Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Feb 1919, p. 6

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PAGE SIX BBB BPR BI 4 GANANOQUE inden ana Ee (From Our estee of the Bir signed her the year ing for the sion in the far we accepted a Hicrativ onation, Alta. place Prior of her friend Mrs. Addie street and tendered shower," and on ii the close of the Y.P.S Wilson, president of the behalf of those assembles res ed Miss Berry with a neat address of appreciation her vices for . the for many years and of good w is for her success in her new field of labor, and also presented 2s a monial of regard a handsome v ume of the new Methodist hymnal Miss Berry made a feeling reply The high school has been fortun- ate during the past week or two in receiving donations of some ve fine pictures, which are most ¢ ceptable as by- the fire a little over & year ago the school lost number of pictures at that their possession William Edwards, Jr., has donated fine pictures ol King George and Queen Mary, and W. 8. Abbott a beautiful one entitl- ed "The Cottagh¥ by Morland Rev, F. H. Langsford, of Toronto, seceretary-elect of the Department 'of Religious "Education of the Me- thodist Church of Canada, conduct- ed the serxice in G e church at 11 a.m. yesterday. It was the oc- casion of Young People's Day and the No. 2 Troop of Grace Girl Guides, accompanied by their captain, Mrs. William Edwards, jr., and No. 2 Troop Grace Church Boy Scouts, in charge of their scout master, Rev W. 8. Lennon, to- gether with a large representation from Grace Sunday school and Young People's Society attended in a body. Mrs. Isaac. Moore, west, disposed of her household ef- focts by public auction on Friday evening and purposes leaving at an early date to join her husband, recently located in Cleveland, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Cochrane an- nounee the engagement of their Youngest daughter, Miss Lilyan Louise Cochrape, to Calvin Mar- shall Wiley, son of Mr. and Mrs. H M. Wiley, of Toronto, to be solemnized in the Gananoque river for time within thf memory of the re sidents along its banks, \ is open from here right up to Gananogue lake, There is, however, some ice in the sheltered bays and quiet water. "Mrs. Che aries Clark, of Kingston Mills; a former resident of the town, spent some time during the past week, with local relatives. Mayor W. J. Wilson.is spending a few ddys on business in Toronto. Mrs. A. Street, Main street, is in Brockville for a short visit with relatives. = Nirs. BH. C. Bird and Miss vith pract ent er- fsocle King street near future the first ry KIDNEY 4 {T's DIS Le dE 4 3 * 4 slight testi- | Church | who | the marriage | worded | | ! i quite al time in| | i { re is the world's No. greatest assembly of great men a I HAD NERVOUS BREAKDOWN {Now Owe My Present Health and { Strength to Vinol. Burdett, N.Y "1 keep house for family of three,-and raise chick- ens. | had a nervous breakdown, so I was unable to work. The doctor did not seem to help me, and a cous- in asked me to try Vinol--It built {me up--I now have a good appetite land am well and strong."'--Mrs. Loyal Palmer There is no secret about Vinol.-- It owes its success to beef and cod liver peptones, iron and manganese peptonates and glycerophosphates, the oldest and most famous body- building and strength creating ton- ies. Mahood's Drug Store and at the best drug stores in every own. and city in the country. A AAA {my Seymour, spending the piist two weeks in town with. rela- tives, left for their home in Toron- to on Saturday. ® Miss Kate Web- Jster, Charles street, is in Toronto for a visit with friends. Rev. W. 8. Lennon, pastor of Grace church, went: up to Kingston this morning to attend the sessions 1of the district meeting agd 8.8. and Y.P.S. convention in Queey street church. | Mrs. George Johnston, of Atkin- gon, is spending a few days in town the guest of her brother amd sister- in-law, Mr. d Mrs.' George W Scott, Arthur street Madeline At Victoria B.C., J. Hawthorn | Thwaite, Newcastle, in the Legisla- ture, introduced a bill designed to.en- force a forty-four-hour week far la- bor in the province Wateh the classified columns for evidenees of the GROWTH of this city. This may seem like an odd sug- gestion--~but it isn't. # EET NIN EEN ERE NES IETS INENEREND Good Weather For Lumbering. Northbrook, Feb. 8 Roads dnd weather remain very favorable for lumbering in this locality. Nelson Scott and father have been pusy with their wood saw for a week here. Kenneth Ellis is home from Whitney, ill of pneumonia. Percy King purchased a faney driver from William Atkins, Thursday. Word has been received Curtis Selman, who spent years as prisoner In Germany, he is now in England. Mrs. Roy Moon returned to MacTier after a few days spent with her parents here. Ernest Van- ness is home from Maynooth and Ns ill. Miss Mary Armstrong, of To- roto, spending a few days at home, The Tuesday wis a Selman from three and Friday given. Corpl. Perkins night at the Shier House decided success. Mrs. Geo. convalescing slowly from aeute indigestion, Mr. and Mrs, William Aikins were presented with a Bible as a token, of remembrance on their leaving 16 Toronto. dance Philip Gibbs, the famous English war correspondent, arrived at Hali- fax on the 88. Carmania. Eyes Sore? If your eyes or lids are sore; if they itch, burn or feel dry; if Jour vision is blurred, your eyesight dim; if you are obl iged to wear glasses, go to your druggist and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Dissolve one in a fourth of a glass of water and ! bathe the eves from two to four times a day. Sound, comfortable eyes and improved eyesight will make the world look brighter. iNote: Doctors say Bon-Optoe strengthens sight 50% in a week's time in many insta Mahood's Drug Wore and others. Np TL "of Bond-holders E Before the War, Canada looked outside hr borders or for Capital. Sure the hut three aid o bof yous. Canad fas become a of Capitalists,--for the man who Buys a $50 Victory Bond, or' $5 War Saviogs Stamp, is a Capitalist of the best type. By the hemes oders, that she previously had, Canals has wade 2 'of ten times the number of Capitalists, snd great stride EVERY. CANADIAN: SHOULD. 'BE A CAPITALIST. The. opportunity is provided by the offer of War-Savings Stamps at $4.01 ths tuts, nd vented for $5.00 ms fhe fiat day of 1824, Bi, War-Ssin: Sem, a myo yt con a hen 300 cn playa the Basen Finale sen. © EE a rs mth ate th ath rt rn - He ey -- TTL whsbaiadosioind dis ¥ ; first meeting in the famous Clock Room of the French Foreign Ministry. head of the table-as Chairman of the Conference. { is President Wilson, 2 is Balfour, 3 Bonar I aw, and 4 Clemenceau, who later. nioved his seat to the THEY WILL CARRY FIREARMS AS A RESULT OF THE SEVERAL "HOLDUPSY IN THIS VICINITY. Reported That Another Man Was Held Up On Saturday But Report Has Not Been Copfirmed---Por- mits Issued for the Carrying of Firearms. As a result of the several "holdups" reported recéntly in 'he surrounding district, Justice of * the Peace, George: Hunter, is receiving applicaations from the people living in the country, for a special peraiit to carry 'firearms. Col, Hunter 'stated on Monday morning that he had already issued five certificates. Three were butchers, another for a prominent farmer, and the fifth for « young man whose business brings him into the city quite often. The law re quires that a pepsen shall have spge~ fal permission tO carry firearms, Thers was ¥l' report 'going the rounds on Monday morning that ans other **holdup" had occurred near Cataraqui, but the said report could not be confirmed. The Whig wal in conversation with residents of Cat. aragui on Monday morning. They stated that they had heard the re- port but it had not been confirmed. "It is time something was dona to catch the two men. who have been doing this work," one resident of Cataraqui stated te the Whig. bold If there is something you WANT it is obvious that NOW is the tine to advertise in the classifiied. Canadian distillers "are cpposecd to any legislation which has for its ob- ject directly or indirectly the re-es- tablishment of the public drinking bar." [ peo at large a SULIT The late G. P. McPherson. Oso, Feb. 7,/~This community was shocked to hear of the death of a highly respected resident in the per- son of George P. McPherson. De- ceased was in good health on going to bed Tuesday night and was found dead Wednesday morning, heart failure being the complaint. Deceased leaves, besides a widow, four sons and four daughters, Norman, Alex- ander and George, Oso; Pte. Franklin is overseas; Mrs. J. Cobb, Oso; BEas- ther, Mable 'and Mury, at home. The deepest sympathy. is felt for the be- reaved widow, as her son, Pte. Harry, died of influenga on Oet. 21st in Eng- land. 'The funeral took place from Christ church, Oso, conducted by Rev. Mr. Williamson, Tweed, after which the Orangemen paid their last re. spects to their aoparted brother. De- ceased "was fifty-four years of age. SUNDAY Y.M.C.A. MEETINGS. W. Tuylor Dale Declares the World is Getting Better. At the 4.15 men's meeting held in the local Y.M.C.A.. parlors on Sunday afternoon the subject "Is the World Getting = Better?" was dealt with by Rev. W, Taylor Dale in a very interesting sand helpful menner. It was Mr. Dale's first ful aga at the "Y,"" and his force- Rev, ful address was listened to by the lergesk attendance of the season. The speaker took for his text the petition, "Thy Kingdom Come' from the Lord's Prayer. Hoe believed that many good people prayed this prayer in sincerity and at the same time advanced the pessimistic view that the world was getting worse. The speaker while allowing that others had a right to their opinion, still maintained that the world was getiing better, enumerating in an optimistic and convincing manner the great reform agencies which were all af work in the interests of the kingdom. Jesus Himself was a great social leader, and His life and work laid the broad founda- tions for the great advances In re- form work that we see developing all around us. The fact that re- ives are to-day gathered peace table to make laws in the interest of righteousness and liberty convinces Christians that want Base pine ioe Jn Christ's kingdom ithe tion. ne nasium Bible class at 10 ind twenty-five young men in or, Harold spoke to the boys on ing," poturing Jesus as the de Stier -------------- A ST A SATO EE . The tablé is in the form of a parallelogram, open at 4 Ceylon and Indian Tea from 80c to $1.00. On Sale at 50c, 55c¢, and 60c per pound. _ This sale ocers an SPpOFtunity to housepsekers to buy the best tea at a saving of 25 per cent. The Thompson Bottling Co. GEO. THOMPSON, Phone 304 1 1" PE208 Princess Street Wort ea & Gs. Player-Fiano makes you so unconscious of playing that all your thouglits and faelings burst out in full ex- pression, and you know it is far better, more thrilling music than. you ever dreamed you could play. With its patented inum action it is free from air 1 and is absolutely "weather - proof" a practically "wear-proof." C.W. LINDSAY, LTD. 12 Princess St. mature] At Uxbridge, Me, 1 ir ar entielh ea A ently.

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