Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Mar 1919, p. 7

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t8 and Money United States upon, 3 Cheque and foreign of goods. Your : E : NK or TORONTO GEORGE B M'K AY, MANAGER. countr Orders and in and banking tssued, foreign countries Letters of Oredit also account and business solicited. FTucorporated 1588 $5,000,000 Pund $6,555,008 redit of of € payable > nc ency issued. for in Commercial Credits use for im- Lots For Sale 88 x 135--Main Street. #3 x 100--Albert Street. Size, 80 Size, 33 Size, 90 x 125--Kensington Place. x 125--Johnson street to lane, X 260--Albert street. J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Priel. Cues ven G00 Pelee ... ... ... .:. S00 Price ' 1200 Price ... ..... 1800 Price ... 2500 'Phones 68, 8T4W, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1919. GRAND Gaskell & MaeVitty (Ine,) Present =a New Play, By Howard Melkient Barnes A NIGHT IN HONOLULU A Delightful Story of Hawaii, the Is and: of Paradh Full of Interest, Ro mance and Latghter. Come and Henr the Latest Hawaiian Musie by The Imperial Native Hawal. ian Quartette, Especially Engaged For This Production. t SEE The Beautiful The the Veleaneo in Eruption; Wisteria Garden and Great Fire Scene. EVENING; "¥ + 230, Ble, 75¢, $1.00 SEATS NOW ON SALE. The Home of Quality Pictures MON., TUES., WED. The World's Most Famous Screen Star CLARA KIMBALL - YOUNG eel Noe | "SHIRLEY KAYE" | The Pathe News, An O. Henry Story And a Comedy That is a Screen Polite Vaudeville Daily Shows at 2.30 and 7.30 pm. Special High Class Music By Grand * IONOGRAP Which revoices perfe delicate tones engraved on record. Hear it---and play gheimer and 8 pred Rodger 132 Princess St. Jow Ab H ctly the teinway ov out net Na NW £7 G.W.V.A. _ (Incorporated) General Mecting---Mondays at 7.30, Public Dances--~Tuesdays § p.m. to nm, Richardson Chapter, LO.D.E, 2ad and 4th Thursdays. eee ' Shoe Repairing Neéolin sbles and rubber heels done while yom walt. Sewed work a speciality. J. McGALL, 268 BDaget St. Cor. Princess NOTICE H. L. BEDFORD, (Auctioneer) (Returned soldier, late of C.M.R.) is open for engagements. Office, G. W.V.A. Rooms. Phone 2101w. AAA AN SA AAA Al ANN Members And Ex-members of the 21st Battalion The Clab Banquet Will be Held At 8 o'clock p.m. March 6th © en SECRETS BIMITED "All unsold tiekets to be turned in by Tuesday, March 4th, 1918, Notice The Annual Meeting of the BOARD OF TRADE will be held in the Board Rooms on Tues- day night; March 4th, at Bight O'clock Officers and Council for the coming year: will be elected, Principal Bruce Taylor will deliver an address. J. H. Macnee, Secretary. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersignel, and endorsed "Tender for Alterations and Additions, Pavilion Military Haspita), Kingston, Syd- enham, Ont." wil be Teohived unt 12 o'clock hoon, ursday, March 15th, 185, for the altérations and fons to existing stone building for conver- sfon into Military Hospital, Pasilion a" ny Bydepham, ont, Plans and specifichtion can be see and forms of tender obtained at the of- fice of the Chief Architect, Department of Public 'W; of n Offie 3 tects, Ki on; and tendent ©! minion Buildings, tion "F\" Ee Lk srg Department and in conditions sot Sarth 2 Ato Shee & SY al order ol n= ister of Public XK equal to ie pc. of the amount of the | War Dominion epted as © cheques odd seourity, or war it required to make up an tps Orchestra. 10¢ MATINEE LN . ..10c¢ and 15¢ EVENING Thur. Mar. 6th NIGHT ONLY the Famous ONE Pitou Presents Irish Tenor Fiske 0'hara Ip 8 New Romantic Farce Marry in Haste By Anna Nichels Augustos Hear Mr, O'Hara Sing His New Songs. "The Kind of a Girl I Mean," "Feggy MeVey," "I'm Falling in Love With Yon Dear," "The ¢'s Charfa of Dear Old Ireland 1a Your Eyes" PRICES: 25¢, She, TSe, SEATS ON SALE TUESDAY Griffin PictureS TO DAY D. W. Griffiths Marvel- ous Production The Greatest Thing in i A Masterpiece of Photo- dramatic Art, With Lil- ian Gish and Robert Haron And a Host of the World's Best Ar- tists $1.00 |S The Greatest Thing in Pictures To- ay. NOTE: NO ADVANCE IN PRICES THURS, FRI, SAT. Douglas Fairbanks "His Picture in the 5 Papers ora" % x In n Pickle A Story of And His i SERRE CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, ie a word. ch com secutive Insertion therexiter, half. cent a word. Midhoum charge one Insertion, 2c; three SOc; six $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED GENERAL SERVANT; NO WASHING: $30.00 a month. Apply Mrs. W. A. Daly, Napanee. t to CHEESE MAKER FOR THE MURPHY factory. Apply Matthew Cassidy, R. R. 2, sfaribank, ont EXPERIENCED MAN, MARRIED OR single. to Work on farm Apply R MM. Van Luven, Portsmouth, Ont FOR THE WORK ROOM; light, pleasant work and good wages. Apply Miss McCallum, N. C. Polson Co. GIRLS A WOMAN TO ASSIST IN THE CARE of children, Good references re- quired. Apply at Orphan's Home on Monday. 0 &! The People's Forum WANTED GENERAL WANTED T0 PURCHASE A MOTOR boat. Apply M-1, Whig Office. BAGOT NEAR BROCK ST, small purse, containing a « rosary. Owner can Save same by applying at Whig Office STRING OF RED ROSARY Earl street. have same street. BOOK ON ON FIRST CLASS SOFT ELM Highest prices da at J. H, cock & Sons Mills, Odessa. RENT FIVE OR TEN ACRES OF | land, with good house and barn, or small place to work on shares ¢ Apply Wesley Johnstod, Cataragul | host WANTED-OLD FALSE TEETH, | don't matter If broken. I pay $2 to! $15 per sel. Send by parcel post] and receive check by return mall | Hae 403 N. Wolfe St, Baltimore, ! ! ing, left on lawn at $ Main RETURNED SOLDIER, EXPERI- street Owner may have enced farmer, with good same by calling at above ad- ferences, wants good dress. farm to rent or work oa shares Will take April 1st Com- PURSE municate me in writing to Squire. City. Box F-25, Whig Office, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE i LOGS, Bab- Own- beads on n at 120 er om GARRETT have 268 Al street Owner may same by applying ax fred street. CHILD'S SLEIGH, WITH RAIlL- ON MARKET Apply J 239 Earl St, TO-LET. FURNISHED BEDROOM AND SIT. ting room with grate. Apply Box F-27, Waig Office. i Anydne finding anytnmg and wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver. FIREMEN, monthly; must stusdy, struction; send stamp Assocation, Care Whig CITY REFIN- brass beds, method $10 or = experi- tal Co, 318 MAN TO WORK THI ishing ~ echandelie automobiles, by daily without ence. Write Gunn Elm, Decatur, IL LADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN AND light sewing at home; whole or spare time; good pay; work sent any distance; charges paid. Send stamp for particulars, National Manufacturing Co. Montreal LIVE MAN WANTED---SfARE TIME or steadily--selling our guaranteed trees and plants, Outfit free, lib eral commission. Brown Brothers Company, Nurse men, Limited: Brown Nurseries P.O, Ontario. SONG WRITERS, SUBMIT YOUR BEST song poems' now for free examin- ation and Valuable booklet explaining inal methods +, copvright- e publication erbocker Studios, New York. capi advice our free 500 Gaiety Bldg. THERE IS GOOD MONEY IN SELLING nursery stock under present' con- ditions, We want reliable sales agents for un spresented districts. Good pay. exclusive selling rights for alloted territories. Write im- mediately. Pelham Nursery Co, Toronto. 2 ---- = : tisement will be printed in this FURNISHED ROOMS AND ALSO: 8 rooms for Mght housekeeping. Ap-| column free of charge. ply 398 Princess streel STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN and dry. Apply E. BE. Wathen | 143 Nelson stfeet. Phone 1391}. FIRST CLASS ROOMS ~ND BOARD | all improvements; ceuntrally looat | > W ed. Apply 243 Brock street. {PAIR OF LADY'S BROWN KID OHAM- i ois lined gloves at the euchre party in Knights of Columbus Hall, Wed- nesday aight. Finder kindly leave at Whig Office. BLACK BODY, on face, white tail. Any person harborin after this notice will be g Notify 294 Princess stn LOST. | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN | ana dry. McCann's Real Estate| Agency, 8§ Brock St. rbone IN| or §h WHITE tip DOG, collar, tan COLLIE STORE TO RENT IN NAPANEE; BEST location fn the town; spendid open. ing for any kind of business. LO. Box 236, Napanee, Ont. STOLEN. ' A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; ELEC- tric light; all conveniences. Apply in evening oO 213, University avenue, or phone 852w. | THE PARTY WHO TOOK THE BUF. falo robe off the buggy at the sale at Sherman Wartman's, Kindly leave at the Standard office, as he Was seen STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, mo ary, alry rooms; your own lock ang | Key. trrost's City Storage, In} FOUND Queen street. Phone §26; res. 989 | lon THE PREMISES OF W. D. BAR- ' tels, Inverary,, & hound, brown, four white pays, one white spot back of neck, white tip on tail, white around nose Owner can may be able to help you. British have same by calling at Mr. Bar- Whig Pub, Co. | tels' Blacksmith Shop, Inverary, | Ont DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS from anyone thinking | of using classified advertising Write or 'phone up about it. We res glad to hear DRESSNAKI NG. DENTAL. HOUSE of a real live 23 to 2% territories LARGE PACKING RE quires the services progressive salesman, vears oid, for country Good opportunity for one who has initiative and selling ability. Re- ply in own handwriting, stating age, experience, salary expected and personal description to R. H, Sim, 43 Kenneth Avenue, To- ronto, Ont. AGENTS WANTED, | HISTORY OF THE WORLD WAR RY Professor March, "Canada's Part in the -Whar," by. celebrated Canadian Colonel Nasmith. Mammoth book: three hundred illustrations: great money maker: samp book free. Bradley-Garreston, Brantford, Ont. RETURNED SOLDIERS AND OTHERS, men and women, making $10 a day, taking orders for authentic "His- tory of World War" Complete book ready; whole story of war from beginning to end: Canada's Part in War" by distinguished Canadian officer and author. Enor- mous demand. No experience necessary. Write for free outfit. 'Winston Co, Toromto. BUSINESS CHANCES RETURNED SOLDIERS AND OTHERS ake big profits selling "History of World War? Distinguished Canadian Authorshin, Outfit free. Winston Co, Toronse, PAINTING. SIGNS OF ALL KINDS. ARASS REDS and chandeliers refinished. W. J. Carruthers & Co. 298 Albert street LEGAL. A BARRISTER . CUNNINGHAM, Law office, 79 Clar- and solicitor, ence street. UPHOLSTERING. JALL OR DROF A CARD Gavine, upholisterer, street. TO W. J 21 Bagot PAPERHANGING PAPER MANGING, PAINTING; graining and Karsoming. Wall paper and paint for sale. Get my prices and bé convinced en your painting and per hanging. H. Rowley. 283 Queen street. Phone 1268). POWER & SON, MER Chatits Bagk BulGIng: Brock and Wellington 'Sts. ooraet DRESSMAKER solleil work Miss RICHARDSON having resumed business, orders for fall and winter Addres 302 Alfred street B.A B. KNAPP, - L.D.S,, D.O.S, office 250 Princess street | Phone 852. PERSONAL --- i WHEN ORDERING GOODS BY MAIL| send a Dominion Express Money| Order. { HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS | and all growths and Skin blem- {shes removed permaneéntiy, With out scar; 30 Years experiance. Dr | Bimmer J. lake, [Kye Ear, Noss | FOR SALE. Throat and Skin Specialist, © Bagot street. GORDON ©. DEWAR, DENTIST corner Princess and Wellington streets. Phone 1678. DR. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 158 Wellington atreet, over carnovsky's, Phone 346. A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY OR- der for five dollars costs three cents. MARRY IF LONELY: FOR RESULTS, | try me; best and most successful | "Home Maker"; hundreds rich wish | marriage soon; strietly confiden- | tial: most reliable; years of exper -| ence: descriptions free. "The Suc. cessful Club" Mrs. Purdie, Box] 5568, Oakland, Calf i LONELY, FOR SPEEDY | marriage Wry my club, very sug- cessful; best, largest in (Souauy, e: plished 12. years, 'thou ds fans . ~ wr Sampiis hing early marriage: | TOR BUGGY AND CO ner {FIReT confidential descriptions free. old den seeder and cultivator. New Reliable Club, : - last spring. Bargain fo & quick 18 ROSE-COMB BROWN LEGHORNS {cockerel anl pullet matings)i 3 cocks, 6 hens, '1 cockerel, § pullets, among which were whners at the recent Kmgston Poultry Show Cheap. Apply at 387 Johnson St MARRY IF Wrabel, 73 Madison, Oakland, sale. Apply J. Brown, R.R. No 1, Se Kingston. Phone 1102, 3 | rom SAME--SECOND-HAND LUMBER eR | --about three-quarter million feet, NURSES EARN $15 TO $235 A WEEK. | mostly pine. and nearly new, as Learn without leaving homme. Send | flooring, matched sheecting, boards for free booklet, Royal College of| (mostly dressed), eight , thousand Science, Dept. 62, Toronto, Can-| squares Beaverhoard and roofing. ada. i : FINANCIAL 2 : - plumbing of most every SEND A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY I mh ne ca tin 1ant;. hot order, Five dollars ' costs {three te boilers: twenty, nostly Ww, oents. { hot air furnaces; forty Globe hepter } station stoves; camp kettles and FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. tables; electric fixtures and wir- ment | Soctely; invorporated 1861 ng; one horsepower elec ert, W. I. Nickle, K.C.. vices tric motor. Apply Armour A.B. Cunningham. Aghts es p26, Yonge ney . Issued on city & farm street, Canadian Wrecking & Con- properties, municipal and county struction Co. 108 Teraunlay street. debentures; ga, purchased; Teronto. Fhone evening, College investment bonds for sale: 4201. received and interest allowed. he ©. Cartwright manager, 87 C ence street, Kingston. For Sale Hers will be received until March oO! Sth, 19018, hy Dr. R. J. Gardiner for brick residence, corner Bagot & PAGE SEVEN _ AAR ETE FOR SALE. BRICK DWELLING, #8 ROOMS path: conveniences; good yard and stabie Apply 361 Bagot street FARM OF 100 ACRES WITHIN ONE mile of village on Stone read. Ap- *, BE. Baxer, Wolfe Island. FOOT MIXED HARD WOOD, E. E. Wathen, New Colingwood St, ply FOUR $11.00 per cord. Engiand Bakery, city. AUTOMOBILE TOPS, CUSHIONS, sLIP covers, also a few cheap DUgEY tops and cushions and wagon cushions. Judson's Auto Tops, Brockville, TWO-HORSE INTERNATIONAL HAY yress. almost new, in best of work- ng order. Good reason for satling. Apply J. F. Baker, Wolfe Island. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; your own choice, $34.50, Terms, $5 cash, §1 per week, C . Adndsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. GROCERY RUSINESS; GOOD LOCA- tion on Princess street; doing a first class trade. Go reasons for gelling. Apply 138 Princess street. TWENTY PER CENT, DISCOUNT ON all hing tackle' for March only. F. W. Cooxe, 9 Clarence street, opposite American Consulate. Tele phone S01w. A SINGLE FRAME HOUSE, SEVEN large rooms; three-piece bath room, moder plumbifig: = electrie light throughout; in excellent con- dition. Apply 41, Division street. WE HAVE GOOD SEOOND-HAND furniture, buffets, chairs and ta. bles; will buy all kinds of furni- ture and stoves. J. Thompson, 313 Princess street. Phone 1609. ISLAND RED PULLETS, Guild strain, all laying: two setting hens; a Buckeye brooder almost new, and a field spaniel pup, cheap. Apply 266 Wellington street. 33 RHODE HOUSE AND LOT IN COLMKINS BAY for sale at once; threesquarters of an acre of land, partly planted in strawberries and raspberries. Ap- ply to Andrew Howard, Box 384, Picton, or Phone 91 ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM; IDEA water front. nme miles west of Kingston; good house and summer cottage, roomy. Close to school and cneese factory. Apply on premises, Manson Smith, Collins Bay. THAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, NO. 152 University avenue, opposite Queen's University, owned by Prof, W. L. Grant; possession May 1st; price, $8,500. B.C ningham, solicitor WE HAVE bicycles, we wi on easy terms; skates to rent; and repaired. 373 King street. A LARGE STOCK OF 11 sell cheap and also bicycles and skates sharpened Geo. Muller, 371- Phone 1032. HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE, S.C White Leghorns, from Craig Bros heavy laying strain, the famous Silver W ndottes, $1.78 per dozen, Send y« orders early to Gould Lake Poultry Farm, Oliver Rut- tan, Manager, Sydenham, Ont. MLAUGHLIN EN- gine, 34 x 4 in. tires, &I1 In first class condition; platform body, § ft. x 10 ft, with stakes; also one ton truck, Studebaker engine, 34 x 4 In. tires, truck body 5 ft. x 6 ft. express type. Rebuilt and in good condition Can be seen ai the Davis Dry Dock Company Garage INE TON TRUC ONE OF THE REST FARMS IN JEF< ferson County, N.Y. comprising 306 acres, living water, never fall- ing springs, near the barns and stables. Two dwellings.' about 100 acres of heavy hard wood. - Failure of health cause for selling. Address 3.0 Phelps, Route 4¢, Carthage, N.Y. -------- IATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY. VILLA RBENGA- low wth all improvements? good stable and 23, acres of good gar- den land, capable of dividing inte 23 building lots, all facing on streets, leaving bulldings and Sar besides. UBURBAN RICK HOUSE, 10 ROOMS; ALL improvements, hardwood fioors and stable. ESSED BRICK HOUSE, ALL with improvements. 000--PRESSED BRICK HOUSE, ALL modern; electric lights, hardwood floors, good garden. Rear entrance, Beautiful location. 3 2500-BRICK HOUSE, IMPROVE. ments. Central LE FRAME, § ROOMS AND im three rooms; on easy terms. $1000 -- NEW FRAME COTTAGE sooth of Princess, in the west end. TWO LOTS WITH GOOD CEMENT foundations and a quantity of foment brick , Cheap for & quick uyer., FARM--130 ACRES, 8 MILES FROM Kingston; bank barn and silo, 158 WELLINGTON, PHORE 396W. ------_

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