mens 18 4184 § EE] § Las, ¥ THIRD SECTION 1-24 Fr PAGES 1 19 é Wi 1918 DECEMBER 14, a a vitish URDAY, Fy 8 ONTARIO, . "o we sing { + KINGSTON, ife-- ife. e . . ? a s praise ight, tfiumphant over m ill" all days, Thou broughtst to earth the note of praise 1 and str i le men march on to new found | AN Earth 3 , good w that note we r tmas bells we ring, Creator Y HILLM he HARR ing mor ace on ht, Makes peace abound o'er to freemen all ing our great rig Whi 'We hail thee, day above Insp Again the Ch And "Peace on earth Pe Now, Tos For YEAR 8b,