Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Nov 1918, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1918. PAGE SEVEN T-------------- 1) ND 000000000 O00 : + | To-night & Wednesda [ » : The Purchase of Victory Bonds "J l= {olei | People's E orum | Whe Starred in "The Birth of a Na- tudniugh tion," In His Latest Five Reel Success inst fut ; /] erat Ton tel wah Hoops of Steel" | IIIA SLATE COOMA adversity. . y t Breexy Dram of Western Life CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES wage-eatner buys from his . oy 1 > ton, 1 word. Bach : : surplus today will be a Billy West pri Shr Aa 308 Brag sebete liquid convertible asset in! "The Fuunlest Man on Earth" In cent & word. rie for ' WELAUGHLIN FOUR TOURING CAR, oa. ~ red ghe lusertion. Shel theese, Insertions, A hustling young chap who was stranded, BLACK AND WHITE COLLIE DOG . "TH C A NDY K D" G0; six $1; ome month, 82. Se : : 3 : time of need. E 1 § cal I'hra Whig Want Ads a job has just landed Solis don. AbRLy Sevion Hobson : {Also the Pathe Newsy snd Other Reels In a small restaurant, Portsmouth, one 1108, ring &. HELP WANTED : : -- Where he serves what vou want JEWEL COOK STOVE IN PERFECT | Superior Vaudeville condition. Good baker; reasonabie Two Shows @ Day: At.2.90 and 7.90 p.m. [ayant BOY TO WORK "AROEND In a way that is quite *"'open-handed. price. Apply at 335 Diviaton street, 8 = Ul ictor on & Manin in ana Joe store, Lockett's Jorner store, up to 6.50 p.m, IVENING . ..10¢ and 15¢ - ' " r------------ A FURNACE MAN. APPLY TO THE v ' SULKY WHEELS AND TIRES; AL F § Perfect, Columbia and © of x office of the Kingston uUenersi : : Bloycies. _ Geo. and i tr om mises sar King St, Phone 1032, { ff ' Hospital The Bank of Toronto, Market Square, Kingston rl 1m |= hor. NO King wrest West] yt. pare separ (| FiHIG Tackie raATs PIE ven v none 10%. Bi Bshing. Eo to Fn W. Cooke 39 Clarence street, te Amerie -- w : s 1 r In {TO RENT AT ONCE TEN TO THIQTY oan Consulate, ne $Hlw, ; Picture : o HAD, Arinde acres Hght soll within ten miles of FOUND Sr-- Sr prt ------ nse oan------ is : nis nba yu 7 ROOMED SOLID BRICK BUNGA- rl street, » BROWN LEATHER 20 Uftice. ILE ATHER PURSE CON. low, furnace, gas. electric light; 3 hardwood tloors; lot 165 feet deep, Mond Wed ENERAL, ABLE TO COOK; NO & . AR SA BES change, etc. A y ay, Tues. . washing or 'lrouing. Apply. Miss RUNCHASE A SAFE OR Offion 21e Phiy at Whig Apply 20 Frontehac street north. Hora, 18 Wellington street. and price, G Bateman si et opps a ------------------------ i) Go A. Bateman, . Wr : 4 D. W. Griffith Presents Clrence street, SHALL LOCKET ON COR. RESIDENCE OF REV. CANON FOR. 2 : Owrt, hd Princess streets, eri, 218 Albert street. Recents r ¥ oa l2Ve same by repaired atid renovated. Supply o: & : yg "a XP * aH Cling at 293 Alfred sire ~ § Brick house, detached ,down-town, south side of Princess Sean The Bows # QUARRYMEN ACCUSTOMED To [WASTED TO RENT On : Fa : . Te el, coal in. Apply on premises. street; electric light, four sleeping rooms, double parlor, dining ' 3 quares work Ang plug sud feath. more, Adie 2 ody Pte STRERT, SEAR | GNF MARLIN PUMP GUN, ALSO TWO rooms and kitchen, B. & (. Good value. Price $3000.00, % er work. Highest wages " Office, Kit mt, Princess, white rosary. Gwne double-barreled shotguns in good Phone 400-32, Broekvilie, Pigor < at Whig Ottice, ber make. Apply B81 Johnsoon St. & Phone, write or felepgra er may have same py san - i d > Brick Bungalow, hardwood floors, 6 rooms, hot water : Phone. 400-33, Rrutith : - Awan hE condition. Pieper make ahd .Bar eating; rem ern. PY 8 y Healy, Constr od SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT v d Ig; ext ely modern. Price $3000 &* for cash or in part payment of new FOUND ARTIOLES ADVER. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEA : A 1 J K C | A en : DE a EL Weany- TISED FRER "selections; your own choice, $34.50 PP y . og Arne & CY A WOMAN TWO DAYS & WENK TO - Terma, §b cash, 3 pot Meek, C, WwW 86 Broek Sreet Rana: 49, Siw. i 18 Dara Xvenn EXPERIENCED MAN. FARM OF wishing 10 means on pything Land SLT Se 8 yRehavete fi. With Practically the Same Cast You BA ew i gl 3 Le AS dl, rent with stock do so by reporting the fasts ty Tonk INTONS on 3slasann Saw in "Birth of a Nation," and ERA Ey NL sn he Sax al Snpleienty, Fis ud. whis Danish Whis. any Siva dows glazed sompiete, any ie "Hearts of the World," KR. W. Srigstoks 7. Welunigion St. Ulfiee, olumn fres of Chars . Hailigay Company, Box. 61, Ham Also Our Big Serial : A ee ) oe A Fight For Millions (2,,... wey vpomsen mon 3) mre PLE, ALL KIxns op} F ec WE rutiurs, Dubois, Shae A A AN AN A Catarngul St, Wednes- have for sale a number of sedond- bles; will buy all kinds of furnis * warehouse, Cataragul St > hand heaters and Stoves, military ture and stoves. J. Thompson, 353 TST sry -- . $ day. morning at 7.30 o'clock. § | i h bi MINK STOLE, 2 S, I da ara » harness and military horse blan- owns 8 HEADS AND TAILS, Princess street. Phone 1609, a > > kets, ete, 8. Shapiro, 46 Princess Somewhers in city. Finder kindly ------ . street. Phone 1287, Teen ta 184 Rideau street and |SoME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS ise ne 0 SELEPES PLA SIE SLB IDES SIMI ne a ps receive reward érs to-day sometimes use a little Consult us about the car ur = S-- thy toaday Sumetimen tae d Hittin A e of yo battery GIRLS FOR THE WORKROOM; POSITIONS WANTED. LADY'S POCKET BOOK CONTAINING postal will bring you full particis for the winter. : pleasant, llwht work. Avplv Miss Sum of money, in Griffin's Theatre. lars about this department. British om MeCallum, N. C. Polsony=Co., Ltd. YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION, Finder return to Whig Office and wahig Publishing Co. WILLARD SERVICE STATION good education; reliable and steady receive reward, BATEMANS REAL ESTATE AGRNOY, tp N 3 hk A Apply to Bex 918, Whig Office, sedans tome aio -- AT ONCE, A MAID FOR 6 RNERAL eres, | WHITE. DOG WITH. YELLOW EARS NiSH nousework. Highest wa, patd and yellow spot A 6 FRAME RUNGALOW, PART FINISH. 19 Brock Street. Ethel Barrymore In ADDIY. To Mim MH. Hakan 36} Ninaar, nial ioral of hack | PRAGH Rn ova sirea lot, cheap for "Our Mrs, McChesney"| ___onireal sweet. Phone 1986) PERSONAL Cronk, Mouniain Grane. on. quick buyer, . -- rest $1050 FRAME HOUSE, LARGE LON IXPR CR y MARRY-THOUSANDS LONELY, CON! . F ; Dleuding Weanty and riessure, Dash] EXERRIBNCED NAN, WivH Gon] MARRYCSHOUSIADS LONELY, SON. 0% FRIDAY AVHENSOON, NovEM.| MO Improvements and Daring. handling Horses. Highest wages Will marry. Descriptions FREI ach Th Sither 'oh Division, John- S1E50--"RAME, 8 ROOMS, TMPRO paid. Apply at Anderson Bros. Ralph Hyde, San Francisco, Cad, gol watch: belonging ie trapelel ments, Jarge lot And stable, on Limited OW letters 8, B. M. engray ol Union west. Frank Keenan In Ha 2 Erowina snd. skin biem- Pinder please return to 165 Queen S150 FRANME, 6 ROOMS, STONE AT ONCE, COMPETENT GENERAL ighes femoved permanently, with. Street, and receive reward, foundation, garden; off Chatham General Meetings, Mondays, 8 p.m "Th R 1 f th R d"' servant to go to Boston. Fare out scar; 30 years' experience Dr, street. Kichardson Chapter 1.0.D.E., 2nd & € Ruler o € Roa paid. $25 & month, Apply Mrs. jiimer iJ. Lake, Eve, lak. Nose, STRAYE : re Kingsley, |. . Throat and, Skin Specialist. - 232 AYED, {82000--AT MARYSVILLE, WOLFE 18 Public Puranas dn = oh A Rallroad Drama hat Is DIN t ATO. CREO oa --_r Bagot street. ee e--------" | 4 is < 8 ae 8 i -- . yu ® pom, til Iroad it Tha ~ eren Kingston Mills. Phone 1100, ring ON THE PREMISES " : \ land, frame howse; large lot. - PRAME HOUSE, 1 am, Allen' 2. a Orchestra J NINTH EPISODE Jana 2 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Owner may Nake samp by wean ($2000 or ' y btn a PA ISIN il . AY 6. Sam y ying . 2 . ous yen are Indispensable. : 6" [YOUNG MAN BETWEEN EIGHTEEN i for this advt, dnd DrOVIRg: Fro mouth; Jmprovementa; large lot and without thetr re Shere Is 188 1 16 Aber- ouse o ate. and twenty years of age, with r > y. $2200--F RANE, NEW 7 ROOMS 'ALL yery ¥ can be done, 3 13 Terences, for store. ' (00d OpPOT-) dedi irdod iid Phd ddd dP PPP d | FT tr ee ) a Do you realise how necessary deen Street, Cor. William Keystone Comedy; Strand Telegram tunity for young men to lears" * $ 'mo LET improvements. - : it is to consult our Wishes to inform the: ladies of . y HESTRA business. Apply - Box 850, care |? cpaopny. BUSINESS AT COR. 67 CLARENCE STREET, K STRAND ORCHES winig Ofece, # Yark and Division streets, cone En Er ingston and vicinity that she has re- er: WAYS Se 4 $ ducted by the late Curtis Walker, OFFICE ROOM; THOMAS WILLS, 7 sumed business in 10e PRICES ALWAY! : for sale or to rent, with or with- e street, OPTOMETRIST J = ( hs ont stock, Store Is large and airy i, Ss ~ NN 4 und stocked with the best sad n= + hghe and Turnace. Apply 1} | pRONTENAD LAAN AND INVEST. : + test groceries nad ix doing a spiens . WOMEN po 4 did business, or partienlars up- URarry Street. ent ocloty: Shean ated 1862 esident, W. ¥. Cs i. a ¥ ¥ , : re At the least sign of strain or ® ; vi . % ply to Dr. Bogart. SEO viees eye (route, Delay may com Fancy Goods Princess WANTED : 3° nAChR Conn | Gita ob i } ! J oP ] s : io : Apply to han an Tama fesuetic you your vision. i on : Bropenties, municipal and And has a nice assortment of the ebe: hank : ve : RE ntured! mortgages purch : - latest articles in embroidery work. We have ligh yr 5 ae AHED oh UNI ISHED Investment bonds for sale; de; + ight, pleasant BITUATIONS VACANT. TOOMS for light housekeeping, Ap. T0Seed Br das 84.8; ® - . out rubbing. Promise to solicit ore all improvements; centrally J . ERPOO ON ND ous Market 1" axoeliant wages. - ly to dera'with ten cents Wil bring sam. ed. Apply 243 Brook street, LIVERP oe Do 5 Auk ; ae $8 McCalium, ce of ples for four washings. Make dol. i ts IEE nai iable ' re the Clock Is on the ) Special. Prices For This Week Co. Brantford, Ont y. ' "Whe $1|| ECONOMY !! Fur TiS W tario Steet. 28: 16. Brouk 'Se iFnone Mus | SITY the uniimited lak hte es . . HISTORY OF THE WORLD WAR BY or. 621. " possible rates. ' or » thentic.. OMicial Photographs; ex key. . Frost's City Storage, 299 AUCTION SALE Ary Oras Pr hig Queen street. Phone 526; res. 959 8. e, Winston v AV VAIVAY Vial Brome Ontht free FURNISHED HOUSE; BLECTRIC DENTAL -- * lighted, and hot water heating: Si -- ------. centradiing located, A. E, KNA , 258 PRINCESS walnut and other bedroom suites, 378 Wellington St. Ing, on bath room flat; in . Happy Thought Range, kitzhsn uten: | Fresh eut Sowers dally; funeral locality, Ap Box 333 .W DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. bouquets fo order, Sot Office. ply hig Hata, siven SPROCIAL FINANCIAL vid TWO PURNISHED ROOMS; ELECTRIC " FES "GOLD _BOKD" Mil fries" VEGETABLE gil Soup. Be 2 tins for 25¢. Ask for it. si EPperRalRsPegnn -- Bi; £ ' girls. Active workers make wash clothes spotiessly clean with | JIRST CLASS ROOMS AND HOARD. ence street, Kingston, ==> 182 Princess Street, §|| QUALITY 1! 5 ann's. Keil state which the Chief of Staff. Awants. Phone 325, tains, sewing machine, refrigerator, convenience for light -housekeep- ebvpRiERED) Also stamping doné to order. A call offer-wom ply 450 Division street a R.J.Rodger is respectfully solicited. work to offer en and AMAZING SELLER-TABLETS THAT . C. Cartwright, manager, $1 Clar- p Nt NE AN NNN Ps -------------------- lar an hour, Bradley's Company, [STORAGE FOR CLE N. C. Polson & Co., On= WV: [STORAGE POR FURNITURE, CLEAN Francis A. March, with introduc. old 8 ) y *. Maren, [STORAGE FOR PUR) CLEAN new business tion, Dy Geheral Fevion « eM Tn dry, airy rooms; ANITURE, lock and rates I e & Strange, ud In-------------- Furatture, Wednesda Nov. 20th, Appt ox 61 PP, 10 a.m. at home of Wore! Lowe, Porta 's Whig Office, cApity. B " street. Phona 85%, mouth, Wormiwith upright piano, stair od and other carpets, sldebonrd, extension ; 5 DR. GORDON ©. DEWAR, DENTIST, table, dining chairs, lace and other cur- Fl FURNISHED ROOMS WITH EVERY Corner Princess and ° Wellington . ! streets. Phone 1678. te Bn doses sils, And numerous other 4rticles. 158 Wellington street, over All Kinds of Fresh Fish. Allen, the Auctioneer. Telephoge 252. of town ovd Carnovsky's, one 346. ™Wo UNFURNISHED ROOMS SUIT. able for light housekeeping, also "yo RENT. rit 338 P . ess St. | : one Jurbiahed bedroom; Tent nod. Pome Toe NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Bs Avolr e Tolva ATYRAOTIVE ROOMS, 150 KING oT, . a ---------------------------------------. P: M, 'Baileys Manager adds | GOOD SIX ROOMED HOUSE ON VIe- Sbbouite the Chateau Beividers. 4 toria street; tenant deaving. for : rr Owing to the greatly increased cost of newsprint, ink, la- business reasons. Rent mpderate. BOARD AND ROOMS. : bor, etc, the British Whig has been oblied to advance its ad- Possession at once, Apply T. K. : PHYSICAL CRISIS D DOARD AND ROOMS. AFPLY ETN BERLIN vertising rates somewhat. A sincere eifort has been made to Carnoveky, 643 Princess street. ES IS OVER | minimize the advance as much as possible. Th increase now THIS DEP : 4. Stinson, 212 Knig street announced applies only to classified advertising, and then only ag to AUTEN 'any ona thinking Phone 1871, i 7 -- Order Maintained With Iron when it is charged. When cash accompanies the copy, the fol- oi u clagsin hbo dvertisin Are Imme- lowing old rates will prevail. me yoy bie ne Si % haut L We MISS RICHARDSON, DRESS MAK having resumed bi : AKEN, One Insertion (25 words or 1688) ... ... ... ... .... = ; FACING THE PARK, H a1 a t Bix Insertions (25 words or Jess) ©. ... ... ... .. .. $1.00 one PARIC, DEAT PIAL Qrilers tor fall and go work diately Executed. - Three Insertions (25 words or 188) ... ... ... .... 50 Amsterdam, Nov. 19.--A Berlin One Month (25-words or less) Rms Cie da RE00 Hr, ble . telegram under date of Nov. 13th Over 25 words, Ic a word first insertion, and 3c & word for Et anand Jacge Di Aly re which has been received here, says each subsequent, consecutive insertion. Albert street, between the hours of AKCHITEOT that during the twenty-four hours be- If advis. are to be charged, the rates will be double those 1,2 and 7, 8 pm, POWER OT X 3 fore its despatch, not a shot had been|} apove quoted. : fired in Berlin and that the physical The cost of sending out & man to collect small accounts to- : FUR REPAIRING, chants crisis appeared to be over. Order, it amounts to mure than the total revenue derived from such | Broek and Weirton Hix is said, was maintained with an iron advertising. Hence the increase. : + REPAIRED, NOW Is hand and robbery was punished b ; e me $0 have your furs re. | 22d immediate execution. At that time * t i . i modelled and Fevaired. go 3tintac. 'the life of the city was returning to] © : : wo SPE es, Putter. 10% S3d- normal. : » SH i enham gtreet, Opposite Centrs) . Delegates from all soldiers coun- . " . . - School i : 3 | opinion, some advocating the Red i Dra ng as im; | confidence In the soldiers. - WIA meeting of ihe Children ed ee

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