Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Dec 1918, p. 9

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NC os] The Daily British mm---- smn Em ---- YEAR 85, NO. 29: KINGSTON. ONTARIO, TUESDAY, DECEM THE { Shedden Forwarding Co. ; A LIEN WRIT I$ SI RV D ldmited .. .. ».l..l.. 14.87 Simmons Broa. .. .. .. .. 34.75 en : Kingston Sand & Gravel Co. . 16.00 ; i Bishop ., 12.00 : i : ON UTILITIES COMMISSION BY Thomas G. W .s | KINGSTON CONSTRUCTION CO. Gartshore Thompson Foun- i : FY'Co. .. .. +5 seus es 1,566.08 2 . OF CANADA | Electrical Pump at Waterworks Saves Willam Drury .. ..... ., 22.08 : RRS | x NEAD OFFICE - TORONTO . $1,930.14 in Coal in Four Months| Gas Machinery Co, .. .. 39.60 Se) 8 : --Saving Will Be Greater When|A. Maclean hen 1532s 5 -- Electrical Consumption Increases, |N. C. Polson Oh oil, 56. 3 \ . M ihe Utilities Commission meet. Standard Publishing To. . 131.20 & Money Prders and Drafts are The Bristol Co. .. ,. .. .. . J 3 ing Monday afternoon, General Mana- 4 A f - Noy > ger Folger announced that the Com-|C. Donoghue .. .. .. .. 14.25 3 mission had been served with a len Satiack oF icking Co. oy . 104.67 2a 2d issued by this Bank payable m writ by the Kjmgston Construction Kerr Engine o., Lim . 40, - i - x $ Collingwood Shipbuilding : sere ors all parts of the world. 4 Company for $2,812.34, due it in con- fo PATE B 119.49 - 3 nection with its gas tank contracts. McRgivey 4 Birch, Lilitod 133-42 ; vy KINGSTON BRANCH, ° The Commission disputes its liability J. B. Bunt & Co 2264 and a court case appears likely, - B. bun Arr. ' i BE » Manager Folger presented a report|S. Anglin & Co. .. .. .. .. 100.41 J. F. ROWLAND, ; Manages, with regard to the new electric pump|T. McAuley .. .. .. .. .. Lp pre ) ah : installed at the waterworks. His| W. Cockburn .. RR id N qu : . statement showed that id operating| Grand Trunk Railway Sys- 32.07 / v un " . eo the pump during four months by elec- A tom av 3 Oo. tir = 32.47 ili Valtham Colonial" 4™ tricity, during off-peak hours, there] A. Ol own 0: (ames a 8. y Eagle Th B k Alli 938 altham Colonia had been a saving in coal alone of Mrs. E. Beaupre vo wah vy ig A < 0 € Farmer- an er 1ance of accuracy $1,930.14. When the general con-| Public 1 tilities Sra iain co» debt 40d ES At « sumption of power increases a still] Street Railway Co. 5. / 3 - You £0 to your lawyer for legal advice; --~ . 'm of po ; on W Publishing greater coal saving will be effected. British Whig Pub ' 3 : Co. iia, to the doctor for medical advice; why not - make 2 ristmas The new gas holder will not like- Public "Utilities . 52.8 = ly be ready until late in February. . Nie Raat 29 : i i y 'A - Manager Folger stated that no fur- Sorboration City Iiggston : d d Sn to The Merchants Bank for financial advice ? 7 2f f ther leaks had shown themselves in| Gananoque Elec prema Uh ah, : If you want loan ttle ogs 5 Z 5% ow --- the con¢rete foundation. More than . 22 134 99 < ), fy = Te : ¥ if 3 to buy oa : b or one-quarter of the stone pile had now Total .. .. 4. «+ «. ..$22,134, : - 1 & ) equipment--i you want information as to . x how to invest money--come to those who > requires the presentation OC a taste toe os ; Toes bone) Sale Street railway power agreement wat) NT EXCEEDING MARGIN FRENCH CAPTURED ea uSiness 0 nancia matters, and bad. been held in abeyance for some 1,500 prisoners, two years ago today, are In a position ip give you sound and December 17, 1916. impartial advice, * OQ ™ months. a Mayor Hugheg directed the atten-} OF MILK PROFIT ALLOWED BY | yng o captor. : n : . og a am a tion of the Commission to the desire ORDBER-IN-COUNCIL YESTERDAY'S ANSWER THE MERCHANTS 4 of the City Council to know if steps a were going to be taken towards se- Report Made to City COouncil--The Upside down in front of Lenine. J Ri . : : . 3 curing a purer water supply. The Kingston Milk Dealers Are Entitl- Head Office: Montreal CANAD Established 18684, Such a gift becomes part of the life of the re- Commission of 1919 will have to deal ed to Prices They are Charging, BAA ir Att A itr i tg e OF A . L¥ --- KINGSTON BRANCH, = - - * ipie an unceasing reminder of the wise atte ; : Y cipient and an unceasing r f the wis with this matter. It will be known The committee, consisting of R. E i0% 3 wise ii Wo rah ondoss forethought of the giver. In it are embraced probably 'next month if the new i " opm s i p : +: : : i Burns, Joseph Craig and M. P. Reid, 3 2 Ww i r H. A. TOFIELD all the virtues of an ideal time-piece--enduring chlorination plant about to be in- appointed to investigate the cost of] Cre wat a Joan is going lo say » Manager. stalled will improve the condition of milk to the distributors and the con.|, >P4 it's a foolish one whe 81 ST -- ; 0. Am accuracy combined with beauty that time can ditions under which it is bottled and Don't expect your friends to do going to move a resolution praising| It found that the change made by the to do for yourself. Waltham Watch Company, the work of Chairman Chown, because Canada Food Board in its sitting ofl Some @vuén put the smallest ap- Li ited M t 1 he knew the chairman would not de- Nov, at ue Nlctibuters in ples on the top of the barrel--also WE mi ontrea sire it,. but he felt free to say that| Kingston are as 10 BrOSS|ine notice, "Open the other end." ' . the work of the commissioners during | Margin of profit allowed by order-in- Many a man would never be heard | the year had been most harmonious,| council, is not sustained by the in- of were it not for his obituary no- Bongard Ryerson & Co." --------------- o and it was a pleasure to act under| vestigation. Most of the distributors tice. the chairmanship of Mr. Chown, who the commission says, are selling for Members Toronto Stock Exchange 12 cents a quirt and there are cases had given a great deal of his time a ' " ¢ to the civic utilities in the interests| where the price is 14 cents, the milk g FOR UP-TO-DATE SHOES, TRY of the people. Mayor Hughes and] is Pasturjsed and ottled, aud Lhe use STOCKS, BONDS, GRAINS AND COTTON Commissioner Macfarlane concurred| extra cosf of treating and ott ing 2 a , J.E Johnston, 70 Brock Street in the remarks of Mr. Elliott, milk is about two cents a quart. Private wires to New York, Chicago, Toronto, Mon- , Te. ' etrle These accounts were passed: While the order-in-council makes ~/ | Canadian General Electric no allowance for cost of processing| j for restoring 239 Bagot St. smal 00: 2. vial vie NS 7.23| milk as compared with delivery of i ff and i - Phone 1728 Collector of customs .. .. 18.75| milk direct from the dairy, the com- Hydro-Electric Power Com- mission stated it was of the opinion THE WALTHAM WATCH, For Sale By mission .. .. ,. .. .. 3,055.50] that in the interest of the consumer Pay lists .. .. . 2,310.77] such treatment should be encourag- ITH * ll Davis & ® Mtg. Co, . 659.36] ed by allowing the distribut b SM BROS, JEWELERS LTD. Bradden Se. . or ' 180.80 uses the a at pa! Nae ooh of 350 King Street. Domin®n Government ... 114.40] the process in excess of the price de- We Buy and Sell Customs collector. ,. .. .. 28.45] manded of his competitor, Davis & Farnum Mfg. Co. . * 103.00 Owing to the fact that the cost of Davis & Farnum Mfg, Co. . 884.50] milk to the distributor varies with ' & M1 LLER S @ James Richarison & 'Som 1.43.30] manger soar ipa ComIIIS0 | recom. | Dominion and Provincial Government Borids. never impair. Ask your jeweler to show you the water 4 his full range of high-grade Waltham W atches. Commissioner Elliott said he was not | 801d, reported to the city council that more for you than you are willing ln | ---- ---------------- Miss B. Lentz .. .. .. .. 18.67} to provide the inspector every three E WORM POWDERS Davis & Farnum Mfg. Co. . 580.11 months a sworn statement as to what 5 . Bradden & McKegney .. .. 6.16] the cost is to them at the date of the M 1 Bo BELIEVE THE 3 SCNDITION BROUGHT ON BY THE PRESENCE OF WORMS Pay list to Dec. 12th, 1918 2,589.17 statement, and that he report to the unicipal nds. ILD TO NORMAL HEALTH, Packard Electric Co. .. .. = 56.48/ Council whether in his opinion the ® ; i 9 ; NO NARCOTICS --PLEA Electrical Appliance Dept. . 46.20] distributor is getting a larger spread . oe SCLEASANT AS SUGAR ll Bio miedrh Power Com: than the law allows. It this were| ailroad, Public Utility and Industrial - - miatdon 0, .. UC ,, 46.011 done he could .control the situs tion : . ? . ---- Electrical Equipment Co. . 80.00} without difficulty. > F. A. Fish Coal Co. .. .. 200.00 Correspondence Invited, H. W. Newman Electric Co. 36.00] ' ------------ : 3 y Mig. Oo... ... .. 4. : Bring Back Memories of Home to the Er HO RIE) who ha Limited, vit co. 533.37/o opinion of her own before court OMINION JECURITIES (ORPORATION . . Acme Stamping & Tool Co. 54.29|ship, develops into an autocrat Kingston Boys by Sending a Box of 3. W.Smith .~.. . 73.10|shortly after marriage. Wood « = + + Presiden LIMITED. MONTREAL BRANCH Morrow Vice President Esabliched 1901 Canada Life Building Michell RW. Swele - . Manager Hada HEAD OFFICE : Pras 26 KING STREET EAST LONDON, ENG.. BRANCH . Andison TORONTO No, 6 Austin Frise . Whie 3 A.L Fullerton, Manager Canadian General Electric y 5 You Would i Slassed us a good E ; > * . Co. .. .. .. .. .. .. 406.11{fellow, all you have to 0 is to ap- . Cigars Made in Kingston Royal Art Glass Co. .. .. 8g 43|plaud your fool friends. Taylor & Hamilton .. .. .. S43 No man is born with a silver spoon = LA James Sowards Coal Co. .. 896.56]/in his mouth, but lots of men |die . W. B. Dalton & Sons .. .. 11.64] with gold in their teeth. I . Treadgold Sporting Goods Industry and prosperity are spell- 0. cas 5.25 ed differently, but they mean about Imperial Oil Limited .. .. 2,667.68 the same thing. A A tain, R A Ww A H F > May be had in boxes of 10, 25 or 50 at all cigar and drug stores. Get them away no A Columbia Grafonola as a Christmas Gift for a Friend or Relative HINK of the great amount of pleasure you and yours get out of your Phonograph. Then just think of the pleasure you can bring into the home of a friend or dear relative by giving a Grafonola. Just imagine, for instance, the joy in a returned soldier's home when LINDSAY'S van delivers your gift Grafonola on Christmas Eve. T hat Guarantees If you happen to be a little short of cash it will not be necessary for you to entirely pay for A ; the Grafonola when ordering it, easy terms of payment will be gladly arranged. : iy S atist action FOR A FRIEND WHO ALREADY HAS A PHONOGRAPH Nothing will make a more acceptable Christmas gift than a LINDSAY Record Album, with or without Records, or just a few records. LINDSAY'S RECORDS ALBUMS COLUMBIA RECORDS. 10-inch -+:. +... .. $2.50 10-inch... <.c. 90e. up 12-inch ..:. .... «= 2.75 12-inch .... .... $1.50 up GUARANTEED 18 MONTHS 'Lindsay's 'Star' ia Records p Rosai You can always tell a Philadelphia Diamond Grid Battery When you come in ask fi3t 'co Nonk Mame honograph : ah. @ glance. Both sides are covered with Diamonds. It : ~Star" Columbia Records. These "Star" Recomimare, in || LINDSAY'S Phonograph Repairing Department is equip- Dianfonds are nat there it #8 hat ne, Tt let avy Pur estimation, the very best, and will prove very popu- || ped for making any and all kinds of repairs on all makes unknown pla me hear Dia. ' jar and fast selling oven. Don't fail to come in and oF Enonographs; invariably the charge is as low as is it : consistent Ei : " Store open every evening Lill New Year's Eve, beginning to-day. . | C. W.LINDSAY : : : Limited CANADA'S PREMIER PIANO HOUSE, : Kingston : > Princess Street - - - - - - - - = - - fa Branches at Montreal, Ottawa, Belleville, Brockville and Three Rivers.

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