Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Nov 1918, p. 5

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mos pacerve OO EEE AALS THE DAILY BRITISH "EAPERENCE" AT GRAND THIS STRON ; PLAY TO BE GIV- | EN AGAIN TO-NIGHT. Took Severe Cold ON HIS LUNGS COUGHED PHLEGM and BLOOD On the first appearance of a cough or cold, do not neglect it; but get rid of it at once before it .has a chance to grow worse, and gets settled on the lungs. causing bronchitis, pneu- monia and other serious lung trou- bles. Dr. ci --------" Boys' and Girls' BOOKS " Made Great Impression. on a Large Audience on Wednesday Night--It Drives Home a Lesson With Tell. ing Effect. A play that drivés home a lessor with trip hammer force. Such" is] Wood's Norway Pine Syrup The Boys' Own Annual The Girls' Own Annual "Experience," by Georges V. Hobart, presented at the Grand on Wednes- {will eure the cough or cold on its first inception and perhaps save you Abernethy's " years of suffering. Mr. G. F. Stratychuk, Canora, Sask., writes "Last winter I took a most severe «old on my lungs and was coughing up phlegm and blood most of the time. I had the cough for over two months, and took a great deal of different medicines, but found no relief from them, = At last a friend advised me to take Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which I did, and it gave me great relief in a very short time, and to-day I am enjoying good health again." The marvellous results that Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup has ae- hieved in its cures of coughs, and colds has caused many so-called "pine" preparations to be put on the market, which do not contain any nine whatever. See that you get the génuine when you ask for it. Put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; price 25¢ and 50¢c. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. day night, before a large audience, i and which will be given again to- - night. "Experience" played here hefore, and made a great name, but the production as given on 'Wednes- day night is even still stronger than on its initial appearance and made a great impression on the audience. Costumes and very rich settings give it the up-to-date appearance, and the experience of Youth, as he 'starts out on his first episode, *"'In the Land Where Dreams Begin," un- til the tenth and final one, "In the Land Where the Dreamer Awakes," carries the audience every stage of 'the way. It is a strong play, given {hy able people, for there is not one weak character in the cast. For those who do not hglieve in the edu- cational powers o "E CHUMS CHATTERBOX °° : The New OZ Books Yossng Everything new and good in books for Boys and 1s SE At Uglow 141 Princess Street i NHS Your Last Chance at $4.85 This week will be your last chance to procure a pair of these Sale Shoes. We are just about sold out of them now, and will be unable to have more. Men's Brown Bluchers, Neolin Soles . Men's Black Calf Laced and Button Boots Ladies' Brown Calf Laced Boots, Neolin and Leather Soles 's the stage, . perience" must surely be an "eye- opener." Almost every factor in ite is represented. and with telling jeffect. Those taking part -in this {drama of life do not appear as act- ing their pant; they are living it. nm re 'McNamee & Slack Having 'taken over Kelly's Shop at 54 Queen Street, Wwe cordially solicit a share of the { public patronage With the ad- vantage of modern machinery, all repairs will be quickly and carefully attended to. Get our prices on Auto Truck Bodies, ete Our patent Bob Sleigh coupling is a winner. See us be. fore buying slejghs attention to LEASES HIS HOTEL. M. Theriault Moves From Angeles to Venice, Cal, M. Theriault, who formerly was proprietor of the Prince George Hotel, Kingston, has leased the Na- tick Hotel, Los Angeles, Cal, for ten years. This hotel has 160 rooms, and was conducted by Mr. Theriault with success for the past two years Mr. Theriault and his family have moved to Venice, Cal. and leased a house at the beach. Los Best Horseghoe- ing ¥. B, McNamee, . M. Slack. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY YOUR LAST CHANCE mm The Telgmann School Music EE EEE STOO We have just received a nice assortment of high class shoes for the coming season. Woman's Mahogany oy Neolin soles, .50, : St As these goods are practically sold out al, . $6.50, TSCA bernethy's Shoe Store \ 109, Off * To Returned Soldiers Discharged men can get their complete outfits here at 10% sav- ing. Suits, ercoats, hats, caps, fine shirts, collars, ties, gloves, underwear, boots and shoes, rub- hers, ete, Inspect our big stock. Come early and plek out your outfit and let us Iny it away for You, Isaac Zacks 271 Princess St. Production. Resources the On- Badges For Food The Organization of Committee, representing tario Government and Legislature in their plans for encouraging the production of food as 'a war-time service, has had prepared a foed production service badge for award- ing to children and others wlio have done good work during the past season. HITT STEREO Ty AM SOE IR great hit with many people, but Guy Collins had a line of 'dope that made it look worth while. "Experience" is to be given again to-night at the Grand, 'and every Kingstonian who has not had the opportunity of seeing it should take Jit in. through his life of folly and false is the primrose path, just as gay as Youth falls lower and lower, as a itator is carried from thé gay and of underworld Youth's adventures spot p youth Plano, violin and other stringed bright spot is reached when Yout Cattle throughout the county are with Neolin soles Re ' 30d rar. GW. 3 any date. Terms on application. |bY Raymend Van Sickle, and he cer dairy herds. 4 The dis- Viel id in high cut, with | justice to the part. Next to Youth, ameness in one leg, 3 b f, Tes fata i Ask for sample number B30; Phone 1610. [Duncan Penwarden in a most credit- body, resulting fatally within a used as a reventative mea- puts everything into his part to make 4 a both spring and fall. May McManus, as Hope, were most - part, and also made good in two oth- stances, Work does not make a Known rices. | It would take much space to tell the story of Youth, as he goes pleasures, until he reaches the J Kingdom of True Happiness. There J it ever appeared, and then follows a number of pictures true to life, and result of his refusing to listen to RE = the appeal of Ambition. The speec- {bright side of life to that of the with a "bowery" and f {"cocaine joint." I s intense |i st, b th val sis {holds intense interest, Dut s Yea Vaccinating Against Black Leg. instruments: elocution and dra- takes heed to the appeal of Work. : Gun Metal : : : r a tg suffering from black leg, and Dr. in matic art. Pupils may begin at* The leading role of Youth is taken |. Il is engaged every day in $7.00 and $8.00. E Sl Ame vaceinating ngagements for concerts ac- tainly gets fhe best out of his part. beea he o : Also a assortment of 3 i : ease first shows its 'presence by Dull cepted. He is a finished actor, and did ample which is soon sporting Cuban and French followed by swelling, and it rapid- heels. Latest designs. 216 Frontenac Street. | the 205, Dutstand ing Tolg a thai ly spreads all through the animal's Gray Calf Boot at £8.00. i : few days. There is really no cure $10.00 value. Bble manger LDossesiney of & sod for this disease, but vaccination is sure and fs a pronounced ' Success. > it impressive, B10 In ais he Sues The animals should be vaccinated ceeds. 1 Vy Jove, charnting.: Guy Collins, as Ambi- tion, gave a strong portrayal of the er roles, that of Work and Law the oe ore policeman. Under ordinary circum- Its Reasonable H, Rotgauze, Prop. 184 Princess Street. For P "S.0.S.' . That means 'our stock of Spruce. We 'have an excellent quality of flooring and siding. Allan's Lumber Yard Victoria §t. Yard X i Phone 1042 Adhd a « For Fall Ana Winter, Prevost, Brock street, Tias a great assortment of ready-miagde clothing. and a splendid assortri8nt of gent's turnishings. His order clothing de- partment was never better assorted with new goods. It will pay you to examine his stock before buying. St. Andrew's Sale. Do your marketing at St." An- drew's sale, Friday, Nov. 29th, at three o'clock. Fresh home-grown vegetables, aprons, fancy work and yf home-made tables. NEWS FROM SIBERIA. -------- Advance Party Had Stormy Passage to Viadivostok. Letters have just been received from members of the advance party of the Canadian Siberian Expedi- tionary (Force which sailed from {Vancouver on Oct. 11th and arrived T iin Viadivostok on Oct, 26th. The voyage was extremely stormy and rough and 'was made directly to Viadivostok by the northern route and without calling at Japanese ports. Letters written on Wovem- ber lst stated that the Weather was Francis Duty. 145 Collingwood Higa and wa, ang dike was thet street, while riding to work about September here. af y the n= 1 p.m, Wednesday at the hosiery filled 'with refugees Tom Kw mill, where he is fireman, collided terior: of Russia, Thos! o aaron with a horse and rig coming from £ | 1 > the yard and was thrown to the od been secured for the hospital in the yard A Bovis aIury The Happy No other gift combines the thrill of appreciation of fu- ture vears of useful services Dependable Furs . ; . We offer only furs that are i = | thay 2 Digee of furniture, a made from perfect skins and vif shi ale 3 i a euhly dependable. gift which makes a lifetime See our unrivalled values in: Wolf Setts Hudson Seal Setts Coon Setts Alaska 'Sable Setts Fitch Setts, Etc. Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats The manufacture of cheese is over for another season. It retails | at 12% cents to. i156 cents per Kingston's - Oldest Fur Store k pound. ~~ = If Strength Declines As Age Advances Follow This Suggestjon, Friend, ag Christmas is just ery 'good buildings and cleaning he up was 'in progress. The hospital to dia cheek. He is in the Hciel | was taken over from the Russians. { around the corner, James Reid Civilians will be cared for in the TT Canadian institution. The place is some distance from. 'the city, but is accessible as the tram cars run in front of the doors. Vladivostok {looks good. 1t has fine "business houses, public 'buildings and resi- dences. Shop Early Our Christmas stock of Toilet Sets, Per« fumes, Toilet Articles, Razors, Brushes, Combs, etc, has arrived. SARGENTS' DRUG STORE Cor. Princess & Montreal Sts. Phone 41. 3 | Movements KINGSTON EVENTS! 25 YEARS AGO. Raffles are all' the rage now in the country. Ata raffle held at J. Fowler's at Glenburnie twenty geese, twenty turkeys and a horse were put ap. sp IN MARINE CIRCLES. Reported Along the Waterfront. Arrived--Laura Grace and Me- of Vessels --_-- Nearly a $1,000,000 Was Subscribed to THE VICTORY LOAN | Umbrellas and Canes |} What is moe serviceable ice amit appropriate for a as gi complete stock is in ch from. ; So many women grow old before their time, perhaps your wife or sis- ter. A little while ago, buoyant, full of vigor and activity--she enjoyed life and imparted pleasure to the whole family; but now in a few short Broken Lenses If your eves were fit. with glasses herd, A ted we have a complete record of your prescription, If not, on member how it began, failure of ap- petite, tired in the morning, found housework burdensome, always ner- fm . - N Thomson and Bowmaa, ~ Port Dal- For Montreal and intermediate river half of barge Thunder Bay. : « Dal |" Steamer Jeska has been laid up pany's dock to-day. aks ta dd Si 3 Our shoes have a 'chic' daintiness and =| i submitted by the Kingston Great "Jiousie, with ters half = of Jarge ; Thunder Bay; Conqueror and u- points. Last boat for the season leaves ferry wharf F riday, Nov. 22nd, 4.30 p.m. iCleared-- Windsor, Port "fyousie; Thomson, Charlotte; North here for the season.' Steamer Avon was floated at the THE QUESTIONS SUBMITTED nement that is decidedly Parisian. They AE Sern olan to Lo 1 to } 11 ti bs : ; "tl i od idates or mun 5, | a 24 of : io the ? of k 'whose replies are to be published: Li. » ® 3 i Naughton, Montreal, light barges; ® rl annic | Bowman, Prescdtt, light barges; pian . Constitution, 'Montreal, to winter; relie G., Port Dalhousie, with bow erry Dock elephone 95 : West and Thunder Bay, Montreal, F . T : 21 : lin tow of tugs. Boo HTH HH: | cottingwood Shipbuilding Com-~ nw u Footwear !! Autumn Footwear !. a : : Ry the G.W.V.A. to Candidates For % Office. 'The following 1-Teo what extent do you éon- respons} makes in a $4.00 up to $17.00 | " or. foo . oon c.Gentientws Umbrellas: alll are the questions Yet, they are'so perfect] comfariable Ee ee Tio at walking in them both easy ahd § at We are showing a very choice assort- Ei t models and would be § of fashionable d to have you inspect them. 2 -

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