Tae | JAMES CONNELL 7 | Utility and Value for THIS HAPPY CHRISTMAS Our store is replete beautiful masterpieces Jewelers' handicraft, with of the Open Evenings Wedding Rings, Marriage Licenses SMITH BROS. Jewelers Limited. Established 1810, King Street » Kingston |ENCINE BUILDING | years ago. | sure { total weight 140 tons; tender 84 tons | Glorious Relief! At least have your Christmas selection made and put aside for you at Best's to-day, The holiday stocks are open and complete In every way and plenty of goods to choose from. Buy early and have it over withe--and the satisfaction Is yours. Best's The Popular Drag Store. Open Sundays Phone 59. Branch 2018 CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS (Store Open Until 9 p.m. Until Xmas.) VICTROLAS & VICTOR RECORDS Chesterfields, Easy Chairs, Lamps, Bed- room and Diningroom Furniture, Mats, Curtains. Purchase early. ET WHAT AS | WAS DONE An Aged Kingston Gentleman Work ed in Hamdlton--Locdicotive Con~ stenction sixlytwo Ye Writing to the Wt 9% j Connell, & d Allow me to « edition o | you got out on Saturday, It is 1 gotten up. 1 was very much in« terested in the page dewpted to what is going on in the L.o« Nine Works. The cut and a few details given of dimensions of some parts of the en gines they are turning out at present. It brought to my memory the build- ing of some of the first locomotivig in Canada, on which I gave a hand in 1856, just sixty-two yedrs ago. Jn { that year the first train on the CAR j ran from Montreal to Toronto on October 27th and took fourteen | hours. The time today is seven and ne half hours. It may inté t some of the men | who are working on the engines un | der construction at present in King ston, if 1 compare some of the dimen- | sions with the eng of sixty-two The Whig says the evlin- der of the Mikado type of engine they T Ago from 16 | are working on is 27 inches in diame- ter with 30 inch stroke; 180 Ibs; drivers boiler pres- 63 inches; loaded, carrying 9,000 gallons of water, and 12 tons of coal. Now Compare that with the dimensions of the engine built sixty-two years ago: cylinders 16 inche diameter, 22 inch stroke; boiler pressure 80 to 100 Ibs; drivers Tour in number were cast iron about four feet diameter, = The | total weight I have no idea, but I am | sure the tender of today will weigh | more than the engine of 18586, | fuel The at that time wood four feet in length, and about two cords was all a locomotive could carry, and many thousand cords of the best tim er was consumed. was turned out had inside cylinders first job in Canada was My on those. Corns, Callouses, Foot Lumps Go You'll feel like a kid again, you'll be tickled to death at the painless, quick riddance of all your corns once you paint on Putnam's Extractor, Do it to-day! Dealers everywhere have been selling this safe, depend- able and sure remedy for nearly fifty years Only a quarter. Does the trick every time, Putnam's Corn Extractor was the first corn remover on the market, has to-day the largest sale, and simply because it's by long odds the best. 'Wanted Raw Furs W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 Brock Street.' Phone 700. costs A A ti | N 1856 Was Pulled Through Ha 7 Shortly afte 8 The first three engines that were] THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1918. THE TRYING TIME IN A WOMAN'S LIFE Membury, 325 Seaton St. Toronto, Ont., writes: --*I have used Milburn"s Heart and Nerve Pills and found them to be of great benefit to fact, 1 consider they say ! ¢ I have told many I my chbors about them Iwo years. ago last was in poor health, The doctor said change of life, as I was over would yself } Mrs. H November { fawa ve to ful shock that neatly jdoetor my husband sent would soon beall right medicine, but it for said I 10d sent up some only seemed {to increase the trouble I was then taken to the hospital The doctors fen me, but could under stand my case Then they sent for a they began to think it my mind When the spécialist eame he wes baffled, for I answered his questions all pitht. Every day | was getting weaker, and when 1 husband came he could see that 1 3 going, as 1 could read His thoughts, but said nothing. Next day a friend came with a eab and took me to their home. They got a box of Milburn's Heart Nerve Pills. I started taking them and be- gan to get<hetter, and at the end of two weeks, I could walk around the room. I am now well and able to do my own work." Price box at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by Tipe T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- to, Ont. -- A AAA SA ASAT not pecialist, as was and ale a pattern, meet with favour, were hard io get at By this time sending over They were of an English but did not rather complex and when repain. came on. the Ameritans were their product, a very fine plished, well got up article, with outside eylinders, which has remained 0 ever since, and I think the duty, if any was very little And 'of course they were gending over a much betr- ter article than Canadian shop was turning out. 1 might say, the shop was at the foot of Wentworth street in Hamilton It struggled along for two and a half and then closed down. The wages pald that $1.50 to $1.76. Compaie today, and we worked ten day, there was no pay bv the hour at that time, Through the courtesy of the jate uv anager, Mr, Wheatley, I was given the privilege of taking a walk through the Kingston works. I was amazed at the advance made in the method of getting out the work. They certainly Have a very fine equipment and a good method of going about the work, and 1 am glad to know they have,orders on hand to keep them busy for some time. the years time was that with hours a at Systematize Your Kitchen, y using our loose leaf card system Lr al . ot OF 0 ak} for recipes A neat quartered oa | hox with ecard and index, A splendid box Tor mwther skwon Press, 171 Christma The Js ton street. Welling [Major Hamilton Roberts, M.C., and i from ToFfonto at the end of the week Todt | Twilight SHEE LL EI IRONS BEINGS (Notice-- Hereafter, the Whig, In common with other papers all over Canada, will make a charge of H0c. fir inserting an' engagement, mar- riage or. reception annonacement.) . * x t the Country Club on Fuesday afternoon; when A, J. Maedonuell, the president, present- ed the prizes to the winners in the recent tennis lornament; was very much enjoyed oy '& large mumber of guests. The tea table, which Jook- ed very wpretly, was fn charge of Mrs. J. 8B. Carraothers and 'Miss Lor- etta Swilt, some of the guests in- cluding Col. and Mrs. J. (N. 8. Les- lie, Major and Mrs. Wotherspoon, Major and Mrs. [Hamilton Roberts, Major and Mrs. Ingpen, 'Major and ra. Hanson, Col. Bridger. Prot, Mrs Iva Martin, Mrs. P.O. Stevenson, Mrs, I", G. C. Campbell, Miss Hora, Mr. and .- Mrs Dewar, Miss Aileen and Miss Rose Rogers, Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Jessie Smith, Mjss Wil- helmina Gordon, (Miss Nora /Macnee, Miss Ethel Kent, Miss GAvendolyn and Miss Doris (Folg iss Harriet Gardiner, (Miss Helen McKay, Miss Sybil Kirkpatrick and" Major Good- win | . - * Mrs. (P. TT. Ahearn, Ottawd, enter- tained at the week-end in honor of ber son, Cadel Charles Ahern, of the Royal. Military College," who spending his holidays at this home. Mrs. James IC. Stewart, formerly Miss Valleau, arrived in Halifax on 'Monday from England 4nd 3 expected at her home in Ot- to-day Mrs, Stewart will be of her parents until her il.ieut.4Col. Stewart, of Kingston, veturng early [in the New Year from England Mrs. James Hamilton left yester- day for Belleville 10 be the guest of her Maughter, Mrs, George Graham. Miss Macaulay, King street, visiting Mr. and Mrs. €. A. Abboit in Peterboro, { The tea 5 HEINE RE Florence % EE EA OEE A Dr. and Mrs. Jack 'Carroll and Mt- tle' son, (Broekville, wlll spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, WW. B. Carroll jin Gananoque. ' Mrs. JL. Kelly, Westport, returned to her home on 'Wednesday after spending several days in Kingston Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Waldron, King street, have returned from Montreal, where tirey went to meet Mrs. 'Roberts, who 'were passengers on the Olympic, Capt. and Mrs, \W. with Dr. and Mas. {W. Alice street. ' Miss Violet Britten} Gananoque, is wisiting her sister, Mrs Harry Barnes, in Ottawa. Goodwin are L, Goodwin, Miss Bessie Smythe went as far as (Montréal to meet Mrs. WW. H Craig and her two children, who re- turned from England on: the Minne dessa ¢ { i Miss Dorothy Goodwin and Miss Jean 'MeLelland left to-day for Hall fax awd will sail for 'England on the Olympie. Mrs. [Charles 'W, Miss {Dorothy Burton Livingston and are expected to be hie guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. Livingston, Barrie street, Mrs. Andrew (Fleming and (Master Bennie have arrived from Quebec to spend (Christmas with Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm . Maegillivray, University avenue 1 » * 'Miss Alva Sewell, who has been visiting Mrs. Bruce Hopkins , at Hazeldell, returned to Montreal on Monday. . Col. and Mrs. (P. GQ. (C. {Campbell spent the jweek-end jin 'Ottawa the guests of 'Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Courier TROOPER JAMES RICHARDSON Who returned from overseas on the 8.8. Olympic, and was one of the party to arrive in Kingston on Tuesday af- tg aden, He went overseas Sth Canadidn Mounted F 1815. He formerly resided at 2 treal street, in fon ------------------------ "TyY Cobb, the Detroit America's outfielder, in service as a chemical In the medical section of the army, Was a passenger on {he American transport Leviathan, which reached Naw Yark on Monday. A er em {CHILD'S TONGUE BECOMES COATED Rugs, We will store and de- liver at Christmas time. LT. F. HARRISON CO., LTD When Cross, Feverish and Sick Give California Syrup of Pies." Children love this "fruit laxative,' and nothing else cleanses (he tender stomach, liver and bowels so nicely. A child simply will not stop play ing (0 empty the bowels, and the result is they become tightly clogged Awilh waste, liver gets sluggish, stom- ach sours, then your little one be. comes ross, hall-sick, feverish, don't eat, sleep or act naturally, breath is bad, system full of cold, has sore { throat, stomach-ache or diarrhoea. Listen, Mother! See if tongue is coated, then give a te litornia and you have a - of mothers Five "Califor- rp of Figs," because if is per- Harmless; children love it, and fa --~ act on the stomach, with the | ak IF CONSTIPATED, oonful of}® Mr. and Mrs, (Howard Folger and the Misses Gwendoline and Doris Folger expect to go south early in January. Capt. Cecil Stuart, M.C., and Mrs. Stewart, are with Mr. and Mrs. tJ. Russell Stuart, Alfred street, Miss (Frances Cotton, who has been visiting Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, King street, returned to Toronto to- day. J ®ve The engagement is announced of Anna Evelyn, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Darragh, Earl street, to KE. {B. Parent, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. (E. Parent, Monireal, the marriage to take placa shortly. Me. and Mrs. 'W, Stone Macdonald have issued invitations for the mar- riage of their daughter, Marion muise, to Major Seaward Grant, 1st Royal Montreal Regiment, on Wed- uesday, Jan. 8th, 1919, in St Paul's chareh, Brooklyn, N.Y, = = * * Mrs. Jack Fraser, Kingston, is visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Bowling, Ottawa. Mrs. Gorden Dewar arrived home to-day after visiting in Toronto. ee Mr. and Mrs. James Bell, Kings ton, announce the engagement of tteir second daughter, Bernice, to John Douglas Moon, eldest son of Nir. and Mrs. James Moon, Conway the marriage to take place Wednes- day, Dec. 235th, 1918. (Continued on Page 10.) i ae J ang Died At Springwater, Sask, Springwater, Sask., Dec. 13.--The death of Ross 'Bourk, son of Elijah on & farm two and a half miles from 1 . Mr. Bourk was just nineteen years of age and succumbed to influenza. Two brothrs and one sister, besi mother survive: They are Russel E. and Hettie J. of ROP. Me was an Orangeman and 4 mem ¢ marge of No. 2626 Sitdbbibonte d iz MLE ROHR TTI RE EEA and settled | N. - ring- prohebit took schools and. all sorte of Christwis jondey , enteriaintnents, and also (0 keep & sixteen yeaix of ag : > PAGE THREE -- Probs: Thursday, fine, not much change. A JUST SIX SHOPPING DAYS THEN XMAS ! L iw L pair. Cashmerette hose from Silk lisle hose from . . Showing every wanted every wanted size--priced specially at'85¢, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 up to $3.50 a Pure wool cashmere hose from Heavy cottan hose from Open To-Night From 7.15 to 9.30 o'clock A Royal Abundance of Practical Gifts ! Awaits your slection here for Victory Christmas--Busy shop- pers and splendid srevice makes this a wonderful Christmas store. A Gift That Every Woman Appreciates Silk Stockings We have ready for your selection the largest, best assorted and most popular priced hosiery dis- play in Kingston--every well-known make is em- braced in this broad assortment of quality silk hose at popular prices; included are Radium, Holeproof, Gotham, Niagara Maid, Glove Silk, Queen Qual- ity and imported makes. shade and weight in .. .75¢ to $1.50 5 .. . .35¢ to 50¢ . .35¢ to 75¢ a Priced from shades. i ARMLETS AND GARTERS Priced from . . SILK SOCKS--Radium and holeproof Priced from .. ...... .. . UMBRELLAS- Priced from . . .... _. PENMAN WOOL SWEATERS Priced fron . $3.50 to $8.00 -- GIFTS FOR MEN SILK TIES--1200 beautiful silkies in a broad assortment of shapes and colors. GIFT SUSPENDERS--Boxed ready for giving. ev. 20c10:$2.00 .. .50c to 75¢ .. .25¢ to 75¢ in all the wanted .. . ..50¢ to $1.50 .. ..$1.25t0 $7.50 Priced from \ -------- IF YOU. ARE THINKING OF A Salts Seal Plush Coat! See our extensive collection of this most desirable pile fabric in two qualities Salts Esquimette and Behring seal plush----we are special selling agents for this high quality plush in coats for this district, which we of- fer at especially attractive prices. Seal Plush Coats from $27.50 to $125. We invite your most critical comparison. SHOP TO-NIGHT AT STEACY'S It's the brightest and cheeriest spot you 'could gine, with the Christmas spirit radiating from every nook and | comer--ane simply can't help being inspired. possibly ima- - Limit "THE STORE WITH THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT." wo Morris, 374 King St. mimes mist wm H Guelph Board of Heaits has de- 4 tiowr the pubiie schools, the holding of Sunday bi attending the theatres ow another outbreak of influenza, LOTS FOR SALE || | On Nelson Street | CHEAP