Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Dec 1918, p. 7

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£7 i . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER | 11, 1918. GRAND The Home of Quality Pictures TO-NIGHT Novelty Vaudeville Paralta Plays Presents enry B. WALTHALL|S Star of Many Sucsesstul Profustions F000 RR "His Robe of Honour" | cosxpexiep ADVERTISING RATES A Stirring Tale of Adventure And 1 word. Esch com || g ven First insertion, 1¢ a TWO BUFFALO ROBES AND A OUT. rth thereafter, half. Romance secutive luse ag Whe ig ong 4 3 tor Ju good condition. Apply 216 P 3 - n A Lonesome Luke he Tusertion, et (hiss Iagsreimnn There was a young fellow from Nome, ST Comedy " Had a dog that would wander and roam, BLACK AND WHITE COLL The Pathe News and a Two-Reel HELP WANTED If it didn't come back pups bred rom smoothed nal - © 0 1} Drama GENERAL SERVANT, APPLY A Want Ad. on its track Portsmoutn Bhone 1198, nag bo Matiaoe + at 2.80 and 7.80 Frontenac Street Would soon start him sneaking for home. an .e 'ls . r CLERK WITH EXPERIENCE. TRA' rom Evening - "i. ..10¢ and 15 LADY CLER W. Lane, jeweller, # re PE La Frank W Cooke HOUSEMAID. APPLY MRS. HOWARD -X, Consulate. Télephone F ida De 13 | Folger, No. 1 Emily gtreet, I'l d eC. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. RESIDENCE OF REV, CANON FOR. y, DT eont. prefettefl," Ansiy TR SITUATIONS VACANT. { ™) ties Forging ge Matinee at Evening, 8.15 Te PE. | FETURNED SOLDIERS, PATIIOTIO FOUND coal in. Apply on premises. \ women an others. e Return Engagement by Special Re- livery waggon. Apply A. Hood, tribute reli- semen or pee corner Earl and Barrie. «(© EL BO avi aaLribute pei LADY'S BLACK SILK HAND DUNHAM SQUARE PIANY IN FIRST ; -- ia Four community, Spare time may bag Sener may have sume Jan an. baigain for a - y callin at 384 red St er Jn, & d. Samples free. Interna y ag 43 George street. Price, 350.00 Rk # $ > F. Stuart-Whyte's 3rd Annual Eng- Giri, OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL used. F R AL lish Pantomime housework; family of three. Ap- vy Bible Press, Toronto. SMALL SUM OF MONEY ON E ' ply Box 1112, Whig Office, HISTORY OF THE WORLD WAR BY Patrick street Owner may GENUINE 'GRAPHONOLA {Professor March. 'Canada's Part have same by applying 377 Selections; your oa bugles: WW, fe Ror Bh a in the War" by celebrated Can- Brock street Terms, $5 rw n e Lindsay, Limited rp 1 » CA Fucorporated 15858 $5,000,000 Reserve Pund $6,555,000 BANKING FACILITIES The Bank of Toronto is equipped to offer customers every fagility of modern banking. Drafts, money orders, letters of credit and travellers' cheques are issued. Current accounts for business purposes opened on favor- able terms. Interest-bearing savings accounts may be opened at any brauch. Money loaned to responsible people. <THE BANK or TORONTO GEORGE B. M'K AY, MANAGER, TT ee Ean El A solid brick house, 9 rooms, central location, hardwood WANTED AT ONCE 25 MEN FOR EX- nel Netth Mom eavating. ~ ApplY H.W. Watts | ~~ Sdian, OColenel Nagmith. J] sum or MONEY IN MISS BUCK- floors, hot water heating, electric light, gas for cooking, finished . Contractors, No. 98 Frontenac St. oth book: hres hundred illus. Neil's store OWner may have . a ny : same Ly proving property STORM WINDOWS summer kitchen. PRICE $5,500. FOR SALE--G! Brick house, 9 rooms, good location, furnace, electric light, : - sample bok free. Dradley-Gar-1r. OUT price list BhowIng oust of wrt gas for cooking, hardwood floors, deep lot. PRICE $4,150. GIRLS FOR THE WORKROOM; : s : : TWO ROSARIES FOUND ON dows glazed complete, any size. leasant, Heht, work. Appl Miss -- ee . 4 William street. Owner can rd Company, Box 61, Hams C. Polson, Co, Ltd. |WANTED--MEN AND WOMEN FOR 'have same by calling at se A ------------------------------------------ eCallum, N. C, AN organizing and selling Plotorial Whig Office. peoci APPLY J. K. Carroll Agency. 68, 874 n YEARS OF AGE, GOOD er amory. Padian ane the y wB Goo HA ones: w. A a : OY ABOUT 17 A, E, G authors who have been din the { LIVING AVE. A Fascinating Fantasy of Fairyland education, for general office fighting. = Positively largest salary : a TS pal yt oy four pufots: ah » in Two Acts, and Eleven = Superb work. Apply James Richardson & or commission. Act quickly. John med glasses. Owner may bles; will buy ell kinds of Fy a Hertel Limited, 182 Spadina, To- have same by calling at ture and BOTS J. ompson, 333 Sons, Limited. ------ romto, Whig Office and proving the Frincess street. Phon Scenes WITH MISS ZARA CLINTON hn - and all the favorites of last year's (CARETAKER FOR RIDEAU SCHOOL Property, : G.W.V.A " , Princess street; 3 rooms Salary | HIST soial Canadian efthon t ire:]} A PAIR OF GLASSES ON wel SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTS. IRON. ORE iL kh } Tol : an fon, 5 : GLASSES BL Go ROBINSON CRUSOR $175 a year Apply Secretary, daatir by General March, Chief lington street. Owner may ers to-day sometimes use a Jttle have same by calling at $1 Advi. like this. A phone cal] or 8 b { Incorporated) ih ph -x General Meetings, Mosdays, 8 pam. PRICES, Mat.: .. ..25e¢, BOc¢, 75c Board of Education, Of Sta. Domplete, and suthentic. ave Band Practice Tuesdays, 745 EVENING: .25¢, 50¢c, 75¢c, $1, $1.50 Officia]l photographs. Extraordinary Eanl street, postal will bring you full partiou- oppentunity tor big profit. Spe- r lars about this départment. British ] 2 uN Whig Publishing Co. Richardson 'Chapter LO.D.L., Ind & SEATS NOW ON SALE PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY GUAR- ow anieed for three years. Knit cial proposition to returned sol. A MARKET A PAIR OF MEN'S urgently need socks for us on the diers, Outfit free. Winston Com-~ gauntiets, Owner may have 1 a.m, Allen's Orchestra ' fast, simple Auto Knitter, Par- pany, Toronto, same by applying, te Market ticoiars to-day, 3c stamp. Auto Clerk, FARM FOR SALE--THE BEST 100 Knitter Company, Dept. (-24, 607] SALKSMAN -- YOUNG, ENERGETIC ore farm in the County of Fron- First Church of Christ, Selentiat, of ® College, Toronto, Ont. man with strong personality and FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. tenac; $9 acres of work land; two Kingston, Announces a > appearance (with selling experi. TISED FRER miles' east of Sydenham. Apply to ence preferred) to represent manus the owner, H. A. Buck, R.R. No Lh Anyone finding anything and Sydenham, Ont FREE LECTURE Matinee at 2.30; Evening at 8.15, . To Er Thro 18 town and vicinity wihYons funding anything ane Ra » > EREARN a ar © r ANDERSON AND WEBER WANTED GENERAL to Sali on electrical dealers. har U ll 0 on Dy roporting Ihe Taruner «The British Whig. The aves FARM, M5 ACRES, PART OF LOTS 14- CHRIS A N Present the Funnies t Farce in Fifty plants. A very exceptional oppor- : & ; gon t a tisement will be printed ir toms 4th Concession, Earnesttown, on : M.A. Years SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO tunity for a man of ability io as Py dong Siiney Brathwaite MA, for casir or in part payment of new sociate with a concern. of high column free of charge. York loud 4 miles west of Odessa, C.8., of London, England. planos and grafonolas. C. W. Lind standthg Address in confidence, vis rome and 5 Van Sool \ ; > 86. Gueh ee r------ Ee E---------- ) p 2 o , P.O, Box $6, Guelph. owmer, RMD, 1, Odes yek, Are you undecided about Membper of the Board of Lectureship 4 your gift to mother or auntie? of é Mother Ohurch, the First Say. Limited, 131 Princess sitet. Ms, Sinclai If so, a of Chureh of Christ Scientist, in Boston, e er yA pair reading glasses, Massachusetts, in the OFFICER (MARRIED) WOULD CARE TEACHER WANTED. LOST WATCH, | BATEMANS REAL L RETATE adexoy, or if she has w pair, then give CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH § } h i CHU i ia durin, winter . an extra pair or a lorgnette Johnson St, hetween Wellington and Ey a would rent, ply llqu Al IED TREACHER FOR SS, NO. LARYS coe sar) Street. 3 hd ¥] @ would be much appreciated. , or Box 21, care 5 Collins Bay for year 1919. Apply Finder kindly leave at Whig Office.| FRAME BUNGALOW, PART VINIS) wand. ed with good sized lot, cheap foi Bagot Streets 2 Er oul We" Examine "Eyes. . Thursday, Evening, Wa's Office. Gol a Eee rine av. inder | nn TEACHER FOR™S.S, NO, ONE, OLDEN. BLACK SILK HANDBAG CONTAIN. quic uyer, Dec 12th. SKATES, SKATES, SKATES, SHARP. Salary $400 per annumx Duties to ro = ie DoHOW STON. And Put On| commence first teaching day, Jan-| BIR MoM Armes or King stress es| We---FRAME HOUSE, LARGE LOT 4th Thursdays in each month, Public Dances, Fridays, 9 p.m, till At 815 oclock. All cordinily invited | wr . ith Ralph Bunker and Jack Hay- . " » 3 to attend. w p d y Nile you wait. bieyeles to mls : ary, 1818. ADDY io Rohtrt Tyan, post office. Finder kindly return ® er = Exactly ax Presented All of Last Sen cleaned and stor for wierd Ee 35 his Omce, Towa " Menta. 1ar : Nous, table, y t ] } ites mara des --_-- ge lo nr ROVE. ! George Muller, 811-313 King St ON MONDAY AFTERNOON, PARCEL Union' west. on som at the Astor Theatre, New York. Eyesight. 8 Coulng Here With Ie. 1h lm PAINTING containing spencer and gloves, be SI050-- FRAN -- pecialist. hy ) rr A i tt snr -- i ------ ween Lajdlaw"s and Woolworth's BE, 6 RoOM STON Where it Played a Highly Successtul | WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF| (vo ve "GLAZING AND KALSOM- Kindly leave at Whig Office and foundation, garden; o Chatham street. ca st d-hand furniture second ur ure. Theatre: and Was Selcted. Tor the| hire for suis & Humber of stednds| Ing hardwood floors end funls| receive reward riidvitrindubutuingy on hand heaters and stoves, militar » > Lf Ed Tractors snd Gasoline Engines, A two- Christmas Week Attraction at His Ma. Barney ang. military horse Dian and talking machines, Ring 2070w, $2000--~AT MARYSVILLE, WOLFE Is mY day Course of Iustruction by dem » a kets, etc. 8 Shapiro, 45 Princess oF white Charles Hebert, 3¢ Plum STRAYED. land, frame house; large lot. CIS, MAT: , .. Ris. 23¢, ! Be. street. Phone 1287. street. ok Sh . . BUACK 4 YEAR OLD MARE cour | $2000 -- FRAME "mov mouth; improvements; large rR Lecture and Demonstration [EVENING . Te, $1, $1.50 --~-- Fresh | Cut ut Flowers Under the auspices of the Ontario De- SEATS ON SALE 1 THURSDAY STOCK MARKETS, (T mark he PE. a Phone role partment of Agriculture will be held ut myn AU ION SALE mouth Post Office uf $2200--FRAME, NEW, 7 ROOMS ALL en mprovements. Kingston Market Building on| | WW Quotations Furnished By Bongard, . A arm & Comfortable 5 Chalmers Automobiles PERSONAL to WEHANGTY or. onumnLy FF) JOHNSON, Flo - Hori Ea A aS a las Ryerss & Co. 29 Bugot ---- 3 Passes , 8 Cylinder HAR, JoLes, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS al growths and skin blem Afternoon, Ist Day~at 1.30 p.m. (0) General Principles of the Gasoline Breet, At ot i Ma Squar a removed permanently, with- ! Dr, T0 LET 115 Broek St, Engine (bh) Battery Tuition. Evening, 5 T R ND -- ist Day--at 8 p.m. (a) Magneto Igui. New York Stocks. . out scar; 30 years' experience. tion (b) Carburetion. Forenoon, 2nd Kim J. Lake, BE 'a Hania. So a Mart tions A : open. 2 pm. | Kingston, Saturday, Dec.| Eimer fn The CPB. iin 161 161 1 J Bagot street. FURNISHED ROOMS WIT! without' board Apply 0 King New Arrival f with cross-sections of gasoline Engine, : £7 0 Carburetor, Magnetos, ete, and study @ NYC... (old 78% 4 o-Night cna RE Re 12 cock soo bi 1? of Engines in actusi operation, After. Reading . . Goodwillie's Pre- noon, Zud Day--At 1.30 p.m. (a) Oper Southern Pac. .. .. 103% 103% | Allen the Auctioneer. Telophone 252. FINANCIAL we FURNMHED ROOM 3 ution and Care of Gas Engines (b) serv Engine Troubles. Everybody welcome; So. Rallway .. .. 32% 32 ' = ' es I No e. - For full particulars apply St. Paul oy A Din 41% AUCTION SALE. WANTED wh SORTGAGE MONEY and rarnace.' vo to your Agricultural Tr , NOTICE-The management will Union Pacific .. .. 151% 151% OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE per cent. Apply Box D-11, Whig street. Office. In glass. Raspoerries, Straw. each Pears endeavor te sent everyhody, hwt 3: iy om dd ut fears =r Soave. requcriea to, come sary ||| Atlante Guir [I 101 » 0 64 Bay Thursday, RRA We recommend Dal a tee! owing to the big demand for arind.. .. .. FRONTENAC LWAN AND INVEST. i an [fl QUAL Marte. ped. | || 113% OCT. 12TH. inonrmorarad: 467 | oat "Abpry His wick simi; local: sents, AT 130 P.M, or Ni K.C Cut Coffee in 1 and % I Bon Marche Grocery ECONOMY ! ! [ oe or, re. A % Tapestry rugs, conches, rockers, dent. y nningham. C . Crowded Houses Delighted With || Maxwell Motors .. 3 White Sewing machine, extension table, oney issued on eify mnu/ ir | STORAGE FOR FURNITU Phone 1844 '" : Studebaker .. .. . B1% 3% |uideboard, Linoleum, Thrifty Souvenir properties, municipal and county and dry. Yecann'e Re Shae Canada Food Hoard Licenses "GOLD BOND Ambassador James W Willss-Overland Co. 26% pogo Fer gr Winker i Bln ebentures; mortgages: purchased; Agency, $8 Brock hone $26 No. S-3749. - ' '1 Am. Loc. .. B54 nerings nnd mattresses, Pug stove, investment Dotda for ste; Se posits or 611. be I nteres owe . VEGETABLE Gerard's Bakiwin Loco. .. . 17% EE A Ne Auctioneer] Cat wanu iota tllowsd TR SOUP Am. Smelters .. . 85% ------ ---- ra Sh. street, Kingston. STORAGE FOR ¥ . Authorized Version Of Anaconda .. .. .. 67% JUDICIAL S ALE ry, aly er Your owe jock a ang . Ohno... ..>.. \. 38% LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE key. Frost's City Storag: tan... sou Fire Inglyance Company, Avariabi | Queen street' Phone G67 ont 999 | IN. THE MATTER OF ESTATE Aa Lune In addition to The x 2 tins for 25c. : My Four Years Retrisiom, oi $05 raat to the Tac BCEASED. | security the unlimited lability of |'TWO UNFURNISHED Rooms SUS. ae» . . 0 8 Pursitant jo th the judgement of the Su- city provert rty, insured at lowest] able for Hent, i ahouns 8 vir. : si tes, bedroom mod YT 'fori it. Midwmle .. .. .. 46% preme Count of Ontario, herein, there FRUIT AND CANDY STORE Rép. Steel .. .. 77% Will be sold by. Public Auction with the bey or givin aaatore renewing shad 4" il 7 ng street. US. Steel ,. .. .. 98% approbation of the Local ul ange & SirAnge n one mn Germ J] Allis-Chalmers . .. 30% Shoe strecet. Kingston, on Saturday Am. Cap, .. .. .. 41% the the 14th day of December," A.D, THIS DEPANTMENT ow; Sean ny 1918, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, ARCETTEOT" to hear Ly ALWars Blood Stirring Facts Not Fiction, || has atoonol |. 1081 x the, following valuable real suisse! . classified, Cmavireima In Ten Parts Am. Sumatra .. .. 993 |threc-auarters of Jot 14 and the noris| POWER & 50 Keystone Comedy. Strand Tele- Tobaeco Prods. .. .. 31% Sono ot he amin. the, sv Brock and Ba tinge corner Strand Orchestra, con of the western additio f y M tron] Pa ka a aahiD. as Ingato, no La v 10 Pleces. Overture, "Poet andl x ioc bolden .. .. 21%A .. 8 fereive Via o Be hed by t he Sauter, LEGAX Bragillan .. .. .. . 53 ALE: The purchaser ha hy Bg a the A B. NNINGH BARRISTER Cy tise ay 80% [portion of $10 for srery. aloo ot "the and solicitor, AV oes, 78 Ciar- | WS A> og a Ra ry % {purchase money ence street. churches, is repared to receive pu. format and 'within ne ai. other Ta respects tout Ini and kd Faring mothe n Sa Sof sale will be the standing DENTAY ence, terms. oie 4 A wife a nter- irier pa said count, Eo - view, Alfre 'Phone Ta f Messrs. ppl. Ty Ar En Phone, 85 . iki . Wiis ge, Barrist Loo % cams-- ? wa OF Gran 2, ors, Napanes DRESSMAKING ie ton. Herrington Warner' & Grange Dated the 27th day y ot Ney eam, } pn ar ra ie hay Ans o Carnovsky's. Phone 346. a

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