THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, r EBRUARY 12,1919. 17 i | QlamonND QUALITY FEBRUARY SALE John McKay y, Lad, THE FUR HOUSE 149-157 Brock Street 2 Kingston -- ED ---- iE i it city, near car dine, west end, Hi : b 8 |X his Victrolas and Victor Records BAND RECORDS King Cotton March Ty bai ye Ullicer of tne va), March--Pryor's Band ... i vw Taee te Yizhis Out re Fashington Post, Mareh--Viet Min Hashing ie ctor Military Band Wake up a. Coldath eau Guards FE ve we \ Liherty Forever, March © Volunteers-- ito: Milita . Solid Men to the Front a Sabre and PwEnRaua'y Band «poi... ES Feta - Hogh pair JT 8 Artillery March--So 's Ba .s The Stars and Stripes Forever yg : El Capitan, Maren----Pryor's Bana ... All the doulas Vocal and dance records In stock. Mahood Bros. New frame, 6 rooms, fur- nace, electricity, bath and clo- set, good cellar, lot 66 x 120, west end, $2500. rick Made after a searching ex- amination of the eyes--not , 7 rooms, furnace, all | if | only get at the root of the trou- Mode provements, electri. modern ble, but overcome it. If your eyesight is dimmed and blurred--the eyes ache and you're nervous--don't feel despondent, consult J. S. Asselstine, D.O.S. The Busy Optical House 342 King St, 3 Kingston, Ont. HHH NN YY TY YY YY ion! $8400. ; ictory Bonds Accepted at Fall Value. 2 gh 4 p dha hdd A a a a ak \ ---------- ih BOY WAS - KIDNAPPED FOSTER: FATHER TOOK 10 GET HIM BACK, {BUT STEPS Hastings County Farmer Did Detective 'Work and Located Lad His Mother at Gananoque. eleven-year-old boy wa ed from his home in Hastings a man who claimed to be| ent inspector, was to a Whig Fopraseiiyfive lon Wednesday morning, but it 111 is well that ends well, an : in question is now back at again, happy and con- With is Id home ppears that the boy was a ward 1 orphanage, and at the age WO years, was placed with a form- and given a good. home in Hast- {ings county. Just recently, the boy's iguardian- was very much surprised {to have a visit from a man who said that he was a government inspector, and who stated that he had come to take session of the lad. As the had aot been given any 3 when the took the lad from the {lorpltanage, and believing at the time [that the stranger had the authority {to take the boy, he allowed the man {to take him away. However, having the boy in his {home for nine years, he was greatly attached to Wim, and his wife, too, was very fond of him, thinking over the matter they came to the coneclu- sion that the man had no right to take the boy, and it was decided to make a search and see if they could get any trace of the boy's where abouts. The former guardian of the lad came to Kingston and spent three or four days making inquiries and do- ing detective work, and finally sue- ceeded in getting a clue. He found that the boy's mother was back of the scheme to get possession of the youngster, and that the man who cialmed he was a government spector had been putting over: the "trick" for the mether, It was also discovered that the boy was at the home. of his mother in Gananoque. The former guardian' had an inter- view with John Pollfe, inspector for the Children's Aid Seciety, in Kings- ton, and wihile the cage was in Hast- ings county, and out of his jurisdic- tion, Mr. Pollie, on being appealed to, consented to making a trip to Gana- noque, to help find the boy. Mr. Pol- lie and the former guardian went down to Gananoque Tuesday night, and with the assistance of the Po- lice, succeeded in locating the home where the boy had been taken. He was with his mother, and the latter did not like the idea of giving up the | boy, but did so without making any trouble, and, late that night, Mr. Pol- {He and the guardian returned {Kingston with the boy. On Wednes- | day the foster father left for his home with the lad. The happy in his country home and ap- parently did not desire to make a change. . Whether or not action will be taken against the man who attempted to' secure possession of the boy, is not known, are being forwarded to J. J. Kelso, Toronto, chief inspector for the Chil- dren's Ald Society. ------ Elected Officers. The complete list of the officers of the Young People's Association of Kingston Methodist district are: Hon- orary president, Rev. J. 'D. Bilis, B.A., Kingston; president, Rev, J. A. | Waddell, Kingston; dent, George Bracken, Seeley's Bay; second vice-president, H, Buck; third vice-president, Jack Alexander, Kings- ton; fourth vice-president, C. J. Wil- son, Gananoque; fifth vice-president, Rev. E, R. Kelly, Cataraqui; repre- sentative to Epworth League execu- tive, Rev. E. Owdling, Battersea; treasurer, Miss Vera VanLuven, Kingston; secretary, Miss Maude Quirt, Kingston. Colds Cause Headaches And Pains. Feverish Headachés and Body Pains caused from cold are soon re- lieved Ly taking LAXATIVE BRO- MO QUININE Tablets. . There's only one "Bromo Quinine." BW, fof er, Some | | {petitive applications for that job. | the) cents a loaf, in-| INCIDENTS OF THE. DAY, {columns are the market makers for! {lice have already recovered one of {these fuses, to | lad was quite | | first vice-presi- | {found by the police was picked up on {the street. but the facts of the case] GROVE'S signature on the box. 36c. Funeral Of' A Chinaman, The funeral of John lee, the Chinaman, who died on Sunday at ihe General Hospital, took place from James Reid's undertaking parlors on Tuesday = afternoon 'to Cataragul cemetery. Rev. W. T, G. Brown, pas- tor of Sydenham Street Methodist { chureh, of which the deceased was a member, officiated. It was a large funeral, being attended by fifty of his fellow- countrymen. -------------------------- For Valentine Parties. Valentine aprons, bonnets, pro- grammes, score cards and latest popular music at the College Book Store. Open nights. ton's best-known citizens, away at the Al Hos- over several months. In | Major BE. W. Day, one of Edmon-' passed | LOCAL NoTks AND TEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. i W. Swaine, pluao tuner, orders at| cAuley's' or 'phone H64W, | A classified ad brings to you com-} l } } Ix-ead is selling in Toronto at nine} or twelve loaves fox a dollar. "For Sale" ads in the classified | used things. | Wity Engineer McClelland is in Of- tawa atiending the nual meeting of the Canadian Society of Civil En- gineers, Now is the time to have your plano tuned." We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction." C. W. Lindsay. Limited, Charles A." O'Reilly, Brockville, who has received his discharge from the C.E.F., has resumed his studies at Queen's University. The many friends of Acton will be glad to know she is improving and hopes te be able to return to her home at Sand Hill néxt week. Miss Hawkins was removed fro her home, 413 Johnston street, to the General Hospital on Tuesday ey- ening, by James Reid's motor ambul- ance. Miss Hawkins was suffering from influenza, We will rent you a plano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow the six months' rental on purchase price, and arrange easy terms on bal ance, C. W. Lindsay, Limited. Major James 8. Macdonnell, who recently returned from France, where ar Mrs, Ernest Valentines and Novelties for Friday F eb. From the kisty ages has come the quaint enstom of honoring the revered monk who went sbout doing deeds of and bv. and in keeping with the g greatly sending of quaint Valentines or m sgives of love, ar you do 'tis high time to prepare, hrought out a Valentine--the the 14th by the year, publishers have IF YOU'RE SENDING A VALENTINE You'll not want to miss seeing the wonderful collection here day in scores of fascinating ways Valentine post eards, and 5¢ each FOR THE PARTY, DANCE, ETC. crepe are too clever for words, boast all the at 10c a package CAPS of INVITATIONS that "CUT-OUTS in dozéns of forms APRONS. in highly érnamented paper. gynibels of the day in red and white PLACE CARDS, NUT BASKETS, Ete. The greateat gift giving time of gifts are books, ALL LATEST FICTION AT SPECIAL PRIC: LAMP SHADES, Ete, of the year is St. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE. Phone 919 more fascimating collection than cleverly decorated, are priced at 2 for DANCE PROGRAMMES, Valentine's Day, IS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. 14th birthday of good old Saint love. To-day we commemorate holding festive parties and gay spirit of the peace ever herore gpirit. of the S¢ They hreathe the - paper; in red and white. TALLY CARDS, and the most popular form Open Nights he served three years with the Can- adian artillery, leaves on Thursday for Toronto, He receives his dis- charge from the C.E.F. to-ddy, and will resume his legal work in To- ronto. WATCH YOUR STEP; 66 FUSES STOLEN Store Room at Military College Robbed--One Fuse Picked Up by Police. It has been diseovered, that sixty six fuses were stolen from the store room at the Royal Military College, and a general warnjng has been is- sued to cilizens to watch their step as it were, 'as these fuses may be around the street and will prove 'very dangerous if driven over. The po- Brig. Gen, Perreau, in speaking {about the matter, on Wednesday | morning, stated that the fuses were extremely dangefous., They are from five to eight inches long. The store room at the college was found to have been broken into, and on making an investigation it was found that the fuses had been stolen. It is thought that the theft was pulled off by some, boys. The one fuse Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Druggists refund money it PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, ~ Bleeding or Protruding Piles. - Steps Irritation, Soothes and Heals. You can get restful sleep after the first application. Price, 60c. Women's Canadian Club. Do not fail to hear the illustrat- ed lecture on Egypt, in Convocation Hall, on Thursday evening, at 8.10, 23 Pr. R. J. Wilson. Non-members, ec. JOINT STOCK COMPANY SALE Furs, Hats, Millinery To-day we Specially Mention S-A-V-E Money by buying your next year's re- quirements in wool - underwear-- NOW. The mills are quoting much higher prices. We still have a good range in all the wanted makes for both women and men. CORRECT PRICES PREVAIL We Have in Stock Jast Arrived Oampbell's Tomatd Soup Oampbell's Vegetable Soup Clark's Tomato Soup Olark's Vegetable Soup Distributors for Hed Rose Tea-the Good Tea. Victory Bonds . are the thing. Buy Them! W.R.McRae&Co GOLDEN LION popular Shades Are a feature of this business, and we pride ourselves in the elegant range of new styles that we are showing. See us before you buy. Still Selling Pictorial Patterns AA Ar NSN Newman & Shaw cc The Always Busy Store = (McFaul's Old Stand) a WHITE © FURS By The Williard Hall of the W.( of the W.C.T.U. new members were reported. z the Business of the meeting was con- H cluded, several interesting talks on the value of the "Travellass' Aids in Toronto," travelling to Toronto, or and parent whose daughter is travelling alone, is urged to write to the Williard Hall, 16-20 Gerard street E. for informa- tion and help. guided in a strange city. Hl receive informmtion as to the ehar- i acter of prospective employers, iH boarding houses, Any traveller who | has not written ahead Ww hite furs to WOMEN TRAVELLERS AIDED crv. Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea. Salmon, Had- dock, Halibut and 2 Cod. Dominion Fish Co. At Toronto. At the Tuesday afternoon meeting some twenty-five After were given, Any woman then be She will She will License No. 6-543 { | ---- Il Real Bargains KING ST. Near breakwater, pond brick, 16 =, electric Tight, gas; sun gr Ap and downstairs. Front and back stairs; 100 feet fron tage on King street by 200 feet deep; garage--$15,000. COLBORNE ST. Solid brick, 9 roomsy hot wa- heating, barn and good Finished inside in cherry Possession, 30 days ter yard, wood, $4800, E. W. Mullin & Son Cor. Johnson & Division Bts. Phones 539) and 589w E. W. Mullin BE. V. Mallin woes BUILDERS SUPPLIES wseey The LUMBER MARKET { The present winter has not | been favorable for log cutting and hauling. The cost of labor and camp supplies has been very high. Large operftuors say they must have an advance of $5.00 per M. or more, for the coming season's cut of lum The scarcity of houses at home and abroad, the plans of the gov- ernment for railroad extensions and ear material and .the low stocks on hand, all bespeak ' a strong and healthy demand for lumber, Prices are now relatively lower than other products. They have not Gdvanced: ag much nor as rapidly as prices of other lines, There fore they are not likely to op. Do not Jostpons bullding oper- "ationg. out your yp As at once, and help to create good times, and to Willard Dita on Tuesday atier an limes ox. tending suit nearly every- - body--they are be- coming, wear well are are co i Hall, will do well to look for the uni Hi formed lady attendant at the station, the lady wearing the badge of the W.C.T.U. All this service is free {o 'the travelling public, it is from wom- en, to women for women, is interna. 4 tional and non-sectarian, and if gen- 1} erously Soupoded to wilt bring un- mr ALL as candidate: is a brother of Mrs. D. A. Cars iss Duy of Kingston, ae