& dca z ( Best's |-- $-- Men's Branch For Dr. Hickey's Speedy Cure For Coughs and Colds. Baby Foods, Hand Lotions, Cold Creams, Face Powders, Talcum Pow- ders, Cameras, Films and Supplies, Pins, Needles and Thread. Chocolate, Ete BEST'S BRANCH The Handy Shop. Phone 2018. We are splendidly equippe tos supply the with articles complete his Cuff Links Scarf Pins Pocket Watches Watch Chains Watch Fobs Fountain Pens Pen Knives Cigarette Cases Military Brushes Signet Rings he may need t civilian outfit. Keeley jr., M.0.D.0. Marriag Licenses Wedding Rings Those people (and the are many) who dread the ordeal of an eye examin~ ation are agreeably aston- ished to find that, as madé us, it causes no pain, discomfort, or inconven- fence. Jewelers Limited Established 1840 King Street, Kingston And We Use No Drugs. ' Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. 226 Princess Street APION No. Pp Skin Diseases, Ne. § for Ohronie Wi DPN sass. Me. $ fos S PRICE IN ENGLAND, LRCLERCM ad. Co. HaverstockRa.,N Ww. ' MARKED WORD 'THERAPIO! a -------------- RAMSAY'S PAINT The German Fleet Was Really Unseaworthy For Lack of Paint. WOULD YOU LIKE THESE SHADES FOR YOUR HALL OR BEDROOM Your Choice of These 33 Shades Flesh, light drab, pale blue, terra cotta, slate, buff grey, pale drab, light choeco- late, lilac, bronze green, light fawn, venetian green, citron, dark olive, brown- stone, lettuce green, cream, farmers' blue, sea green, opal green, peach, pale lilac, orange yellow, opal blue, salmon, blue grey, sky blue, cypress green, rose pink, French grey, pure brown, light brown. Gallon $4.70 # Pint Pint Half Gal. ov 28 05 $1.25 $2.45 Sale price ... ina 50 $1.00 $1.90 $3.75 'We have a fine line of second hand cooking stoves, £15.00 to $35.00, which includes some re-built Happy Thought Ranges. Terms arranged to suit you. Quart Jewelry returned soldier SMITH BROS. d 0 © {DEFENCE OF - MISSIONS JAMES REVIEWED OBJECTIONS Converts and Cash Unfair to Esti- mate on Money Basis Good 'Work Go Under. Metho- | Rev. | Janie v morning, principal { , Kingston, made! eign missions, assert- | rch which centred] 0 | itself was the church{ most to go under, and that the pe vho took an interest in| the welfare of the heathen were also] those who Destirred themselves about those at 'their door, - though this was the favorite excuse of those! opposed to missions, that 'attention | should first be given to home prob- lems. In preaching on the alabastor bex of ointment incident in the Scriptures and the subsequent ery "Why this waste?" Dr, Bruce Taylor first reviewed the change which had [taken place in the motive for foreign missionary enterprise, He ted that the old idea of the ishing heathen" which took Paton to the New Hebrides of a defence of ing that the attention likely ple 'per- world. this Peace Conference," said the preacher, 'without asking what is| the relation of Christ té all these| ed- Japan, these great powers that destined to be still greater powers. Yet there are many men who ask: Why send money abroad, why both- er about the Chinese over there when you have your problems in Montreal and also in the West? The answer is just this: If you are going to walt until Montreal is quite cleaned up, You are going to wait till domesday, Nevertheless this place here, which I knew pretty well, is a changed place. Why? Jecause a handful of people have got together, determin ed to clean up the city and they dome more than any other effort. But I do not find among them any of those people who used to say, 'Mon treal is the problem and you can ~~ 1 Be. RADI "is of Ag pri STAMP AFFIXED TO GENUINE PACKETS A ENN MeKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. 69-71 Brock Street. § | stronger words, leave Chinamen alone No; the people who are doing this are those of our churches who are also doing the other work.' Another objection made against missions, said Dr. Bruée Taylor, was the cost, Men would take a mis- sionary report, figure out the cost at so much a head, and then say it was not worth all that. This meth- od applied to Montreal churches would not answer, and it was equally unfair to foreign work and more so. No one, for instance could estimate the value in money of medical and educational work on the foreign JHields. "To judge a mission by the fact that a certain number of coun- versations have cost a certain am- ount of money js a deliberate injus- tide to the whéle scheme of mission work," declared the speaker, Dr. Bruce Taylor examined the AA A A rt car in "They Made Me Weli: I Am Still Well" What Madame Gingras Says Of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Hundreds of Other Women in Can- ada Have Had the Same Experi. ence With the Old Canadian Kid- ney Remedy, Dodd's, Kidney Pills, | Morigeau, Montmagny Co., Que. -- Feb. 24.--(8pecial.)--""Dodd's Kid- ney Pills made me well, and I am still well." It would be hard to put a eulogy of Dodd's Kidney Pills in fewer or Yet these are the exact words of Madame Philippe Gingras, a resident of this place, who i both well known and highly re- spected. These words speak volumes to women who suffer. For women all over Canada are fast learning that nine-tenths of the sufféring to which their sex is heir come from sick kid- neys. . Weak, worn women who carry a burden of pain to their daily duties now realize that the way to relief lied In finding the best kidney reme- dy. And the fact that Dodd's Kid- ney Pills have been in use in Can- ada for aver a quarter of a century, and are more popular to-day than they ever were before, is the proof that they are the best kidney remedy. Hundreds of women in Canada say with Madame Gingias: Dodd's Bldney Pills made me well, and L'a till well." You Can't Brush Or Wash Out Dandruff The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it, then you destroy. it entirely. To do this, get {about four ounces of ordMary lighid jarvon; apply it at night when retir- ling; use enough to moisten the scalp Jand rub it in gently with the finger | Do this to-night, and by morn- 3 og. most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more {applications will completely dissolve abd ' y destroy every single sign (may have. : ai ind, lou, that al} lichin b Scalp 1 a {and trace of it, no matter how much Done; seif-Centred Church Would | admit-irheumatism, and that is through the Dr. land rubbing was | ease, not now generally held by the church [trouble out vf the system. and that theology had diverted itself only be done by the rich, red, new from the future world more to this blood which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make "You cannot read anything about out thé poisonous acids and impuri- Ities, and the rheumatism disappears, oth the Methodist n churches had flouri ling to the extent of rk. Mission : hh keep its 3 1ds of the earth, kept it ming insular and paroch- ¢ other hand, if we turn away from the ends of th we will look afte! ourselves only, T believe that is way b we shall die." { Pres most ¢ | foreign miss Mair I by lon rom be ial. "Ont our eye Say in Winter Rheumatism Rheumatism fs a disorder of the blood It attacks people when the blood is overcharged with aeid and | impurities, thug setting up inflamma- | tion jn the museles and joints. Wet| weather or cold weather may start the tortures of rheumatism, but it is not the cause. The cause is in the blood and the blood only. Victims of this winter malady have every reason to fear the first dull ache in the limbs and joints, followed by sharp pains through the flesh and muscles: these are the symptoms of poison in the blood which may shortly leave the victim painracked 'and helpless. There is only one Way to cure hot give possibly applications, temporary root the That can Liniments, may cannot blood but This new blood drives If you are a sufferer from this pain-) ful malady begin curing yourself to- peoples who are bound to be includ-|day by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink such, for instance, as China and | Pills, and see how soon the pains and are |Stiffness of the joints fade away, leaving behind new energy and new health. You can get Dr. Willlams® Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a bex or six boxes for $2.50 from 'The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont MINING INSTITUTE ¥ORMED That Will Be Distinct Advantage This District, At Deloro, Feb, 19th, a branch the Canadian Mining Institute, to be known as Hasting's District Branch, Canada Mihing Institute, was formed, the boumpdaries to cover the following centres and surround ing district: Deloro and Marmara; Madoe; Tweed and Sulphide; King- ston; Belleville and Trenton; Hive- lock and Cordova Mines. The following officers were elect- de: Chairman, S. B. Wright, Deloro; vice-chairman, Geo, H, Gillespie, Madoc; sec.-treas., R. A. Elliott, De- loro. Councillors: Kingston, Prof. GJ. McKay, Queen's University; Belle ville, J. W. Evans; Tweed, W. H. DeBlois; Havelock, @. W, Rayner; Madoc, S. Wellington; Deloro, H. A. McNally. It was decided to hold monthly meetings at the different centres at which anyone interested in mining and metallurgy would be welcome, At these meetings papers. on subjects connected with the mining industry will be read, discussions will take place on local topics and every ef- fort will be made to bring the ad vantages and possibilities of this dis- trict before the mining and metallur- gical world. Student members of the Canadian Mining Institute will be enrolled free, and any person wishing to secure membership should get in touch with the local councillor for their district or' communicate with the secretary. This district has a great future in the production of the economic min- erals and it is up to the locai people to interest themselves, or others will come in from t)fe outside and take the cream, therefore when a local meeting of this Institute is advertis- ed in any of the above centres, take advantage of the opportunity to be- come acquainted with - what this branch of the Canadian Mining In- stitute is doing to boost the Hast- ings district. Princess Street Church Concert. A splendid concert wads given at Princess street Methodist church on Monday evening, which showed much talent and ability on the part of those who contributed to the pleasing programme. The church was filled and the receipts were most satisfactory. Mayor Newmahb occupied the chair. The programme was as follows: "Sole, Miss ~ Anna Timmermann; violin solo, Ruth Redmond; vocal solos by D. Couper, Misses Alexander énd Cruickshank and Master Sergt. Gaske; violin solo by Mr. Locke; duet, Messrs. Mack and Armstrong; readings by Miss Posselwhite and Miss Bailey; Rev. Mr. Brown and Rev, Mr, Ellis conveyed greetings from Sydenham street and Queen street chirches, and Rev. Mr. Hamilton, of Brock- ville, gave an address. of the ' B.S. Convention Music. The special music arranged for the Wednesday sessions of the local Sunday school convention in Queen Street Methodist church this week, is as follows: 2.30 p.m. fon, Mrs. John Evans; public meeting, § p.m. Male choir, compriging Y.M.C.A. and Queen Street Methodist church quar tettes, will render quartette and oc- tette numbers. Speakers are Dr. C. A. Myers and Rev. T. A. Halpenny, of Toronto, = All are invited. ---- -- Scottish Rite in Hamilton. The annual re-union of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Ham- flton takes place to-day (Tuesday) and will continue for four days, A number of prominent Scottish Rite members from the city went to Ham- for the event, Dr. A. W. Rich- ardson, H. W. Snelling, Lieut. 8. Jordan, J. E. Johnston, Major T. A. Kidd, Dr. P. Waugh and Lieut Harvey being some of the represen- tatives. x Benefit Of Rod Cross. 'Tea, sale and euchre. Knights ~f Columbus rooms,' Wednesday, Feb, 28th, under auspiees af Children oi Mary. Tea and sale, 3 to 6 pm. ssion, 10c.. Euchre. 8 pan. Sia 25¢. - Ri nents. oh 3 Jarmy on the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1919. Probs: Wednesday, snow or sleet; much colder. p Sete New Spring Silks and ress Fabrics * That jubilantly express the spirit of peace, victory and the coming colorful sea- son. Your are Probably Planning Your Early Spring Wardrobe And quite naturally you want the latest fabrics and newest shades obtainable for coat, frock, suit or sport skirt. Visit our silk and dress fabric depart- ments and view the exquisite materials that have recently arrived. ~~ All in high grade qualities--at prices as low as good quality is obtainable anywhere. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE NEW NOTES CHERRY SILKS--A shimmering silk with an exquisite soft finish. One of the latest fads and marvelously lovely. WOOL BURLAP--An exclusive new material for suits and coats, in spring shades. specially adapted Unique conventional designs of surpassing beauty, largely seen on silks, and very effective. Blues, fawns and greys of every description lead the colors--supple- mented by lovely shades of henna, platinum, flying fox, jade, coral, victory red. \ Among the New Silks Pussy willow silks Rich plaid silks Silk foulards New French failles Silk georgettes Crepe de chenes French charmeuse Cherry sitks - Striped silk skirtings New taffetas Fleur de chenes Satin duchess Among New Dress Fabrics New wool burlaps French broadcloths Carmen velours Poirette twills Tailoring serges. Fancy check skirtings Sylvian suitings Charmeuse theresa Gabardines Armure royal Donnegal suitings Bannockburns a a Fr rT TTT LT | SILK POPLINS 500 yards of special quality silk poplin in shades of wine, pearl, sand, victory blue, black, etc. , Beautiful soft, lustrous finish, full 36 inches wide. To-morrow .. .. . :. . .$L.19 es GRANTS TO SOLDIERS, $2,000 For Man Who Served in France. Calgary, Feb. 25.--In speaking to a vefolution which asked for the pay- ment of two thousand dollars 'to every man that served in France, which was curried unanimously by a crowded mesting of veterans. Major R. B. Baton, M.L.A., declared that from a business point of view the Government owes a balance of mon-| ay which is the sum between what the soldeir received for his services and what should ha#¥ been paid to Ma. a The scale of pay in the resolution ealls for a thousand dollars Yor the! jan who served in Canada, $1,500 for the man who was in ; only, and $2,000 for the man that} served In any theatre of the war, CONTAIN | » 'NO NARCOTICS " Former Crown Prince Rupprecht, former commander of the Ge tern: front, repo ad at the head of 4 monarchical at which Hed in the assassts FhicY Finer, Rap, 'na of Premier eht cannot be found. _ President Wilson in his ff speech al Boston invited the critics fof the league of natlend" plin to "test the sentiment of America." & » 7