h PAGE SIXTEEN _ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 1,1919. "DID You SAVE $10,007 Quite a few of our regular customers have been in and had a tag placed on a bicycle for next year by paying $5.00 cash and $2 per week until $45.00 has been paid for a $55.00 bicycle. Just a Few - More Will be sold at this low price, and it is low when you consider how everything else has gone up in price, and these wheels have coaster brakes, mud guards and Dunlop tires. oT This is the wheel you get for $45.00; and it's now worth $55.00. ONLY ONE PLACE TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CQ. 88 Princess Street Phone 529 "Home of the Brpnswick." Room Furniture In oak, walnut and mahogany. All the latest designs and finishes. R. J. Reid Phone 577 AVOID Lye : 0 little boys of long ago, homing ships are on the | In the World of Sport | MEREDITH FINISHES THIRD rican Ace's Return wo shows Lack of Power. Ame hurdles | the A.C. in ¢ at the Ma: Square New York. r Missourian, the St. Louis also was a double winner who hiclds the 220 yards won the opening ev 3 dash handicap from scratcl 7 conds. Ten min- utes later he won the special invita- tion scratch dash at 70 yards in ex- actly the same time. Homer Baker tripped and fell just after the start of the Millrose, 800 yards invitation race which was won by Dave Caldwell of the Boston A. A. Tom Campbell of Chicago led for the greater part of the contest, with Capt. Ted Meredith of Phila- delphia in close 'pursuit Meredith got on even terms with the Chica- y turn to the tape, but the aviation officer pair neared forty yards sprint and ell, whe feet in Loren Mur- | natio ent, a 36 goan at the returned was sgering as the the finish In the last Caldwell made a great won by inches from Campi finished second about front of Meredith -- Bunkers. recently three Shell-hole courses bear raiders' bombs, pits--like "At lea he marks nd in ome of ained 2ach, the golfer It is added that thus ave their names, these bunker There are "Big Willie" and "Little Nillie" traps, not to mention "Old Hindy" and '"Ludy, while al t twenty f air most cases these the 'trenches--will bunkers," writes distinguished 0 early they ete Pa cs tary and civilians were present. livened the proceedings. THE LITTLE BOYS M. Moran in Sunset. : The little boys that long ago Came riding down the sun-splash- ed hill, On country roads I used to know Where soft and summer winds still blow, And meadow larks are singing still. The little boys went far away; . The warm wine of a nation's chéers That sent, them singing on their way Is in their blood again to-day, The nation's: welcome in their ears. They left their horse and spurs and quirt, They left their boyhood's romance, And went away in khaki shirt To bear the wrack of blood and dirt In combat on the fields of France sweet And safe was I and free from fear ©O little boys that used to be; ™ You guarded all held most dear On land and sea and in the air « You fought afar for mine and me! Your wing, 'Deep in our wistful hearts we know And eagerly we greet them, though Athletic As rack ; pe ogy in g rouble i » saved the ack on his oldy lef for the steam pre "Big Willie' probably pronout with the demu ursative" adjectiv y come to mind st tives. as a re He can will t "Wallie" tive and 'ac- t will read- inging along. ire call Scotch all Cleveland to Play Lacrosse. Cleveland is to take. up lacrosse again aud teams from Canada will be invited te the Ohio eify 'to play in exhibition g Lacrosse was played in Cley eral years ago but when many land sev 0 Aviation. Sport and ye Medieal on Aspe wo the required t! he judgment 'down"" his prey ighting spirit of 4 was necessary for the pilot not only to possess a good nerve physique, but to keep it up to pitch, and no- thing would better contribute to his than ample facilities for out-of door sports More especially pleaded for the provision of riding, both for pilots and under instruction was one of the best physical cises, and probably came nearer to controlling an airplane than ther ground occupation. He, there fore, suggested that every .aero- drome should have its stables well as its hangers, and that ra members left for the war the game sus- It is not boys, but men they bring! Now many of these are re-! and along with other play m Canada who have move Cleveland with good te was pended. Canadis Club { n whind the move of Halifax Bids Tor Boxing Bout. Fhe Halifax Herald; representing v group of local business men, has nvited Tex Rickard to consider Hali- fax scene of the Willard- Dempsey 'championship fight. In a am (© Rickard the Herald points out that the laws of Nova 3cotia permit 15-round decision bouts the as the telegry ind emphasizes accessibility of Hatifax; Think They Have Chance, The winners of askatchewan Hockey League will challenge for AHan Cup again, the feeling be- ing that the cla hockex played the the of { should be played there ----- Better Beaten. hoping Jack hangs a row of thinly knuckles on Jess Willard's Willard threatens Dempsey everything on the calendar time for him to talk is right Here's now his Jim the won't hear Corbett is who got peroration only much attention after referee said 'ten and out." ard would be more popular beaten champion than as title er the will as a hold- Play Baseball in West. The Western Canada Baseball League was reorganized, with teams in four cities, Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatchewan and Moose. Jaw. arles «. Mall, of Winnipeg, was this year is superior to that in 1918 BASEBALL IN BONN Te A great sports day in Bonn, Germany, between the Canadians and Americans, when an abunda: : Canadian massed bands and an American band played selections and ene Picture showsshe immense crowd that witnessed fhe games, A A A AA NA © elected president of the organization BB a et So nce of mile A Disturbing Influence. "Germany," said James M. Beck, the eloquent lawyer of New York-- "Germany now declares her pacifism She wants to participate in the Lea- he | horse- | pupils | Horse-riding | exer- | One the day of the bout the referee | will do most of the talking and Jess | ex-champion | i IT'S A REAL TREAT to chew King George's Navy * Plug Tobacco and enjoy its lin- gering flavor and delicious taste. i ! i" King George's Navy Chewing Tobacco is made of choice tobacco, properly free from irritating substances and just right. It is tough, juicy, satisfying and wholesome. Trya plug today. any! as pelo | Dempsey | upholstered | chin. | with | Good | | KEEP THE HOME INDUSTRIES GOING SMOKE MILO 3 for 25¢ Made in Kingston by Geo. A. McGowan rn radi chy Pn tA NN NN A . ol ™ IY ® The Mutual in War-Time N adversity we discover our real friends. Life Insurgnce as a ré- sult of the war hasbeen revealed asthe friend of humanity. 'The grand total of monies dis- bursed among relatives of fallen soldiers by the life companies of the world if 'sum- med up would be beyond comprehension. If the Joss of life through the influenza were added to the war losses, the financial burden carried by the life companies would amaze the world. Of these responsibilities the Mutual Life of Canada has borne its full share. The claims paid during the 'war years amount to $4,277,600.00 gue of Nations, Our parlor Bolshe- | viki would welcome her, too. | "But the rest of us know well that | Germany's presence in the League ot | Nations wpuld be like Wash White's | presence ®t the wedding. "What caused the wedding break up in a fight?" asked magistrate, "It was Washington White's fault, yer honor," said the bride. "De wed- din' guests wus frowin' cle shoes at us from de gallery, and Wash, wot wus jealous 'kase I jilted him, he started frowin' ole hoss-shoes." The Fasting of Dr, Tanner. The "does" are sinister people, es- pecially with their humor. The iournal of the American Medical As- sociation writes about the recent leath of Dr, Tanner, 'whcse theories hat fasting ma ¢ long were 'amous § gen tion ol ago. The loctor impressed hs foouless theor- es oni all and sundry, and seemingly proved them by reaching an age ab- ve ninety years. But, the villian Journal remarks with a dark sneer he press notices of the demise ton- ain this statement: "He is believed o have ended his days without rela- ves," to the of which fully one-half were due to the war and the pestilence that came in its train. Noone can estimate the blessing this money has brought to the widows and the otphans of deceased soldiers and civilians! Homes have been saved from extinction, women and children from disaster. To-day our people are just beginning to realize what Jife insurance ean do for them, and in many cases voluntarily scek the protection it affords without solicitation We here en agent in your district-- don't watt for kim! Look him up! 'The Mutual Life of Camada "ATR 8. Roughton, District A : Kingston, Ont. gow, It fsn't what a man doesn't know The best time to lecture a man that worries him, but what he |on the evils of smoking is directly knows others know he doesn't |after he puts the lighted end of a know. cigar iu his mouth. . ° "wr " By GEORGE McMANUS 3 a HURRY AND START A FIRE-MR PIFFLE 19 GOING TO CALL ON DAUGHTER TONIGHT Keep THE 47 3 HONE FIRES ING. Wg