Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Feb 1919, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1919. ry PAGE SEVEN' pT AE] Jeiorporated 1588 » Capital, $5,000,008 G R AN D Opera 0 Mit A House = 5 oni wi FRpAY | The People's Forum [ds no hE, ane PLDATIE § | RL ay NNNENEE {Stars in Hey ¥ rst Big Feature Play | "RHE Oo MY OO EAMS" ree Starring DREAM: ( omedienne CONDENIED ADV VERY I3ING RATES i AGENTS WANTED. . wn FOR SALE . | {Of the Happy Smile and Contagious |... jneeriton, 16 8 word. Each con | RETURNED SOLDIERS AND OTHERS FOUND PIANO VERY CHEAP. 3¢ UNION ST. X b § § West Laugh | meeutive insertiva thereafter, balf- | ¢ : | seewt a word. Minlmum charge for | ' ishe FUR TAIL. NED FOX ON ~ BILLIE, RHODES | "ome Insertion, 250; ghree insertions, > ¢ \ rtd i ¢ fr Thursday Owner way have STAC " or H AV: ABOUT 4% TONS, | 5%; six $1; one month, $2, . Wi s it same by call at Whig Apply A. Lawrence, Porggmouth Also Excellent fomedy Reels, An O.]| pi en | ------ eee Office . . { - . - HISTORY OF 7T HE, WORLD Ww AR BY GENTS ( HE Pe WATCH ON ¥ORDME IMER CARINET GRAND 3 > a: | - ' Henry Story and the Pathe News | Fras k 1h uaa toart Ts Td TR Cg Bod 'a8 new, Apply Box N Office VAUDEVILLE rr res an) gm fie sy if ot 33 pinch Ee een 5 yp vs { MPERNOON, AP- book ree rec ations: t 2.3¢ 30 p.m. NURSE AID IR FTER 0K; three 1d HAND "BAC ON UNI. Pally Shows a [a +31 DIB of Ls Grahain, 176 Bagot Street greal money-maker; se K versity ave. Owner mpy have FISHING TACKLE THAT'S FIT FOR Reserve Fund $6,585,000 mn HH JOINT SAVINGS ACCOUNTS" £8 Ascoun may be HH 9 BANK or TORONTOZ GEORGER B. M'K AY, MANAGER. OO IF | fATINEE 10c| ply 3 free Bradley-Garrestson, | g at 200 1 fishing, go to Frank W, Cooke, M EVENING FF 10¢ and 13¢ | A COOK GENERAL; NO WASHING OR ford, Ont. 29 Clarence street, opposite Ameri Proning Apply 'in the evening to < Spa -. SILVIR BROOC H WITH 1 . can Consulate. Telephone 891w, ers W. A. Owney may have et eg WANTED GENRRAI rv Same p rod K IR FOR COUNTRY: NO -- a ea ame UY. 38piying Brock GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN od urd el. objections » one child Apply | ai AC K ; ROSARY selections; your own choice, $34.50, Box €00, Whig Offce MRS CLASS 8S SL LOGS, . . Terms, §5 cash, §1 per week, C. W; $ : FIRST LAS or BLY ) 8 L Uwner may ave dindsay, Lhuited, 121 Princess St, --. = Highest prices paid at J. H. Bab- same HE Whi Dice MATINER Ys SIGHT, GEM RAL S NT; MIDDLE cock & Sons Mills, Odessa. Ame St Whis' OM | ag | woman p a one a - 9 " mn 'Q ~ a fedinn ar | FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- PIANOS, ORGANS, PHONOGRAPAS T > zi can cook. Apply 90 Barrie street. | The Famous Ringing Co V4 < Apps . - -- wastes MLD FALSE TEETH, . I'SED FREE and records Wo or three plans ---- a Si Lp $i that have been used, at a bargain, SUMMER oR R BY THR don't matter if broken. 1 pay | FOR 2 year BR mmarried m accus- | to $156 per set send by parcel Anyone findin any ng and K. J. Rodger, Jeweler Princess tomed to farming Ap to Coun- post and receive check by return wishing t« Af i y may street arms or a e érnar ty Registry Office mail, F. Terl, 403 N. Wolfe Sst, do > repo h ; Baltimore, Md. Britis} e vers x r i t . s TWO SOLID BRICK HOUSES, 117 AND We have for sale on the York .Road about 5 miles from |. In the Delightful Irish Play MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE- olumn feee of charge 19 William street; large = yard, city, two farms adjoining, each comprising about 50 acres. { ork rast references re- [8 CS, SKATES, SKATES, SHARP. brick wale; also a square plano ] yelling and outbuildings, We will sell either one i .yman, 127 n hollow ground, and put om in first class condition. Apply 117 Both have dw 8 ¥ whi.e you wait. We are also tak | William street for $3,000, or the two together for $6,800. , weet Ing str iy or Weare als ak rm oI ---- = Waltia il Owner leaving' country. Imunediate possession. Property a cleaned and stored for . winter. OST . ; " er TEN- Muller, 871-: tr © WE HAVE GOOD SECOND-HAND mustghe sold. St PERINTEN nl K ng i» furnifure San chairg and ta- HT FS FRE gl Aid Depart- og En" | bles, will buy all kinds of Marnie * 3 . (ing Ka between the ON SATURDAY, FER. 18ST, BLACK, : + \ 11 n hours « 0 d 12 « TO LET. | > and 16 und, a ers } Uren anid; stoves, J. Thompson, 333% J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Innisfalle 10" una 13m pibte and an Roind Whawers 1] ime aid: oven". hom romance. A PERIENCE STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; CLEAN| return to A. P. Thibert, 118 J i AN. EXPERIENCED COOK TO GO TO and dary. Apply E. E. athen, stree vet g Winnipeg --wa d ihe 143 Neison street. Phone 2162 | or R sc Fr onicken ford] 2 Buck. wages. = Referen equired. ON SATURDAY EVENING, \ at | Commercial * TIovht om ply 7 nion street. Tele [MRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD £1919, on Point Road. Pit ; ae By i on yaton, 132 all improvements; centrally locat in, or near Barriefield, one black Tot Saris ki Bb aml 56 Brock Street. "Phones 68, 874W. A refreshing dramatic play of smiles, tears and joy. HEAR MR, DALY SING: "Helieve Me of All Those Endearing Young Charms," Hide and Seek," pRone Apply 243 Brock street. aro Finder please leave at G Ww V A 'Sweet Innuoisfallen," "Call of the ed 5 . h : K . . » . Wind," "Mavis," "Song f the Dove," - y o eee -- ost Of ce. Jarriefield and receive ion ne © o LIVE MAN WANTED--SPARE TIME |gpopaGr FOR FURNITURE, OLRAM Toward n SALE, CHOICE YOUNG STOCR IN | "FR ¥y Dewn," "Wenring of the Green 8 ntee L } (Incorporated) 'x REIERY DEA eHring 01th . or steadily--selling our Evafanigsd and dry. McCann's Real Estate SU mm x Sr nersa 2h \ General Meeting--Mondays. at 7.30, or A TINGE 28e. Ze, Be trees and p s. Outfit free, lib- Agency, 86 Brock St. Phone 324] Tan hres, the wonderful lew ~» Publle Dances--Tuesdays 8 p.m. to ZVENING - eral commission. Brown Brothers or 6 . | 0 bearing animaf Also blood ¥ EVE xt ; O0e, The, $1.00 Nurserymen, Limited. : | £ L uh At reasonable prices ( Best 1 a.m, | Company, Ricardos Tuenduya LO.D.E., 2nd C_SEATS ON SALE THI RSDAY | Brown Nurseries P.O. Ontario. FURNISHED, A LARGE FRONT BED : od sliver IY Gua. : roor all conveniend ADply ni ; : 3 i f I t } | THERE 15 GOOD MONEY IN SELLING tig Td Mier A A iE iy RE, 10¥ CARTER, obi re > $l nursery stock under present con- phone w ee > Charles A | . - f = = --_. == | FARM OF 100 ACRES ON BAY SHone | , Pa ri Julai that FOU jae PA Ar A a saa ditions: We want reliable sales) __ ~~ ~~ = 3 les t f 1 B doin ustice to your WX ant epresented districts, Fon or bin of Colin Buy. 2 . agents for unrepresented n FINANCIAL IWo houses, one renting as --y yourself, or those depending Geod pay, exclusive seg Tents STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, 'cottage: and 1% srlectd p for alloted territories. rite im- ary, airy rooms; your own lock and : ia ! 1d goog roomy upon you by neglecting your all( e 1 C es Id ® mediately, Pelham Nursery Co. Key. krost's Clty Storage, 29%] ¢ LOAN AND INVEST. 5 oHas ideal water frontage, Eyes. 1 C ure Toronto. Queen street) Phone 6526; res. 98% } > P hpornorited 1541 Fon premis Manso n Smith, re 4 . ¥ NICKIe, KW Vice -- -- ns -------- ; FOGLE Géiild A. Radeliffe, violinist, for- be = a - a 8 A. B. Cunningham You do not NEGLECT your meérly of the Strand Theatre. Open for deobriedeiliedeod ddd deb d Sd ddd debe dd | Money issued on city Ty Ea SOME OF THE BIGGRS business, or your household enghgyments for any number of pleces, + & [TWO UNFURM/SHED ROOMS SUIT. erties, A" a : T ADVERTIS. a 3 & A STENOGRAPHER. APPLY IN & able four light housekeeping, als properties, municipal and county €rs to-day sometimes use a Hitle ! be debentures; mor ages purchased adAvVL, like this, A phone cal) o duties, then why NEGLECT Iatest m Phone or 36 lower ¥ ¥ I # own handwriting, stating experi- one furnis heg bedroom; rent mod { Investment bonds for sale: deposits Postal will bring! yea full i Usloa § your eyes, m------------, oo 3 > t C Ide : ~ 3 ip $ ence and salary expected to the erate. Apply 48 Lower Rides received and 'interest allowed 14 lars about this department. British ar . - * a { # office of the K. P. & C. Eleetrie + street ; 4 fy . Think this over: carefully NOTICE Vivian Martin + Railway, King street. $e presses | whoa rect King anager, 57 Clan Whig Publishing Co. Fston and have your eyes examined 23 : 3 , 4" N 3 - 2 hn bid < UNG aN, 0OMS, 23 by our optometrist. aps uucil No, 4 KA, a hold. HE ---- hd haa] BRI A BUNGALOW, flows, Have HPOUL, LONDON AND uhowe [BATEMANS REAL ESTATE AGENCY, street on Friday, Feb. Tth, at 7.30 p.m. , I Po r unfurnished. Fo irther p "hE Fire rants, Company Available -- All marine engineers are ecordinily fn. f NTE RB Phone Charlie Godfrey | as (BOLIET.215 In addition to [§3%00--SUBURBAN VILLA BUNGA- vited. ai" --- i. . 8 a.m and 5 p.m which the policyholders have for low with all Improvements; good as GILL SRC. ny T WORK AT R PAY 4 eveecibrerm, Bevarity the unlimited lability of stable and 2% acres of good gar- » ® * antecd for three years. Knit urg- | PHIS 3 NP 1S AL WAYS city property, insured at lowest den land, capable of dividing inte ks 1 the glad to hear from anyone thinking possible rates. Befare renewing 23 bullding lots, all facing on | old or giving new business get streets, leaving bulldings ang Bar. Ki t Deed I on f using classified advertisi as simple Auto-Knitter Full © sin classifie advertising. | R J.R er ings on i iran mi es partic to-day. ee stamp. Write or 'phone up about it rates from Strange & Strange den besides, " p 507 may be able to help you. British | Agents. Phone 325 ~ iitter Co., eDept, 24c, 607 Covered Rink Ae nari Whe Pub | me ACNE Se Th J AL Tresor. EN floors and 132 Princess Street 0.H.A; JUNIOR Glady: Brockwell I LEGAX, aon oe 3 OCKW 500----PRESSED A We Are' Present Specialists HOCKEY MATCH ACY lor em 3 THE WORLD'S TIDINGS ub Cinvivomaw, panmimiin| © improvements "ooo ALL i ; IN BRIEF FORM 35d scucitor Law ome. fy Clas: euce street. FINAL PLAY OFF FOR GROUPS | Pes p-- modern; electric lights, hardwood Kingston vs. RM.C. | car et 0d Yidings From all Over Told In| I | Bemutich locitionn Rear entrance. h . K.V1.C. a Pointed an y TERR i Friday, February 7th 1 ; ; Way. | & pss, & omce" Tico Priaciss sitees FO manta. contig" "=. PRoYE. p b p ; 6000--PRESSED BRICK HOUSE, ALL ' . Watts Game called at 8.15 pan. Admission h lin Comed _p-- | Phone $52 . FLORIST 40¢c, Admission to rear gallery 25e¢y re- C ap y A cow near Orangeville gave | 1ehoe ne RAE, 3 ROOMS AND o y! 18; on easy "terms, w Finu ope Tor The Late Miss Ella Day i as; : 179 Wellington St, NeYved seal Zhe exjira ; p we Late Miss Ella Day. birth to triplets; all are doing well " Fresh cut flowers. daily; funeral dealgig Ton tio a hr uns C t E ts The death of Miss Ella Day occur- Two hundred and eighty-two per- BR. oO WAR, Wellington 58 WELL J And Wedding houquets o order, Dut PR at "or not Inter than 5 pan. As urren ven red at her residence, 103 Frontenac sons were murdered in New York | #treets. Bhone 678, slingion oki an NGTO of tse orders wiven special attention. | 45, CHULA Sh Aol Lr Jed, a a a Ceo" [street, on Wednesday, after a short |City in 1918. iS AA ce AA i 3 She wi o - r of he A 3 J > A A iliness. She was a Sunghie of De A Hamilton woman pic ked a | DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEX. ALE OR EXCHANGE late Louis Day, of Kingston, and is primrose in her garden and sent it! tists, 159 Wellington street, over | Bi. ACKSWIT H'S BUSINESS: TOOL survived by one brother, Major Day, |to her officer son overseas. | Larnovsky's. Phone 348, . (on house and lot, ha at x | RT Sr -- v sartels, Inverary. For Sale who is at present ill in hospital 4 The proposed exclusion of Euro- [ The-- THUR., FRI., SAT. Edmonton, and three sisters, Mrs, D. peant emigrants from the United | PERSONAX, Je A re A. Cays, Miss Hattie Day, Mrs. Wil- [States is giving alarm in Italy | 7 je Inch Suze plain BR i ad The Best Dressed Woman on the liam Anglin, of this city, and Mrs Forty "men from Manitoba are to MUSIV . us e ta saw, ERNO« scree aley v id pare (0g . ' ' yun axp CANDY STORE, iy a ned TF roy Sereen Daley, Detroit. be recruited for the Canadian mili- AR ony: roi IR THMARKS MISS MARJORI roe Fra Rites APs ood working condition. Must be ( guy tary police force in Siberia at once. ishes removed permanently, with- er of JORIE EiNnERT, TEACH. and Spanish Malaga Grapes, pol 18 ike roam Jur MUTE Tuy Em W ehlen In ARMED HOLD-UP ME N. The Council for Scientific and In out Scar; 30 years' experience, Dr, Toronto C onservatory Ir Juicy Lemons, Delicious Pears ing. See Ws put Sa ny cont "S 1 . S " ) dustrial Research has arranged for Throat Lp ane, Kye, Jar, Nose, Address 459 Barrie street. aud Bananas, All kinds of nuts sleigh, yivia On a opree Were Badly Defeated By a Chinese census of Canadian chemical indus. Bagot street. Skin Specialist, 353 == RR RE Home made candles, Orders Laandryman. rie ! T JTR NG tries. } UPHOLSTERING. promptly delivered. 66 Princess St, Near c amee ack Carlyle Blackwell and New York, Feb, 6.--A battle royal G. T. R. traffic earnings from Jan in which flatirons, '"billies, pails, | 22nd to 31st were $1,428,095, as ARCHITECT | ALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, J, | 1 King St., Phone 278 | Canada Food Hoard Lice: Noa. 54 Queen Street. Evelyn Greely In chairs andl other missles were hurled { compared with $982,192 in 1918, an| ee | Gavine, upholsterer, 21§ Bagot through the air with little regard for [increase of $445,903 ' jr SON: ARCHITEROTS, Muon. | street. ding, | | | Fruits, 9.1020; Candy, 11-410 6" : Ts 5 : $ The Beloved Black- aim}, but with muc +4 force and great For having a barrél of ¥h ske3 Brock and Wellington Sts, Somer oo : . '" frequency, oecurred late last night in | mash simmering in his kitchen, Chas, ESS b mailer the laundry shop of Frank Wong, at | H. Draper, an Orrillia Sirhan: PAINT ose SIN CHANCES } "DARING AND DYNAMITE" No. 781 Butler. avenue, East New | was fined $400 and costs. [ steiner ING, [ner ¥ 3 : . + 9 York, when three hold-up men, who W. D. Childs, for many years | SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, BRASS BEDS a eD, SOLDIERS AND QTHER b Saturday Bargains | Two Reel Big V Comedy evidently intended to rob him, enter- [chief representative of the Western| And chandeliers refinpmnas® Woop [ike bie Pe. selfing, Histery 500 To, o Fhotee Steak, 25¢ te 28¢ NEXT---VIOLA DANA ed the place, Union Telegraph C ompany in Rus- Carruthers & Co., 298 Albert street, | Canadian Authorship, ~ Outfft free. ow ou Cnolse' an and Shoulder Roast, a A pppv0n.v1 53 The Chinaman was victorious, ac-|sia, is dead of starvation in Petro. Winston Ce., Toronto. Pu 20e ¢ to 28e & a Ih. ih "ee QUALITY! ¢ cording to Policeman Ellsworth sad, wisid : DRESSMAKING { . re * ausage, a Brown, to whom he breathlessly re-{ Guelph Junction Railway, owned MANUFACTURING COMP. 1 hat r i MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSM a live representative for mami Wy WR Pure Lard, 30¢ to 35¢ a Ib. ' havin All prices mpeeinl for. to-mor- - Wong was alone when the men en- | dend of' 101% per cent., making for | orders ory all and. winter work $300 to deposk "Saenej; Must have . Whig. | row. Please get your orders in tered. He seized a flatiron and flung | the year $67,375, or 83 3-4 per| Addres 202 Alfred stree cent. on the investment. f early it t th trio; wh gre ed Kodak jl "GOLD , BOND" [t. -glpe. Who, net arm me CHARLES QUICK Vv EG 'ABLE ng ps Jusdade of jrans an ¥] Textile Workers in Almonte Organ- You have been talking about get- i 3 Oigegy oe Ry, A 2014 SOUP. ship that the men fled to the Almonte, Fet a The y q { just as Policeman Brown apg Oe, © le Men and x ting? » , hr nN appt Ln thik ita i rath Aandi drndnidndriniiinghy 8 : A '} women employed in the textile fac- J We hve them from $350 to 2 tins for 2 k The Tigers defeated Portsmouth fn | [071¢S at Almonte have * secured a DRY STORAGE : $85.00, besides the supplies that go tins for. Sec. As fast of Lock ° an / Ulcharter from the United Textile a Zame of hockey on Wednesday | workers of America, being. charter. The only proper winter care of any battery. Con- F for it, evening .by a score of 3 {0 2. . Vin: Ing ag Loeal Union N 2000 of ti sult us---- HOAG'S Store resh Lut Flowers cent McQuaid; centre and Carl, For- orEanitution. BD ee a ant 11 Us---explanation of eur treatment will convince Drug 3 designs, Sora) | Sythe, goal, were the Portsmouth |ahout five hundred employed in on Sonenets made to order - . stars. this town in the textile industry, it WILLARD SER J JOHNSON Florist Pr e d : When' a young man advises a girl| will not be long before the organi- VICE STATION odo d ! 9 om na e § {*e take Loxing lessons she neéd not!gation is one hundred per cent 19 Brock St. waste her time in figuring on a pro- strong. CONCERT vosal from him. Already. the three mills have re- Mrs. Mueklestoh, wife of Canon W. | duced 'the work day from ten and a J. Muokleston, died in Montreal onjhalf té ten hours, giving the work- and' DANCE Tuesday last. 'Jer the same pay as previously, cosvucren my me | GREECE AT THE PEACE CONFERENCE > UV Musicians' Union! [TT == TA nd wel dean of especially nice Pea Coal. Large CITY HALL |{ 4 | leaned, SAE LEWIS ORR, TO-NIGHT = eae No. Suze ie Ahhh i deh Pork and Beef Sausage, 20c a Ib, ECONOMY 1! lated the story of the intrusion. + by the city, declared another divi-| AKER, for general 845 PM. TO 1 AM. FULL ORCHESTRA Admission : Gents , 30c; Ladies, 25¢ For Sale ALL ORDERS TAKEN License No, 9.11958

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