Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Dec 1918, p. 9

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YEAR 85. NO, 288 WAS AWARDED DAMACES FAISE ARREST PRISONMENT. ror AND IM- A Case at the County Court om Tuesday Aftérnoon---A Lad Who Had Trouble With an Employer, rr A jury in the county court, pre- sided over by Judge Lavell, on Tues- Gay afternoon, awarded William Al- bertson, aged sixteen years, and son of I. A. Albertson, $256 damages againgt Willlam William Bradford for false arrest and imprisonment. The court also imposed the costs of the court on Bradford, The case arose out of the arrest of Albertson last spring on a charge of theft. He was acquitted by Magistrate FarreN. Bradford faii- ed to appear when a writ of sum- mons 'was issued, and this made him liable. He was not represented by counsel. The lad was engaged to deliver some - vegetables for Bradford, and the latter claimed that he did not make the correct returns, but the evidence showed that the boy got mixed up in his deliveries owing to the faet that HK could not read the name and addresses in a book hand- ed to him by Bradford. The latter had a warrant issued for the boy's arrest and he spent a couple of hours in the police cells. Bradford played the part of the Good Samara- tan and put up dail for the accused to appear before the magistrate, and in a statement to the court stat- #d that he did not want the boy ar- vested, but simply took this means to get the boy and have the case settled satisfactory to him. It was shown that the boy, in addition to suffering the humilfation of being arrested, was called upon to pay $5 for lawyer's fees, to fight the charge in the police eourt Plaintitr held that his réputyiion had bden in- Jured. © MR, Webster conducted the case for the plaintiff. There are still several other cases to come before the court, but only the one case was heard. Court ad- Journgd till Thursday morning at 9.30 o'clock. ---- p------------ ODESSA IS VISITED By Ptes. McConnell and Cole, Re- turned From Overseas, Odessa, Dec. 9.-- Miss Lockwood, Enterprise, Is the guest of her cousin, Miss Nellie Burneir, Mar- shall Babcock, Bloomfield, called on relatives last Saturday night,. Mr, and Mrs. Elwell Emmons are visit- ing friends in Toronto. Mrs Wil- ham Prink Gas been spending the Past week with her daughter, Mrs. Shea, Kingston, 'Mrs. James Hil ler is visiting her sow; Fred Hillier, in Peterboro. {Pte Elmer MoConnell returned from ENgIaT last" WER" and is al- lowed fifteen Mays off duty to visit his parents Myr. and Mrs. Joseph MoConnell, y Pte. E. F. Cole visited his sister, Mrs. Conway, last Tuesday on his return from overseas before return- lng to his home in Wilton, Miss Lena Burley has returned from spending three weeks with her sister, Mrs. Holton, Beileville, Smaliridge-Buker Wedding. A, quiet but pretty wedding took place at the Highlands Methodist parsonage, Edmonton, a«lberta, on Nov. 18th, when Miss Eva Bell Buk- er was united in marriage to Chas. B. Smaliridge,) younger son of Mr. and Mrs. W..H. Smallridge, 318 Earl street, Kin mn, Rev. GQ. H. Cobbledick officiated. The bride and groom are both well known in Kingston, having lived hdre until Just recently. The bride i8 the cor- net soloist in the Methodist church, and while in Kingstoh was oornet soloist in the First Baptist church, Their many. friends wish them all success and happiness in their new life. Mr. and Mrs. Smallridge have taken up residence at 11709 85th street, Edmonton, Alberta. r Ape 12 PAGES Pm-- Thought Is Was a Boil [OUTLINES NEW WAR ! DOCTOR SAID ABSCESS, Mr. Gleason R Young, Kingsecroft, N.B., under date of Feb. 9th. 1918 writes us 'as follows: --**About five months ago, 4 lamp came on my Jaw bone, 1 thought it was a boil, and after it had been there quite a while it began to get larger. 1 went to a doctor and he said it was an abscess, and lanced it. He gave me a wash for it, so T went by his directions until it healed up, but it commenced coming again, and in about three weeks it broke fiself. 1 thought it would get better, but it didn't. A neighbor advised me to get a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, so I sent and got a bottle, and by the time it was all gone, the abscess had disa- ppeared, and now it is all better." Burdock Blood Bitters will heal and dry up sores, ulcers, and absces- Ses, no matter how large or of how long standing.' If you have never ap- plied it to a cut, wound, sore or ul- cer, just try it and see what sooth- ing, healing, cleansing power it pos- sesses. It takes out itching, stinging and burning, and promotes the growth of healthy flesh. So, too, when taken internally, by itesgower of eliminating all impurities from the blood and making that vital fluid rich, red and pure, it cuts off the origin and source of the foul mat- ter that goes to make boils, pimples, sores, ulcers, abscesses and the like, and at the same time the purified and enriched blood creates healthy] tissue where there was formerly, per- haps a sore full 'of pus. Burdoek Blood Bitters has been on the market for 40 years. Manu- factured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. At HAAN MISS SURE PARKRR in "Cinderella" at the Grand Opera House for a return engagement on Friday, Dec. 13th, matinee and night, Capt. Rooney, Cobourg, Dead. [Cobourg, Dee. 10.--Capt. Daniel Rooney, a well-known mariner and business man of this town :for the past fifty years, died suddenly at his residence here Saturday. night, He was one of Cobourg's oldest and most active citizens, He was har- bormaster for the past twenty-five years, and at the time of his death was chairman of the local Board of Health and Separate School Board. He was a member of the town coun- cil for several years, and one of the first Harbor - Commissioners ap- pointed here. He is survived by his wife, three daughters: and one son, James Rooney, who is a resi- dent of Toronto, and is connected with the firm of Clarkson, Gordon & Dilworth, Mrs. A. A. Olarke, Creighton Mines, formerly Miss Minnie Barnet, Arn- prior, died on the 25th ult., survived by her husband and three children. Major G. H, McCallum, son of Dr. MeCallum, Smith's Falls, has been SAVINGS CAMPAIGN Sir Thomas White fssues a Statemerity Telling of its bjects. . . Ottawa; Dee. 10 --Sir Thomas White, Minister of Pinance, has made | the following statement: The war | savings stamp campaign thas three' very important objects in view; to raise money to assist in meeting the containing heavy obligations the war durirng the period of demobiliza- tion, to stimulate individual habits of thrift and benefit a. large body of small investors. With some years of prosperity Canada has become largely a mation of spenders and has lost sight of the old-fashioned virtue of i saving. In order to reduce the debt of nearly two billion dollars, whitch 'we shall have at the end of demobiliz- ation, we shall have to greatly m- ¢réase both our national production and our national savings. After the Franco-Prussian war Germany exacted an indemnity of $1,- 000,000,000 from France, which was paid in a fi years mainly out of the savings of the French peasantry. Af- ter the war, France had a marvel- ous recovery, due largely to the thrift of her people. It cannot be made too plain that the liguidation of our war debt will depend" apon the ability of our people to produce and save. Another object: of war savings | stamps is to benefit the person who | saves. The purchaser pays four dol- | lars mow amd he gets five dollars in| four years. [tis a very simple and a | very profitable investment. The Gov- { ernment hopes to raise at least $50,-! 000,000 during 1919 from the sale of | war savings stamps. This is only $6 per head of populatién. [ "INVENTION," SAYS OTTAWA MINISTER Denies the Despatch Telling of | the Disunion in the | Cabinet. ' Montresl, Dec. 11.--"You may say, #8 coming from me, that the column of stuff wired to the To-| ronto Sunday World from Ottawa, | alleging disunion in the cabinet and | forecasting a break-up, together with rumors of 'a general election, is 9 tissue of falsehood and invention from beginning to end," was Hon. ' C. IC. iBallantyne's answer +o the | Gazette when asked as to the cor- | reciness of the Ottawa despatch in question, The minister of marine went on to say that never since the. Union Government was first formed had there been a shadow of dissension Amongst the 'members, and all' talk of one man getting out ar another one resigning is absolutely without foundation. The members of the cabinet, sald the minister, were as cone man in working out the pro- blems of the war, and they would work together as one man in pro- viding a satisfactory solution to the questions of peace which were quite as important: Hon. Mr. Ballantyne sald that there was no question of a general election and, in facet, the matter had never been discussed or thought 'about. : ------------t tei Broke Ur Boys' Cabin. Refifrew, Dec. 11.--Chief Plaunt a few days ago, without the use of | bombs or shells, demolished a cabin | which boys had erected in Wright's | bush In the Smith's Creek gully, The boys had done well as builders, | but they were trespassers; besides | all the material used was supposed | to have been stolen. It is known that a portion of the furnishings Came from the molybdenum econ- centrator. Feathers of fowls lying around told of a visit to a chicken codp. A Jesse James novel on one of the shelyes betokened the sort of | awarded the Military Cross. literature most favored, | The Baily British @ fascination, \ KINGSTON. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1918 This M akes A WONDEREUL CHRISTMAS GIFT. IN TONE QUALITY the Aeolian -Vocalion is' rich, clear and true, tone is entirely absent.' IN 'APPEARANCE the Vocalion is beautiful, Its case designs are simple and tasteful, and exquisitely finished, THE GRADUOLA (exclusive with the Vocal- ion) controls the "expression" of the record, This feature is unique and must be demon- strated to you, ere you can appreciate ite The typical phonograp Whig PAGES 9-12 e------ : SECOND SECTION " Combined these features make the Aeolian: Vocalion the "phonograph supreme "--the ideal Christmas gift. {The immediate purchase of this instrument is | the only course for anyone seeking the ideal Christmas gift--an investment in musical en: I joyment compared to which other gifts seem paltry and insignificant. Veocalion prices are:- $69. and upwards. With Graduola $150 and up. Beautiful Art and Period Models Sram $360. up, R. J. Rodger, . 132 PRINCESS STREET. General AOyosdenaviten, We iston, has had a disti military career. Born at Tehalklitoh of one gt the old- «Many the empire's richest coal and | DESPERATE EFFORTS | * MADE BY AUSTRIA Offered Germany Galicia If She Would Surrender Alsace~ Lorraine. Vienna, Dec, 11.--Count Czernin, former AustrogHungarian foreign minister, told a correspondent tirat | Austria, in 1917, made desperate of«| forts to withdraw from the war, even to the extent of offering Ger- | oil province, Galicia, if Germany would surrender Alsace-Lorraine, Count Czernin added that Aus- tria's efforts always: were defeated by either General von Ludendorff, the German chief quartermaster- general, or other high German ofli- cials, who even went to thie extent of asserting that they were willing to declare war on Austria if Austria rade' a separate peace. Re C. H. Clerworth, for the past cou- ple of years organist of Calvin church, Pembroke, has resigned {o go to the Canadian Sob as organist of the Central Methodist church. £ | 2omagas TL a ~~ WE BUY AND SELL WAR LOAN ISSUES Bongard Ryerson & Co. S Members Toronto Stock Exchange. 8TOCKS, BONDS, GRAINS AND COTTON Private wires to New York, Chicago, Toronto, Mon- treal. : Phone 1728 A ANB AAA Sl SENN A AAA tra Belgium Starving Under Allied Flags Immediate Help Needed to Relieve Starvation and Suffering--Cannot Hold Germany Responsible NOW | There is pressing need for our help in Belgium % As our troops occupy the evacusted © territory, untold misery stares thee in the face. Emaciated children, hollow. theeked women, roofless homes, clothing so worn it offers ne protection <= misdries that »

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