Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Mar 1919, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH Vic, THURSDAY, MARCH 1 13, 1919. A CAMPAIGN IS ORGANEED pes FOR THE R ELIEF ¢ OF THE JEWS| 4 : IN PALESTINE. Jason . emma this | Prominent Citizens Spoke In Support| comm 5 of the Campaign--Meecting Held In i Rgse "w b N . : rr. G Sell. | the City Hall Council Chamber. Mills, Rev. W . In the city council chamber ob Grace, Elmer Day 'ednesday evening a campaign was lay, Tues- Meeting Thursday Morning. ° lay and Wedn »f next week the On Thursday morning, a meeting ; itizens of Kingston could systemati-| of the committ citizens was held cally be asked for money for the re-| jn the city co chamber 10 com ' t in Pales- { Palestine Reliel lief of the suffering Jews plete plans fc fine, campaign. Tne chairman of the By John McCrae, Physician, Soldier and Mayor Newman presided at the) campaign is Isaac Coben. The ex- meeting and o xd wit a stirring} ecutive is composed of the chairman, ' Poet appeal on behalf of the WS, ve-| Mugg, Newman, 0. V Bartels (city . , P . $1 50 ferred to the lamentable conditions| treasure R. J. Rodger, W. Y. Mills rece... .. .. .. vo ss LCE EE} . of the Jewish residents of the Heoly|and J. 7 Ks. oe, : : Land and spoke of the way that th The canvassing committee appoint | b 3 2 A - war had brought to them starvation| ed is composed "of ox- Mayer J and almost nakedness. The Jews, | Hughes, R. J. Rodger, H, C. ickle J the mayor poleted out, were always|1 Cohen, B. l pman, lL Zc ks, A. t ow S thrifty and industrious and certainly | Shear. ; did not deserve the suffering which It was decided to make am appeal 141 PRINCESS STREET they now had to undergo. He wus| through the city churches on Sun-| ' pleased that these suffering people] day and circ s setting forth the ! had asked help from the Anglo-| peed of help r the Jews of Pales- Saxons, and as mayor he gave pie tine are being prepared, amd will be most hearty support and asked that| distributed among the church people Boys' Mahogany Calf Laced Boots, Neolin the citizens give their assistance in| The clergymen will be asked to help the campaign which opens on Mon-| in this matter. soles and rubber heels. The shoes the aay. The advertising end [ a . > a. , Principal Bruce Taylor of Queen's} pai y a oa elon of Ww. boys are all wearing. Sizes 1 to 51 » aia 4.50 i paign said that all down the ages Jews|yY. Mills, and sullscriptions will be Octa onal have heralded their allegiance to the| received through the canvassers, and g Holy land. Unger Turkish rule there| may also be left with Q. V. Bartels, » was no security for righteousness or| who is treasurer of the fund, in care $1 00--Infants' Brown Kid Button Boots . prosperity. History showed that the| of Secretary Wilson of the Y.M.C . : Shaped Turks have always quenched all en-| or the Civic Utilities office, on Prin- Sizes 4 to 7. Special . es % oF owt wTeT TEIN Tale 1.00 } terprises by unjust taxes or by other| cess street. means There was mo creation of In Kingston among the Jewish > Watches wealth and the labor portion of the| people, already the sum of $1,500 community suffered in consequence. | has been raised, and it is hoped that ' Bo He Teg tted the he had been| the entire city will raise at least 1. 25 Infants Brown Kid Button Shey no reports made on the situation as| $5,000. sizes 3 to 7. Special . S +5 Iv for Men that made by Viscount Rice on the er ai---- ® Armenian situation. He suggested that the answers to such questions as NEW FEATURE Ww BREAD "Who will administer the fund?" and : 3 These fancy shapes || {ng shipsine arangomens hare Ladies' Black Kid Lace Boots, narrow toes, are very popular just ||bees made? be made clear to thel (py py INTRODUCED BY K. medium heels, latest styles, sizes 3 to 7. " . public so that this "essentially im . . re re now--all fitted with portant ficed might be properly right- H. TOYE § CO. Special value .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .4.85 Our shell frames are dependable move. ||" Lt me res Te Sen te Wea ee ir read 8S ow to be ri very becoming to the ments I. Cohen answered Principal Tay- ped--A Sanitary System of Ser- d ' : lors questions by Showing that the " a . ladies when fitte E 1 i { i country had been war-swept during vice--~People Will Appreciate 1. : uspecially - atlractive 1s the past four years. When the Brit-| 11 the year 1879 R. H. Toye Start with our lens, which our Gruen Swiss Move- ish started their march on Palestine, | ©d in business as a wholesale Lread Y? " we supply only after ment in fine Gold Filled the Turks destroyed everything be- oaker, Snd since that Lime the Sm ABERNETH S SHOE STORE , f 1 d Case, thin model, $45. fore them and the Jews-- mostly old| W hich bears his name has gone ahead 3 a very careful an to and feeble people--were panrticular-| 0¥ oe 2nd 3 is es oe Rlogren 3 3 3 5 i} a ly unfortunate. and growth of the rm was remar scientific eXamina Others from $25 up. In answer to the second question,| able, and at the ume of the death of tion. You will find Mr. Cohen said that the Canadian] it$ tounder, it was the leading bak- 3 3 . 9 2 Red Cross Society would forward the | 10® estabhisnment in tne distr.ct. This our examinations a Ki & d Est goods to London, and the British] Position was only reached by steady little different and nnear erre Zionist movement would then take|!mProvement in the plant and ser- _-- " charge and forward them to Jerusal-] vite. The late Mr. Toye was always more thorough than Jewelers. em for distribution under British|on the Ookout 107 new features by supervision. which to improve his products and Sen usual. \ to put the nim on a higo plane. Rr e------ )| Prof. H. T. Wallace was called since his death the firm has been ~ Sos by the mayor He had the] under the management of his son-in- ~~ |language and the history of the Jew-| law, Arthur Lingham, and tne same J. i STEWART, OPT. D C. S. Kirkpatrick In poopie very fully. 'As a Britisher| progressive policy has been mantain- GENUINE REDUC- ; am, able to say that for the most|eq The latest innovaton is one { Insurance . and Steamship {| art the hands of Great Britain are which will meer With the approval TIONS IN FURS AT "si alist. > : ght Spe t.! Ticket Agent, free of guilt," said Prof. Wallace} ot the cus{omers and also of the sani- Post Kingst on t.. Tel ses : ih . 2 House 'o Better Glassés 438 Os Street. hong Phokiug of the obstacles which his- tafy autnorities. = A wrapping plant mn h Jory ay Placed oo the Jewish pace: has been added jo the bakery, and . 3 u showed the progress thal) ,o tne Joaves will be wrapped as BY the Jewish race had made in spite ° ; 2 they leave the oven, and wil not of these handicaps. In showing the . rule of the Turks and the wa§ they be touched by hand unt#l they reach Is It Worthy of Your Home? had ground down the Jews, the pro- the consumer, This is a decided step fosward, and is one which should be Good furniture is an essen- * eo fessor told of a tax of £1 which had " b : | it (Guaranteed Tire Repairing [Jian fiance vn elt Removal Sale Ry tree. This was indicati t their| from the tact that thé wrapper pre- ' i : E M5 Was ap Miijcation © he ir vents the Lread being touched by the h i tial part of the eautiiu » . system. of suppressing prosperity. ' ! i We Repair All Makes of Tires, And Also This condition has now been changed hands of the driver or uny other N i | I 1 an air of Rebuild All Makes and Sizes by the victory of the British army| salesman, it has 8 Tope sed in Bi discounts on Re He 1 home. t gives under General Allenby. preserving its quality and flavoar. tle ! ' ' . ' fhe air is excluded and the bread is 8 fq taste and refinement. It 18 J. G. Ellioft- made an appeal on| kept moist and, soft until the last Furs, Gloves, Caps, ft eally not how much you 4 Ir patriotic and sentimental grounds.| crumb is used, so that waste will be The Jews of King#ton had always|eliminated. The adoption of this . RS : . been thorough Can otians and during | plan is one move sign of the poli Hats, etc. F Eo [ - spend on the furnishing of the war had given without stint tof of the Toye Company in giving thei . . Ye Souls sig Tar this Jess pRtrons the very re e possible Ti . . I . / : your home, as how and re. should help our Jewish ci 5 uel s ble eans i . < & / > - in this, their first appeal for assist] eq ory ss jhe PIE eas an add. ws 18a poor pain 4» where you spend it. We of Baws 10. thelr Jresupen ia Patesiing increase in- the cost of (he bread to opportunity that may \ fer our unexcelled store ser- saic 3 he believes he Jews . 2 oy The vig om O : : in Palestine would. under British] the consumer. The company has a not occur again for rule, become faithfy 1 Briti I biects reputation of giving the.r patrons . vice. : Atay Sh SUbDJES. 1) o advantage of anything new in the a long time. In 'this, the second restoration of the baking business, at the same time Holy Land, there is the carrying RRR gh oe oy 9, there is carrying out keeping the price of bread at the! Buy now and save a Biblical prophecy and on our own religious grounds we should sustainy /0West possible price in accordance them, because they are af our po, with the cost of materials. : money, humanity. He referred particularly] A Sample of the wrapped loaf was to the appeal of the starving children] oft at the Whig Office on Thursday and expressed the belief that the peo-| morning, and it is a degided improve- 4 The Busy Store With the Large Stocks. Phone 147 For Service. ple of Kingston would rise to the oc.| ment on the old unwrapped style. casion. There has already been splen-| The firm of Toye & Co. are to be did contributions throughout Can complimented on the efforts to sup- ada, and Kingston would do its part.| ply their patrons with clean, sani- Rev. W. T. G. Brown stated that] tary and fresh bread, and this inno- . he represented the clergy of the city] vation should' result in largely in-}} Ki 's Oldest Hat and Fur * I . aut We Carry the Largest Stock of DOMINION Eo Be opto 1 1s AEs teed brome Eh a Wingon' Kingston Milling Co Limite oved that Palesti pill f : . TIRES In All Sizes 5 BOR on nen to Be at phe g 9 . that there is a wonderful future for| Spartacans in -Leichtcnberg stop a and b every well-dressed citi . + them. The prosent feelings of =the) Several people have been decapitated Manufacturers of High Grade Flour y of Several people have been decapitated, Jaws throughout the world will have 5 an effect of stabilizing conditions.[And the heads carried through the : aa? '" " M O 0 R E Tho appeal from the standpoint of |SUTets by women. beta = h it "White Rose" and "Hungarian Patent common humanity now was a very eh : : | strong one and coming from a land|Page of this issue Hairs Quickly Vanis } For sale by all dealers that had always been starved, it was -- \, After this Treatment] | ; now a particularly worthy campaign. EN - i a» Oanada Food Board 'License Nos. 118 and ¢-118 He referred to the British patriotic iy {Helps to Beauty) spirit which should make the citizens| HIRINGSTON EVENTS] | science has aided in simplifying respond nobly to this good cause. 25 Y the banishing of hairy growth from : EARS AGO. the face, and according to a beauty Ex-Mayor Hughes, spoke at some + specialist, the most effective treat- length on the fact thmt there must be Miss Cpttle has been appointed {ment vet devised consists of applying secretary of the Humane Society, a delatone paste to the hairy sar- R 1 Massie face for 2 or 3 minutes. :. The paste 109; Off to et ¥ice James V5. resigned.' is made by mixing some water with.a 0 nor eB Shpetrie months ang|lttle powdered delatone. When this 'have not injured wny person. {Poste is removed and the skin wash- F. Burke, butcher, Portsmouth, ed every trace of hair has vanished. ap-| puTchased from Albert Graham, off bc S47 to Set real delatone. the Front , two steers, three- year-old, Weighing 3.000 pounds. J. J. HARPELL PRESIDENT, William Harty, M.P.P., presented | inthe legisla a pétition from | Queen's A Kingston, in opposition to Barr's] Setimtes are : © What a Cushion Realized. Desert Lake, March 11.--The aiitograph cushion begun some time ago in aid of Red Cross work by a of the recently Hishanded society of willing workers at Harpell; vice-presidents. Dr. On [lagt been completed. The friends Herne. A J ay owhoge: Ham names were outlined upon MacDonnall; secretary-reasurer, on Sontibutsd in all the The \sushion wis

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