THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1919. _PAGE TEN a m-- init set re ote Sm Se St SEO x In the Realm of Woman --- Some Interesting Features | . Pastor Has Resigned. | Rev. P, J. Mcinnis, pastor of the | The Presbyterian Church, Omemee, has J . resigned. Failing eyesight compels - . \ Mr. Mchugils to give up active work Whoeéver enjoys a perfect Mr. Mclomis spent . ? Wif for a time. ] P romoter s IQ [forms non proms i cup of coffee--fragrant, deli- rowsmith, and contested Frontenac h By Jatie Phelps county in the Liberal interests. cious, satisfying --will find i 3 dd Ey teapents 16. an added pleasure in a cup of I Vo : (SAU VERDE 3 = sembles a wild goose and in others A Selection of the Choicest Coffees Perfectly Blended and BARBARA ASKS NEIL FOR THE SAME CON- louked like g Wild duck wae 4 few Chase & Sanborn's "SEAL Roasted. Sold ONLY in sealed tins--to preserve the exquisite FIDENCE HE GIVES BLANCHE Matthew Ferguson mt Barryvale. So > favor to your table--1 1b. and Y% Ib. Get it for tomorrow's CHAPTBR XXXII "Nothing, Nell. But something} far no one has been able to classify BRAND COFFEE. X That night Neil came home in rare | has gone into you. Pleade, dear,| it, and it wil be sent to a taxiderm- IDENTIFIED BY THIS <> MARK OF QUALITY good amar. 1 notices at once that lon Sela on afraic. Afraid Lat ON Fight 13 about In ¥, 1 and 2 pound tins. Wh Pulver i he had e fe ' ' kk A " . ole--Ground--- zed--- COFFEE, BAKING POWDER, MUSTARD, DREESING, EXTRACTS but enough to make him a bit more "Nonsense! I only ake a couple | some'of the head marks of a loon. also fine ground for Percolators. Never sold in bulk, F, .F. RPORATIONS Limited, Hamilton, Censda / talkative than he othérwise would [after I am thru at the office. It rr ret « The ut DALEY £8 : iy have been. 'My heart sank, as it al- [braces me up. I shan't "end in the] The village of Winchester is re- CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. ways did when he drank. I was so |gutier" like the story books say,|organizing its band for the sum- afraid it might grow upon him. It |so don't worry." t mer. seemed Lo me he came home more "Neil, won't you take me into your and moire often with the smell of it confidence?" I begged, "I don't like clinging to him. to feel that my sex, and my power "How did Blanche Orton happen |to amuse you, and my home-making to be with you and Mr. Scott this |ability are the only links between noon?" The question was as casual jus. It is an insult to my imtelli- as I could make it. gence. Perhaps I might not under- Obviously, my question jarred. stand things all at once; perhaps 1 "She wanted to talk to him," he|could be of no help or assistance to said coldly. you. But I should be so much hap- I wanted Neil's confidence so bad- | pier Neil, if I felt you were making ly that these half--nd, not even half- | me your confidante, that you let me confidences, hurt me cruelly. share all your life instead of only a "I am wondering what about. |partof it. Women are doing many Surely she can have nothing in com- | things now-a-days, Neil. They are mon with that man?" successful in business and in the "Like a woman--want to know }professions. It shows that it is not everything." brain power that has been our lack, 1 drew in a sharp little breath. or the reason we have not competed His words, his tone, stabbed me. In |with men long ago. I have read of spite of my burning curiosity, I|women who have been the inspira- » . said: tion of the men they married--who : ) LT "I'm a wife, Neil, as well as a wo- | have given them ideas which made Order you r M ilk Su ] Purity Plus man," 1 spoke with all the dignity | for success. How do you know but I could command. Curious as I was, [that I might be such a woman? You . : » . s . _ . I would not let him think it was sim- | see, Neil, dear, you don't give me a Each ingredient m Ivory Soap 18 the ply jealous, vulgar curiosity that |chance." u r TO«( > r'i€ S best of its Med. Jt cobain, he ost et 19 Eo oF aay. cxpensive vegetable oils. et the makers as his wife to know these things|a moment. Then: v : : . ' ay . . P ee 1 il all ial about which he was so secretive. "You say you might give me ideas Get yous milk supply in the logical ) Use it fom the of. or Four into pitohier-- are not satisied until all matenais are Now--altho I had firmly decided |that would make for my success. worry-free way--from your grocer. as cream Jor tea, coflee, fruit or cereals. so thoroughly refined that not a particle J OE a EN er A Sl Souuh io Dlase He will sell you a week's--a month's Dilute ig equal quality of water and : i : : g i 8, y-ship? ~ . ' . you milk consistenc, e - of foreign matter remains in the finished had hourd, all that Mr. Frederick that I do not grovider 2h you --supply of Carnation Milk with Sinary milk. ¥ Sr - « - nad told me, were emanations o ave as much, or more, than any o erie > v ' " ' product. This is why you cannot procure minds incapable of doing what Nell | the young women who have been Sous groceries. Use Carnation Milk for cooking ih all your - an than Ivor L could do, and untrue--now my | married scarcely four years, and at's the modern way to get milk. - You recipes, lor Soups, sauces, pu dings, ete. a purer, milder or better soaj y doubts returned in full force. Doubts whase husbands are but thirty years have fresh, rich milk--or cream--for any Wherethin milk 1s called for,add morewater. of both kinds--of his business, and old? It seems to me that if you stop unexpected need. You are never "caught Surely Carnation Milk is the solution to of his relation with Blanche Orton. |to think, you will not find it neces- . ri . : J I stole an annoyed glance at Neil. | sary to make the plea to help me, a without" milk. your milk problem. Begin to-day to enjoy its quality, convenience and economy. Cr =v Hi , Presently he lurched forward, a bit | cover for what is just plain curios- Y C i ilk in ew ETivoRY ) ou can use Carnation Milk in every wa IVORY SOAP ts YRS 992% PURE in his chair, then straightened him-|ity. Once more 1 ask, Bab: what you use ordinary milk--and for a Phone your grocer now---have him send PRED 100 self with an obvious effort to disguise | do you want that I do not provide?" three or four handy cans (16 oz. tall size). Sa from me what I already knew: that "The same confidence you give to uses, too. Directions on every can. We have a splendid booklet of '100 tested IY poATS : he had been drinking. Blanche Orton." For it is just pure, fresh whole milk "from "Don't look at me like that, Bab! To-morrow--RBarbara and Neil Have Contented Cows" with part of the water ipes & rorya : . what's got into you to-night? a Quarrel. evaporated. Nothing else but water is Fh ») I 87 nd special ules. The ( ory of Carnation You can get a copy--free--by taken away. Nothing is added to sweeten Milk." or preseive Jt. return mail if you address us at Aylmer, Ont. Carnation Milk TALKING IT OVER] | 5" Carnation Milk Made in the Procter & Gamble factories et Hamilton, Canada r-- -- ondengeries at , - , : "Aylmer and Springfield, Ont. wena With Lorna Moon =e hen "from Contented Cots" - "MADE IN CANADA" S------ ---- T » . . . 6" Prepared Specially for this Newspaper by Pictorial Review. The Three Musketeers" : fete is a pretty kettle of fish! ter, you'll admit that, and if he They are all three coming home on @hould ask for her to #t-'wouldn't Looking Forward to School Days. the same transport! There's the boy 'be very kind to Sr Tp) ry And who went to school with her. He then if his letters should get warmer went out as a pri- in tone, can a girl write and freeze vate and won his a man who is out there fighting for Seupauaacy on the her? Of course not. hi eld; then there is And then the case of the Colonel-- age way io Ag { " the colonel who he is an old friend of the family. He Lidar peas as Dota orl { used to be father- boldly asked for a picture before he Te the extensors free. Tulh ox ly In his attitude left, and kissed her good-bye. He ] . : . nsions under on slot I riorati i foward her; and kissed all her sisters. but the litle a e 1C10US ia an 3 r on % Jor one; 3 there is the sarge-| brown eyed girl was the only one who ny ys rr 9 Sertora ms aR ant who didn'tjreceived letters. He called her we. a nde ae under. have time to win|"sweetheart" and asked pathetically : : TO! notches and corres anything, before if she considers him very old. S ati S 1 Nn 3 SNSTRUCTIOY Cue 7594 , he got his, and Then the sargeant, \itijat is the paid. the toll of}most difficult case of all. His letters one good right leg|became love letters armost immedis to the demon war. lately. He was lying there in the hos-] | 1 e a | i h fu ] And they are all{pital dreaming dreams of her, could { : coming home to|she write and shatter them while he 0 the Joie wirl with quise brown eyesiwas ill, broken? Amd when news | | , --Oh, she isn © least little bit of came that hi come off, . | Ry 3 [cofoens a coquette--at least, she is quite ie didn't aE ust 2 he pn meal * ponding edges even. Turn diem at that she iu t. It began like this, }ing home to her, rejoicing that a miss- lower edge of reefer on small "o* Jou god, Wher a boy she has gone ing leg won't make him any less good perforations. Slash front of reefer o so 00l with goes to war, the least |a lawyer. - along Hine of small "or ! a nice girl can do Is answer his let-| The Colonel will probably laugh HIS k - "offeri fo, Jooke opening and Dina Ge a AT Pigi-gratie In: of Pork tq Pers : * |se ha t © 8c mate 1gh~gra meo an Next. arrange the two pocket sec- | HAD WEAK and Way atop thinking of her us 3 divin. gto il d d yr give tions together ang stitch the (| on \ 3 ity, and remember again, that she at specially reduce prices--g 1v- Sewn ormiag « hae lala the o> FAINTING SPELLS. wag all logs and axms at school, but ing our customers the opportunity to 77 perforation. Sew pocket t Those feelings of faintness, those |ITo4Re-- Nhat of him? purchase for a few cents an article of --- 1bper edi Tine Docke: n debak: "all gone~ sinking sensations, ar -- ood at once delicious and sustaining Here is one of the cheapesi ""0" perforation) over time to time, are oT rom TAKES PLEASURE FROM WHIG. and one which makes a most welcome and most Shheiising Sood shed ex oll " _. [not go unheeded. A : i meal at any time. Gy can : They mean an extremely weakened | The Nicest Winter Yet in North : : re lon of the heart and a disor. Dakota. ' "nervous system. The Whi receipt of the fol. ' |Win the svete: min this condi Ii a qoriey rou a of . - tidus shi may be rcovtned tm avies ay ov: from. 32 y ] . ? "One dlszy Enclosed find 32 to apply on a 3 spelll subscription, as 1 find 'since 1 have ; ; ISL Pork and Siirho are wise will start ta-| ypy | mle was not far fror ng : aN : 134 yards 54-inch material. If come trasting material is used for the col- lar, 8; yard 36 inches wide will be nekag). 9 ilburn's Heart and = Nérve TT ~are a real'tréat to eat--made from We sell them in 1l-oz, 16-0z. and choice .white, sound, hand-picked 20-0z. tins--plain or with tomato sauce, bits, Sacked A Make up your mind do buy some 'tas! ce of selecte make o erve them for or supper, : Biexe a por 3. ppe and give the family a feal treat] Don't buy "just atin." Order several tins, Keep a few in the house--ready for cies. They're easily and quickly served = and wonderfully good value! dealer. A