Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Dec 1918, p. 10

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RTA f _...... THE DALY'BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMB In the Realm of Womah --- Some Interesting Features i y - 1 li : ¥ ' I elephone 987 . Don t be foolish to guess at t c qua ity | HE I F E : When the Fo ves s to palpi ate ; 5 . 51 tate, Wanting anything done In the ea Me > but insist upon getting... thrill beat fast for several Seconds, | tery tine. Estimates given : - x B 'Jane Ph OH-H-H! then slow, then start to flutter, and | Lg repairs and mew works aims Aare y e ) a feeling of utter depression Will woed floors of al kinds, All orders Mr. Dubb--Do COme over your whole system, ac- body h receive Prompt Attention. Shop you think your |"0mpanied by weak, fainting and re A A ns J i DISTRUST, UNBELIEF AND JEALOUSY Sl sister would |x spells. : '. CHAPTER CXI. : would butcher them without mercy." 13 marry me? at en the heart gets into this con- Perhaps nothing so militates| "Yes--if they got the chance. If £ yo tie «= She mitoribie Saeolle oak, Worn and : against the sine i " i ' ic , e to atten against the happiness of married peo- | they got close enough. 'But it won't [5 wil yu ain't '1, either social, business or house- WARNING 5 ple, especially young people, as the [be omly our boys who are butchered {noid duties 5 triangle: distrust, unbelief, andl jeal- [if we once get a chance at them: a Now is the time to come and s ~ ousy. And it was this triangle which | there will be twe Germans put out of will ve pret and Nerve Zils make arrangements to have And Be . . now made Ruth Hackett very miser- | business for every American. We'll nent re- our car stored and overhauled. ure of Every Satisfaction able, very unhappy. fight like the Canadians--the finest hist Wo all sufferers trom any heart! § Tw cn have space for a few Her feet lagged as she went dbout |in the world." : - ness oF nerve derangements. more cars. : rs. Walter Greives, Apsley, Ont., repatr work ' A « ar, 5 a specialty: Tana ET her work at the shop. Often she was Ruth smiled at Brian's earnestness -- i This is the Tea that for a -- ee inattentive. Brian was quietly mak-|[--Mhis belief in the truth of his state- Waites; ~ I had been run down, and Quarter a century has VN BE ing ready to go. They talked little | ment. Ruth lacked his vision. But oars told me 1 was: anaemic, but 2 yen the very best of bs : about it, but Rutl's intuition was|she was much more practical than . a hot help me with heir medicines. blic service, keen; and she noted the signs of pre-' Brian--muech 'more apt to weigh the z a not Jughin, my Haart pul. ED. WALSH, Prop. 8528 paration. There was much talk that pros and cons of a question than he.| 5 WHERE T0 Go |Pitated so, and I could count syery 835 King St. Phone 2185 the States would surely have to join Perhaps it was one attribute which : To whom shall heat od to have such dizzy spells I ; and. 4 " # HA \ 8 the Allies, and she wanted to urge' contributed to her success as a busi J 1 go to get ad- |. have to go to bed. I was not h il J : oq hi ; B he lacked th ; him to walt. ut ghe lac the ness woman. | vice on 1 dre n S Furniture nerve to talk of it. But finally the "Brian always saw rainbows," she| | \ succeed Haw io able to do any work for eight months. g papers began to clamor for prepard- had told her aunt once, when he was : + 78s to some A cousin of mine had taken Milburn's ; ® tion. Brian himself spoke of it, one courting her. But, of late, he had} | § one .who "has Heart and Nerve Pills and told me "Ranks with the Strongest' or ristma evening: | seemed to lose his optimism. He had] | failed, th a what they had done for her. I took S | "I guess I won't go with the Cana- not bujlt so many castles ir the air. { soot) Sight Poses of Sem, aad Row] an HUDSON BAY : dians, after all. Uncle Sam will need When he stopped talking of how soon < P . me in « few weeks or I miss my he would be a success as a lawyer, are too busy to |work. I am so thankful to tell others Insurance Company 4 guess." [he had also stopped talking eo opti: | talk. what they have done for me, so that FIRE INSURANCE $2.00, $2.50 i "You don't think # really will mistically about other things. Ruth a they may try this great and wonder- o 3 come to us?" Ruth asked. { had missed this buoyancy dn his talk; ful remedy. I hope this may prove Frese Office; Reva) Insurance Bldg. "No--we will go to it," facetiously! had regretted the pessimistic streak good to some one who is suffering - NIRS the way I did." pam. Ota IN ants Carriages sone $2.50, $3.50, to $13.00 ? repliad Brian. | he seemed to be developing. L : Hea a "Please don't joke, dear; it would] But when he talked of war, all his : Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills ; = Hh pride old buoyancy reappeared. He again] The time of the losing horse isn't |are 50c a box at all dealers, or. mail. W. H. GODWIN & SONS Toy Betts wasn vai. $2775, $3.50 J » "I'm not jokfmg--really. We are talked extravagantly; and at times} Money to the man who bets on him. [ed direct on receipt of price by The AGENTS, KINGSTOWN, ONT. # golng to get in this muss, and we carried even [Ruth who doubted, we Mag is worse for knowing the 3. Miburs Co., Limited, Toronto, ' s s nt. ors, ' Baby Walkers 4 fe 1 ; might as well make up our minds to/ away by his belef in what he said. ft. 'With all my heart 1 hope so. We Like so many women, Ruth was in- can't stay out much longer and be|clined to be 'incredulous regarding . fF able to hold up our heads." {things she did not understand-- il i R J Reid "But, rn it will take so long to things military. | 9 y TTA lili ® * get men fit to fight. The war won't| As yet, he had said no word of sor-11i age s Cash Groce i .e . Unde ker last long enough." | row at the thought of leaving her. - : " : Leadin rita "It won't take very long to fit Am-| Had made no plans for her happiness C Ww S | et a g ericans to fight. We are used to|or her comfort. He had simply | or.Gore and ellington ts. | . | doing things in a hurry. We'll have thrown her back upon herself: "You New: Currants .; .. . 30c Ibs New sles NR Sawed in Stove 10 do in a few months what those do not meed me," was all he said. Mo Peas rh dirty Germans took forty years to| "He will if he goes," she said to N 4 New Mix eel... . o ew Table Raisins ..385¢ 1b. New Dates .. ..25¢ package do, And I'll make you a bet right' herself. "It is because he doesn't . A 2 g now that we'll do it too. 'Not only do really know anything about what, he New Currants, ..25¢ package! New Figs .. ....15¢c package BOOTH & CO., it, but we will whip them to a stand-|is going to do, that he is so cold toll New Shipment Unfermented Wines For Christmas still §f we get a whack at them," |me; that he thinks nothing of my Try Our Good Coffee, Special Blend, 40c: pound. | Phone 133 "You have more faith than I have.| loneliness should we enter the war," ul a . Hi. It will be very hard to take office| but she said it with no thought that {ili Phone 248 J. R. B. GAGE License No. 8-2493 | Foot West Street boys, bookkeepers and stenographers, | America would ever participate, or il = Tr) clerks and farmers, and make good 'that Brian would ever go. Ny and buy your Christmas Present before all the pretty things soldiers of them. Not only will it be] To-morrow--Ruth Blames Mollie ERA RRA re eye Enemy eb Nr Arr rn '» | | are taken. JO m ' Sm fr Lam hard, but it will take time. For Brian's Anxiety to Fight. I el Look at the assort ent of Small Table ps "You'll see! why when Uncle Sam FERRO TOR = in our windows at #4 each. really sets out to do anything he al- A well cooked breakfast will go - ~ £5 ways , succeeds. Why should you| further toward preserving peace in = & : » P . " think he would fail in this? We|the family than a dozen "Bless Our |= : J 1 J po can's fall. It wouldn't he Ameri-| Home" mottoes. --_-- 4 AAG 44 1 0 can." Many a man fails to get there he- | == "er ghnbod. bug . yy . . "You certainly have faith in your|ecause he has dizzy feet. S i y 7 -- J-- A A Si Phone 577 country," Ruth smiled, as she looked lL " 4 J 161 Princess St. at him. She felt happy, happier than = 11 4, GCSTON ON TARIO gioco Brian had wit her ho was go- Fat That Shows = 4 : gt - Ng overseas, and ait ollie ng S n Di p % _-- was going---too. It was at least a $ respite. Ruth 'did mot truly believe , * x - America would participate. She, like] Prominent fat that comes and = h . 4 " 80 many others, thought there would stays where it ig not needed is a bur 5 0 f 2 soon be some sort of an armistice.| den, a hindrance to -activity,~a curb E | { . h seemed improbable that fhe Unit- pon Pleasure, oon gan take off the E / 4 3 States, 'three thousand miles away, (fat where it shows by taking after . For Something Refreshing Ask For would be drawn into it. We were all|each meal and at bedtime, one Mar- Ee é unprépared, seemed all useless for mola Prescription Tablet. These lit- s j any such thing as immediate war-{tle tablets are as effective and harm- $ f fare. less as the famous prescription from awr ence "I'd 'be a pretty poor American if | which they take their name. Buy ee 1 didn't have faith in my country," |and try a case to-day. Your druggist Brian replied. sells them at 75 cents or if you prefer 5 = . I : a "I hope you are mistaken, Brian; I [you may write direct to the Marmola = GET YOUR WINTER NECESSITIES NOW AND AVOID COLD. { e think you are. 'It would be frightful! Co., 864 Woodward Ave., Detroit, . : e ort Ir to 'send our unseasoned, unprepared | Mich. You can thus say good-bye to £ han boys 'against the Germans. They dieting, exercise and fat. : PAA AAA A ire = Fo] . P s % - " $ Ring Phone 645 For a Case - A Splendid Variety of CHILDREN'S BRUSHED AND WOOL AND SILK'MUFFLERS KNITTED WOOL SETS In beautiful designs. To be A. T O 3 Useful for Christ ifts. A 473 Princess Street y ' Kingston TALKIN G IT OVER = look will Ly sy Be cleared. Regular price $3.50 to i = mene With Lorna Moon Lessee IY GIN 4% For Saturday, $1.90 to = ; 8 | | MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S WINTER COATS ADMIRABLE CHILDREN'S 'A splendid variety of heavy WINTER COATS winter coats to be cleared. Dec Children's coats in beautiful not miss this opportunity of se- designs, with belt all round and lecting your coat now. - Sizes |! fane finish in finest heavy from 35 to 44. Prices for Sat- wool inaterials. Sizes from 4 to urday $13.95 to $19.50. 8 years. Regular price from Rg $8.00 to $11.50. For Saturday, | | FA Margaret B. Sangster in December Ee Good Housekeeping. ; Home For Christmas. Sume day. when on exuitant fee Home for Christmas, those words rhe is safe, and .we know that he is "| have never been so full of meaning | not standing in a cold wet trench Back through the Strects that blos- | tor the whole world as ihey are to- [ns goisg over the parapet in the BM an at AR gr pb. j0ay.. "Daddy will be home for grey morning Mght to face death. y a OL © hear the throb- { on igimas," rejoices eight years old, | He is overseas, and we may not Aud hE haps. I'll with "he's bringing me a helmet and a|clasp him fn our arms this Christ- , It Du haps yo stand with | hell ease," and little two years old | mas, but he fs alive, and wel and Not OD ne a io 3 "daddy, daddy" and drums |happy, and there are many' Christ- - --_ ¢ 10 let you meet|, fists on the tray of his|mases coming, and we can be pati- * high chair. Daddy [ent a little longer. But ah, me, Not using, Quite to look into your} ; means only to{ what of the boys io will never : a y £ him the uniform- {come home for Christmas again? : , $5 Arai: ecause a weary stretch of | fi Fed picture on his What comfort can we oS the . BOYS SUITS 75 to $8.75. h a mother? , dressing | mother who looks upon a vacant Bo "in tw > Hach us De Tillion years, bettrees a ble. He likes to ,place ati the Christmas board, or the [== ys suits in eeds, wor- ? iB : chew the frame [Wifé who fills the little stockings |= steds and serges, qualities that MEN'S SUITS Bl : My h vm aul and lick the glass, |alone with tears falling on holy . . : . . " , My Beane? y heart is ever yours oy but he does know Bape a beige Hbbone? a hes give good wear; with belted Men's suits in finest tweeds And set, wile 1 hay waited hare istes [home what. cen we. sky to. cent style and other latest designs. {| and serges in pinch-back, form- {You havo seen faith betrayed, and : the sad hearts' that wait in vain Sizes from 24 to 35. Prices || fitting and trench styles. R : brave youth sold, (We can give them our prayers, |S . from $6.45 | . g . ? - ave Our £004 wishes, we can take thew | 25 TANGING 45 to $11.45. lar price from $25.00 to $35 It ns have Theos you, and your | '@ and try i : : For Saturda; $14 75 & $24.50. J ya ¥ nu wo ' y - 3 3 hy ji Li by 3 bos a rin an tt | dhe bevy You have seen meadows drenched | dy. d ae , : ME ghouts it every Ses tay i ra : A Hitle 'Ba or when they look at| gq of the lonely ones at . Christmas |S ay : oo] oe - |] i time he remem- |10t0 our homes and into our hearts time, and then of ourselves. Bi i inf wie | S00 BS SAT i Onl ll tin SE I Know the biggest discovery I] pe a : "Boma for. Chaise fo S hadi res u ade last year was in reading 'an dia : ad Ave | home : I= 3 4 3 article in Good : gH i - ! this Chi | &7 EB 4 + ik. Ws se and "The tendency is either to] a : ars ih iene Gea | | c 0, : hen we also to § distribut ro . Therefore, | | ; = : allow: but one-hait teakpoonta of : a = VISIT da to each cupiul of Sour ' 7.50 to, $9.00. i wi ; 95 to $6.50. y

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