PAGE TWELVE . THE pAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. REMEMBER! | In the World of Sport | OVERCOATS The Brunswick || Phonograph plays all records bettter. Sporting Notes fre set at somata un | vis a oa Shae ll WE HAVE A COMPLETE RANGE OF } Horse Racing. BAN LIFTED ON XING. {| The Toronto Star says: With the Ba {der the order-in-Council passed in! The ban which had been placed on {the Dominion Government and which | boxing in, Baltimore since the Un- The first game of the Hamilton became operative August 1st, 1917,}ited States entered the war, was season will be played next Friday Something should be done to regu-|lifted when the board of police com- night when Bill Marsden wil take late the affairs of racing by which| missioners gave permission to lecal up his Aura Lee juniors, strengthen- | there would be no inordinate profits | promoters to stage a boxing carni- ed by a couple of seniors, for an ex- {by jockey clubs. A limit of say 7|val for the benefit of the United hibition . contest. 'or not more than 10 per cent. on the' War Work campaign. ; -- capital invested should be allowed This action, which had been pre- 5 "Red" Batstone, the star back-}and the balance taken by the Govern-| viously refused, is taken to indicate that this show will be followed by @ field player of the Excelsiors foot-| ment and used for the benefit of bali team, will turn out with St. | horse breeders or agricultural pur-| renewal of regular boxing exhibi- Patrick's sextette. He is said 'to |suits. The clubs should -be com- tions in Baltimore, PRICES ARE REASONABLE INSPEC- possess a fair turn of speed and a pelled to increase their purses to a wicked shot. minimum standard and the sport Powder Shortage, Boys. TION INVITED Sen . otherwise regulated so that it would Powdem for trap shooting may be Stinson, a {drmer Kingston play-|;e beyond criticism. Such restric-| limited to about 50 per cent. of the er, who performed at centre for the tions would also wipe out by the fly-| normal output next year, in spite of Frontenac juniors, and: afterwards \ hy-night half-milers, the get-rich-| the end of war. In this sport the . for Queen's University in the OHA. }oick promoters and other undesir-| wastage of powder is not so grave ~ senior series, is a candidate for a | ples. as the waste of lead, for the powder i place on the St. Patrick's senjor six. ys that is, used in shotguns for the clay -- Golfers Go South. birds is not the type that is suitable & Dunne, who formerly played Owing to the coal shortage this|for war purposes. Some bright ; : light should devise a means of re- ' senior hockey in the Ottawa City vinter, there promises to be a rec- League, and is now attending St. y flight of Rion sa golfers south- | covering the lead that goes to waste. Michael's College, is expected to|\arq after Christmas. It is really | There must be thousands of tons of Tailors turn out with St. Patrick's. He is astonishing the number of players | it which could be mined at some of ' reputed to be exceptionally fast and from all parts of the Dominion who the most popular shooting grounds 8 heady player. 20 to the Carolinas, Florida and Cali- S-- me y CT 2 fornia every season now. A few Shiro. Akahoski is not the name of years ago the exodus could be num- new trick kitchen mixture or of the pered by the dozen Now it runs latest Russian Minister of Foreign into the many hundreds. With well- AAS or she montier oa ow to-do golfers it is becoming quite the on A CONGENIAL Co Shiro' Akahosk . 0 vogue fo stay home during the sum- J OCCUPA. team. ..Shirg ahoski Is a China-f por and autumn months and take the 2 TION FALL SUI I Ng $22 to $38.00 man, although you would never guess| ,nnua1 vaction instead in the winter. 2 R Irom his name. He weighs only Golfing and motoring are ideal in £7; "Ak "What is Mr. -- #3 pounts, Canada from May to November, Then "Yih fr Weodpecker do- . ; laved Xi southward to enjoy the twin sports. | pesplg="" Qui} | ing now?" F 11 OVERCOATS 8 30 Brown, who played last season |g 4 splendid combination if one AU "He has a Job a 1 to with St. Michael's, is showing uD {p,q poth the necessary time and the bd riveting" splendidly at the Dental practices, money ' and is expected to make a place. He : Just voceived 1 England, Off . mn bh is very fast and one of the smooth- 3 : reived from England, cers's Trench Coats, ofled, est stick-handlers in the game. He tick Mans Sives. Vamcon: silk lining and removable wool lining. is a defence man, but is also a cap- ' ye tay, n ' ver hockey team, brings word from Al able forward. -- Britannia Mine that Gordon (Doc) . "Ruby" Millan has announced | Roberts, one of Seattle's greatest! ns... plake has sold his farm in 0 n we e that he will not play hockey this |Players, has been obliged to take al s41n,1 to Malcolm Wadsworth, Mil- rest, following the outbreak of jlI- Mr. Flake has bought Hugh Civil and Military Tailor FE - - : » All Brunswicks are equipped wi winter. He is in his final year at of JIE} gory P th the the Dental College and is putting |DNess among miners and citizens| gj imayr's house and intends mov- Ultona. business before pleasure in his de-|there. Roberts intends to get back] ino i, Picton. s sire to succeed. The Toronto fans |into the game again this winter. Ro-! Tne death is recorded of Captain will miss this popular player, who |Derts, according to McKay, worked| ne Rev, Eric Johnson of pneumonia day and night among the sufferers|;, England. He was aged twenty- The reatest inventi has performed so capably in other g ion of the age. It seasons. and was the means of saving many| nine years and born at Carleton plays any record made by a slight twist of - lives. He told McKay he would be| pjgeq, The Ottawa Club has written |8lad of the opportunity of leaving| gmith's Falls made a good record the wrist, Frank Nighbor asking him to state [his practice for a few weeks to play| i, the Victory Loan campaign, and aeyy his intentions. He may be discharg-|in the Pacific Coast League again. exceeded its allotment of $355,000 : B You may be sorry you didn't buy a ed shortly trom the Royal Air Fogce, Smee e-- by $60,000. Are You Going to Lay Your 11 2 ' to which he has been attached for Praise For Canada. - runswick, but you never will if you buy the past year. If Nighbor cannot go| New York Herald: Never once one. fa the ag again he will be, ved during the period of the war did the . . I . 2 % ; n a trade to o ronto rena | Canadian fancy let interest in ken- C U Th W If Only a limited quantity for Christmas. Club, nel affairs lag. 'Shows went along ar Up 1S inter: SO-~~ . % a t the sa s usual, and most of } Order yours now; make a small deposit and Montreal Star--Albert Allard | thom compared favorable with any: : still maintains that George Kennedy | thing we have in the United States. ¢ Have you decided where to store your ' . - don t be disappointed. is going to have the first call if he | at the recent Toronto fixture there 2 se * : wants to pay the price, and Allard | wore 700 dogs Lenched.: In the.Do- Pn) battery? If your battery freezes it is use- seemed to think that his contract h MARLEY 2 IN. DEV N 24 IN. with the Jubilee Rink might be | mee pr Joao El Te oman: i" ON 24 less. signed this week. His silent partner, | ;m ated at Toronto and George ' over Allard. sald. "wont," as far as|IIOmAS. at Ottawa. Some of the Store your battery with us. We will keep ever Allard said "went, as far as, i 4,4 on this side of the Atlantic SPORTING GOODS CO. ho, wag sonvorned. are owned across the border. = it in a warm place. Keep lots of freshly dis- The only place in Kingston you can buy La a hy i Some Baseball Dope. tilled water in it, and give it the best atten- pe 1 Max Carey, tain of the Pitts-- : ; this wonderful machine. services this season. and the money|, .A¥ pile "REC Gin ction tion possible. Store your battery with us. SR ' burgh Pirates, . must be in the bank before the-sea- = 88 Princess Street . son starts. If "Newsy'* receives what ue Joading Jee ) NOW. ; he asks---and there isn't much chance also of being the only player left in |} . Phone 529 Kingston of it---he can stay at home and mind}; 0 ircuit who has the honor of (| Lake Ontario Trout ; the baby and let the magnates fight| aging two home runs in consecu- d Whitefish, F h over what they will do. tive innings. He performed this feat |i an y I'res : : a. on August 19th, 1913, at the Polo ll Sea Salmon, Had- PA An, The pros are still squabbling, but| grounds when -Arthur. Eromme was [Jf ; wn) ad : Y the amateurs are going merrily along No National dock, Halibut and pitching against him. and gathering in many new fans who Leaguer was able to duplicate the in the past have looked upon these|q,yble homer act last season. Casey Cod. F ® =~. teams as merely secondary to the : * " 4 St. I, now in the navy, and Bill |} ee moneyed artists. Not only are the nga A ton 3 Ye. minors, Dominion Fish Co 129 Brock Street Phone 201 pros going to lose money if they con-| were two others who had the same |] . tinue-at their present gait, but they| performance to their credit. . Canada Food Board License will also lose patronage, which is - No. 90-3246. ~~. .Consignment of Red Hot Heaters. Will ||" mor Important. | Ph Hockey Star Decorated. OAs brea } boi il 3 Rare f Arother sportsman has been deco t ast d, il, fry, broil, in fact will cook Officers of military hockey teams{rated for bravery on the battlefield. a meal for small family--$4.50 and for that matter teams should] Word comes from Brantford to the . always bear in mind that "Too many| effect that Lieut. Roy Brown is the 00k ii the broth," the To-|proud fa Mint Cross; Sai SEE US DEMONSTRATE THEM. outs RE. Nay a which iad Ty EE Hun key team has fallen by the wayside|paymaster singlehanded and bring- we just because there was no one wholing him to the Canadian lines, with M {| had complete say. One manager with] 3.000 German marks on his person. PW 1161 4 ili 1] all the say is better than a half doz-| Brown first gained fame as a mem- i . en pulling against one another. ber of the famous Paris (Ont) 0. . A. team some years ago, and lat- HY Princess Sr. er as manager of the International ONTARIO League team at the Soult. He was 1 . interested in baseball and was part . . N owner of the Brantford Canadian rr, A GOOD IDEA , | League Club. oo Fist Minnow : : : - "Bad Man" Joe Hall wants to play . Busy Out West, My but it's ohilly in Ottawa. He still belongs to the . Saskatchewan 1s going to have a! b this merning. Quebec and Canadien clubs, and has The fragrant aroma of clear Havana leaf-- Jory busy day of it in. hockey eiroles. Second Min |icen sent a contract by Gearge the uniform quality that comes of careful sejec- é back and junior teams will be very ; J Kounedy. hut there 18 just 2, She nee tion--therein lies the superiority of the Bache~ ! for much in evidence. Saskatoon, Re- fish and him, lor cigar. gina. Moose Jaw, and Prince Albert jz - The O. H. A. claims to have or- will likely be in line with senior : ganized a four-club league, but re- jeams. i r we ahmual Booting ot the & i * [fuses to divulge its make-up. . It rrovincial association w Cli # Sravine : ; SE Proposes Jo get players by outbidding BRINGING UP FATHER J - EE ER EERE