PEE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, A tah colored suit of duvetyn shois how very simple season. Large collar and id bands: of seal." Narrow Gemtterd ivcaiar cope wih a pel id front | ample a F 8, "Ci ca, wi a 4 ro orms an Jooking wrap. The done fur is seal and the band and collar are provide openings for the arms. : ; : A ' large are worn as a change from. the small . This one is of sand colored silk with a facing Pig pie] b---The standi figure shows a simple a won dress of bli i . pak op hue and a panel aon i fo net 8 h covers nearly the entire surface, Hat of velvet with burnt trich Ji | wedr Left. Peacock blie velvet is used by Marguerite of Levina || shich cloth is draped and tied in a bow uf the ek, Centre--To soften the lines of this military she i 0 vis adds a pompon of uncurled Ostrich in rd chasseur, +R 4 hy laine sends ux this truly ¢ lier, with its huge tockade ay ay i gids, : 5 : "VJ the debutante Maria Guy creates this mal oe Eg R32 ; £3 two bronze split osirich plumes on its softy. [|r Directoire influsnces give rise to (beaver, 5 : 5. aie ro Llp aa Aiatiness, discernible in ths Uptucoed furnishes tie a8 possihle the same pote as the Me vg Sram of the. hata trlivming. i fae ates en Materinle, JBAfmi | Ly Gathers, of rourse, (beas Smé OF the tricoletce frocks for fall ave]. | s 1HDB8 18 Mirnish ths sot. sad fin Cnole | got a Ju ng hesititing. mus: haps that the majority cf {marked for 'cooler weather by appligued so necessary. Hfemining Rots | 8 Drea, 1a. true. altars] wotien preter: 1g wae with thelr tailor matifs of vélves. Diamond shaped p Shapes which 1; ny ¥ircerined. eplit: astricle. hts made sive: nga walking dreises. Other [re noted 08 & frock which is of cine for Swise indintalneer's (hots: adipic for the: star, costiite are de Chiso in tabacrs rows, with the motifs Jrather SMang velvel, sasne eve ulna shaded with fos and ting : i the ma (beads di soe =