} ESS Tucorpeorated 1858 Capital, $5,000,000 Reserve Fuad $4,558,000 BANK or TORON 5,000,000; Reserve Funds, $6,625,623, G. B, McKay, Manager. Capital, Tucorpornted INAS. For Sale Jot 80 x 100; barn. . $1800 6 bedrooms, Grate. . $4100 Brick Cottage on a corner; six rooms; Price .. " vu Alfred Street, hot water furnace, Price ... Athy brick house, } 10 rooms, light, gas for cooking. solid electric J.K. CARROLL AGENCY B68 Brock Street. 'Phones 68, 874W. | { GRAN | MATINEE EVENING | | | | i GCWVA. (Incorporated) General Meeting---Mondays at hig Public Dances--Tues We ». big pler, 1 0.0. ra ind ureda ys. NOTICE H. L. BEDFORD, (Auctioneer) (Returned soldier, late of C.M.R. y | is open for engagements, W.V.A. Rooms. Phone 2191w. rms mn Watts People's FLORIST 179 Wellington St. Fresh cut flowers dally; funeral designs and wedding bouquets to order. Uut work best YOU ARE trying to do more --YOU are making your effort toward neces want succe Do YOU are tre mendou because YOUR correct" It's a strained, imperfect keeping you back. that YOU ly handicapped eyes are not fact that YOUR vision is realize Have your eyes examined by our strist, R.J.R 132 Princess Stireet optomse er WOOD Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO., Phone 133 Foot West Street GETS THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 Wanting anything done in the earpen- tery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; alse hard wood floors of =il kinds. All orders will receive prempt attention. Shep 68 Queen street. ~~, We Are Eyesight Specialists How About| 1 hat Kodak Xou have been talking about get- Sa you think it's about time you put your thoughts into action? We have them from $2.50 to $25.00, besides the supplies that go HOAG'S Drug Store Branch Post Office Tresh Cut Flowers palms, funeral designs, floral bi edding bouquets made to order F. J. JOHNSON, Florist 115 Brock St. Phonk 229, FRIENDSHIP'S ee FO Re Choice Groceries All kinds of fresh vegetables a specialty. 210 Division St. Phone 545 "Ranks with the Strongest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company PIRE INSURANCE Susu otice, Rey Ro A Inursnce Hide % FBRCY J A FRESH HERRING WHITE FISH AINSLIE'S, Western W. H. GODWIN & SONS Meat Market ~~ "TRUE IRISH HEARTS' Office, GQ. | wasn JONTAGU LOVE i Phono 153. License No. 9-2757 If vou ave any- inthe way of or Poultry to | Mystery 'Harold THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1919. PAGE SEVEN OPERA 2 HOUSE The Home of Quality Pictures To-night and Friday Charming and Versatile Mae Murray. Fe "The Scarlet Shadow" Comedy Reels, an O. Henry Story, And the Universal Screen Magazine. Superior Vaudeville Daily Shows at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Music to Suit the Pictures i CONDENJIED ADVE ERTIRING RATES ret © rtion Wa a word. Each eom PINE ane insertion thereafter, haif- cent ® word. Minkmum charge for ene insertion, 25¢; three insertions, SOc; six $1; one month, ¥3. HELP WANTED APPLY THE Club. APPLY COR~ A RKITe HE N WOMAN, d 10¢ Stewa Frontenac 10c¢ and 13¢ - PLASTERER WANTED. ner Alfred and York Sgreets. BOY TO GO ERRANDS AND make himself useful around Lockett's, LIGHT HOUSEWORK. Phone $22w or apply Alfred SMART "to store dat., "March 15 | Matinee and Night joel, TO DO No washing in. person to 182 MAID FOR GENERAL Apply to Mrs, FR Queen street, MAN, rK or Po A CAPABL housew Anglin, 197 { Jimmie Hodge Presents the Hilar- | fous Musical Comedy GOOD GENER AL y washing T. McK Unian Y LJ YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT work and care of . baby home, Apply Bex 1 ar phone %14w MARRIED OR farm. Apply R tsmouth, Ont [r X¥FE RIENC ED single, to Ww M. Van Luven, SERVANT; NO evening to Mrs, prison, £2 Lower HOUSE- leep at 2, Whig Office You Remember Her Dofi't You? Everything New But the Name. The Last Word in Scenery, Costumes and Effects And the Famous Dixie Chorus The Biggest Musical Hit of the Sea- son ES, MATINEE: NING .. .235e¢, BOc, SEATS NOW ON ST. PATRICK'S DAY MATINEE AND NIGHT MONDAY, MARCH 17TH Kingston's Hest Loeal Talent In WANTED BY APRIL FIRST, EXPERI- stenographer , for chartered Apply in own handwriting. 133, Whig Office enced bank 30X SERVANT: NO plain cooking: Miss Maguire, bent streets. EXPERIENCE r invalid male Apply in 'Gildersleeve Kingston. ONCE, GE washing or 3s amily of er U ron 23¢, Ibe, 30¢ 75 00 mn iacne AL $1 WOMAN WITH Ic 'E SOME sare fg in Bellevil to Mrs. C Street, SERVANT. MUST BE Coo No washing nor ning One in family. Middle- i person preferred. Apply to Glldersieeye, 199 King Street evening. LIVE MAN WANTED--SPARE TIME or steadily--selling our guaranteed trees and plants. Outfit free, lib eral commission, Brown Brothers Company, Nurser»men, Limited. Brown Nurseries P.O. Ontario. A rood plain r ag Mrs in the Nine Scenes A Play in Five Acts And Dances Irish Specinlities and Modern Hetween Acts S0--PEOPLE IN COMPANY--350 A REGULAR IRISH NIGHT Matinee, 23¢, SOc; Childrew, 28¢ EVENING 28¢, Se, The, $1.00 SEATS ON SALE FRIDAY A A. ---------- STRAND Thurs., Fri., Saturday THERE | IS GOOD MONEY IN SEL L ING nursery stock under present con- ditions. We want reliable sales agents for unlspresented districts. Good pay, exclusive selling rights for alloted territories. Write im. Pelham Nursery Co, mediately, Toronto WANTED BY WAR PUBLICNTIONS Limited, one good county agent or représentagtive in each county, also local agents to work under county agent. This is not a get rich quick scheme, but a fine opportunity for hustlers to make good money. If a personal interview eannot be ar- ranged, write to 'War Publications Limited, 193 Sparks St, Ottawa, and full particulars will be given. 1 1 Prompt r BN The Grouch he of the ed Dismal Swamp TO-DAY, ALL NEW SONGS Mr. Frank Bessenger Will Sing by Request, I'm Sorry I Made You Cry. Big V Comedy BOOBS & BUMPS TO-DAY, Your Last Chance to See Everybody's Favorite TEACHERS WANTED, SCHOOL TEACHER FOR SCHOOL section No. 3, Township of Kings- ton; one holding seeond class pro- fessional certificate; duties to commence April ' 1st, Applicants please state salary and experfence Bushell, Sec, Hath Road, POSITIONS WANTED, A ---- POSITION WANTED BY A SOLDIER'S wife, learning office work or work in cotton mills. Wages must be $30 or over per month. Mrs. M. Wright, Glacott street, Perth, Ont, AGENTS WANTED. HISTORY OF THE WORLD WAR BY rofessor March, "Canada's Part in os War," by celebrated Canadian Colonel Nasmith. Mammoth "book; three hundred Hlustrations; great money maker; sample book free, Bradley-Garreston, Brantford, Ont. Lockwood iN Pals First "Griffin PictureS TO DAY Marguerite LEGAL. . CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, 7§ Clar- ence street. ~~. 2nd Battalion C.E.F. All members and ex-members of the Royal 2nd Battalion, C.E.F., are requested to attend the opening meeting of the "Second Battalion Club" in the G.W.V.A. Rooms on Friday evening at 8 p.m. A. Try Something New : vs March Drake, of this city, fifteen years of } age, was given a Royal Canadien umane HH | saved William {the office of th POST OF WANTED GENERAL ENGLISH WOMAN WANTS WORK BY the day. Apply lo Box 302 Whig Office HOU SE, Apply EIGHT OR NINE ROOMED With modern conveniences. Box 312 Whig Office FIRST CLASS SOFT ELM Highest prices paid at J, cock & Sons Mills, Odessa, SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT for cash or in part payme planes and grafor 14 say, Limited, 121 Pr nt of new W. Lind- sireet Ww ANTED TO RENT, APRIL 1ST oR | latdr, by Queen's Professor, unfur- nished house with modern veniences, gas for cookin tial. Family of twe adults. dress Box M., Whig Office. MALL HOUSE OR FOUR OR FIVE unfurnished rooms for light house- keeping for family of three adults; electric lights; conveniences: cen- tral; posses n about April 1st. Apply Box K.A,, Wiig Office. WANTED--OLD FALSE don't matter if broken. §15 per set. Send by parcel post! and receive check by return mail, | Ey Ter), 403 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, essen- TO-LET: ROOM, street, FURNISHED Brock APPLY FURNISHED ROOMS Apply 204 King street. FURNISHED ting room Box M-12, BEDROOM, ALSO with fire place Whig Office SIT- FURNISHED fire place; Apply to Box SITTING ROOM, WITH | also bedroom; 111, Whig STORAGE 'F 'FOR FU TRNFTURR, CLR and dry. Apply E. 143 Nelson street. Phone 1391]. Office FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD all improvements; ed, Apply 243 Brock street, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, nd ry. McCann's Rea) yy A, or th A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; BLES tric light; all convenlences. Apply | in evening ro 313 University | avenue, or phene 852w. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | ary, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 29% Queen street. Phone 636; res. 989 | HOUSE BY MAY 18T,, entrance; modern conven no chilarers preferred 06 Johnston street (corner i ronteénac.) HALF sepa OF rite FHIS DEPARTMENT IS glad to hear from anyone thinking of using classified advertisin Write or 'phone up about it, We may be able to help you. British Whig Pub, Co. DRESSMAKING. MISS RICHARDSON DRESSMAKER, baving resumed businéss, solicit Addres 202 Alfred atreet PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BRIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed permanently, with. out scar; 30 Jour experience. Dr, Himer J. Lak Kye, Kar, Nose 'Paroat and Skin Bpeocialist, i Bagot street. DENTAL, B. KN B.A, L.D.8, D.OS, ome Fiso Princess street. Phone 652. DR. GORDON ©, DEWAR, DENTIST corner Princess and Wellington streets. Phone 1678, DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. «dois, doy Weirlington street, over Carnovsky's. Phone 346. LOGS, H. Bab- | PIANO | ALWAYS orders for fall and winter work | Ad- | TEETH, | - I pay $2 to} WITH BOARD, Api] central. | E. Wathen cer trally locat | CLEAN | Estate | 8§ Brock St. Phone 330 Jt eit ; People's Forum SG do nme 17 E FOR SALE. MEDIUM SIZE; GOOD VALUER. | 19, Walg Uflice SAFE, BOX FOUND LE ber FIVE CHOICE MILK COWS, APPLY TO ATHER B., Ureeniess, Mount Chesney. O N E-FINGERED mitt wer Al t street STEAM HOIST IN besides a quantity of Apply Kingston Sand R.R, No. SAND COLORED SERER spring model, size 33, 21% Division street, between . 30 March 1l4¢b TWO DRUM good repair, steel cable, and Gravel Co. Owne A Montreal SMALL BLACK PURSE & taming small sum of University avenue, v night. Owner may pat 183 University money Tues- have Aves LADY'S aire ply and § pan. Friday, AUTOMOBILE TOPS, CUSHIONS, SLIP covers, also a few cheap Buggy tops and cushions and wagon cushions, Judson's. Aute Tops, Brockville, GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; your own choice, $34.60, Terms, §6 cash, $1 per week, C Lindsay, Limited, 131 Princess St. een p------ --- -------------------------- GROCERY BUSINESS; GOOD LOCA. tion on Princess street; doing a first class trade. Good. reasons for selling. Apply 138 Princess street, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FRER Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so. by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed 'm this golumn free of charge. TWENTY PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON all fishing tackle for March only. F. W. Coore, 2% Clarence street, opposite American Consulate, Tele: phone 891w. BUNCH _ OF hood of post IGHBOR- kindly & Son and and re- KEYS office COMFORTABLE BRICK RESIDENCE corner University avenue and Up- per Clergy streets, with handsome brick garage, Apply to Sandford C. Calvin, ants ceive rews PURSE LADY'S BLACK LEATHER t book vag containing money, cheque and bank book, with owner's name inside Reward on returning toe Mrs. Bidwell, 49 King street, or in- formation leading to recovery. MAPLE AND BREECH stove wood, fourteen inches long, $2.25 a4 cord in the bush, 7% miles north of Morrisburgh Apply to J. H. McEwen, Elma, Ont A SINGLE FRAME HOUSE, SEVEN large rooms; three-piece bath room, modern Dluinbing. electric © Hght throughout; in excellent cone. dition. Apply 41, Division street. 5060 CORDS OF UPHOLSTERING. DROP A CARD TO W. J. | >ALL one upholsterer, 216 Bagot Gavine, GOOD SECOND-HAND buffets, chairs and ta. buy all kinds of furni- J. Thompson, 333 Phone 1609, AND LOT IN COLLINS BAY for sale at once; three-quarters of an acre of land, partly planted In strawberries and raspberries. Ap- to Andrew Howard, Box 364, n, or Phone 91. HAVRE furniture, bles; will ture and stoves. Princess street. ARCHITECT we POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington Sts. HOUSE MUSIC. M. BANKS, OF TORONTO, er of music--Hawaiian t Hawallan ukulele, banjo and man doilin 23 University Ave MISS MARJORIE LAMBERT, TEACH. er of musie. Puplls prepared for Toronto Conservatory examination. Address 469 Barrie street. EB, TY 1; a lady can drive him harness, buggy and cutter, for par- ticulars, apply Mrs. John Quinn's, Point Road, one mile froym Barrie- field. { ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM; IDEA} water front, nine miles west of Kingston; good house and summer cottage, roomy. Close to school and cneese factory. Apply on premises, Manson 8mith, Collins lina Bay. THAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, NO. 162 University avenue, opposite Queon's University, owned by Prof. . 1. Grant; possession May 1st; hoy $8,600, Apply A. B, Cun- ningham, solicitor, FINANUIAL | FRONTENAC IOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; incorporated 1861. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C, ; vice- Jremdent, A. Cunningham, oney issued on city and farm properties, munigipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased; investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clar- ence street, Kingston. STONE DWELLING AND corner Main and Raglan Good business corner, ing four streets; barns, garage, ganden, fruit frees; low price. Ap- nly on premises. Phone 1996w, STORE, Road propenty fac- LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBM Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition tu which the policyholders have for security the unlimited. lability of city property, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or givin® new bus'ness get rates from Strange & Strange Agents. Phone 325. 3 AS WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK Op bicycles, we will sell cheap and on easy terms; also bicycles and skates to rent; skates sharpened and repaired, Geo. Muller, 371. 73 King street. Phone 103%. T WHY WORRY SEEKNG A HOUSE TO remt have several lots, prices from $175.00 each and up, on Mae- donald street, in the city, Terms, $10.00 down and $5.00 per month. These lots will not last long; get busy and build your own house for . the cost of rent. Apply Cawson, Concession street, near Victoria. BUSINESS. CHANCES RETURNED SOLDIERS AND OTHERS make big profits selling "History of World War" Distinguished Canadian Authorship.!| Outfit free. Winston Co. Toronto. pv fr ou om - TO RENT OR ON SHARES, FARM, 150 acres; stock and implements; two miles from Barriefield. Apply to R. E. Draper, Barriefield, Ont, PAINTING, SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, BRASS BEDS and chandeliers refinished. W. J. Carruthers & Co., 298 Albert street, IATEMAN'S REAL KSTATE AGENCY, $3500-~SURUR BAN VILLA BUNGA- low with all improvements; stable and iN acres of Sood den land, capable of aivie ding 3 building. Jota, : all facing ue streets, lpaving bu ngs and gare den besides. y 5 3500--DRICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS; ALL improvements, hardwood ficors and stable, FOR BALE, CABINET GRAPHOPHONE; REASON. able. Apply 64 Brock Breet, -- S500--RRICK HOUSE, NELSON ST, 8 rooms, B. & C.; gas for cooking; large lot. AuctionSale A NUMBER OF Government Cast Horses Albion WARCH Annem SATURDAY, WH. L. BEDFORD, Auctioneer. (Late of ch y SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will received at Ottawa until neon, on Friday, the 18th Auril, 18 for the conveyance of His Majesty's ad Coh- tract for Tour ook - ithe ROLE Arden Rural No. 1, (Harlowe), from the Post, [mast General's pleasure. Printed no- ces containing further Information as to conditions. of Contract be obtained at the Post Offices of ANISH, Dead Leek, Haslowe, and at ee ng ctor: FICE, THREE POOL TABLES IN GOO der. Apply Joseph Wood, ham, Ont. SOLID BRICK HOUSE, MODERN IM. provements: seven rooms, garage. Apply 108 Rideau street. ---------------------------------- -------- FOR ROOM BUNGALOW, WITH BATH and all dmprovements; hot water furnace, 79% Quebec. street. Good right of way. Apply at the house. A SUMMER COTTAGE. ¥ FURNISH) v on the shores of Deadman"s Bay. Owner leaving city, must be sold. Apply J. K. Carroll Agéncy, 66 Brock street, city. 0000--PRESSED BRICK HOUSE, ALL Bodern; Sleotric lights, hardwood oors, good garden, tran Beautiful location. s oe 2500-BRICK HOUS, ments. Central, Hoe DOY BLE FRAME, 8 ROOMS AND hree rooms; on easy terms. D on- ~~ THPRO VE. SHSO--FRAME COTTAGE provements. TWO LOTS WITH G0on foundations and ua gemnent brick Chea ap Ta buyer, FARM--150 ACRES, 8 MILES Kingston; bank barn and sil fades NEW IM. CEMENT wtity of a quick BLEOTRIC HEATER FOR room. Used only about a month. Cost 7.50. Will take $5. Rev. A. H. Coleman, 120 Wellington street, Kingston. SMALL me WELLINGTON, PHONE ssew, ¢ 'All Sizes of Hard 0 In stock. a es paharconl Ww. Kindiing ood,