Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Apr 1919, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 1 1, 1919. IT THEY DO NOT ASK NINETY PER CENT Fon MGHER PRICES ' NEED" ATTENTION; segcisiss ptm, Sorameendy Time to Fitting. Notice Have Your Bicycles Cleaned and Repaired For the Summer's Use (Continued from Page 1.) consultation © with 'teachers it found that ny of these children were no{ doing good work any sof the children, especially in seniar grades, were looking af their teeth fairly well - i unldn't Want a Playground, petition was received signed hundred residents of ward, asking that a d playground be estab- lished in connection with Frontenac lit school. City Clerk wrote the "This is an age effiefency and - com sficacy of it though they stole minds. a really in. newspaper most of from abier ni expect teresting or successful from an editor whe pent his days as wet nurse to t of baa lambs 3 Nor ¢an you hope for real specialipt serge from a tafloring or clothes shop where there is diversity of interest from collar ittons to gar. ters, We speehalize Or Tailored Clothes, dev to Ktting Wind furnishing coats which shall reflect the Semi-Ready service, are tailored by men who are spec The secretary, John Macdonald, | ialists in one thing--and forty dif acknowledged a receipt from the | fetent experts contribute their know provincial treasure® for $1000 as]ledge and skill to the making of a grant for the Model school for|each individual garment." --David J 1918. Will, the Semi-ready store, at 213 The 'manager of the Penny Bank, | Princess street.<--Advt. Toronto, wrote submitting a report ---- of a copy of the bank's annual re Hear the War Correspondent. port. "I am very glad I am visiting A letter was received from the | Kingston," said F. A McKenzie, the Department of Education, submit: | Canadian war correspondent, who is ting extracts from a report of In-|speaking in this city on Monday even- spector Leake regarding manual}ing next "I am glad because it APRIL training and household science in| will give me a chance to renew old the schools here. His report on the | acquaintances with friends in the BIRTH whole was good ¢ 21st Battalion. | I saw much of the STONE L. T. Best appeared before the gist at the front, and had the warm board, and asked that permission {est admiration for Colonel Elmer Diamond be granted to announce in the pub-| Jones, its great commander He lie schools the war lecture to be) was one of the bravest, most cheer given in the city hall on Monday | ful and highest spirited men I have evening next by ¥. A. Mackenzie, | gover known His devotion and con A nice remembrance of the month--a dia- mond ring, brooch, pendant, earrings. war correspondent, and on motion | sideration for his men could not he 'We can make up of Trustees Mills and Godwin, the surpassed Even when he was ly necessary permission was granted. |ing wounded and in great pain, he special designs on 'short notice. three hree x K : - - We have all kinds of repairs, including motorcycle tires and heavy motor oil. Hyslop and Cleveland Bicycles Dr. W. W board notifying the members that the city countil had reduced the board's estimates by $1,400. The sam of $1,000 for playgrounds and $400 for g type- writers at the Collegiate had been struck out Sands Semi-Ready e all our time suits and credit on Our suits AA A Se Nm ----, HARVEY MILNE 272 Bagot St. Bicycle Repairing of all kinds SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Ladies' Black Kid Lace Boots, medium heels --sizes 23 to 7. Extraspecial .. .. .. . . $3.95 Same stylesinbrownkid .. .. . . ... . ..4.85 $4.85 50 pairs Men's Brown Bluchers, Neolin soles and rubber heels, round toes, sizes 53 to 10. Special .. .. .. .. . .4.85 © \ ABERNETHY'S SHOE - STORE Sinn x "The Provincial Association of kept smiling School Trustees asked the Board to "I hope to tell in my battle stories send a Melegate to the annual|an Monday night somcthing of some meeting te be held in Toronto on|.¢ the great engagements in which April 21st. Trustee J. G. Elliott, | pa boys of the 21st were engaged," who has for many years represent- | ..q mr McKenzie edd the board at this gathering, will - again attend the sessions of this A Fine association The Ottawa Journal says: Bs 2 igtter, wae Torsived To Mrs common consent Mr. Nickle's tte owls 8 she : ? : ¥ to Mr. Cannon' was oné of the finest thanked the members for their kind Ts a Rites Aire . resolution on the eceasion of her re bits of vehement:eloqu Bee the house jgnation as a trustee has listened to fp many a long day gn: ) Fpl ! 4 i y Always fluent * and logical, Mr Trustee Craig asked for informa Nickle' is &k 1 With & pa tion regarding the new school to} "TCR sw e g Sw A eo) Da . » 3 be ebected im Cataraqui ward, | Sionate intensity that aiite carriec will see to it that he comes to erre Chairman Godwin, of the property] the house off its feet. It was the us for his glasses, committee, reportel progress, agd| Kind of speech which could only * stated that his committee would | Spring from a depth of feeling, and to make at » Performance, How happy he would be if he could only see to read and work with eye comfort, repl Stewart's glasses will give him this added ¢omfort if you Jewelers. probably have a report beyond question, the.taunis of Mr Cannon aroused the anger of more than one member on, the Unionist side, 1 the next meeting. I: | Wg Trustee Ellidtt has been acting ~~ as chairman of the supervised play- ll 0. Lgrounds committee since the resig- nation. of Mrs, Etta Newlands, and on motion of Trustees Macdonald and Cooke, Trustee Elliott was ap- pointed chairman of this com- mittee On motion of "Satisfaction Assured" J. J.STEWART. : OPT.D. Opp. Post Office Q TNE Wash Lem- Special sale of Galvanized Boilérs Saturday, $1.50 each. \, wy mon & Sons. . Campbell's Hats In Crisp, Snappy Styles Automobile Insurance Fire, Collision and Liability. Trustees Minnes let rates Jmod pinang from istees Minne and © Macdonald, the commercial r + LI. Tl on . S. Kirkpatrick commitiee was instructed to pur- KINGSTON EVENTS Hogs $38 Clnrénce Street. Telephome B88w | [chase four typewriters required for a 25 YEARS . 4. tthe Collegiate at a cost nét to ex- ' 440 ceed $400. be i Trustee W. H. Macnee, one of the I most valued members of the Board, is at present quite ill in Florida, where he went some months ago, for the benefit of his health, and on, mo- tion of Trustee Mills, the Board de- cided to send him a message of sym- pany pathy and their best wishes for a Ww speedy recovery. A letter of sym- pathy will also be fowwarded to W. M. Shurtleff, teacher in the Colleg- fate Institute, in the recent death of a member of his family. oa y . "The Bouse of Bettde Glasses." Your Old Tires Re-built and Made New S50 Thin fy not an opinion, it is "True Irish Hearts" was the at- traction at the Grand last night, ang attracted a big audience. Capt. Walkem, of "F" Company, 14th Battalion, has returned from Montreal, and wil organize his com- Skinner purchased a Comet roadster, and will take part in the races. Thomas Moore, sr., has a silver watch 150 years old It is one of the first patent lever watches made H. M. Mowat, son of Prof. Mowat, has been admitted as a partner of the firm of Mowat, Langston &* Mowat Sir Oliver is the senior partner Reports of Officers, In bis report for March, Inspector J. Russel Stuart gave 'the attendance as follows: S Enrolment in public schools, an undeniable FACT that we 2,729;; average attendance, 2,434: can RE-BUILD your tires, any enrolment at Orphans' Home, 37; av- w, 7 erage attendance, 35; total enrol: sizes 1 make them ne / ' mend, "2,764; average attendance, A New Hat LB at the A BUSY "CENTRE" I A Where the up-to-date householders are making' New Store exceptional selections - from the most extensive a od range of high-grade furniture, at * extraordinary Y rill find that oti . . . a hat trom our immense stock | | values: Old prices still exist. At the busy store and with the pleasant sur- 4 g . roundings that our new store with the large stock. # affords is an enjoyable experi- JAMES RFI ID Phone 147 For Service. AAA AAA tt Me rr Putnam's Extractor Rids Your Feet - of Sore Corns No substitute has ever been de- vised 'that gives the quick, painless results you get from Putnam's Pain- Mr. Stuart also repérted that in}les8 Corn and Wart Extractor. [Its pursuance of the instructions of the}Sucecess is unequalled. It soothes, Board, the sale of the thrift stamps] ®ases, heals and painlessly removes by the teachers, has been instituted, | c@llouses, bunions, warts and corns and this method of making small in twenty-four hours. Perfect satis- savings is evidently appreciated. |faction guaranteed with 2c bottle During the first three weeks stamps| of Putnam's ° Painless Corn = and were sold to the amount of $501.50. Wart. Extractor. Refuse .8 substi- The report of Principal ¥. 0. Shit tute preparation. Putnam's is sold er, of the Collegiate Institute, show- by druggists everywhere. ed the attendance for March as fo1- 7 lows: ¢ : What Women in Their "Forties" Need [I= 2,471. This shows an increace of 15 in entolment, and 35 in ~ attéh- dance over the same month last year. We sell every best make and all smartly styled. CAMPBELL BROS. 122 Princess Street. Newman & Shaw's Old Stand, . { i}. No stitches to cut tubes; no increase in weight to pull. AN re-built tires guaranteed. See samples in show rooms, Yarge stock Doininion Tires always on hand. MOORE' A SN SA Kingston Milling Co., Limited Manufacturers of High Grade Flour ; "White Rose' and "Hungarian Patent' MEAT : TF For sale by all dealers Canada Food Board License Noe. 118 and 4-118 dance, 499. This is an advance over the same month of last year of 48. in the enrolment, and 49 in the average, Miss Lovick, school nurse, gave a report of her work for month of March. The # pupils inspected, 6544; given, 41; eomsultations with par- ents, 24; home visits made, 25. Enrolment, 523; average. atfen- NNN also By a Specialist. thej= _ Att showed Many women approach the critical instructions changing period of their lives that comes between the ages of forty and fifty, unmindful of its tremen- The report also pointed out that|dous importance te their future 39 pupils suffered from defective|health and happiness. Not under- teeth; 7 from defective vision; 15{standing the functional changes tak- 7 THE EXCLUSIVE TIRE SHOP 206-8 Wellingtor Street Cour o from nasal breathing. There were 12 casés of contagious diseases re- ported. $ The chairman, ¥. R. Anglin, presi- and the other ing place in their bodies,'they work jbeyond their strength, often break down, become nervous wrecks, their Bodies suffering with fatigue and their weakened nerves trembling at NN yg guided ahh a a aa We are well stocked with { b "Dominion Brand" Macaroni, 1 AGOOD SUGGESTION not give your a Gl THE EXCELXSIOR A srong Canadian R. 0. SUTHERLAND Our Brork & Pe dirests, [| made. in the new Canadian fac. J tory, hy Canadian wsrkmen 4 x the life-giving, stremgth-; richest every step. Often in their weaken- coma SaromiE (hie AMO dain 3 eX n ] compelling : them to take to their|§ building part of the 1 Jae beds from nervous oxhuustion. Canadian wheat. : 4 What these women need is some-|§ ] \ : aE . "Macaroni spells big food : $4.95 ax a 5 | re Chief J Falconbridge. value; wholesome and nourish. 4 Women's Gun Metal calf 'ahd mahogany calf bals, high | . 'Wartman---J. ! n ad at 3 3 rod cut, with leather or Neolin soles. 4 ir ing. : Fo 3 SRL Bin SERRE 'of court I ; . . 5 1 Womens Black Kid Bai ts Kouis post or mittary eet [418.000 FW. Harcoun, 'sc. aim x { Grocery} A 1 | ded the meetin, Hi Bitio , Godwin, | 1 nn Bon Marche Grocery . King and EA Streets Mr. ana Mos. Gillbard, Teronto, || . + Toy daughter, Norah Battell, to Cpt. Ce- . i} A quiet wedding teck place in Arn- jeil T. Peterson, : prior on Saturday, when William Keith was united in marriage to Miss lyn Holland, ber of Seorgn Holland. - Mr. and Mrs. Keith ¥ reside in Arnprior, where Mr. Keith it holds a position with the Imperial erent (O11 C0. Lid. y '

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