THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1919. | PAGE FIVE ° DR.H. D. CIRDWOOD HERE| Specks Floating Oo Before His Eyes| 111 } f : | SHOWS HIS FILM, "WITH EM-| O PIRE'S FIGHTERS," AT GRAND, When specks start to float before rep the eyes, when everything turns House Was Crowded for Three | bla kK for g seconds and vou feel " : . A al = & 3 « Productions on Monday, and itlag ir you re ing to faint 5s Will be, Shown Tuesday, Wed may rest asi Tre \ that your -- nesday and Thursday. not working: properly : { Dr. H. D. Girdwood, who went to " . Franee and right. int the firing "he essential thing to do in an! Day | books, cash books, ledgers, bill line" and braved the dangers there, cases where liver is slow, lazy| © jto secure moving res of ie [or torpid stir it up-by the use books, ink stands, sponge dishes, "blotting Jie gece troops in action, is show- [of a medici that 'will clear away | d ] bi 1 ] a d ing his film at the Grand Opera all the waste 1d poisonous matter | pads, cash boxes, stamp and envelope dam- Mouse, and gave his first produc- |from the system, and prevent as wed | a tion on Monday afternoon to a'as cure all the trouble arising from : peners, fine stationery, ink and mucilage, lerowded house The title of this this accumulated mass which a col- loose leaf books, letter books, letter SC ales; film is "With the Empire's PFignt- lected in the system. ers," and in it he shows in a very | ' drawing pencils, 17 grades, files and filing graphic way the real work that has | Keep the bowels open by using been done and the true meaning of | Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and you cases, the glorious words which have been | Will have no liver trouble of any spoken so often. to commend the kind. They will clear away all the| fighting of Halg's troops. | waste and effette matter which has / Oo Sy J Dr! Girdwood 'went to France [collected and make the liver active t q ow S himself, and. with a competent and working properly. camera-man took pictures of- those Mr. John R. Morrison, Grand things which are Interesting and [River Falls, N.S., writes: "Several 141 PRINCESS STREET instructive, but he did not fail to|{months ago I troubled with a " include scenes which would tell the sour stomach, and had specks float- story truly even if they were noting before my eyes. [I took five vials as palatable as the sights of boys|of Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills pure enjoying themselves at sports and |eured and cleaned my blooit b otherwise. z > |any length of time. I told my friends This week we are clearing out the following The Indian cavalry, which was 'about it and they got some, »and they, small lots of women's and young ladies' 'supported for many months near too, find themselves diffefent since f St. Quentin by the R.C.H.A. bat- [they took them. 1 recommend your 00 1 . teries of "Kingsten, forms~a pro- pills very highly.' twear at the very low price of ery 1.95 FANCY minent part of the film In it he| Milburn' # Laxa-Liver Pills are 25¢ . iy shows that these Gurkhas from [a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct WwW ' India were brave fighters and Eood on repeina of price by The T. Milburn . . omen s patent button and laced boots, comrades and were taken into close "Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. mostly all sizes, 3 to 7 we Lh Ta rh 1.95 BEAD comradeship by the British and [smi Canadian Soldiers. Their swarthy THE WOMEN ASKS THING NG NECKLETS ist heart, anid us fighters that | TA $ Women 8 brown kid laced boots, sizes 3 Band 85 2 were given that respect by the oth-| WANT A MORE RIGID CENSOR z only earing at . These are the latest {5 Re te a wih. aif T'® OF MOTION PIOTCRES, Young ladies' black gun metal calf with . on horse-back and photographed | for Re-afforestration. ~ , ~ v ' 3 of sir life i France hich | x v , parts of their life in France, which|{ mppao p01 o esolutions Cn "olors: C herr Am- ot nel Jn ' 1e following resolutions were * Ys oa a Rory Hi a of hagsed at the executive meeting of € spiendic od 3 ure the Local Councit of Women: ber, coral, azure oThe' portrait of the Prince - of| Sw Aig eid ns Wales is one of the best thay has | yon a f Canada be re gle t blue, nile, green. ever been taken, and it was arrang cro hon the alae re: Tequested to ed by Queen Mary for the Canadian | Resolved that the National . publie The prince appears to be | council of Wo n of Canada real range m what he has been de etihed, aly | izing the great influence of motion and unassuming and rapidly | pictures on the minds of the grow- {ing boy and girl of our land, again ) » h petition the legislatures of the vari- $5 00 i iia. very | DUS Provinces 1hat a duore . vig «L v Oug B hh ' J (censorship of films be exercised prominent in the picture, there are ,, 4 that at least two women be ap- . . many other features which are par- | Lointed to each board where this is » ticularly appealing to Canadians, not already the case : 1 and these include very realistic pic Also a small lot of girls' and children's odds and ends; all a bargain at the low price of . . 1.95 Tuesday and Wednesday Only. Come and Get We can make you a pair of These a Bargain. eye glasses to see both far and near----yet you cannot abe the | quios 3 , Sap dividin line. We w 2 ' taking ~ on 108 characteristic bho JT show them to yom. price from 75¢ up to which should in time make him a ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE tures of artillery in action Th "Resolved, that a request be sent ! Tes Of ArLY ery avlie MC} from this local "council t » medi- You will find SEEWART'S Jowslors, big guns that have been firing onl health Wticer and he Jos 'phd system of eye testing untiring 100 Princess St, City. shells of tremendous size intol on niccioner asking for their co- } _ . play, eating, using their deadly | Ask That Twe Women be Placed on © . . and very fashionable. | knives, handing their spears trom |" the Board of Health--Seeking white rubber soles and heels. Sizes 3 to 5} 1.95 and comfortable. It is DIF Fritz's lines are shewn actually in : : ¢ a ; Aa" ' operation in the matte f ster- ™S FERENT and more thorough action and the recoil indicates the ops or diy i: Sister ® than usual. vo wind pressure that is applied to thel,;4 tq the city couneil asking that ! shell and gives some idea of the - APR "SATISFACTION ASSURED" ------------------tie] damage which such a sshell must NS chien be added. to the Board make when it touches its target, "Resolved, that . the National! * An actual "over the top" scene, | ~ 5 Wr : : ' L) J. STEWART, OPT. Di CS Kirkpatrick [in wih he faifuns" Sihance"is | count of Women, o Canada be re || GENUINE. REDUC- Insurance and Steamship take a trench, Is photographed In R|,¢ the dominion and the legislatures TIONS IN FURS AT emarkably clear way. The pie- ? he "Sight Specialist.' 4 remar he oor (Of the different provinces that re- gt p Ticket Agent, tures were taken from a CONCrete| jee och eation be taken up and car- Opp. Post Office Kingston " > ae > a ste whi House of Better. Gi " ¢ 36 | Clarence Street. Telephone 58Sw § emplacement hat protected the ried on in order to give immediate camera and the result is undoubted work to the unemplayed and te add A -------- ly one of the best pictures of this to the wealth of the country by (1) a Savona! Supe fit has ever beem| yinising waste land end improving own In Kingston. . | existing forests, and (2) by there- The handling of the wounded af- by improving ti 1 mn i er the attack is also shown, and y Jmproving the general. climatic ter i be ay conditions and enhancing the agri- the careful way that they are taken| g Sat to the operating 'table andthe effi-| cW/tural Value of the country.' Removal Sale ominion (clent and humane way in which "operations" are carried out by skill- ed surgeons is depicted. - a _-- T N he least f the tertain- . . res ie Dr. Girdwood's vr ay At the Theatres Big discounts on the different features are unfalded | F Gi ; C urs, Gloves, Caps, on the screen he gives in a con- Hats, etc. cise but thorough manner a vivid RT. ATT] " The . description of their inner mearing, Varity Fair Of 1919. | . and the talk adds tremendously to The Grand Opera House has an at- Aristocrats the value of the show. Accompany- Sratiion nap Friday pvening that ing his talk he has a most com-|OUg" 0 go big with lovers of gooc of the oo orchestra, which furnishes |musical comedy. "Vanity Fair of | This is a bargain Hi hwa ' suitable music to each picture as [1919 is a production elaborate in| * g y shown. every detail and one seldom seen on opportunity that may ® { On Monday afternoon the school [a popular-priced cirenit. It is replete : 1° must | with good comedians of the highest | not occur again for y J ' Used ..exten- Fr OE ried rants. Irom (class, preity and. afveshiy-0wned 1 6 g THIS WEEK IS YOUR REAL OPPORTUNITY ! Fhorys gf oft effective stage soi- | 8 ONG LINE. DON'T HESITATE ! . 1 - In the picture. The house was crowd- [chorus girls, m 2 ve xe 3 B ed and they vented their delight by [tings and has a substantial and clev- sively on a cheering and applauding in an un- erly enacted plot, which contains an uy now and save Every day large purchases are being made at prices we cannot re- makes of cars. mistable way. abundance of laughs. Much credit is § money. peat. Come as early as possible to The film is. being given to-day |due Felix Rice, who is responsible for ; (Tuesday), Wednesday and Thurs- [the music. The book is by J. Mulgrew » day, with a matinee production [and Boyle Woolfolk is the producer. - If you are contemplating the purchase of tires for the com each day. h The Soumbined siorts of the Pree has : : . : ke as present at the [resulted in a production of notable 3 v ing season, consult us and we will demonstrate to you the super- aveuyor Newman wa 5 «with tke |worth. Jack | Srodu heads. the 'com- The Busy Store With the large Stocks. Phone 147 For Service. lor qualities of "DOMINION TIRES, Empire's §ighters" and introduced|pany as the 'chief comedian. The ' Dr. Girdwood to the audience in a few|scenes of the play are laid in several _ 1 well-chosén words of tribute to the|different countries and.are enhanced TIRES AND TIRE REPAIRS doctor and his efforts to secure ajby the brilliant lighting effects. ' Ada Kingston's Oldest Hat and Fur : Co. moving picture of the troops in|Carter, in the role of 'a society girl, ° elle . ° : Our Specialty France, 15' attractive and talented; Earle : Store, mn ston 0 it * * Touch Toes Fifty Times : g ing L.0., b ' tod 0 ; Manufacturers of High Grade Flour kL i 3 +2slie, in a prominent role, and Nel- 3 Fine exercise! Keeps skin clear and complexion * Lin Onsone, who sings, are well "White Rose' and "Hungarian Patent" rosy by forcing the delayed food, poisons and waste i Nieht h For sale by all dealers 206-8 Wellington Street i. from the stomach, liver and bowels. Splendid! Coming, "A Night In Honolulu." In "A Night in Honolulu," which 5 domes to the Grand Opera House Canada Food Board License Nos. 118 and 4-118 next Saturday, matinee and night, the native Hawalian singers and mus icians will be found to occupy a great deal of' the spectitors' attention. Haw by the gifted native singg¢rs and players has been a great suceess in America because it is dif- ferent. The melodious strains * of their guaint songs and the accom- paniment on native justruments is plaintive and fascinating. Mark Twain, after his first visit to the Ha- wailan Islands, said in an inter- view: "The music of the Hawaiians, the most fascinating in the world, is still in my ears and haunis me sleep- ing and waking. I ean still bear the pulsing of the surf at Waikafki, see the plumy palms drawsing by the shore, the garlanded crags and the leaping cascades, and this music Jame me with the spirit of fis woud. | {land salitu des.