Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Dec 1918, p. 4

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\ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17. 191s, ___ PAGE FOUR THE BRITISH WHIG Fm Ih | Hu BE -- CLARE {ia enblisked Dally and Semi-Weekly by FHE "BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING C0, LIMITED, «+ «+. President Editor and Managing-Director. Teléphones susiness Omfies sartorial Room tod Utltce "... ., SUBSCRIPTION RATES i. G. Esmiott |, 'onan A Guild { problems that confront them. {with the well-being of her home, She| pr many lives. The general appreet-! Considered ates the help rendered his brigade. |echeap form of ad nent, for it | has always paid | ay; and it will patrons are 2n- | its is to pro- the care of conveniences light, it is a WOMEN'S FRANCHISE, | contifine With the extension of the { couraged io. cob chise to women becoming a reality } ooo One way to 4 in all democratic countries, it is or vide proper vital interest that! stock and women should fully understand tue q The| of fran- to suc to the nations visitor A de tp réceipis woman voter who is a paid worker | so, maintenance of will study how fo use her vote for ther the fair is conducted the bétterment of her employment, | ity or the present fair as well as for the good of her eoun~! If auch a s try. Her interest in national busi- properly ness will be practical. { be neces to make such a heavy On the other hand, the WOman{ outlay as that asked for by the fair homg worker is concerned not only | assoe ation. The falr is deserving just what form that ance should take, and the ax. are matters for discus- pereentane the uld ared whe- by the association, De as buildings, ieme were adopted and carried out ft' nifght not assistance; is definitely interested in her hu band's employment and the employ-| tent ment of her sons and daughters: | gion. Girls and women who are paid work-| ers come in large numbers from both | FOLKS N A LOT OF city and country homes. The wo-B¥ Strickland Gillan, man home-maker in the country is as| * 01KS need & lot of loving fn likely to be the mother of a teacher, | The day is a before, @ nurse, a stenographer, a worker in| of it, TOVING the with cares beset @ factory or a munition plant as the, The cares we know, and those that home-maker in the city or Eye fo Rarning; For love is God's own antidote for MORE PAYS To SHoP HOPE SOMEBODY PUTS A TORPEDO IN TH' KAISER ; STOCKING-- of the fiscal year totalled $193,000,- 000, and that in the same period ex- nenditure. apart from the war, was only $107,000,000. In other words - we have, thus far in the year, earn-| BOYS' BATH ROBES BOYS' SHIRTS 5% | Bibbys STYLE HEADQUARTERS FOR MEN AND BOYS Special Attractions in Our Boys' Clothing Department of Ours and You'll be Apt to Remain So. : » Boys' Suits The High School model. Choice fabrics, newest patterns and coloring, expert tailoring, newest Once a Customer The younger girls and women of | fret war time know that fewer of them! Folks need. a heap of loving at will marry many of the noontime young men whom they might have| The hattle lull, the moment snatch- nis year, by mall cash ..... . 31.00! married have ed to redeem ti oh ed from strife-- ne year, if nol paid in advance $1.50 HAF ex die al een 1°! Halfway between the Jae year, to inited States .. ...31.50{ world. They will turn to the croontime, SIX and, thie months pro mata, paid work, both as a means of ser-! While bickering and worriment are SPECIAL BE PRES ENTATIYE vice and of Mvelihood. The ocenpa- rife. + : V. Tho son, 55 3 ae x 4 ¥ 5 ap & 1 4 x x bik Owen, 123 St PetorThe, Mont_f tions of the people will find room for | Folks Bunger sa for loving at the real. them. Indeed, there is a national When weanily they Ft Northrup, 225 Fifth Ave, New York s | I R.Northrup, 1510 Ase"n Bidg., Chicago necessity for every trained and capa- | home to rest-- ble woman worker A lessened | At slumber-song and turning-out-the- marriage rate will contribute to in- light time een... |crease the proportion of wonien | ot all ue time 3 best Job| workers in occupation Wherever| polkas want 2 lot of loving every min- «(in the lifé of Canada enfranchised | ute women. may turn their| The sympathy of other they will find powerful reasons {Daily Edition) june year, delivered in city te year, If paid In advance .. $5. no year, by mall to rura: offices $2.50 me yekr, to United States .. 3.0 iremi-Weekly Kdition) ed something like $85,000 000 more than we spent. That is a very grati fying condition, and if it can be maintained we should conclude the year with at least $100,000,000 to, place against the cost of the war. models. Sizes 29 to 35. $7.50, $8.50, $10 $12.50, $15.00, $18.00. EE Extra Special Boys' Big Took Bronchitis - ff AB : Suits $4.75 Megsles is a dfsease at is ve ol ~ + ho Ye children io a ne] Sizes 30, 31, 32, 33, 34. Style: Smart two-but- ton coat, full bloomer pants. Fabrics: All pure indigo blue, English fancy worsteds, cheviots, etc. leaves the system in such 4 debilitat-! ed condition that it is lablé to at Boys' Sweater |Coats Sizes 22, 24, 26, 28. the since so useful waking and -------- A Ac is AM tA take them i Letiers to the Fditor are published | only over the actual name of the writer, for loving, that's tacks of some other trouble. One of * most common of these is bron chitis, which start with a short, painful, dry cough, a fe eling of tight through the chest and difficulty breathing, accompanied by a whee sound from the lungs { There is a raising of phlegm from | the bronchial tubes which is very of A | FAIR PRI Foon foMpission | NE 3 pe Cod not really i) 1CH 5 8 i g ) red Who will win out? Three girls in| While Mayor Hughes has appoinil-| sees re se ot tetamtma ants dangerous, should never be neglected a United States city are flying gor-(€d a committee to inquire into the as some serious lung trouble is most vice tiags Tor the 'one follow } | prices charged for milk in Kingston, | PUBLIC (OPINION - ~4 44 ible ko Follow if it Is : > 88 I B . | : 3 ' r. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup wil pC » as t yet ad- 3 yruy j he City Council has no ye . b 4 loosen the phlegm, soothe and heal vanced as far as appointing a com-| T the irritated bronchial tubes, and in ough a:short time the bronchitis will dis Attached 18 one of the printing offices in Canada. en em choose to and their ne smile! . of medpk 2) Till life's end, from the moment they nean 8 begin it, Folks need a lot of loving all the while The circulation of THE BRITISH Whig is authenticated by the ABO Audit Burean of Circulations. eyes, {why they should grasp the of the problems of national business And pull-over sweaters. Extra special Extra Special 69c¢ Boys' Overcoats 'Tailored by experts Geni caditls Sizes 30 to 35, $12.50, $15, | | | A woman in Britain can vote pro viding she is thirty years of age. The | mission to govern food prices gen-| (PhURdel on Rr soow) erally./. An order-in-council gives "Steel Prices to Be Cut." Who | 2Ppear. municipal councils power to.appoint| cares? Now, if it were leather prices | Mrs. Murdock McLean, _Adanac afford beefsteak Apts., Winnipeg, Man. writes: -- "About two years ago my little girl had bronchitis; took them after hav- ing the measles, I tried several cough remedies, and oils of all kinds, but they all failed. At Jast I got Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. After using three bottles she Has never had any sign of it since. I can hon- estly recommend it as being a grand medicine." The genuine Dr. "Wood's: Norway Pine Syrup is put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine Yrees the trade mark; price 25¢ and 50¢. Manufac- tured only by The T. Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ong. : test is a severe ome for the ladies. The Germans are quizzing the re- such a commission, and it might be| we might be able to cords to find out who started the war. [noted that Sarnia has taken advan- | 28% n. They have no doubts as to who stop- tage of the conferred power by ap-| New Version. ped it. pointing a commission which] (Halifax Herald) keeps tap on prices { This is the song they are sing- President Wilson landed in France | Charged |, now. on the Grand Fleet: Tesigen Ro | by farmers and other pro-| We didn't want to fight, on Friday, the 13th. 7 People In-|q cers ' Ita latest action has bean} But by Beatty went we did, clined to be superstitious will regard , aeclare war on excessive prices by We got the = ships that couldn't this as an ill-omen. vigorously enforcing its schedule of ! ' fight ee ma Ww dair prices for foodstuffs, which are But came when they were hid. The newspapers that state, iposted from time to time. It has . A Good Outlook. -- - ! eire ation uble. enat x is wi} i @rning. that dt will pr sceiit monly got eredt anyone charging more than the fig- Ottawa Journal) A 'financial statement shows that y Dominion revenue for eight onths what they,.réally Have. ures set by it. The Sarnia commis- n y Sigt, me Even thie' weather cannot behave Sion allows farmers and others to itself properly in these disturbing ' charge only 60c a dozen for eggs and S80 far, December .has been |?2¢ @& pound for butter. - i Kingston's couneil has neglected | : R ; es mn a to appoint a fair price commission | | in Vmes Three ladies," and one the wife of to watch prices and to thus protect] np Bishop Williams, are candidates for the public against exploitation. If ? the London City Council. They are eggs can be sold profitably in Sarnia | to put, up a vigorous campaign. jat 6c a dozen and butter at 52¢ al The absolutely new and correct models. who know how to make Boys' overcoats. THE DONCASTER -- Belted style. $16.50, $18, $20, $22.50. THE BELMONT--Full back model, split sleeve, cuffs, soft collar, new patterns, good colorings. Price: $10, $12.50, $15.00. EXTRA SPECIAL--Bago Mackinaw Reefer, plaided patterns, pinch back models, $3.75 and $5.00. days. 1 anything buf an agreeable month. FREEDOM'S DAY Now Freedom on her mountain height is feeling ia {pound, why cannot these prices pre- The apathy of the people in regard vail also in Kingston? Because King- gay and wearing bells; hér hosts have won the big- gest fight of which the page of hist'ry tells. We've to municipal matters, not alone in ston happens to have many soldiers! ' the 1 A ; the tans siaki I , A i seen © Lyrant's scepter drop, e tyr 8 ng Kingston but in almost every other quartered is no reason why produe | desfair; our precious boons are still on top, our bul Is there ers should take advantage of that tof warks right side up with care. We've heard the hour boost the prices. A fair price com-J % of justice strike, we'vee seen right triumph over mission is needed here to protect] fe { wrong, so let us, for the love of Mike, be happy as the citizens against those who seek to 2 day is long. I Boar men say, yale face to face with watchword of the British navy. All : Wi problems that will sear our souls; how shall we teach atehword of : y take advantage of war time condi the Russian race to strive for better, higher - goals? the far-flung dominions of the Em- tions. The bacon barons are not the The flag of anarchy will fly, we fear us much, in pira understand tho signal and stand only pedfiteers that have to be every breeze; how can we throw our hats on high ready to back it up, | watched. There is a tendency on the and face conundrums such as these?" 1 'say, "One Ld i po a" gy i B in ipart £6 every 'interest to enrich it. problem at a time, well solve them all, or break a ," a slat; we've stopped the Prussian course of crime, and They'd batter be careful ot at the public expense. It, there- paralyzed the io This is the hour of our de- A they handle the kaiser, or they'll 'fore, becomes the duty of a cityl' : | light, our cause is gained, the battle's won! And i" i hands: all "yellow," is the net {councin to take such steps as shall thei Freedom's eyes are bright as stars from her mountain she looks down, for vice Jof the old pend, Harry Sn |sateguara the public against unnee- in the crimson flare of Mars she won the Jewels in her crown. Oh, may her . mo/in his delectable little magaz Me | essary high prices, course be calm and sweet in all the fateful years to come! So let us, for 7 Black and White. the love of Pete, take off the lid and make things hum. > Pte' members of the "rovil" tam-| CITY COUNCIL AND THE FAIR. |, 6 -- WALT MASON. | The city council dis to be com- THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN Copyright, city or town, is deplorable. a remedy? vita ptere Not defiance but defence {8 the PURE JAMS IN FOUR POUND TINS Strawberry, per tin , ... .. 9110 Raspberry, per tin ... ..: .SL10 Hiack Currant per tin ... .S1L10 Red Currant, per tin .... .8L00 Goose per tin ... .... 8100 Peach, per tin Ld Apricot, per tin $1.00 Flam, per tin ,.... . 81.00 Jas. Redden & Co. License Nos. 8-450, 8-184, Lowe Bros. Finest Quality. STOVE PIPE ENAMEL Extra Fine Glossy Black. WATERPROOF STOVE DRESSING Made and used by McClary's. BUNT'S A STE AP remaining In Germany are! a their a Iwas py | mended for the manner in which it , : a 4 the government. The new demo- | {18P08ed o the apalicption Jroni cracy established there looks like a "® "ineston Industrial Fair Asso- rious hrand iclation for a grant of $25,000. If Ep ay was an unbusinesslike proceeding " for those who advocated the grant A suggestion comes fom Berlin}, .o.. votore the people's repre- that the ex-crown prince should be centatives and ask for money with- made king of Ireland. The man who! being [properly informed as in conceivéd this brilliant idea is a fel- the use intended to be made with low of rare parts. It is the richest Fit. : i thing that has come.out of Germany. | "1. wo pire place, the falr man- DO Nat pe GET MY CAP agement should have presented al DIRTY AND 1 properly audited financial state- : K ment, not only for the last year hut for a number of years, in order to show by comparison what progress had been made. 'A scheme for ex- tension and {improvements should have been drawn up containing specifications and carefully prepared 'estimates of «costs, as well as & statement of the means to be en- poyed to ensure proper oversight of the work, = . 'At 4his point it might be just 'as well to consider the advisability of Placing the fair on a new basis. It has been neglected in the past. Tt has been a "one man's job," and { too. much FARMS FOR SALE ! A First Class Farm of Pifey Acres, with geod buildings all in Rood repair; the soil is all un- uble, rich, clay loam drained; well fenced; two wells and creek; young or- chard; one half acre of berries Just beginning to bear. farm is handy to work ss It in hearty, pauare and In well loeat- OME OF) JIMM| S500 LEY PUT YOu | DOMIAMAIA PLAY. UD ONLY In Ivory Goods Perfumes Stationery Fountains Pens Razors -- Straight and "Safety"' naThis In See our line of appro- priate gifts for physi- cian and nurse b OR. CHINN'S and tile watered by The woes of the hotel manager con- tinue to increase. . At Kitchener last Week a boniface was fined $2 in the police court for awakening a lady guest by tickling her toes. He got off light at twenty cents per toe. one of many farms we sale, "The Imperial German govern. ment spent $27,000,000 in propagan- da in the United States prior to the American oh spend $25,000 it is sure- © 'ly time to get down to hard facts.| first 'hand There has 1 100 muah ehimeri- eon. cal speculation indulged in, and al-| thanked Uiough MALY Tesard (bo fafr a an At should not

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