PAGE SIX Eversharp Pencils The perfect pencil. Always sharp. Never needs sharpening 'J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. Tel. 819 41 Clarence Bt. A AA READ Carefully Call at 260 Princess Street or telephone 1283w for your shoe repairing. Work seatly done while you walt. This store Is under new management, which fs now kuown as: : VAN ALLEN & SON'S SHOE WORKS The Intter tw nre returned #aldiers Who served overseas. Our sim in not to disappoint our cus tomers, and give satisfaction. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK If you want cholee Easter beet enll at Quick's Western' Meat Market. We have a stock of amoked ments, ete. CHARLES QUICK 118 Clergy St. Fhone 2011 Food Hoard License No. 9-8008 -- How About a Bag of Fertilizer for Your Garden and Lawn? We have it, and will guaran- tee that you can grow a better crop of vegetables. Dominion Agricul- tural Chemical Co. Street. 18 Market Kingston Cement Products Factory Makers -of ~ Hollow = Damp- * Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Bills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults, And all kinds of Orsamental Cement Work. Factory, cor. of Charles and Patrick streets. Phone 730W. Mgr,, H. F. NORMAN her beds and pillows thoroughly sterilised and made luto mattresses at modern cost. Call or phone. (From Our Own Cor } May 14.--The funeral of the late John Stanley Meggs, who pasesd away on Sunday evening last, was held yes- terday afternoon to Grace Church, where Rev. W. 8. Lennon conducted the funeral service, which was large- ly attended Interment was after- wards made at Gananoque cemetery. The floral tributes were numerous. Three brothers and three cousins of deceased acted as pallbearers---- William E. Meggs, Frederick Meggs, Reginald Meggs, Roberti A. Orser, Charles Funnell, and William Me- Laughlin The entire works of the Ontario Steel. Prpducts Company closed down for the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Pennell, Brock street, who are leaving town this week to take up residence in Na- panee ,were given a surprise last evening at the homme of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar W, Sheets, Stone street, when they were walted om by a delegation representing the adult bible class of Grace: Church, and the presentation of a nice ivory shaving set for Mr. Pennell and a pair of handsome vases for Mrs. Pennell was made, Prof. 0. A. Meredith, who has ably led the Citizens' band on different oec- caslons, has arrived here to take charge again this season. Mrs. Mere- dith and family are expected to ar- rive later in the season. During the past week William Ed- wards, jr., undertaker, has added an up-to-date motor hearse to his equip- ment. Miss Epsie Meggs, Syracuse, N.Y,, Reginald Meggs, Copper Cliff, Robert A. Orser, Montreal, and Mrs. Amelia Purvis, of Lyn, are spending some time here with gelatives, having been summoned here by the death of the late J. Stanley Meggs. The Misses Theresa Chapman and Lola Baker are spending a short time in Kingston with friends and rela- tives. Mrs. W. K. Crouter, King street spending the past week in Kingston with relatives, has return- ed home. Carleton Mabee, student at Wood- stock College, has arrived in town to spend the holiday season with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Mabee. € Sir Robert Borden and Hon. Ar- thur Sifton left Paris Wednesday morning for London and will proceed to Canada by the first available boat. Sir George Foster and Mr. Doherty will remain in Paris for the present. The Dutch government dendes that it has deeided 40 surrender formes Emperor Willlam. The question at present, it contends, concerns only Germany and the Entente. Fifty London mothers were enroll- ed in the Internatiomal Order of Al- lied Mothers in Sacrifice. California seedless grape fruit at Carnovsky's. : PUBLISHED ANNUALLY " T™HE - London Directory | with Provincial & Forelgn Sections enables traders to communicate direct with MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS in London and in the Provincial Towns and Industrial Centres of the United Kingdom and the Continent of Europe. The names, addresses and other details are classified under more than 2,000 trade headings, including EXPORT MERCHANTS with detailed panticulars of the Goods shipped and the Colonfal and Foreign Markets supplied; STEAMSHIP LINES arranged under the Ports to which they sall, and indicating the approxi- mate Sailings. i One-inch BUSINESS CARDS of "Firms desiring to extend their connéetions, or Trade Cards of DEALERS SEEKING AGENCIES ean be printed at a cost of 8 dellars for each trade heading under which they are inserted. Larger advertisements from 10 to 80 dollars. A copy of tive directopy will be sent by parcel post for 9 dollars, nett cash with order. The LONDON DIRECTORY Co., Ltd. 25, Abehurch Lane, London, EC, 4, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, (Continued from Page 1.) - er that the business should be award- ed to them without calling for new tenders and that they have spared no effort to comply with the require- ments of the city of Kingston It is clear to everyone conversant with asphalt matters and the asphalt market, that the Imperial Ofl, Lim- ited, tender to the city of Kingston was very excellent and close prices, conforming with market conditions. It also is known that the price quoted oni by the U.S, Refining Company did not and does not correspond with the market conditions. If the citizens of Kingston hope in future years to reap benefits of com~ petition and competitive prices they should support the coucil Tn matters of promptly awarding tenders to pars ties furnishing 'quality at minimum prices, Imperial Oil, Limited, has spent considerable money placing the facts regarding the road oil and asphalt business and the methods by which it has previously been handled in the city of Kingston to the ratepayers. Anyone giving the matter thought will realize that the profits from such small contracts as the city has to offer, when awarded to companies on competitive bases, cannot constantly stand the strain of extended $ublic- ity, Therefore, if the citizens wish in future, proper prices on material, they should gertainly demand full ex- planation for the obstructionate tac- ties displayed by the chairman of the Board of 'Warks in continuing to bloék awards of road oil and asphalt tenders to the Imperial Oil, Limited, who are saving the city over $4,000 on the contracts the chairman of the 'Board of Works tried to award. AN EIGHT-HOUR DAY FOR STORE CLERKS Is Now Under Consideration by the Kingston Retail Merch- ants' Association. At a meeting of the Retail Mer- chants' Association held at the Board of Trade rooms Tuesday night, a discussion on working conditions as affecting employees of the local stores took place, and the meeting appointed a committee composed of Charles Taylor (chairman), R.J.Rod- ger, M. S. Grace, D. G. Laldlaw. and B. Abernethy, to discuss ways and means for the betterment of working conditions. it is proposed for one thing to have a set time for business. The suggestion which proved the most fa- vorable was the opening of the stores at 8 a.m. and closing at 5 p.m., with the exception of Saturday night, when it is proposed to close at 9 o'clock. A mass meeting of thé merchants to hear the report of the special com- mittee is called for May 22nd . NEWS FROM NAPANEE. Dance Under Bell Telephone Com- pany Management. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Napanee, May 14.---The manager and staff of the Napanee Telephone Company gave a very enjovable dance in the Town Hall on Monday evening, to about 300 of their friends, The pro- ceeds were in aid of the G.W.V.A, and a substantial sum was raised; The hall was very appropriately decorated in red, white and blue. 'The On-We- (Glide orchestra provided splendid music for the evening. Miss Vera Shorey was at home to a number of her friends on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. L. B. Shorey, Acton, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Warner, and sister, Mrs, H. Anderson, Bridge street. A number of Napanee people took in the play, "II Trovatore," in Kingston, on Tuesday evening. George Shorey returned on Monday to Vancouver, after spending the past two months with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Shorey, Bridge Street. ~ at Harrowsmith. oar Fruit § Candy Store Wateh for fresh strawberries. Fresh, sehasonable fruit all the time, Special sale on Saturdays of home made candy. Frompt service to all 56 'Princess Street, Near King. Phone 27% ood Beard License: * Canada FP Fruit, 8-1020; Canady, 11-410 NM ic Banquet Harrowsmith, May 13.--A fine baquet was held' in the township hall, Friday, in honor of RW. Bro. W. M. Campbell, D.D., G.M., Kings- ton, on his official visit to their lodge, No. 109, AF. and A M., Har- rowsmith. Over eighty memb¥rs were present. R.W. Bro. Burton acted as toastmaster. R.W. Bro. Warren, of Toronto, was among the visiting brethren and gave a fine recitation Other visiting brethren in¢luded R.W. Bro. Smeaton and Bro. H. J. Milne, of Kingston. Bro. W. J. Reed, warden, responded so the teast of the ladies. A special Itoast of the evening was given to i ing the he instrament to his own had re-created 4 t it means when used W. A. Burton, who is leaving Har- rowsmith to accept a position at Kingston Mills, and all deeply re- gret his going away. All wished him every success and prosperity in his 'position. Mr, Burton very fit- tingly replied. © The executive of the Dominion Al- Mance issued a strong protest against the Federal SOverniuent's topos] hin drop prohibi egislation, was forwarded to the acting preter at Ottawa. . X : . Parliament Tuesday voted $350. 000,000 for demobilization, $500,000 $54 Toronto harbor aud $750,000 for finally ~ satisfaction, in describing what 1 Boag : ean fry in our own demonstra- to call and hear artist WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1919. Reply To The Council, Kingston, May 14.--(To the Edi- tor): May we bring to the attenipn of citizens, through your columns, the attitude of the Great War Veter- tns' Associatioh in connection with the appointment of a city garbage in- spector, as according to published reports of the city council meeting on Monday, this assoelation came in for much criticism owing to misin- terpretation (we believe intentional misinterpretation) of our objects, The following is a letter addressed to his worship the mayor, and all members of the city couneil, dated 10th inst.: "Sir,--We beg to request that you will give us your support in endeavor- ing to obtain the re-consideration by the city council of the appointment of W. H. Carson to the position of ggrbage inspector. This request is made on the following grounds: (L) It .is the avowed policy: of the city council, and for that matter of all governing bodies, federal, provinelal and municipal, to give preferred con- turned soldiers for such positions. We feel.that in this case the city council 'have not followed their avowed policy. (I1.) Whilst the re- cord of W. H. Carson was, or should have been, known to all members of the city council, the records of the returned soldier applicants were not known. Such records which are is- sued officially to-us by the military aunthorities are attached hereto, and we believe compare very favorably with that of W. H. Carson. (1H.) We have been unable to obtain sight any authority for the moving of a second amendment to an amendment in council meeting, and believe such authority does not exist. If our be- lief is correct, according to the rules of procedure which govern: such meetings, the appointment of W. H. Carson was "out of order' and should not stand. IV.) Whilst we fully ap- prediate the fact that support had préviously been promised to Mr. Car- son by many aldermen, we feel that had the majority of these gentlemen known that returned soldiers were applying for this position such pro- mises would mot have been made. (V.) Should the appointment of Mr. Carson be allowed to stand, we are of the opinion, however regretfully arrived at) that the city coueil will lose in a great measure that feeling of respect and confidence which the returned soldier previously held for it. Thanking you in anticipation and feeling confident of your support, we are, Ete." According to the press reports, in discussion of this matter, and having reference to the letter quoted above, Ald. Graham declared: 'That the council never avowed the policy of appointing only returned soldiers to civic positions." The mayor stated: "There was nothing in the records of council to show such an intention. The & W.V.A. was resting under a misappkehension." Let us point out, therefore that this association re- quested, or inferred, no such thing, neither is the policy of ithe associa- tion so to do. We state that "it is the avowed policy," ete., to-give pre- ferred consideration to the applica- tion of returmed soldiers for such positions, and we adhere to this statement. At every reception to re- turned men such policy was avowed from the pubMe platform by a re- presentative of the eity council. The city couneil have not followed their avowed policy in the case of the ap. pointment in question' Corbett made a lengthy statement "in which he severely oriticised the action of the G.W.V.A." He said "He been accused of shirking the vote." This association cannot call, to mind accusing AM. Co "ott of any such thing. He said, further: "The G.W.V A. officials who had writ- ten the letters to alMermen had mot given British fair-play.", This state- ment is the reason for the assocla~ tion publishing the letter in question in order that citizens may judge for themselves as to whether we acted fairly or otherwise. jn making our re- quest for a reconsideration. He said, further: *'But when an associa- tion like the G.W.V.A. made a.Cown- right threat, demanding that an *al- derman appear before it to explain why he had not voted as it wished him to vote, it was taking away the man by the throat." May we ask Ald, Corbett, and citizens in general, where is the threat? Ome assertion made by Ald. Corbett, in connection with a list of '"'certain men because they held their own views" being 'posted in thie G.W.V.A. club rooms. AM. Corbett is further reported as having said: "Aldermen come here irrespective of polities." This state] ment does not appear justified in the face of another statement by an al- derman to the effect that he could not vote for ong of the returned soldier applicants because this applicant was once a "Hot Tory." " This association is now regratfully. forced to Abe opinion that the city council have not followed their avow- ed policy to the returned soldier, and | have broken faith. Whether co-op- eration between thé miunleipality and the association can still continue to exist, as 3t has existed in the past, His a question" which remuins to be 'decided : 5 Yours vory truly, GREAT WAR VETERANS' sideration to the applications of re-jfeontinuance of William Cleland, sr., 1 According to the press report, Ald. rights of citizens, 'it is like taking a| { With the Retumed Men. . | There is a great division of opin-{ ion amongst the veterans regarding | the demand of the western branch-, es of the GW.V.A, for a war ser-; vice gratuity of two thousand dol-| lars for all men who have served in | France, The more moderate sec- | tions feel that this is asking for a! tittleh too much. i The new branches of the G. W.| V. A. have been organized in On-| tario during the past week, one at Madoc and one at Southampton, The Brampton G. W. V. A. at a recent meeting raised the sum of fifteen hundred dollars in _fifteen minutes, working among its J Ceylon and Indian Tea Worth from 80c to, $1.00. On Sale at 50c, 55¢, and 60c per pound. This sale ocers an opportunity to housepeskers to buy the best tea at a saving of 25 per cent. on The Thompson Boting Co. r-- Phone 804 members, for the. purchase of a headquarters building. The total cost of the building will be about #ix thousand doilars. The Ontario veterans are object- ing to the appointment of William Cleland, jr., as travelling manager Fresh Cat Flowers Ferns, palms, funeral designs, floral sprays, wedding houguets made to order F. J. JOHNSON, Florist. 115 Brock St. Phone 229, GARDEN SEEDS & MOTH CAMPHOR At Williams' Store 171 Wellington St. Phone 40. a for the Ontario License Commis- rion, and are also opposed to the as manager of the local govern- ment shop. They feel that the time has dome when the applications of returned soldiers for these posi- tions should be considered. So far loans amounting to over one and a half million dollifs have been made to returned soldiers by the land settlement board. Over four thousand soldiers have been approved of as settlers, and are taking over farms. reve) STOCK MARKETS, Quotations Furnished 'by Bongard, Ryerson & €o., 287 Bagot | » Street. ] -- New York Stocks, Opening. Close 95 % 96% 166 1681 76% 79% 87% 88% 109 109% 31 31684 39% 41% 133% 134% 164 48% 119% 187% Atchison LPR. ... NYC..... Reading ... . Southern Pac . So. Railway ... St. Paul ... Union Pacific . Atlantic Gulf . Marine ... ... Marine, pfd. Gen, Motors ..., FF White Pine and Mouldings Nice stocks and well assorted Allan's Lumber Yard Victoria Street Phone 1042 Sts " J) Gage's Cash Grocery Cor.Gore and Wellington Sts. PORK & BEANS Big Reduction in Price--See Our Window Display 18¢ Cans for ... ... ... vo eae Tae AE Bic Cans for. ... ... ... 0. «i cevio son ..20¢ BOEBOAB FOr ... i... vuseve ces rn BEeiess . . 8bc Choice White Seed Potatoes For Sale. Get Our Prices. Phone 248 3 Prompt Delivery a -------- Studebaker 811g 34 Willys-Overland Loc. vas TSN m. ea Arbiwie Loco ... 9955 Am. Smelters ... 79% Apaconda cv... 68 Chino ae 38% Inspiration . 53 Utah Copper ... .. 79% Bethlehem, Steel "B" 761% Crucible... ,.. . MM Midvale ... ... .. Rep. Steel"... ,. U.S. Steel Am. Can. Am. Car Fdy, . Distitfers ... .... ind. Alcohol ... Tobacco: Prods, 46% 855 101% 56% 104 97% 1556 88% Montreal Stocks, 67B. 85% 87% G18, 63% Victory Loan, Braziban ... Can. Steamship, Can. Loco. |... Dom. Steel ... .. Steel of Canada ... pra. 100% 10055 102% 104% 102% BEER THAT KICKS I8 STILL BARRED | Federal Bill Prolongs the Pro- | hibitory Order ies On- || tario Votes Wet. -- Ottawa, May 14.--The temperance question was discussed in the Com- mons yesterday on a resolution in- troduced by Sir Thomas White to ra- |] tify and 'confirm the order-in-Coun- cil enforcing prohibition as a war measure... The acting Premier said this was still a war year, and there was urgent need for thrift and efi- ciency, therefore the bars and liquor shops should remain closed and the mantifacture of aleoholic beverages should be kept down to the minimum. He promised an amendment to per- mit the importation of light wines from France into the province of Quebec, and intimated that the Do- minion Government would allow tae people of any Province in Canada to have their favorite drinks. It On- tario, for example, favers stronger r than 2% per cent., the Domin- fon Government will not stand in the Announcement ! Men Who Want the New Style When They're New . You will find them at our store made up of Scotch and English tweeds, blue or black serges, or fine vacunas. Prices to your satisfaction. Inspection invited. We also carry a big stock of all kinds furnishings, trunks and suit cases, Barnet Lipman The Up-to-Date Clothing and Men's Furnishing Store oo Demand Increasing for .Toye's Wrapped Bread Is your table being supplied with this bread to-day? If not, try it and convince yourself of its quality. Phone 1167 and our salesman will call. way. The acting Premier explained that after the new law is passed Que- bee breweries will be able to produce a beer with a kick up to fivelper cent. proof spirits. : The acting Premier's - resol was given first and second readings, and a measure based upon it will be introduced very shortly. 3 YUKON NAVIGATION OPENS, ee ; Chance to Get to R n 14.--The first log of Yukon na ion from Lake Labarge to Dawson is now opening, and boats are en route here ] Barge, where 200 Two Hundred Are Waiting for the |} Dawson, i Il Cc. w. LINDSAY If you want a Phonograph with a full, round, elear tone The Columbia should be your choice. No mat- ter what model you ehoose you'll get an i tment with ample tone for dancing, outdoor entertainment . or any other requirement. The LINDSAY store is , the logical place to get vour-Grafonola, = ? Grafonolas $30 up--R ! & 5 3 5 = Limited 121 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON Montreal, Oflawa, Quebec, Brockville, Heligvilie alidiPhreo Rivers A -- sr --------------------=----