Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 May 1919, p. 7

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i | The People's Forum |as} e 'eople's Forum GRAND Tacorporated . ~ To-night & Saturday B Funds ... ...96,625023 2 = = Oviiortinition n Vhgindis THC Foam 5 nidong bog few ; | ..De Vogue SR dern wants can be Supplied without if. y : " ELLA LA VAIL CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES WANTED GENERAL FOR SALE. bi Crea ed in no bety @) 40 Uy means of a Sallngs Account at we Petite Aerialist Insertion Esch con | WORK FOR A GOOD CHARWOMAN. 'FOUND ALMOST NEW COOK STOVE, OHEAD, For over iat ba ak Br « jThe Season's Greatest Film secutive issertion thereaftes, haif- Telephone 1444. : Apply 25 James St. FOr over KLy. years 1 A nk of Toronto has provic ef t 4 cent 8 word. Minlmum charge for tert pen, A RAIN HAR APPLY TO i J iy th oe Canadian. peop) 1 during ! COMMON CLAY one insertion, WANTED --- SMALL UNFURNISHED Montreal Street. LARGE ROAN MARE. APPLY JAMES this } A man ous ¢ # have benefited by it 4 i { - > 4 - 3 th, house by Jdne ist. Apply to Box SUM OF MONEY ON PRINCESS Curson, 28 Kllis street. and ervice. ! 7 Reels Presenting « harming L-8, Whig Office. street on Thursday last. -------- Your Banking. Account is invited | FANNY WARD Owner may have same A CABINET GRAFOMOLA. APPLY IN No Advance in Prices HELP WANTED. SMALL HOUSE WITH 4 OR 5 ROOMS, Proving. property. . ApRlf at evening, 381 Barrie street. L A oan 3¢ fo € opportunities and emergenciey or § or 4 unfurnished rooms. Ap- Whig Office, or at Lake View . ply Box 775, Whig Office. Hotel 4 CYL, 2 CYCLE, 20 HP. ENGINE. -- i { " . . [HE | Matinee f Evening CHAMBERM AID WANTED. APPLY ROSARY ON = PRINCESS ST. ADDly Box 410 Whig Oot. 10¢ & 15 15¢ & 25 Rundolph Hotel. MEDIUM-SIZED HOUSE, NOT TOO Apply Whig Office. C | > GIR FOR. STORE APPLY far. out, for young couple. Would A GOLD RING: OWNER OAN OVERLAND 73 TOURING, JUST i : Bui » : pay Rood rental Apply Box §8, have the same by enquiripg overhauled; four new tires; phone ' } MONDAY. MA Grimis, 102 Princess. Walg Office. ; at 119 Earl street and prov- 215. i o i G x > . ing property. OF t , MAY 12 JAN TO rut N SARDEN. . APPLY UHNISHED HOUSE IN GOOD LOCAL-{l A SUIT CASE BEARING A THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE A. . g | Bargain Mat. 2.30; Ev'g. 8.15. } Jal ageau x ity In or near Kingston, from June name and address, Macleod, irish, of *Bath, Ont. Apply to Geo. : ; W. Irish, 42 Goar street, Hamilton, The Rollickin~ » ics . . =a 1st, to November, Ist. Apply to Box Alta, on Portland road, Branch Manager k fusical ( omedy MAIDS oR a EN ERAL HOSPITAL. 205, Whig Office. near Murvale school on Ont. ADPiy 2 --. April 27th, Owner may GRO, "= gee ~ MUTT and JEFF MAID FOR DINING ROOM. APPLY|HEAVY TEAMING AND MOVING, have same by appl ing to the || THAT DRSIRABLE PROPERTY AT : -- : Ywe g 1 Sth plowing of Main and Amn ep -- 3 4 : EY >; gardens, sodding lawns, Postmaster, at ount Ches- the corner -A, 196 Johnson street. moving ashes, etc. James Curson' ney, Ont. streets. Frame house and building i * » rr dts Sener A A Se Phone 1523w, 28 Em i COMPOS S ANTED, THAD a3iw, 2 vlilg sireet. m the COMPOSITORS WANTED, SOUTHAM FOUND. ARTICLES ADVER- : Le TISED F! RUBBER TIRE RUNABOUT AND 3 ess, 19 Puncan street, Torofto. SECOND-R Np, UPRIGHT FIANO 3 . n Roun ' TSE ¢ p Or cash or In part payment of new Anyone finding anything an Gladstone one horse lumber wag: or a e p WO( LY WEST HOUSE PAINTER. APPLY CHAS, Dignos and grafonolas, C. W. Lind~ wish ng to reach the Ads 3 may gon, I Can be seen from 8 to 15 3 y lot. Apply 42 Main St. : : Jichent, 26 Plum street. Phone mited. 121 Princess street. do 80 by reporting the facts to at 379 Princess street. a . . { A Long and Ling®t¥ing Laugh From as ter w---- The British Whig. The adver- - -- Brick house, 6 rooms, central location, in Start to Finish, With a WANTED--PORTER, NIGHT CLERK, ovine macans HAND SiNGe at ralL bo, printed in "this Ra a, SUMNER COTPAGE AT ... . * waitress Prince George Hotel cabinet aM. £ b > . he : \ y good condition, for $1650, on easy terms. || Real Singing and Danc- Avpif tomes" © rr APD shots pd. Luin - [1 Shener. 6 Bonk {sirees OWTol ee . . . : - ---- - "ABC. Whig Office. : = - This is a bargain. No information over ing Chorus A Dahon SEERA House.) ee tel h C 1 ADDIY to 27 Sydenham Btreet. "| WANTED --OLD FALSE TEETH, LOST. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND eiephone. all at office. P tt Girls y. Yo 27 ree. ome matter if broken, I pay. B10 1 summa ---------------- Selections; your ova stvalot Hebe. = re ig RENE EES Ere 5 pen set. Send by parcel post r a AVENING "--- 'erms, cash, r wee. . 4 A HOUSEKEEPER, REFERENCES 'and receive check by return mail, | ON Ta AY IE ENLNG, A BLACK ddndsay, Limited, 5a Princess St. SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, NO J. K. CARROLL AGENCY | Catchy Music Tt Ae Watt #74 3 Epics Check by shorn wal OF RERRAY,, = Street. : : 15 Aberdeen avenue, corner of Wile "Phones 68, 874W, 3 * . 9 : EDICINE * 3 Fun and Frolic RESPECTABLE = WOMAN. 70 DO | Foor BUY YOUR SCRAP IRON, SMALL GOLD MEDICINE 10 YEAR. liam street, 'containing 10 ropms plain cooking; also one to assit in metal, rubber and ra y ro 4 N " Dr L | gs. We also p> Whig Office. large lot, verandah, furnace, gas, The Biggest Hit of the Season sare A Children. Apply "at Or sell dll kinds of bags, 'including for return to Whig Office elc. Apply on the premises. PRICES, MAT.: 25¢, 33c. 50 iy i fed flour and potato bags, sult-| yoUNG COLLIE PUP, LIGHT FOX yey AXWELL, Svening, B50, SOc. Tac 81.00 * |GIRL TO DO PLAIN COOKING: NO Moor farmers and.merchants. color, on York Road. Finder kind-| AUTOM BILE: oh MA roa, 3 H L BEDFORD ] Evening: 25¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1.00. washing, ironing or upstairs work. street on, & Company, 140 Rideau ly notify F. J. Salsbury, 21 Sixth Ver a a Tole Se x o Rae t b ; SEATS NOW ON SALE Apply Mrs. Harold Davis, 174 jireet. Phone 2057. street, or phone 1038]. McLaughlin's and one Ford true Ste wl t Street » : ------- Tires and condition first class. Ap- flewart Streel. ly 218 University Avenue, Phone 1 Ww. N MONDAY EVENING OR TURSDAY ply AGENTS WANTED. morning, five stone diamond ring. 2160 » d :™ -- - Auctioneer FV M7] | ONE NIGHT ONLY |i corinne mvs saya. oi REAINE SLIMY y Es > No washing por ironing. Refer » a AE a a aT ---------- inder ndly return to § Gore . N NY SJ if M ences required. Apply in the {WANTED--MEN OR WOMEN TO IN. street and receive rewdrd ; Ring to rrie ran froduge marvellous household dis- THAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, NO (Returned soldier, late of O.M.R.) : TUESDAY ay 13 evening to $4 Barrie street. cover}: sens on sight; experience AND TAN | COLLIE PUP, 153 University avenue, : te J y : A BLACK : oppost ng spring house sales, List 2 . TE IN y unnecessary; . practically hundred /hite mia Y brass studded col. Queen's University, owned by Pro sales early pi secure dates. Office, : © NN 4 Y The Musical Event of the Season MEN. _-- wouns an LH DST hoitig profit; send ten conta for Ienite Ans s a of Poddy oi 1e Santi Pos ieaton May iad 0 a gS ' rence. Apbhiv Hh (Og P wenty-five cent sample. Linscott Returs 265 Barrie Stree nd re ce, ,500. un~- $W.V.A. Rooms. Phono 2191w. Ey Boston English Opera] 5i%..Ar5,at gic of Canada|. twenty-five cont sample a ey, Partie Street and sv ningham, solicitor. ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM; IDEAL Com any a Ep AY GoLD CHAIN AND PENDANT SET water front, nine miles west of - P THREE FUR TO-LET, i poatls, aosdey, petween 3 Kingston; good house and summer and 6 p.m. inde ney ¥ coftage, roomy barns. . Close to : Niles Welch ; ar machinist - ' . § 8, u machinist for id Presenting. Verdi's Berutiful Romantic power + machhie Steady employ. | FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHIED to 320 University Avenue, or phone school and cheese factory. Apply ol ", The Winnin Girl yen ment. Good pay. John McKay, rooms. Apply 230 Barrie street. 1083w, Reward gn premises, Manson Smith, Hopde, lins Bay. 1 Limited, The Fur ond A Wan Lan gor whine 5 Shoovughy esses B* ee eri be niin | FIRST OLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; % A Me on. 1 thorough des Whar E N WANTED--SPARE TIME all "mprovements; centrally locat- STRAYED, * A NUMBER OF SURGICAL INSTRU- <P ; 0 uh ie nr pe Sr it et oc ge teadily---selng our guaranteed ed. Apply 243 Brock street. ments and medical books belong. 28 and plants. Outfit free. Lib- FURNISHED ROOMS SUITABLE FOR |A SMALL PUP STRAYED TO STUART me to he estate of the Jate-R. nt eral commission. Brown Brothérs s x ne r Mri *, Macdonald, Kilborn, May be meen at the Limited, light housekeeping, in good loecal- SireL Bing Mrs. J. PF. : : residence of Mrs. Kilborn, corner Also Ethel Clayton in Maggie o any. Nu BM Wh fi $10v 3 Ww m streets BR pany. e pen, ity. Apply Box 58, Whig Office. & King and William street a Pepper Brown Nurseries, P.O, Ontario. HAVE - In Five Acts And Five Scenes of Lavish STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEtN : - Splendor A Mal BY JUNE 18 INE W¥ ' | war pL 2 - LTT Mendy rats LL LT, ONE Ho and dry. Apply KE. E. Wathen DRESSMAKING. WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS oF FULL SCENIC PRODUCTION ing or irening. Good wages. Re- 143 Nelson Street. Phone 1391), hb T good second hand . furniture and ferences required. Apply svsnfies MRS. FERGUSON HAVING RESUMED ve Ang pand re and utt and Jeff Great Cust of Principat; Selected between 7 and 4 o'clock. Mie | BRICK HOUSE, NO, 116 JOHNSON ST. business, solicits your patronage. And Catniiane torson having Stoves : Possession at once, Apply 180 Spring suits a speciality; 4a Orc- pay highest prices. J. Thompson, Chorus James A. Hendry, Cor. King and oo " a ~ Mack Sennett Comedy West streets. Barrie street. Phone 1074w. hard sfreet, near Cotton Mill 333 Princess Street. Phone 1600w - Hear opera in the language you can et -------------------------------- er 4 ~ eo TO! o NTTURE, MISS ICHARDSON DRESSMAKER, EXAMINED Understand and at prices you can 81-[GOOD = POSIPIONS -- vo rue' and ary Meta Teal Eatare having resumed' business, solicits] ] b > G Ww V A ford to pay. trained men in Telegraphy and Agency, 86 Brock street. Phone orders for fall and winter work. a io CTORCYCLES IN Soon «YW. V.A., Rallway Agent's work. Unless you] wD "0 70 Brock af Sermo Address 202 Alfred street. fect bicycles; all makes of bi- . 5 PRICES: 25e, 30c, 73¢, $1.00, $1.30 . Finie 4 3 . PDT Aaa --_-- s - By our optometrist and yon (Incorporated) : : : : L Bandieanclently rained you arel swe at RNISHED REDROOMS WiTH cycles rdpaired and to rent; also 3 . SEATS ON SALE SATURDAY andicapped. Eight hour day with or without. board; no light house- baby carria tl whilk will be sure of acemrate work x 3 Hb niet big - pay to arte Six months Keeping. Apphy Box W, Whig Of- ARCHITECT 1; carriage res put on 8 General Meeting--Mondays at 7.36, MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED NOW i ping Pay. . 8 you wait. George Muller, 371-374 and complete satisfaction from Band or p= S * . £3 Be ae training. required. 'Railway forms, fice. You . 4 your glasses. x » ae Cha ena. hm, Tm te Canadian textbooks, eleven expert POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, King street. Phone 1032w, Your glasses. Richn irl Tha H i, Ind We d esda MAY 14 pnstructors, and the Canadian Na-| SUMMER COTTAGE, FURNISHED, chants Bank Bullding, and nda Ys 4 . tional wires branching into the Brophy's Point, Wolfe Island.. Ap- Brock and Wellington Sts. EGGS FOR HATCHING, BARRED school insures results. Free Book ply to J. J. Brophy, 50 Wellington aa Plymouth Rocks, bred from 4th R J R er NA mms | The Boyle Amusement Company 13 aesoribas day and Jail Sourses street, City. . PERSONAL Kingston cockerel; and black Ham- Presents f z Irish Ae te Dominio ool Railroad- Er ------------------------ i -------- burgs, bred from lst ingston ale NOTICE. sents the Young Irish Actor, ing, Toronte, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS cockerel, 1st, 2nd and 8rd pullets, fry, airy rooms; your own lock and and all growths and skin blem- All birds bred from winter" iay. As my wife, Ossie Augusta Wart ' ~ 3 : rost's City Storage, 299 {shes removed. - ers. 1.50 per setting, 13 eggs SD anentiy, with A 3 Chas: berry" 68 'Beverly Street, 34 has left my bed and board without " . 132 Princess Street ¢ 1 Ar ¢ Barry LEGAL. Queen siveet. Phone 526; res. 989, out scar; 30 years' experience. Dr, cause, I will not be responsible for any ul J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose Kingston mer . S y y & y . bills or debts contracted by her. : We Are FKyesight Specialists LIED her, B. STANGHAN, BARRISTER THIS DEPARTMENT 1s ALwavs Throat and Skin Specialist, - 258 lad . Ba Spor rea and solicitor. e, - - . 63 Stephen Street Mc( ormack ence street. ce, 79 Clar to hear from anyone thinking] __ P2fot st EGGS FOR HATCHING, FROM MAR. Nisin . ned | Sdvertising. tin and Saunders White Wyandot- z e or one u ou - e tes, win in layin ontest and win Re out FOR SALE. & 8 © Target Shooting in the d-act Irish Comedy Droma FINANCIAL re ab 6 to hel tish in big competition in show, room. . Ry oN i SEATED Gov Eggs fro rize winner $3.00 to LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE DOUBLE SEATED COVERED PHAR. $5.00 Dor LB Tol ils egKRs All those interested in the sport of > +o N Arget s ME' of fle Rae Fire Insurance Company. Availabl on; cheap. Can be seen at Mr} ° rnte ped" free . target shooting on a rifle range, re ; aate 61 AeA 1D. ba Saal ble FURNISHED - BRD AND SPITTING MacGregor's, 24 Russell street. suarante ed 'or replaced free, Jo in te fo. aitend a meeting to be held ] which, the policyholders have for room; also one large bedroom. se Pobl) arhile. [Phone 2301" R~4, ta mamouries, on Friday evening, security the unlimited Hability o suitable for one or two ladies or| TWO HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES ELL. Portsmouth, 4 "hone i at 8 pm. (Signed) eity proverty, insured at. lowest gentlemen. Breakfast if desired. gible for registration. W. SWALVE, possible rates. Before renewing Close to Park. 8+ Lower Union} 5, Ceylon Robinson, Portsmouth | npaUTHF UL, FAST MOTOR LAUNCH, de fon Se business get street. I --------l-- 26 feet long, equipped with 30 h.p, AUCTION SALE A Thrilling Love Story of the Emer Agents. Phone 335. 9, 16 INCH CORD WOOD, HARD AND Brennan, 3. Sylinder, 3.=yele Shelne : ald lIsie, by Rida Johnson Young BOARD. Soft mixed; 'wiso hard and soft ect 18 ae Yr hos est sea och HaXs JOth, Market Square, 12| The Great Race Track Scene in the FRONTENAC xOAN AND INVEST. orig. Apply New England Bak- boa Kingston, t , rack Scene in the . T boat In Kingston. Auto control o'clock. Auto track, 30 haps In good " ment Soclety: incorporated 1861] B 3%" ery. . i condition: will demonstrate; 2 sets win-| 10IFd Act © Acclaimed by 'Toronto President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.: vice "hon BLE BOARD, 3500 3 ER JOP: Sido curtaine: cushions, ear- le harness; 4 milk cows, and other ar- Crities to be the Most Vivid and resident, A. e week. Apply 2 Colborne street. AUTOMOBILE TOPS, CUSHIONS, SLIP fos: fenders: fe Droservers, xt. ticles. . Exciting Fver Seen in That City oney ' issued on city covers, ete. 15 vears at the busi- lution indicator, Pyrene fire extin. Wm. Murray. He Met: B : ty properties, municipal and count: ness. Judson's Auto Tops, Brock- gulsher, composition fire extin. 2k re ear Mr. McCormack Sing: "She's debentures; mortgages purchased: DENTAL. vilie guisher. Electric lights, anchor, AUCTION SALE « _|irish," "Words From an Irishman's jnvestment bonds for sale; deposits - aye. Boat, and Famine Tn, Soad Op Itmot, why not buy them from| ; Tongue," | "Who Knows," "Ireland C. CARCWHIENL, anager or car | me He pris sireor Pitas HORIZONTAL WOILER 10 FEET Snider, 33 Aberdeen avenue. Hoag. . We have them in pack- Ford car will be sold at public ane: | Yow're the Motherland." ence street, Kingston. 663. ---- long: 42 inch diameter: also 6.x 10 Phone 1586w or 2197 for demons - Ald ting r stration. age and bulk. tion, Market Square, Saturday, May | PRICES: 2 ry B0c¢, T5¢, $1.00. o - - inch single drum hoisting engine. 104th, at 12 noon. DR. GORDON ©. DEWAR, DENTIST, James Swift & Company. P o HOAG'S H. 1. BEDFORD, Auctioneer, ST 3 D PAPERHANGING Street Prone 1egy, "00 Montreal . BATEMANS REAL ESTATE AGENCY. - PAPER HANGING, PAINT DURING Be ING SEASON WE or 2 AT ING, URING THE MOVING SEAS : Drug Stor : sin NG, " |DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. i exchange 3 or 4] 2200--~ROUGH CAST SE, 8 : ¢ g Per and pam som. Var a sts, 189 "Wellington street, over Sy haan Ab ctchange at aif- rooms, down town 1ootton: istas : ot. per and paint f h vi , Branch Post Office, Kingston : prices and be convinced on your Carnovsky's. Phone 348, ferent prices, R. J. Rodger. -- ' THURS., FRI, SAT. - Rowley: 297 Quoner. Jangt NE ons \ $400--LOT, 50 FOOT FRONTAGE ON N WANTED TAXL CORNWALL REED ORGAN IN PER- Macdonell street, near Johnson. ME r WANTED immediately men of good Kingston's Favorite, Beautiful 268). ' Ait at ain at $25.00 a v Pp oyal 1 ect condition; Mmrgaln "0 . Canad ok ores Artiery a hy PAINTING, eR Sepvess, TAXI DRIVER, @iso a large "Echo" make concert] 3500--BRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS; Royal Canadian Garrison Artillery = . : Phone 602m. size gular $7.00; can be seen ut all improvements; hardwood floorg 3 4 T £ Ar 3 465 Albers street. Phone 3263w, and stable. : 1. Age, 'Between 18 and 45 years. SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, B DO FERTILIZERS : : fet iod ot TD Yours. Cherarandellers Ha J. EDUCATIONAL. RESSED PRICK HOUSE: ALL 3 es of pay 1¢ OWRNCES [wn I he i] 2 NA A . #00007 o : A 2 Bry. Sgt. Hajor $1.80 per day. A : a 204 Aen root. FIRST SLAs so A aA, - PBodern; Slegtric Shes, hardwood 4 A Bt. QM, Sgt. $1.70 per day. . y - . CG , best of condition; also goo loors, goo garden, Br ens PAY Q Jh:40- UPHOLSTERING. A enter Dntveraio Divtanare| = stove. siient salesman and lege trance. Beautiful location.' . Sergeants, $1 or day. ' : . Cornaran 30 nen day. ° anaforts and theory oval table; ean be seen at 290 On- --- Read this average for 5 years: Bombmrdiers, $115. per day. cary OR DROF A CARD TO Ww, J. College of Music), Rates roason. tarfo street, near Queen. $2300--RRICK HOUSE, IMPROVE. No fertilizer, 120 Dushels to Gunners and Drivers, $1.10 per day. : Ison Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot able. Vera V. Adam, 110 Clarence ments. Central, 20 y the acre. - Excellent gftd ample rations street. street : - set. Phone 1430. > oe - EET 8 So. a FANDY ala Ts 24 x on] FARM--130 ACRES, 8 MILES FROM he a Fertilizer, 166 bushels to . Kee ua 8rs, 6 inch in Ast condition Cl > re. - Free Medion] Attendance. . mehes, As 2 2 Fertilizer, 131 bushels to Pree Clothing { . --- Speed about § miles: $350, ApIY Kingston; bank barn sad silo, re to J. Driver, Real Estate Agent, Cdn ot KLHAL 0 oy ; rie OHA. good horsts wi ® : King street, ) 130 WELIANGTON. PHONE 390, ae Vertitnes this year, Ei at a The Ey For In the Island of Intrigue ; 5. : 4 : nen ida Ch enlisted os 2 ; DON'T MISS rr ¢ 8 7? & cs J, Ah iar grand Devend-| ETHEL CLAYTON ] fe TAKING ORDERS FOR PRESENT DELIVERY 2 = ~=R.C. we $ IM ==IN-- i ; o : a wie Side THE MANHUNT 'Il - ' May on: 33h. 100 PER CENT. OF WINTER'S COAL All aBplications por oalistment should P ) i To the Citizens of Kis : . gon : 3 BIT 5 fie Sp To mi ie | RL, WHI Falun the brie ot nearly 5 SUPPLY fs) ; b : y: : : being fully aware » importance ; Sing ' | Deparimons of Militia 'and Dedends, The Hightaing Raider oh community. by Get your coal in now and avoid recurrence of past frig. aoa Ape 16.380. arold Loyd Samed ly. a "troubles. : n the Strand Magazine J FOR SALE A NUMBER OF MILITARY

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