PAGE THREE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1919. , 3 f SEEIE0600554 S500004 $04 sou oi 1 mie it, Sask., are the guests pi | y- . of Mrs, T. A.' Keenan, Barr 1 T Id I Mis, Horn, Wellingttn street, has ol a . returned from a visit in Toronto, | Amateur Finishing ji tuenneecgges oO n Miss Emma Peters is spending this} | { | ( : week in T : at A : " qe } Miss Pe of Newark, ] g t N.J., is the guest of Miss Hethro B ? x Percy, Division street. est's . Bios sever ee on. vis : hter, Mrs. | : after, the Whig, in] been visiti her daug rid Best Service : Men S ee aras all 0 Ross McRae, Broth Street, Jas gone) Bes nad i alk charge of 50e.| to Toronto for a short s ay. t Results in a Take BATE mar- Mrs. W. B. Mudie and Miss Agnes Best Prices > riage or reception announcement.) |Johnston, Ganahoque, spent Satur- Now if you are an Miss Doris "Donnelly : entertained Ln photographer what nore could at a young people's dance on Satur- {spending a few days with Mrs. Bruce you expect? You can also pro- day evening in honor of her brother, | Hopkins at "Hazeldell" . ; eure the 3 Miller Donnelly. . In the absence} Mrs. H. F. Lafferty arcived from * ® » re : of Mrs. Donpelly in California, Mrs. | Quebec on Monday and is at the} e rst REST FILMS J. Howard Box and Mrs. Casselman { "Belvidere. BEST PAPER c¢haperoned this very deligntiu] » s } i : 0 HE ) IP » 3 party, the guests including Miss Mr. 'and Mrs. Paul Smith are in BEST CHEMICAL SUPPLIES We are splendidly equipped Kathleen Bibby, Miss Grace Dunlop, | town for a few days from Ottawa. to supply the returned soldier Miss Dorothy Newman, Miss Phyllis} iss Helen Strange, Sydenham At Bests' with articles he may need to $#/Coates,i Miss Nora Dyde, Miss Flor-{ street, who is visiting her aunt, Mrs. complete bis civilian outfit, ence Emery, Miss Gertrude McKel-| james Maclennan, in Toronto, is ex- vey, Miss Isobel Minnes, Miss Mary pected here this week. The Popular Drug Store . Jones, Miss Helen Maclean, Miss|' wis May Ford, Arch street, re- OPEN SUNDAYS Cuff Links Jabal and Hien Since JHovers. Miss turned from Toronto on Saturday. 59. Branch 2018 i i gon Tollad, iss Ruin mac, Miss Naomi Macdonald was in Scarf Pins ment @nd Messrs. Frank McMartin, town from Picton this week. W George Carson, James and Pressley © 1 M J. N.S. Lesli ocket atches acle eh i Colonel and Mrs, J. N. 8. Leslie, 2 Macleod, Donald Roughton, Lionel Smily street have returned from a : 5 i MaeKay, Vivian Sills, Jack Emery, |" "k : ds A wah Chains Grafton Wilkinson, Jack McKelvey, | Short visit in Ottawa. . at o Hew Dut and Herbert Robertson, Lieut. Jack C. Smythe, West _-- > oF T Meme Probs: Thursday, fair and moderately cold. bee. toe Mrs. Mander+of Montreal, who has day in town. Mrs. George Wood, Montreal, is Showing for Spring 1919 Though not complete, out initial showing of the modes and fabrics for spring, 1919, are now ready; and we take this opportunity of inviting you to make an early choice while assortments are at their best. : . ¢ 3 4 Fountain Pen / x guests o Skati street, left on Monday for Riverside, 8 Among thidiguests at the Skating California, where he will be the $ 3 Club on Saturday evening, whieh J ¥ Remodelled Pen Knives was not as large ag usual owing to Bush! of Mr. and Mrs, C. Berming- 1 the rather mild weather, were Major tam, <i E J . Cigarette Cases and Mrs. Hugh Wotherspoon, Capt. Mrs. Eck Kilborn, Lyn road, k] Military Brushes and Mrs, Paul Powis, Mr. and Mrs. | Brockville, is visiting relatives in 5 Gordon Smith, Mr. and Mrs. G. B.| Kingston. and Signet Rings McKay, Professor and Mrs, W. E. Major J. A. C, Macpherson, King- Macpherson, Miss Mildred Jones, | ston, spending a few days in Ottawa Weddi Marpi Miss Marion . Lesliq, Miss Mamie | with his mother, Mrs. J. Penning- eading Marriage Garrett, Miss Marjorie Hopkirk, | ton Macpherson, has returned to re- ' ; , » : al Rings Licenses. ) Miss Wilhelmina |g litary duties in Ki v R d Bt 4 Ses Miss Jean 'Duff, Miss rel sume his military duties in Kingston. €p re Gordon, Miss Margaret Murray, Miss * = 0» Eleanor Minnes, Miss Kathleen Car- Miss Bessie Davis, Newmarket, is ruthers, Major Goodwin, Professors | ine guest of Mrs. Elmer Davis, Syd- Manley Baker and McKie and|gnham street. Ww F GOURDIER SMITH BROS Messrs. P. C..Lgman, R. G, Richard: Mrs. Arthur Turner and little 'dau- . * . son, W. Minnes, BE. C. Gildersleeve, ghter, returned to Hamilton on Sat- ¥ Eros, Jack Vilas, Bougise urday after spending some time with Jewelers IR asunder, Major '® 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Slater, Barrie 76-80 Brock Street. Major Garnet TROST. . street, Mrs, Slater accompanied her daughter and will be her guest for : - Limited The Curling Club on Tuesday aft-], few days, » + ernoon was as usual much enjoyed * Foo» 15 Days Cash Sale Established 1840 by the guests among whom noticed! yjeut, Jeremy Taylor arrived home Prices Down King Street, Kingston were Ms. H. D. Bibby, Mrs. J. M.} from service in France and Chmpbedl, Stes: Daptel Préiad, Miss is with his mother, Mrs, Jeremy Tay- ¢ % Fowler, Miss a Birch, Mrs. Ashby, | jor, King street, . Apples, Keo. Land Ne: 2; Spys . Mrs. G. B. McKay, Mrs. J. Gorrie, Lientenant Walter Ellis who has gs Mrs. S. M. Robertson, Mrs, George] paen on active servicedsince the early FRESH FISH--Halibut Steak, Wright, Mrs, W. J. Gibson, Mrs.| days of the war hae sailed for Cana- 25¢ 1b.; (B.C.. Red Salmon, 28¢ Anthony Rankin, Mrs. Wier, Miss| gs ang is expected home shortly. SPECIALS FOR Aileen Folger, Mrs. J. M. Hughes,| ofrs. B. R, Huyck; who is visiting 1b. Choice Salmon, 20c Ib.; he 1 Mrs. F. Harold Hughes, Mrs. Frank| Miss Alma Price, Sydenham street. White Fish, 17¢/1.; Steak Cod 5. _Hughe 123 Ib.; Haddock, 10¢ Ib. SATURDAY Philips, Mis. W. W. Gibson, Mrs. El-f expects to leave on Friday for Mon. SMOKED FISH Kippered Cholce Steak ... .25ec, 30c a Ih. mer Davis, Mrs. Boyes, Mrs. D. G.| treal. Herrings, Blogters, Finnan Choice Rib mand Shoulder Roasts, Laidlaw, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Emery. Raymond Conley, Wolfe Island, * Haddie, Fillets, Digby Chucks, Chol paar oF Be 30e, 33¢ § Th: : ra spent the week-end at Edward Finn's, Salt Herrings, Sausage, .. ...20¢, 25¢, 30c 1h The marriage of Capt. J. Malotie Enterprise. Choice Mined ment " ay A 1b, and' Miss Hisie Pense, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James McCulla, 188 \ 1 : " fork, Veal and Lam} the late E. J. B. Pense, will. take| Johnson street, have returned from The United Grocery | Cholee Creamery Butter 55¢ a Ib. place in London, Eng., on Thursday.]| Toledo, Ohio. . NY » 3. = Continued on Page 10.) 138 PRINCESS ST. ( K . CHARLES QuIl Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cooper and Cle St. 12 Clergy "St Phone 2014 Miss Nadine Cooper, of Sydney, the Food Noard License No. 9-5088 ~ . guests of Mrs. James Higgins, Wel- lington street. ers 0 or * * = # New Spring Suits, _ New Coats, New Serge Dresses = = New Silk Dresses New York Millinery Miss Marjorie MeMahon, Syden- ham street, entertained on Tuesday ' Co Ss. evening in honor of Mrs. BE. R. Kittens The Billtonrus. Edi Huyck, Jed tor): Your editorial re billboards : . . : was timely and to the point. It is cor- Miss Alma Price, Sydenham street, tainly discouraging for anyone who entertained on Monday evening in year after year works to try and im- honour of Mrs. E. R. Huyck, prove -his 'surroundings to find that » * * his labors are in vain, because his There is to be a dinner at the neighbor (in many case a non-resi- { Country Club to-night in honour of {dent) is allowed to put up these un- and thus shutting out a beautiful : 2 Mrs. Noble Armstrong was hostess | view of trees and shrubs, and spoil- . 3 at the tea hour this afternoon in )ing what was otherwise a very pleas- honour of Mrs. E. R. Huyck. ant neighborhood. Not only this, "a but some outeasts of society have : ~ i A "surprise" party is being ar-| written on the back of these boards ranged for this evening at Rock-|language that is not fit for print, and wood House. this was a. favorite rendezvous for New Kid and Fabric Gloves, New Hosiery Beautiful Dress and Novelty Silks : New Neckwear . - Novelty Frillings Marabout Ruffs and Capes, Ostrich Ruffs : Novelty Dress Fabrics New Prints New Ginghams Be in lime ds we are going lo close (he sale next: "iva the orld 2 tu ool VE 3 oi "o Fo v . \ i Ed fw . ' eg C rem" from 1@ School across ab hy i RioernE baw Ll Hhing Jor You of Mrs. W. Canmipbell; Toronto, 1s the] the street, to read and refrite filthy, i I : RNS erwear, sweater Goals, guest of Mrs. R. Uglow, Harrie|obscene language. . Still we wonder lals and Caps, Trunks and Suit Cases al a price you street, Where our children learn bad habits. never bought for bef CR ak a Mrs. N. % 'Breen of Watertown, I appealed to this man (who, by Phi bl bin Anam FRI N.Y. and Mrs. Archibald Power and [the Way, is a trustee of the school) . for the sake of the children, his own wm i = x some of the Visitors in town, sightly boards enclosing a corner a New We 1 Suiti gs J New Dr G i i m = x cared J ° . as well as mine, to remove the sign # Without Pure Blood boards. His reply was that it was § : Health Is Impossible his property and he would do as he : 1H Owlngto tatilty action of the kid UREA with i I INSPECTION INVI . rd B " © a walk, Mr. Editor, by the neys and liver, the blood becomes fill- billboards on any i - y damp morning, The Up-to-Date Clothing and Men's Furnishing Store od with disease germs that imperil {especialy if on the previoos day the : i } health, paste swasher has been treating the The first warnings are backache boards to a dose of paste, and nédte dizziness, headache and lack of en-|how nice it is to slip and shide in the ergy. Act quickly if you would avoid grimy paste left on the sidewalk. 1 the terrible ravages of chronie kid-! think the council should pass a by- ney complaint. Get Dr. Hamilton's|law that all signs be removed back Pills to-day; théy cure kidney and|thirty feet from the street line. liver troubles for all time to come.| . Yours for a better, larger apd a No medicine relieves so promptly, | more liveable city, Shnsh so thor an hs, ~--F. R. BAILBY. © Vv a 1 i.