Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Dec 1918, p. 5

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_1HE DALY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1918. : PACE FIVE hl al ou will _ agree that it is worth SEATILE (FFICER OO Abernethy's Beautiful Gifts h I DEAFNESS! 0BSERIE THS CHRISTMAS 252 'c5oe cite oa ITH CAUSES AND TRE ATMENT | id, and. on Christmas ering} Write for Free Booklet and pe -| BY SEEING THAT SOLDIERS r own gifts will bring to you a! TH OUBLE k e ul offer o e A APSEAE ATS 1 5 y Jars hens ree tris} offer of th KIDDIES RECEIVE GIFTS. grea ter glow of» satisfaction, | a THE MEARS COMPANY of CANADA | joy (he Whigs Victory Christmas MEETING OF 14 LABOR MEN Collins Was Nearly Dawn and Deni. gf " ™ hi, 04a PEEL ST, MONTREAL Tree Fumd for the Children of Ty Promote the Election of Alder- Out--@ains 26 Pounds ERA FRENCH REMEDY. Men Whe Fought For Us. | manic Candidates. by Taking Tanlac. THER PION No. 1 The war is over. Now for a good} A campaign meting the Jeadoy "A medicine that will do as much Ch . fe .« an dLabor Council was held on Fri-| for & » people as this Tanlac PION No.2 old-fashioned Christmas, Thore day night, and committees were ap- | has suffering ie is certainly worth Q E never was--iever will be again pointed to work for the election of | repommending to the pubMc, and I 0, 2 for Blood & --- TTT f 1 such a Christinas as the great peace the labor candidates in the forthcom- can't say too much for it," said John . 3 for Chromic br . ¢ hi > ing civic election The candidates WwW Colli yf 1214 East Columbia 3s. Christmas of 1918 will be. With B » Collins, of 12 ; i a coon unfaltering = hearts, through four Selected are: M. P. Reid, Victoriaisireet, Seattle, while in a Bartell S43 Tasos WAkaep' wore "rwisarion' is of . ag Ee 4 Have K t ward; William Patterson, Frontenac drug store recently." Mr. Collins favr. war Christmases, we have kept a ward; Norman Jones, Rideau ward; | has been a resident of Seattle for least this one day free from glooa .N. A. Smith, Ontario ward. The the past thirteen years, and is a arpen and : --have seen to it that our loved (four candidates made addresses. popular member of the police force, C tat Builder ones have had some sort of Christ-| J. Sullivan, cigarmakers' organ-| YWhen I began taking Tanlac," W. R. BILLENNESS mas. Bless their hearts, they've 1Zer. of Hamilton, told of what had {Mr Collins continued, "I weighed Speeializt ' a : " i been done by labor in that city. La-|only one hundred and fifty pounds tings. re Raiding ot mostly had promises, though, have, bor has four aldermen and elght}and was in such a bad condition kinds. they not? school trustees there. He dealt with [that I could not patrol, my beat, But INMATES ars aa EXTERIENCE || But we're going td out loose this child labor, and told of the great fm-/1 now weigh one hundred and - Christmas--we're. going to celd- bortance of encouraging industries, | seventy-five pounds--have gained brate, and we are going to see to it | but only such industries as did not |twenty-five pounds--and am feeling { employ child labor. He said that|fine. I have had trouble with my that the ifts we give are such as > will be Ee eT for many years 'the cotton mill in Kingston has about | stomach for several years. Nearly t e R « .*200 women, girls and boys oft onjeverything I would eat disagreed oRomee oy. even Hie most wit strike now. Application has been |with me. My food would almost in- have a historic interest generations | {made to the government for an arbi- | variably sour and keep me filled from now, and you can imagine, tration board and' the reinstatement with gas and misery most all the therefore, how the memory of this [Of all those dismissed will he asked | time. Then sometime ago I had a year's Christmas will be treasured. | for. fall of about thirty feet, which came Even the blessed little kiddies, that | William Bowker, of the G.W.V.A,, | near putting me out of commission. have so bravely done without, so | told of the early work of forming|On top of this I had an attack of many things through these 'Tong itrade unions in Kingston. He said | grippe, and I simply got to where I years are looking forward to this as the soldier condemns the Union Gov-| was just about down and out. My the greatest of all - Christmases. ernment because of its medical and | whole body seemed full ow neur- algia and rheumatism and I ached he z < {pension boards and the prohibition Dr. Martel's Female Pills Jaro i gm Din Which Reg f » all over. Every joint in me ached Pracribed 4 mind for many years to come. and the pain in the left side of my with goatee eh tented TH Go." But what of the children whose A LIV ELY EPISODE. jback, over my kidneys were so se- At your HruEfiaty = ve vee = Ateopt wo other. | fathers are and have been overseas | vere at times that I could hardly fighting our battles for us on the Hubby Fired Out Unwelcome Visitor stand It. Nothing did me any good figlds of France and Flanders. They} At His Home. {and finally I just had to give up my have felt the pinch of sacrifice.! There was a. lively episode at a | position, stop working entirely and nothing but try to find relief. +» * Repairin {They have been robbed of much of home in the down-to¥%n section on {do the joy of lifé and of this festive Thursday night, when a hubby came | My sleep was very poor, and 1 kept season by their fathers' heroic home 'and found a man in his home | falling off in weigh{ until I got Sewing Machines, Umbrellas, Suit! deeds. They, too, must feel that for whom there was no welcome on |d0Wn to one hundred and fifty a ln I ao Mired and refitted. this is the greatest Christmas of the mat. The unwelcome visitor | pounds. A as al nt ened, Razors hoved. All makes of|#ll. They must have their Christ- was given his walking ticket, but he! "Then I go{ uneasy about my con- 'Walking Machines repaired prompitiy.| mas gifts as their Ohristmas treats, refused to go. and then the hoss of dition, went to Colorado and stayed Loske sevaired, Mays fuied, All makes | just as if daddy were at home to act the house used force. and in great 'here for a while, but never did get paired, n vers sharpened. and res) jy, part of Santa Claus. It was style, for in quick order he had his | Any better until 1 began taking Tan with this thought in mind that the man down on the floor, and there |la¢, and then I commenced climb- Whig launched its appeal for funds was a terrible rumpus. Some per- ling right up. I have used six bot- and | tes now and have gotten rid of all John M Patrick whereby these children might have son telephoned for the police, rid * their Christmas Tree and Treat. It two constables arrived in time to see | that neuralgia and rheumatism en- Phone 25064 149 Sydenham Bt, | was in order to enable the people the finish of the affair, and to warn | tirely and never feel an ache or a Kingston, Ont. of Kingston to show their gratitude the man who courted trouble that|Pain. My appetite is great and my SERERSIY to our soldiers for their gallant he had better stay away. stomach is in such a good shape work that has brought us the vic-| ------ Ct that I can eat just anything I want without the least trouble after- tory that the fund was organized. | Sale Of Crane's Christmas Stationery . The main thought of it all was that Three lots of Crane's best station. | Wards. I now sleep like a log every the kiddies must mot be forgotten, | ery done up in dainty Ohristmas night and am in splendid condition that they must have the best Christ- | hoxes: in every way I'm going back to mas entertainmen within the power | 100 boxes .. .. ..25¢ sach work to-morrow. and I cheerfully recommend Tanlac to everybody, of Kingston to give, and, with this 0 boxes .. .. ..35¢ each 8 5 50 boxes Ie each MManlae is sold in Kingston by A. acceptable gifts. Prices, $1.25 to $3.00. Dhotce car load. Get - our § °Nd in view, the Whig threw Bpen | 50 boxes .. .. ..$1.00 a i 8 'L its columns to give i t to the ackes: » . »1 im 751 P. Chown, in Plevna by Gilbert Ost- -- before buying your win. : 8 gi¥e 'mpetus 5 The Jackeon Press, 171 and 175 ler, in Battersea by '€C. 8. Clark, in 4 project, and to act as a medium f¢ Wel t stress J { act a ' Vellington st it. 2 i Ervin Marti tr AF ter supply. receiving subscriptions, ---- pmo -- " 4 ' = ations hav : ok by. JJ; Sawin, in Shara OO F So far donations have not come One Of The Oldest. Y. ¢ rien ip' S up to expectations, and have not| As already intimated, the Bank of e by W. Y. Cannon, = dv ENE NN A AAA. ttt tt tO AAA A A AAA At PA At ANSP A NN APB ANN i att come up to the necessity of the pro- | Nova Scotia has secured temporary Panada Poa Burd cease Jeet in mind. One thousand dol- | premises and is opening a oh in THE PIRI OF ISTH ™ 210 Divison St. Phone Bas lars is the objective sot, and we are 'ghis cfty immediately. Next to the caf [still along way short of it. It Bank of Montreal it is the oldest should not be necessary to make any ' banking institution in Canada, hav- er eene | 2:10 GAIL JECORATE STORES, ee eee | SPECIAL appeal to Kingstonians to ing commenced business in the city i . HCORATED SIRE - | 4|} Tise this sum. "It {s more blessed of Halifax in 1832. Confining itself : : 2 Sd THREE FULL to give than to receive" is a maxim at first to its native province, it has| peices are High, But the People Are which comes home to éveryone with gradually extended its operations un- Buying Their Yuletide Gifts Just oh | double orce at Christmastide, and. ti) §t now. has over, 190. hranches, cov- LOTS 'FOR SALE [ts eps ards subscription to the Kid- opmng the Dominfon from Halifax to fhe Samo--Tahle Tusaries Dear, M Delightful . dies" Fund will bring greater joy to Vietoma, Newfoundland and the He 8 . ake De igniiu X the giver than anything else poss- a paid- abits The spirit of Christmas has arriv- . On Nelson Street ibly could do. tego he B dup capital ed. Ten days more and then Christ- Christmas The Whig has started the festive Of $12,000,000, aif@ its total re-| Was day! If you pay a visit tothe CHEAP season with this bix extra Christmas Sources 'amount ito over $150,000, Kingston Store. you Will, know fan . & : dition a "000. Its affairs have always been surety that old Fat her Christmas is d ke g edition, and it would only be fitting ; oer | NOt far away. The stores have and make ar x that citizens should begin their conducted with 'safely and strength tak their Yuletide dress, and S ur ome selecti Ww H Godwin & Son {|i Christmas festivities by sending in # the first considerations, and the|laten on thelr Yuietide wress, ant 10NS NOW ~~ 8 4 ae: Nhe bscri & addition of this important bank to Present a very pretty appearance. We will set Insurance and Real Estate subscriptions to the Victory Christ- c The old question, "What will I buy? 89 Brock St Ph ; mas Tree Fund. Think of the joy those already established in Kings-j 0 Jt "the 1 but u visit 7 ' our order aside . Phone 424 I you will bring to the hearts of the OR Will, we are sure, he warmly wel- the round i will deci i que id 3 Il I er or Fd deli ve k » onerally ocal stores decide this ques- i | soldiers' kiddies by doing so, ang °0med by our sitions generally. tion, fof there is an abundance of Do Your Shopping in Hime ers AAA A eer se New School Geography. good things on every hand to satisty Early Ch . . Christnas . . : t Weaknesses, HCA Prescribed snd recommended by Physicises, LADIES' EVENING SLIPPERS The correct new styles for dar.ces or parties. Finest French kid or best grade patent colt; plain styles or styles with jet and steel beaded buckles. $7.50 and $7.00--Other good values, $6.00. We are also showing a large range of ladies' bedroom slippers, all colors--plaids and Indian fur styles--any of these make very ANNAN 7 --,,.. SA SS --E------------ ! Ontario is to have a new school [even the most particular purchaser. "My! but everything is an awful . «3 ORF : o%. oa. : : Rpraphy, la Dr ok Sod. price, 'the Whig heard one lady We have an alluring array on mn 0 Imi e ed that the Department of Education |Shopper remark to another of fashionable furs in all the ~ 3 .y has already taken in hand the ques- "Yes," was the reply, "hut do you modish styles. % Am A Sy tion of making - the necessary | know I made up my mind that this : ' We are 'going to have a real old-fashioned (fhristmas this year. Let changes in the school geography en-| Christmas is going to be the best Hudson Seal Coats rom your gifts be TUrliture, as thiligs Vought tor the Rie Tan fons Yea Manufacturers of High Grade Flour tailed by the war. The changes ever at my house. My two boys $175.00 "ph c $35 u Card and Work Tables, Electric Piano Lamps and Plano Benches, will be hope for Christmas, and now |} Alaska Sable Capes P: | Gentlemen's Smoking Setts, and Pedestals and Jardinier Stands. could not, however, be determined the war is over, we are going t6"have Alaska Sable Muffs $18 ups " : White Rose' and 'Hungarian Patent" until peace terms are signed. Dr. f 4 ? ; Cody said that in regard to the news |one big treat. And don't you think Manchurian Wolf Setts $14 up. 3 Natural Wolf Setts $18 up. ' d * Fo, a. d a that France intended to restore the the laddies who have been doing their 2 2 LR le by all ealers old names in the recovered territory ['bit' should have a joyous Grin Taupe Wolf Setts .. . $60.00 Canada Food Board License Nos. 118 and 4-118 'of Alsace and Lorraine, "it would mas?" Black Wolf Setts $55.00. ; 1 'give us great pleasure to change our 5 "They Sertajuly Serve oe Yary | geography accordingly." est you can give them e other . i 1 ni lady was heard to remark . Come See, Compare i rr 8 Extra Special In Christmas Goods.| And the opinion expressed by this ' : P "1 At The Busy Store With 'the Christmas Spirit. ) Twenty-five cards and envelopes to| one lady appears to be the general hone for Service, 3 £ Purchases Stored. match, printed with initial and | opinion, and although prices are up Kn Socks and ars with Kni greeting, in gold or colored ink: |sky high, it seems to be the inten- it Doll the Aye itter colors white, pink and blue. $1.50.|tion to make this holiday the "best Profitabl 1 hom Mail orders promptly attended to, |ever." Prices may be high, but the in Ao sm oyme Rat . The Jackson Press, 171 and 175 people-are buying anyhow. : "Ihe Christmas Store." peace Wellington street. There is a great demand of course Kingst ' Oldest Fur 51 oon Soldiers' an. The The for Christmas table luxuries, and ev- ngsion s hosiery industry is boomi No Kaiser Block. ervthing in that Mne is dear. Candy, tore far excends the sup 1p us Bll it but got IR. E. Genge, the well-known {nuts and apples--ithe latter of the a) from siow ) A mitting. 2 VR the pat. clerk in the local post office, had Shiny variety, wiviely sake very pret- P. gladly §- oceasion recently to handle a let-|ty decerations for Christmas trees id ' take all the socks you wish to send us and pay ter addressed to some person in the {are in great demand. - : : Why not give your pri ! : BOY OR GIRL you highly profitable pricas. Kiser Block, Water own, NY. The| Oranges are also in great démand % The Auto Knitter is simple and easily learnt-- word was written, "Kaiser," so Mr. |for the children do love oranges, es- 8 J And scutes & big income fee full orapire sims work sight {Genge wrote to his friend, Arthur pecially at Christmas. Cooking rai- ! i A AN ENDOWMENT in your own home and no previous experience is | Standley, in the Watertown post|sins and currants are being called ro en } SY ol ¢ | THE EX OR Wette today tall particulars enclosing Soe what god ~f office, asking that the name of the |for. money you Four amily cas earn A ame bese Going DACRE block be changed. The market wil ibe a busy place (Can.) Co., Limited, Dept 3B $07 College She Toronto. 3 . thie week for busy housewives who i : LIFE Queen Street Methodist Chygreh| will be looking for Christmas tur- 5 ; Quartette, ye keys. * The prices, too, it is said, will Nnses A strong Canadian : company The famous mald quartette of be high. but high prices or not, this Queen Street Methodist church willlis the one time in the year that tur- ; 4 - od eyes were fit. sing ee vid Christmas carol, "Holy key. the favorite bird, must be ge: : F 8 ine Night," the sacred concert at|cured, \ Presert Queen Street church Tuesday, Dec. ------------ : : Ae pieces and \ MR. D. SUTHERLAND (yCharles A. Gorman died in Bella- yar iene. : : al Recital. = I nT ro ag What can you think of = || nd on un for. BrOmpL : Cor. Brock & " Bogor 8 TAL: a Street Sy Le. was born twenty-two years ago. He that Jouid give ore plea : ki . S pm ure ture Hall Mon: ny P- Et -- was a machinist. ded, as a Toilet' Set in IERTT aR Baa - Sterling Silver, Fren'h Ivory or Ebony. You can add pieces to the set on other gift times. Sterling Silver Sets in Cases, $10 up to $100 French Ivory Bets in cases; $3.50 up io $20.00." Ebony Sets $8.00 up. | HNNEAR & ESTERRE, 100 Princes 50.

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