspect regularly and keep clean, : Don't continue to crank your. en. gine with the starting motor if it does not' start after a few sevolu- tions. '. Something is wrong with your ignition system or carburetor. Locate and remedy the. trouble before again cranking 'thé emgine, Just turning the engine over will not help you start, but it will exhaust your bat- tery if continued for any length of time, Don't forget to turn "on" the ignl- tion switeh before attempting to start the motor. Don't forget that you must restore in the battery whatever current has been withdrawn for starting. It re. quires about twenty times as long to restore current to the battery as it takes to remove the amount in start. ing the engine. . Don't turn on all the lights of your car and leave it standing for several fhiourg™ Conserve the battery supply by. using only such lamps as are absolutely needed to prevent acei- dent. Don't allow the battery to become loose on the brackets. mn---- THE MOTOR CAR OF THE FUTURE ! mre Looking Ahead to-the Ideal Vehicle--May Not Be Gasoline Driven. The automobile of the future will be weather-tight. Of course, thers will always be as many, if not more, towards one standard, And this standard model will be a weather- proof affair. Probably all glass sides, front, rear and roof. The glass sides will come down, of course, for warm weather. Cur- tains inside will help keep off sun when shade is wanted. But frames, instead of being of heavy wood or metal, will digproximate the framing now used on - most modern glass made, the frame may be dispensed The power plant of a'car will be, under the body, or on or near the Now wait a minute. A thousand gasoline engineers are about to rise and eéall me wicked names and tell me it can't be done, I dare say it can't, h a gasoline engine. * : But who said the car of the future There is at least one comparative- obsolete a8 the car with hand pump for gas or oil to-day. The car of the future will have no such thing as "driver's seat." 'Ald the seats in the car, except ones, Will be movéable. Driving will be done by a small control board which can be held in the lap. It will be connected to the mechanism by a flexible electric cable. A small finger lever, mot a' wheel, will guide the car, Another will ats tend to speed changes, buttons will light and warm the car, blow the horn, apply the brakes, everything, The driver will sit right or left, as he pleases, or even on country roads in the rear seat. Driving then will be what it ought to be, not a physi. cal, but a mental exercise, This is no wild guess, but the in- evitable end of p foreshadow- ed in the present developments. We bave with us now, for instance, the push button, electric gear shift. It displaces the manual work of mov- ing around a set of gears, and does |auastion. placed hand steering on all the lange body lels, but they will all tend!) duction has passed, there is no furs labor eleotrically, with energy stored in the storage battery by the engine. Of course, the car of the future will be without gears--but that is not the Steam or electric steering has dis- ships, so why should the motorist sit humped over a much-in-the-way-of- your-comfort-wheel, when your en- gine can suply the muscle, and all you need to supply is the brain? Government Sells Tractors, The Department 'of Agriculture of Ontario has some seventy trac. tors on hand which are/to be sold at a reduction of 10 per cent. to. all returned Men who are bona-fide farmers. 'These tractors were pur- chased by the = Government foi plowing, and ° used in. the greater production campaign last year, but now that the emergency . for pro- ther need of the tractors by the De- partment of Agriculture. Hence it is that'the reduction of 10 per cent. is being offered to returned men who are farmers. Cylinders Cast En Bloc, - Practically four-fifths of al the' designs produced have the ieylinder cast in block. The exceptions to this usually have some other reason | rather than foundry practice for so' doing. There are two air-cooled' cars on the market now, 'and they, of necessity, have to use individual 1hest results when Belgian seed has Have been invented to permit high 'pressu for use in crowded shops. After failing many times Italian engineers have ' successfully bored an artesian well in Tripoli. The deadly phosgene gas has been found valuable for bleaching sand for use in making fine glass. Japan is utilizing the crater of an extinct 'volcano in 'which are many hot springs as a sanitarium. hard coal base burner stoves is the purpose of a new attachment. dndia is reviving its ancient in- dustry of building 'wooden ships, us- ing timber from its- vast forests. A recently invented kerosene torch for thawing coal frozen In cars is pdwerful enough to weld metals, The, smallest known bird Is a Central American humming bird that is about as large as a blue bot- tle tly. » A new current regulating attach- ment for any incandescent lamp giv- es it a ragge of twelve different in- tensities, Fibers used in textiles and cord- age have been extracted by a Frenchman from the water hyacinth of Indo-China. Detecting the presence of gaso- line fumes in sewers is the purpose of a new lamp which normally burns hydrogen. Experiments in Japan with, the cultivation of flax have obtained the been used. An inventor has patented a broom with a resilient handle with thé idea to use. posits of peat with a view of utilix: ing them for the production 'of ga: and electricity. A recently 'designed bed for auto- mobile tourists consists of a rope bound canvas sling on which the cushions of a car are laid. Motorboats equipped with mow- ing machines are used for gathering papyrus for manufacture into paper pulp by a plant in Zululand. By the use 'of a mew motor driven machine old concrete sidewalks and roadways can he crushed so the ma- terial can be used in new ones, "Using omly 'bamboo, Dutch engi- eers have ' built a bridge in Java more than 100 feet long and with a central span 'of more than 60 feet. Easily adjusted reducing valves fire. hyd) « to be. nsed for streams of, ordinary pressure; 'A patent has been granted the cylinders, Al of the V motors have Span the cylinders cast in the same man- ner, 'although in a few of the de- signs the block consists of only lage, inventor of a process for utilizing banana = fiber instead of hemyp and jute in textiles and coru- A crib for bables hag been invent: To permit soft coal to be used in } that. it will last longer and be easier | Spain 1s studying its extensive de- Is the new international signal board for railway crossings. But, do you ever Stop, Look and Think of what is best to do when you have a breakdown either with your Automobile, Motorboat or other machin- ery.. We can help you if you will consult with us. Ph If satisfactory repairs can be made we shall be pleased to do them for you. . If new parts are required swe shall be only too glad to procure and fit them for you. : We do all kinds of OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING, OXY-CUTTING, etc., and can guarantee our work. Gasoline engines, Propeller wheels, Spark a'call. coils, Plugs, Batteries, etc. Give us Davis Dry Dock Company 'East End of Wellington St., Kingston Feed A d Chicks Ri twice as fast, 7" Purina Chicken Chowder and Purina Chick Feed will develop chicks into broilers for market faster 'and bri ! much earlier than ordinary feed. young chicks, and give perfect de PURINA field 'whieh does this very thing | four SoA ed that folds so compactly that it can be carried about and used by tourists in an automobile or hotel room. | | English scientists have decided that passing electricity - through freshly cut timber makes it more re- |: 'sistant against decay and "fungous .. On the principle of the old-fash- foned bullet mold Is a mold for re- 'gasting on an iron handle the head of a lead hammer that has been jattered. ¢ . Practically all the equipment for wireless stations that are' to be} erected in remote parts of China} I wil be cearried to the sites by aero- planes. : : A recently designed motor serap- er to build roads or clear taem ol now has two small 'scrapers in front of the fore wheels to give them good traction: viol © A dive to a depth of 262 feel in ly new development in the steam cat|three oylinders, instead of six Hi Puri a SouLTRY FEEDS, MANUFACTURED Nn CANADA BY THE, CHISHOLM MILLING C9 u1o. JARVIS st ToroNTO i SOLD BY ALL FEED DALES Sie , AT : (8 Se RK E---------------------- -- MM ded. + 'The Veiled Future ol Tn have Sought 4 ture--but in vain. In their failure they have used the 1 the sea by a m 'cord for a man unprotected by div- 3 'apparatus. * u gg rs a single rear wader tor | | reek. sponge fisher: nan is believed to be the world's re: per gelf- led threshing : +. & self-propel ng POERERE ) Eo Na . and means of the present in to provide for the uncertainties of the future na ¥ bl -------- es Miata Tis sistadk Conference are all their power and ty Bo there shall be dE athe guarantees against the calamities of future. 1 eee vs PEPE

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