YEAR 86, NO. 95 .. The Sp ch vr rhe 2nd Canadian Battalion was mobilized at Valcartier in August, 1914, and with it went one company of men from Kingston. This was "E" Company of the original bat- talion, and it contained 4 large num- ber of men belonging feo the city. ~The following is a list of the Kings- ton officers, N.C.0.'s and men who left for overseas with the unit in Oc tober, 1914; : Captain 1. I. Goodwin (now presi- dent of the Kingston G.W.V.A), Ident. G. T. Richardson (killed, with the rank of saptain), Lieut. J. * H. Stewart, Lieut. Calvin W. Day (killed), Sergt. John Bentley, Cor- poral Harry Singleton, Sgt. A. E. Cross, Corporal F. J. Edwards, Cor- poral 8. J. Murray, Corporal Chas. Hicks (now manager of gthe Veter- ans'. Clothing Store, Kingston), Lance-Corporal W. M. Burton, Lance-Corporal ¥, Smith, and Pri- vates J. A, Atkins, W. J. Ayres, J. Barry, George Barry, M. B. Brown, E. W. Buse,"]. G. Billings, C. Bry- ant, Gordon Byron, Ewart G. Clarke, TP. Connolly, Burt Charlton, Allan M. Davidson (killed), Mark Davy, J. C. Ewart, 0, G. Fillion, William .Fleet, John Flitz, 1. H. Haynes, | moved out of the firfmg line the pret William T. Havery, G. T. Hagen, | vious morning. At the bridge cross- Thomas Hancock, W..C. Holthan, [#8 the Ypres canal, guides met the Robert Hughes, William A. Keo, battalion, and the extraordinary pre- Thos. Litebfield, Percy G. Lucas, A, [cautions which were taken to hide its J. Macdonald, D. E. MacDonald, H,|movements indicated the seriousness J. McGall, Edmund Montgomery, R.|Of its errand. F. Neilson, James G. Pollard, Wil- The battalion suffered heavy Ham Ramsay, W. 8. Smallridge, T.||oss0s at this very spot only a few J. Smith, Thomas Stephenson, D. H. days before, and a draft of five offi- Stangield, John L. Shangrow, Wil-| caps and men of this draft received liam C. Trencer, BE. W. Warren, |an awful baptism of fire within prae- George Henry Wickham, Georgeltically a few hours of their arrival Gordon, Sherbourne Wilder (recent- at the front High explosives were ly returned fo Kingston); Charles bursting and thundering;; there Bostridge, Marry W. Sutherland, [were shells searching hedgerows and Arthur B, Wilkinson, David Camp- |¢he avenue of trees between which bell, Brice D, Douglas, R. G. Mac {the battalion marched, and falling in Leod. dozens into every scrap of shelter There were the men who went {where the enemy imagined horses or from Kingston to Yorm part of the |waggons might be hidden. Slowly original 2nd Battalion, Many of land cautiously, the march continued until the battalion arrived behind the first line trench held by a Scotch Jbattalion. Through this line Colonel |Watson and his men had to pass, and on every side were strewn the bodies of scores of Ghurkas, the gallant little soldiers who had that morning perished while attempting the almost impossible task of advanc- ing to the assault over nearly seven hundred yards of. open ground. When the battalion reached ithe place where the trenches were to be dug, two companies were led out by Colonel Watson' himself, to act as cover to the other two companies, which-then began digging along the line marked by the engineers. 'And if ever men worked with nervous en- ergy, these men did that night. The enemy rifles on the ridge came the ping of bullets, which mercifully passed overhead, glthough, judging from the persistency and number of their flares, the enemy must have known that wirk was being done. Tt was two o'clock in the morning be- fore the work was finished, and the battalion turned its back upon about as bad a situation as men have ever seen. The return to the . billets at Viamertinghe was distressing in the extreme. Officers and men, alike A group of 2nd Battalion Sergl. A. E. Cross, of Kingston. CAPTAIN A. D.-MeCOD Formesly ulation vd the British Whig He wenl overseas with the First Field Ambulages, which is returning to Kingston til week, - these now lie in their last resting places in France and Belgium. Many wthers have been disabled -and are dlready back in théir homes. It is certain that very few, if any, of them will be left to return to Kingston with the unit. Many have won pro- motion and decorations. -They are men of whom Kingston can justly be KINGSTON. ONT endid 2nd Battalion... wrisoners of war, fincluding g No. 1 Canadian Ambulance. The First Canadian Field Ambu- lance, which also returns on Tues- day, along with the other units to be received by the city, also went overseas with the first contingent, and is: therefore Kingstan's first medical unit. It is worthy of note because of the fact that it was taken overseas by ILi.-Coel., now Brig - Gen. A. E. Ross, one of Kingston's most distinguished soldiers. Al- though the unit is returning +o -King- ston for disposal, and is commanded at present by a Kingston boy, Major R. M. Filson, only nineteen of the original unit were Kingston volun- teers. They left here in August, 1614, and sailed for overseas in Oc- tober. The Kingstonians who went with the original unit were: Lt.-Col. A. BE. Ross, Capt. A. D. McConnall (of the Whig Staff), Private James M. Adams, now attending Queen's University; StaffSergeant Thomas Flint, Staff-Sergeant, , now Major Kenneth Mundell, Corporal Noble Armstrong, Private G. Childs, Pte. Frank A. Conway, Private John Fannon, Private _James Livings, Private, now Corporal, €. LeSau- vage, who earned a great reputation in helping to fight the influenza epi- demic in Kingston last October: Pri- vate Alwin Metcalfe, Private Bern- ard Roach, Private George W.. Rose, Private P. J. Dougherty, and Private William Pearn. A number of these men returned to Kingston to com- plete medical courses at Queen's, and other have returned as casual- ties. Most of the reinforcements which bave gone to the 1st Field Ambulance have been sent from Kingston, so that there are now a good sprinkling of Kingson men ix the unit. The 4th Field Battery. The 4th Canadian Field 'Battery of artillery, which went overseas in Oc- tober, 1914, =s one of the units of) the first contingent under the com- mand of Major George H. Ralston. teries of the division commenced fir- ing on certain selected points of the enemy's front.™ At six o'clock, the infantry, working to the minute on advance orders, knocked down the parapet in front of the two entrench od guns, and so uncovered their field of fire. The guns opened fire instantly on the German positions, und in ten minutes had disposed of six machine gun emplacements, lezelled 'the Cer- man parapets to pieces, and had cut every inch of wire, Our infantry at- tacked immediatély after the firing for the last shot, and¥just as the Ger- man batteries began ranging on the two guns. A shell burst over and ' we | The Daily British Whig [ran ARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1919 Above all otoers-- baby's things must look sand be absolutely clean. Soap in the one soep to nse--because of its puority--because of the ease with which it cleanses 3 \ garments without rubbing, BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO . m---- THIRD SECTION FORD CARS FOR SALE We have a few used Ford Cars which we can sell reason able. ' All automobile repair work guaranteed. Central Garage 835 King St. Phone 2185 Lake Ontario Trout behind the. right section gun, killing three of its crew anil wounding Lieut. Craig and Corporal King who died] of his wounds. Lieut. Kelly was | wounded a few minutes later. Ser-| geant MuaéDougall = found Lieut. | Craig lying helpless among the dead and dying, and carried him back fo a jdressing station. Later the right sectioh gun. was smashed by a direct hit. On the following night, what 'remained of the two guns was re- moved back to safety. For their part in this battle Lieut. Craig won the Military Cross, and Sergeant-Major Kerry was awarded the Medal of St. George, -second class. The 3rd Field Battery. The 3rd Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, went overseas with the first contingent when it sailed from Can- ada in the first week in October, 1914. At that time it was command- ed by Major Russell H. Brittom, of Gananoque. Other officers of the battery were Captain, now Lieut.- Col.,¥J.) C. Stewart, son of Postmas- ter James Stewart, of Kingston; Lieut. W. F. Smith, Kingston; Lieut. H. Taylor, SHRGT. MAJOR 8. WILDER ; No. 3 Distriet Dépot, wha went over- seas with the original 2nd Battalion, N\ other officers, one from Alberty and the other from New Brunswick. In the original battery there were about forty men whose homes were in Kingston. They left the city in August, 1914, and were mobilized at proud, as the first to go with .an infantry unit from the Mty. The part. played by the 2nd Bat- talion in the battle which is now known as the second battle of Ypres was a notable, a gallant one. All through the battle they were in the thick of the fighting, from the 22nd to the 27th of "April, 1915. Under their gallant eommander; Lt.-Col, now Major-General D, Watson, they withstood attack after attack and, at the cost of many casualties; held the line against overwhelming odds. | But. it was a fitting - climax. to the story of the Canadians at Ypres that the last blows were struck by the "nd Battalion. Lieut.-Col. Watson, on the evening of Wednesday, April 28th, was ordered to advance with his battalion and dig a Hne oftren- ches which were to link up the French on the left and an English battalion on the right. It was both a difficult and a dangerous task, and the colonel could only employ two companies todig, while the other two acted as cover, . worn but, slept on the march oblivi- ous of route and, direction. A few days later the brigade withdrew to billets at Bailleul, and the 2nd Bat- talion's share in the Second Battle of Ypres was finished, at'a terrible cost of lives, but with a great glory add- cd to the regiment, They started. out at seven o'clock | in the evening trom the field in which they had bivouacked all day west of Brielen, and made north towards St. Julie. And, even -as they started, there was such a hail of shrapnel, in- tended either for the farm which served as the battalion's headquar- ters, or fof the road junction which they would have to cross, that they 'were compelled to stand fast. "At eight-o'cloek; however, Colonel Wats son was able to move on again; and, as the men mavrehed worth, terrible scenes en route showed the fury of was one of 'the first Canadiana artil- lery units to come in for special mention and to gain distinction. This appe ~ at Givenchy, the battle in which the Canadians took part in June, 1915. On June 12th the Battery received orders to place two guns in the Canadian first Ine trench, at.a point near Givenchy known as "Duck's Bill," a place well known to the boys of the first brigade, and 'to . have them dug in and protected by sand bags by the morning of the 15th. The German trench was only 75 yards away at _jthis point, and the purpose of the two guns was to cut wire, level para- pets and destroy machine gun em- placements on a front of two hun- dred yards. The positions for the field guns in the trench were ready by the night of the 14th, and at dine-thirty of that night the two uns, their wheels muffled with old otor ties, left the battery's position near the canal, and, in charge of Cap- {tain Stockwell and Sergeant-Major Kerry, passed through Givenchy. At this point the horses were unhooked, and the guns were drawn to their position in the front line trench by hand. Shells were also drawn in by hand, in small armoured wagons. The guns were protected by one- quarter inch armour plate, and their crews Temajned with. them through the right. v . The right section gun was com- manded by Lieut. € 8. Craig, with Sergeant Miller as number one on the gun, a the left section gun by Lieut. L. 8. Kelly, with Sergeant E. CORPL. & J MURRAY A member of the original 2nd Bats talion Who was a prisoner in Germany. the artillery duel which had been in progress since the battalion = had MACDONELL'S EPILOGUE rr ------ ; re 7 To Officers "and = Men of the 1st On the demobilization of the 1si Canadian Division, Major-General | . Sir Archibald Cameron Macdonell, | the general officer commanding the has r fe, ope bh « The 1st Canadian Division division, addressed the following [proved on many a bloody, triumph. the divi jut Siely that it js the +l gE our 'victories, our glorious dead who fell battling for -the Rignt, and therefore féll in the Peace of fore--aour maimed and matilated Canada's care, and ours, epllogiie to all ranks of th A gion. It fs a stirring docam and one worthy of being ensrin in the He of every officer, NCO. and man "who fought in Canada's previer division: NCO and Men. / This @¢ & solemn time for us all No Canadian can view the de- mobilization of the 1st Canadian] Division and all that that means] ; Old Guard Di} One does pot know which branch or arm to Pag wily all are so splendidly gallant, lo cient, pf proved -and valor. God, and five to-day as never be- J. ~ and etd} G. Macdougall as number one. Un the afternoon of the 15th the bat adian general who belleved in you, trusted you, cared for yow, gloried Valcartier as part of the lst Cana- dian Field Artillery Brigade. ° The N.C.O.'s and men of thé original unit who went. from Kingston were: Major John Battery Sergeant Ath Smith, Q.R. Sergeant B. O'Hanlon, Saddler Sergeant W. Bellringer, Ser- geant William © Rolson, Sergeant John Heaton, Ganner R. J. Gimblett, Mann, Gunner R. A. Clarke, Bom- bardier P. J. Burns, Bombardiér J. E. Gynane, iunner William Gibb," Gunner Malcolm MacMillan, Gunner James Black, Gunner Mic- hael J! Black, Gunner Hugh Bren- nan, Gunner George Brown, Gun- ner Robert Campbell, Gunner G. H. Cowlard, Corporal Harry - Curso; Gunner J. Curson, Driver Thomas Dugan, Gunner T. G. Evans, Driver James Goodridge, Gunner Ross" Har- ker, Gunner Horace Mackney, Sad- dler John Marriott, Gunner Joseph Meagher, Driver +Frederick Murray, Cook Stewart H. Rea, Gunner Gor- don Randall, Trooper Tho Rea- gon, Driver A. H.- Smith, Gunner Stephen Tyo, ver V. Bertie, Gun- ner Thomas Walton, . Driver George Wiest, Driver Henry Westwood, Gun: ner Jehn A. Waoley. Up to the end of Naoveniber the original 1st artillery = brigade had suffered one hundred and eleven cas- ualties, so that many of these boys were 'either killed or wounded early in the war. A large number have also returned to Kingston. . During the war the battery was reinforced several times, so that it' will hardly be recognized as the unit which left Canada four years and eight months YOU MUST If it is really to serve vou. MEET A CLASSIFIED AD HALF WAY All the ad can do is to bring you information which is of direct value to you. You must UTILIZE THAT INFORMATION if you are to profit by the service of the classified ad. Sot) Jedd alias and Whitefish, Fresh Sr ibut an Cod. DOMINION FISH C0. - Liconsy Corporal C. B. Stafford," Driver R.(= of Gananoque, and two | | SeSESaSasasa5 GB aG al A washable, flat wall paint in the softest and "most beautiful tints imaginable. Goes on' like paint and looks like wallpaper. Gives asmooth coat, sanitary, fadeless. The artistic and modem way of treating walls and ceil : ings. Ask for color card with full itformintion: Hard drying floor paint, : Makes old floors look like new. Easy to use. PAINT--the only way to insyre your house against, decay. 3d This is the season: for housepainting. Don't negle@ it: Where there is lack of * paint there i your house carefully, both PN required. Then get our color card. HIGH STANDARD. 5 QUID . PAINT Sony py -- T0001 rrpet ong mee onl HIRI Uap 000 oot aries ie IPOS - TS ar a rte ve oe any ~ 0 300 mrs wor we mr an tt #4 YORK. CHICAGO , KAN 11%, THE Low pies comPANY, cr Loiand ¢ s sure to be decay. Look over inside and out; see what painting is TERRE 25 5 Lowe Brothers Paints Cover more surface, are smoother in texture, more brian in color and longer asting than ordinary paints-- I -cheapest to 'use. - Lod 1 "HIGH STANDARD" LIQUID PAINT floor finish in many attractive colors. Ask for color card. Phone 388 SeSes 1 BSE Ge SEE aha and see Dries hard and firm. An artistic and most economical BUNT'S Hardware For. all outside and inside work. The highest quality liquid paint that it is possible to make and the cheapest to use. 30 differént fade- lz33 and brilliant colors. Come to our store sample panels. You can see for your- self how the colors will look on your house ie IESE SES aSe GAGE Jt meter In os ee gt ELECTRIC WELDING & SHIPBUILDING CO. ~ OF CANADA, LIMITED Head Office: oe ae Montreal Phone, Main 256 le 14-16 Jurors Street All classes of wiachingsy and bellecs. from 1-16 to 24 inches dia- "in cast and malleable iron and steel electricall boilers. . y welded. instead of renewed. All kinds of steel