Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Dec 1918, p. 10

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11, 1918. ; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, W THE DALLY BRITL a ---- EDNESDAY, DECEMBER er -- --r-- In the Realm of Woman --- Some Interesting Features SUFFERED TERRIBLE AGONY "Frut-a-tes" Along Gare Him Quick Relief Buckingham, Que., May 8rd, 1915, "Fat seven years, I suffered terribly from Severe Headaches and Indiges- tion. I had belching gas from the stomach, and I had chronié Constipa- tion. 'I tried many remedies but nothing did me good. Finally, a Jriend' advised "Fruitatives'", 1 took this grand fruit medicine and it made me well. To everyone who has miserable health with Constipa- tionandlndigestion and Bad Stomach, I say take "Fruit-a-tives", and you will get well", ALBERT VARNER, fie CHAPTER CiX, When Brian sald he was going to enlist with the Canadians, Ruth sim- | ply stoed still and stared at him, after a moment she swayed slightly Brian thought she was. going to fall, and put his arm about her. She shivered and drew slightly away, "Wil you say whole of it. "I sald you would not have to pay reat for me much longer--that 1 was going to enlist with the Canadians." "You mean that?" "Yes. "And it is because 1 paid the rent? Oh, Brian!" "Not---not entirely--though --- if { you hadn't--perhaps | wouldn't have | gone unless Uncle Sam got into the scrap. But you can take care of FN yourself, better care than I ean of 0c. & box, 6 for $2.90, trial size 25e, you. You don't need me, and the At dedlers orsest postpaid byFruila- | army does." tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont, | "I don't--need you!" Ary t "Neo. You never really have. | From the very first, you have been {able to earn more than I did; to pro- | vide yourself with things I could not have hoped to give you for years--it ever. I realize that | am not, never {shall be, a success---as far as making | big money goes I thought when I | married you that | was going to he- | come a big lawyer." his tome was {contemptuous and bitter, "hut you took all necessity for pushing myself jaway from me I could have braced up for you---not for yourself, You earn almost three times what I do. You don't need me." The tones of finality in the last words struck Ruth like a blow He ber face, and that again--the Dr. Martel's Female Pills Prescribed and recommended by Physicigus, sold for balf a ry in Paleoted Tia § x with siguature A leterbaakes Remedy Co. At your draggiet, == = «= <x p= uo other, RUTH ARGUES But every vestige of color had left | "The Wite" By Jane Phelp wus going, and because she had made him think she did not need him. Not need his love! His eompanion- ship! What was he thinking abeut? No woman ever needed her husband more Hut could she make him be- Heve jt? derstand that he meant more to her than all the world beside? { Ruth had forgotten Mandel, and that she had really, seriously, won« dered if she cared for him. She thought of nothing, no one, but Brian--her husband. "Brian--1 want yol to belleve me when I tell you that I do need you. Need your love, you dear compan- fonship. Money isn't all, dear, even though it may have seemed to vou at times that I thought it was, I hap- pened to have a gift for a particular kind of work. Work which is al- ways highly paid. It was congenial work, too. That it has oceastonally has been a drawback---the only one. Yet, dear, we have heen very com- fortable, and it has given yom oppor- tunity to feel that yon could study | and better equip yourself. You see, | ed. i "Study---equip myself---what for? | To sit alone while you were working | for Mandel? Not on your life! A| man has to have a motive to do these things--and 1 have had none. Per- | haps my pride should have heen spur! enough---my ambition. Well, my pride wasn't, and you have killed all ambition 1 ever possessed. Not in- tentionally, perhaps"---the look on Ruth's face caused him to soften his words, "but killed it just the same | I have a home which you provide. A | Nera | A | TALKING ~~ With Lorna Moon IT OVER Now that the war is over, and the last gun has been fired, and the last young hero laid to rest on the fields of Flanders; and the war scared women of France and Bel- glum are leading their starved, | frightened 'children back to the Hh c---------- ruins which mean a homes now that tha birds can be hoard to sing where only was 8 heard the roar of §8 cannon; 'now that tyrannous ¥oice of the Hun is changed to a whine for mercy ~--~what now? d Will the soclal if butterfly lay aside her uniform and £0 hack to her pink teas and her lap dog? "Will-the 'volunteer nurse ever be able to forget the 'white boyish face that smiled good-bye as it sank back on the pillow, or the legless boy who murmured in his delirium enjamin ARENA URE Sule refitted. rs sharp. All makes of re) »! tly, : » Beton: Ai makes Mowers sharpeued and re- Patrick of Lawn paired, John M. A New Sisterhood. that 'something was lying on his legs? ¢ Will the debutante who across: to help France replant orchards, find the . matinee awfully thrilling" again? ! went her idol Will the childless woman who has been handing out shoes and clothes | for the fatherless babies of France | forget the little feet bruised and | bleeding, and the thin little faces blue with cold 'No! We will laugh again, and dance again, and sing and be glad onee imore, but the social butterfly will think less of self in her plea- sures; the 'war nurse will have learned that in service lies the greatest joy; and the debutante will demand more than a "pretty man- ner" in the 'man she will love; and in the hearts of all 'women there will be a greater tolerance, a great- er love, a greater sympathy and un- derstanding; for they have shared one common sorrow, made one com- mon sacrifice, and forever they will be linked in one great world wide sisterhood. % A pm n housewives have fo Thiol ng this well-known old recipe SE SHE TR om hold of u Jos fy Gl pad a SR Sok 1 The bronch pine Pe Sarway pire l and h | over membranes. Prepared Specially for this Newspaper by Picterial Review. An Eton with Blouse Extensions. front and back should be faced to about 3 inches deep. Turn the hem in front, then plait front and back, creasing on slot perforations. Bring folded edges to corresponding small "0" perforations and stitch to posi- tion 'To make the sleeve, close seam, seam of wrist cuff as notched. the cuff and sew to lower edge of sleeve as notched; bring small "0" perforation in cuff to seam of sleave. Sew sleeve in armhole as notched with small "0" perforation at shoul der seam easing in any fulness be- tween the notches. Hold the sieeve toward you when basting .it in st mcs WITH BRIAN Could she make him un-| taken me fram you for a little while, | we have not need all wa both earty- | | nurse A servant whom you pay. Food which you often pay for, and so on. Niece position for a man to be in, isn't it? Do you wonder that I cannot bring myself to let more people know that my wife supports me in a style in which 1 could not support her? It is unbearable that it should go on. Unthinkable that | should not take the first opportunity that offers to eseape from such a humiliating posi- tion." "Hut Brian--" "There is no use talking any long- er, My mind is made up We have talked of, quarreled over, this money question until I am tired and sick of the very word 'money.' would rather live in ong room and cook the meals myself than go on." "As Molile King does?" Ruth never could have explained what made her ask that question. She had not thought of Mollie while | Brian had been talking; she had not {In any way connected her with Bri- jan's decision. The question had i slipped out, Yes, If you will, just like Mollie King does. She, at least, spoils no one's Hie by aspiring to things be- yond her reach, Just why you should bring her into this, I can't see." "I didn't mean anything. 1 spoke withont thinking." "Since you have referred to her, 1 may as well tell you that Mollie 1s going over, too---she is going as. a For six months she has been training." "Mollie King is going too?" onee more Ruth seemed umable to grasp what she had been told. "Yes, Mollie Is going--too." To morrow--Ruth Spends Uuhappy Hours, (Continued from Page 3.) General Sir Sam Hughes will go to Washington and"the south. His son- in-law, Col. Greene, who has lately returned from overseas, has beén ap- pointed manager of the new branch of the Royal Bank at Chatham. Miss Marjorie Low, Ottawa, visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Harold Drinkwa- ter in Orillia, Ont, is now in TPoron- to, the guest of Mrs. Basil Morphy, and will return home next week, Mrs.W. Hooper, Brownsburg. Que., is visiting her father, Daniel Smith, King street, Mrs. Charles Darling Gananoque, is visiting his mother, Mrs, Noble Darl. ing, Kingston. W. Jones, Kingston, vigiting Mr, and Mrs. Dimmock, Ganafoque, has returned 'home, * - . Mrs. Victor Rivers, . Ottawa, 18 spending a few days with her mother, Mrs, Gildersieeve, King street, Mrs. Reynolds, Sharbot alke, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. A. Sargent, Westport, ' Miss Woodcock, Napanee, is viait- ing her sister, Mrs, H. Green, West. port. Sir John and Lady Aird are ex. pecting their son, Capt. Hugh Aird, who Was been a prisoner in Turkey, home for Christmas. ¢« 0» Miss Charlotte Flanagan, Barrie streel, has gohe to Peterboro to visit Or, and Mrs. McGrath. | Mrs. ©. B. Anderson, Toronto, is coming to Kingston on a visit to her sister, { Mrs. Frank Ryan, who has been visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Savage, in (New York, has returned home. I | Walter Steacy is the guest 'of his mother, Mrs, E. T. Steaey, King streat. Pay . ae y Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Craig have returned from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ince, Toronto, who attended the memorial service in St. George's Cathedral on Sunday, have returned home. George , © Montreal, spent the week in town, The Most Perfect Beverage = And Always Acceptable Black or Green 25 million packets sold annually 'SALADA" Every Packet bears the Packer's Guarantee of Purity--and the Retail Selling Price. 8627 1 (EL DRE a PP Insist on Getting CHARM TEA In Packages Only Black, Green, Mixed. At all Grocers. Paihia dh dh 4 Af 2 hdl lla ns pdt DALLEY COFFEE Vr didi A Aa dha Imitated--never equalled There is as' much difference be- tween Sunlight Soap and its imitators as there is between sunlight and artificial light. Why? Absolute purity ' with superior cleansing powers--more real soap for your momey--you get them in Sunlight Soap. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO, ONT. for Christmas Kiddie Cars re Carriages . .. $2.50, $3.50, to $13.00 Toy Setts $2.75, $3.50 Rockers, Chairs, Baby Walkers Phone 577 Children's Furniture ! i i i i { i | i 1 fl W.H. Godwin & Son CS -- PETIT SYSTEM LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE IN EFFECT SEPT, 20TH, 1918, I---- {Trains Will leave and arrive at Oty sBation, Foot of Johnsen Street, { Gelug West, } Lve. City Arr. Clty INO. 19 Mall ,, ., ,.12208m. 1267Tam No.13 Express . .. 3.10 am. Siam, | No, 27 Locsi « S4bam. 10.17 am. i{No, 1 Invern'l Lad. 1.15 Py 146 pm {No 7 Mall sooo 10 pm. 347 pom. i Golny Kast. Lve. City Arr Clty 140 am, 27am, dam. 35%am, Opm 1252 pam 1% Inter: 5 pan 216 pam, {| No. 28 100nl . ..., C48 p.m. 7.24 poms. | Nom 1,18 14, 16, 18, 19 run aaily. Other trains dally except Sunday. Direct route to Torontw, Peterboro, Hamilton, 'Buftale, London, Detroit, Chicag, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal | Ottawa, Quebeq, Portland, 8t John, Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman sccommodation, tickets ang all other information, apply to J. P. Hanley, pgent. Agency for all ocean Steamship ines. Open day and night. en A at § {No 1% Mat , .. No. 1¢ Express . |No. ¢ Mall .. .. ..12 { No. rl Ltd, 13 THELL? 2ST BARE "THE MODERN TRAN The scemcroutt ANDTHE SERVIC For Tickets, Reservations, Ii and Information, avply to J. § Station Agent, or M. CO Agent, or write R, } erature Dy THREE FULL LOTS FOR SALE On Nelson Street CHEAP | Insurance and Real Estate. 89 Brock St. , Phone 424 --_-- HUSA Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO., Phone 133 Foot West Street Ny NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED Goodwilllie's Preservéa Fruit, Wagstaff Pure Jams, 1 1b, 5 ib, and 10 1h. pails Pure Honey, Rideau Coffees, English Breakfase Tea, at C. H. Pickering, Grocer and Ment Dealer, 400-492 Friovess 81. Phone 58 Canada Food Control Liceuse No B.2152, White by N ature Ivory Soap is white by nature as cream or cotton is white. It is not bleached. Its whiteness denotes its goodness and its extreme purity; for only a combination of the choicest ingredients could produce such Ivory spotlessness in soap. Ivory's natural creamy whiteness is a ood indication that it will do to your entire satisfaction all that is required of YY Wy iy 4 WARNING Now is the thwe to come and P make ts to have your car stored and overhauled. b We still have space for a few Automobile repair work » ¥. ED. WALSH, Prop. 845 King St. Phone 2185 # A ~ eda -

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