Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 May 1919, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21,1919. © o- PAGE FIVE Shock Left Her ET TUEREREREIERE TERRE TRENCHES NOW CRUNBLE[Skock, Left Her Ja NOW READY, OFFICIAL MAJOR SBILLY" LY" NICKLE DE- | COULD NOT SLEEP SORIBES THE BATTLEFIELD. | ® 9 Ladies Oxfords * v 4 utomobi le ' ai When the system, receives a shock Re-Visits Scenes Where He Fought [of any kind, the heart becomes weak- Oxfords are the ideal summer shoe--(low laced shoes). old ened, the nerves unstrung, the appe- We have them in black and brown kid, patent and grey ~--War-Scarred Ground and tite poor, faint and weak feelings Landmarks Bring Sad But Proud {come over you, you ean't sleep at \oa 1 e Memories. night, and you wonder if life is worth |» ronto Telegram Correspondence, living. kid. Struggli French peasants are To all those wh uffer from ner- CANADA, 1919 tia ar a hl a miserable re- yous shock Tr oi] oe Best grades of Oxfords . ... . . 7.00, 8.00,.9.00 3 he Ih semblance to what they formely liv-|Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills as With Maps and Routes ed im, in the war wrecked neighbor-|the best remedy to tone up the en- according to [tire system and strengthen the weak- | he new 1919 auto road i i r~ hoods of their country, y I guide 15 tho what Major W. M. (Billy) Nickle, [ened organs. oughly up to date as regards the best routes MOC. 'won of W, F. Niekle; K.C.| yy Ty pip pn for both short and extended tours, with the A i i I ld Sask, writes: --~"1_ have used Mil . . : : vw... |burn's Heart and Nerve Pills after best and fullest information along these it to the old battie lines in France.|y, ine suffered from a terrible shock Having gone tp France as a private to my whole system. I was so ut- in the Princess Pats, been, promoted terly weak, and nervous I conld not Pri e $3. 00 to the rank of officer, and having sleep at night and 'my appetite was rice, been wounded three times whilstioore poor I could not walk across bearing that rank, Major Nickle gives {spo sloor without trembling all over. a vivid story of the country as one who sees it from the view of a vet- I had hot flushes and fainting giow 's eran. spells. When I was on the second 2 "The thing which impressed me}box of your Heart and Nerve Pills, I 141 Li STREET : most,"" says Major Nickle, "in pass-|began to feel that they were doing ing through the areas familiar to|me good, 80 I kept ..c until 1 had Canadians, from Doual to Vimy, used six boxes, when I felt like a dif- from Lens to Loos, to La Bassee, {ferent person. I am never without them in the » { Hazebrouck and Passchendaele, was if TY he Sai enariered "vias which [to ait who ster with their nearc [=a ESO they left in the dark days of 1914, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills only to find their homes and' sur- are 50¢ a box at all dealers, or mail r roundings absolutely wrecked and RTH y ot e co TTT J ruined by enemy gunfire and other yon Sires co TocelpL of Jules by in i | Hi PRESENTATIONS means of destruction. These peas- - : 3 : y HL e . ants are coming luck to such towns |decaying. One fall and one winter UT experience 1] enable ug to FOR as La Bassee, where there is not onelhave placed their mark upon them, wall of a house standing, bringing |but even now they could be return- ; . select the hest Our stock was never : with them a pick and shovel and ajed to condition as a strong line of RETURNED few other crude tools, intending to |resistance.' more complete. We gather together a few whole bricks Major Nickle was impressed, with bits of wood, etc., left behind by the the sadness of many scenes at the BOYS advancing army, to build a roof over|front. The flicker of hope seemed have them at every their heads, and once again settle in|to show YH The"lves of the poor peo~ price and every one What can be nicer the district where they were Dborn|ple returning to lands that are of no for our boys than a and raised. use, and will not be during their good value. gold watch, locket, "Until you see for yourself the|lives. Skeletons haunt every acre, signet ring, suitably success that the peasant has in mak-|and unexploded shells threaten death ' engraved to show your ing 'a new home for himself out ofjte the cultivator of every yard of Y t the destruction of war you have|ground. J appreciation of their On practically every a ® efforts no conception of how well he gets : 3 on. Being a soldier myself, and Jad frontage pf the ou ine: i Ee , nowing the hardship , trench-| [east on every brigade front, there is } a 1 We will be glad to. XA DE 2S ae CSHIIFDL the rena) a graveyard. Hundreds and hundreds' d ; submit designs and Wi : sco] Of Canadians le still in their last] tremendous hardshi and saerifice , ® Bulp sentry duty, a peaceful duty at last, TE Ak 0 0 ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE SUH; You have your new hats, prices. and discomfort they must go through boots, suits, ete. But did you during the time ri are Sar may it be said, but sad 0 Be Po forget the welfare of your eye- their meagre domiciles. who stands 2hove their sa ai se 2 ry e artmen sight? Are your glasses mo- "They are a gallant people. In post and pond ars Spon oat h ey dern and correct for your one instaiice I called to a peasant, Fielded pm order to obtain 8 las vision? . 9! "Vive la. France." H<™ plied, " | . HAVE YOUR EYES Kinnear & d Esterre Hare, Mousieur. Vive Ja Bells Bone a ahi 'Major Nickle, age m straw, crash, | ASTOUNDING FACTS THAT COUNT - Y France. 1e_people of France in-fuy, protect the fruits of victory that velvet, corduroy, etc. [to our utmost capacity. 'Pd-day you can buy at great money saving values everything from a jardinier stand to the newest creation in living room, EXAMINED 100 Jewelers, deed love their country dearly. the sacrifice of gallant men made it R kab) 1 ncess Street w------ possible for usita us to obtain," " emarxkapie vaiues dining room and drawing room suites at prices that lead them al, By our thorough methods, : How Canuck Trenches look. from 50¢ up. which are a little different and : more accurate than usual. "The soldier at home, who has not seen the old line for a great MORE LIGHTS FOR STREETS We have headwear J AMES REID 4 . while, is' likely wondering what it : J J STEWART oh ) Tooks like rr In the be rnd for children of every Yo Kemmel and Armentieres there IRE CHIEF "WANTS HYDRANTS . 7 = . . k y Ocean Steamship Tioket| large aumbers of Gorman roy FIRE Fil PROTECTED. : Phone 147 For Service : UL etait Fuge : NANANRNENANRNNARANNNENNENRNANRAN) OPT. D. Agency. chendaele Chinese laborers are do- . alist. : i 3¢ Reports Against Parking of Cars-- pect ' : ing the same, "- i. a -- C. S. Kirkp atrick "Thode who know pill boxes will Motorizing of ithe Fire Depart. % nb wl . -- Post Office Kingston rhe u of Better Glasses." 36 Llarence St. Phone 588w. Ilappreciate how difficult it is to res] ent Is StI Under' Consideration, pao ove Wak the le considered Two very important matters were 182 Princess Strect. -- Two Out of Three Fires Occur eir mpregnable ortresses. In} .o1t with at a meeting of thé Fire Newman & Shaw's Old Stand, 9 { in the Home - ---- ------1 11s Se Ctor there are : no railways, and Light Committee-of the | City ; ; 9 a n 4 ; | y | few roads, and bad - transport, so ata Cost of F rom therefore it ia hard to collect mil-jCouncil on Tuesday afternoon. The - . Vit A E-- y 1 tol Cent way rails, barrels of cement and oth-| first was the proposed improvement -- er war materials, in the lighting of the streets. The die f "The soldiers at home may be won! R » E . : SORE THROAT 3 to We Will Protect Your * Home dering how the old trenches are, |lSt Of changes was prepared by the < \} hs And Contents Agninat Whether they have fallen in or not?] chairman, Ald. Chown, with the Bad se \ p> 5 7 : FIRE A Cou coLD <* 4 Practically all of them have, The)assistaiice of the fire chief, and C. C. Y LEAD A Day on Each Thousand Dollars Let Us Explain It Fully : grass-hidden mouth of a dugout is{ Folger, manager of the Public Util Erovai thoy 'were. coenploi ss wie] LIc%, Was precented at the meeting : " 54h Fy J > g Call at. the office or 4 us a 5 - as last summer, they are now musty for consultation. It'was shown that TREA on NOE MUO F you serve our pastry Hue and we will enll, op p and outof- date looking. The|many lights could be placed more ad- ing MAY Bi fysiot. Hu : 1 to your guests: they . You pusaihiy nay sot be able AND RELIABL "av a fire, but yon ean avola LD As FOUND IN : will say that it's delight- alam, If YOU re Danared with an trendhes are sliding in, and in the Jvantageously than at present, and ful. It will help you enter- ARANTEE |[E& isa mmina da ff msl AB ey e tain them. If you've never » OUR GU now. Down about the chalk coup- dition of some new lights, the extra fried it we're ry After i D SUTHERLAND > C try some of them are standing tiHe|expenditure involved was only $708 ECLECTRIC you have tried. you'll be Fo fd 'Satisfaction to Our ustomers wear of weather fairly well. But onija year, and the committee adopted : sorry that you didn't try it il oS Surahee, Fp atte % the Wiiole, thie UId front and reserve the report and passed it to Council oO 1 L sooner. Begin now, eall up Phones: Office; Lid House 184aw, { se (0 disa 3a w As simple as words can make it--yet the a ry the heavy ders py for endorsation. Moitor thotll vo vary cavetaiin the food man. hroadest and most liberal guarantee anyone can "At St. Bloi I stood at what was| Fire Chief James Armstrong re- Mothers should be very careful in possibly give--and our: absolute guidance in all once the lip of No. 2 Crater, and |Ported upon the fire department and buying a good rubber Nipple for the our efforts. - : looked back over the country which |asked that hydrants be placed at a'baby. A cheap Nipple will 'do alll ) y number of points to enable him to]great amount of harm to the baby ITE BAKERY ' 2} HOME MADE was. 80 familiar to us in the spring ga of 1916. It was beyond recognition, {deal more promptly and effectively|.,, = Nobility Nipple is transparent, TCE] Just Like New By Our Improved Process . Dickeb as gone. Its church] With fires. Manager Folger stated iskebusen as gene that the exorbitant cost of hydrants|and being packed each one in a box et B A KER'S o : spire, and even the walls of the We have ~ hundreds of satisfied customers. - chufch could mot be seen. Rening<|@t the present time: made it im-|separately, is perfectly sanitary, The Why are you not one of them? helst, where Gen, Mercer and many [Possible to comply with the wisheslgenuine Nobility, Nipple has a red | Nem------m----rr 3 of the fire department until prices{band around ft. Ask for the Nobil- Sun ' another Toronto man lies buried, and « ; declined at least Mall, Hydrants ity Nipple and se that baby gets the Wnts hodins. D lers which nestled so cosily on the plain on't be doubtful or misled. by other dea among fhe poplars, was barely the|cannot be bought for less than from |best. ga s Phosy 6 ne Tones snd iavirorates the wi who are not equipped to do this class of tire build- $35 to $100, and they were former} e skeleton so often seen in Uhe war "a y y Sinn cues by alt Wehane | SA tanto Sune, was{bovahe for 138, eh The comm Eh RH 104: Our capacity. as much obMterated as St. Eloi, and |tee, therefore decided to allow the Debility, Menta and Brain Wore Le : i pacity such fanillar points to us as Shelley [matter to stand over. 20s of Sneror, D'alpitation of the . Heart, a Memory. Price $1 per box, a "The Cocoanut With Farm, White Horse Cellars, Bus In this connection the fire chief suggested that the traffic by-laws be State ox math a ruse, Sold by i Ti " mphlet mailed free. THE WOOD aim Shell 9 House and RE were washed out as ameaden 80. as 10 PrORIDIE thie aark oe ata 0 s ; ay a_i ts ANY land-| ing of cars near hydrants. He stated Seb ca" viata a. CFormarty Windom « : : : scape. thie vies rsa: Sndivons Sue) J It is juicy, tender and dell 3 of laydranis on Princess street in such ECZ LE gold in Ma SE ha a The rich co- 1 Sights. Bad Sights a manner that a quick connection of Py Mahood's Drug Store. coanut milk in the can accounts : i "At Vimy the trench best The P lace They Re-Build Your Old Tires prosery bind Teddy Gerard, Billy| the hose cannot be made in case of. > : for its flelicacy and richness of 2 4 and recom~ . flavor. It saved shortening, fire. This is especially true of the hy-! June 24th-27th next, and adds flavor. . 06-8 W lingt tree Burke, Vesta Tilley and the other . 4 el on S t lines in that system, are very slowly drant to the west of Steacy's store,the mended that the committee send a hydrant west of the Grand Opera representative. The commitiee was L "For sale at: Sawed in Stove |} COLDS, CATARRH House and the hydrant on Sydenham unanimous regarding the advisabil- street just north of Princess street.He ity of having one of its members pres- ; recommended that no vehicle be al- ent at the convention where medern Lengths r Henderson' vi lowed to stand within ten feet of fire-fighting apparatus would be ex-|- Ss. IN FI any hydrant. He also directed at- hibited, but few of them were pre- BOOTH & co., MINUTES tention to the congestion of traffic pared to go, owing~To "pressure of Pl 1 tion can Baf8t certain points preventing Panton and the selection was de- 4 Consumy passage for the fre ehetog a ferred until the next meeting of the Foot West - h traced back in MOSt IN|) x and urged that parking of cars council, 4 Spring Pum and Oxtords i stances fo a bad coldjae be prohibited. One! The membens present were Alds. ATR i f or catarrh that was Iways dangerous was' Chown (chairman), White, Mills, . av neglected. Don't court] Montreal street; i Jones, Corbett, Simmons and Anglin. ' : ; We ini vite wou to view the favored mo- if | jt this white _ glakue io; tin e be one | 1 18 generally believed in London 5 53 7 rr . « ere are no hopes of Hawker ; in pumps and Oxfords for the spring pace against it by n-{j;yCleg' are ATS. hopes of 1 - and summer of 1919. : e anti pesmitiad 4 2 sho Arn daub A A A 4 4 aa aa 'Men Who Want the New Style When ; re New You will find then at our store made up of Scotch and English tweeds, blue or black serges, or fing vacunas, Price Inspection' invited. a big stock of all kinds furnishings, trunks

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