HI a Hudson' Seal COATS CAPES COATEES STOLES AND MUFFS Your inspection invited. John McKay, Limited Kingston's Relidble Far House 149-1537 Brock St. Help Kingston finish the Vic- tory campaign right. Buy your bond to-morrow. Too few people have bought so far. Last year one' was sold to every five y a, This year one has been sold to every twelve people. Mahood Bros. ch Fitting 1 Glasses AN EXPERT'S JOB It is wo easy matter to fit glasses accurately. Only' the LY ¥ P, WE, Baal tb Princess Residence 8 rooms; hot water furnace, + eleetriofty, hardwood floors, verinduh. s 1 chotey selection o of homes. | ae optometrist perience, ability and the pro- instruments can give hla service yu , Xou are assured a thorough sclentiiié 'examination and nc curate glasses at Aseeistine's CONSULT | 18 Asselstine DOS br SOOaEY. 'King St. "Te Bay Opn sors THE, DAILY BRITISH 1 WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1918. SHE SUES FOR PAYMENT OF AN INSU RANCE POLICY HELD BY HER BROTHER. Action by Miss Edith Dixon Agzains: the Canadian Order of Foresters-- Case Will Shortly Come Up for Trial. An action has been brought against the Canadian Order of For ésters by Edith Dixon, Verona, in which she claims $1,000 in payment of an insurance policy on the death of her brother, Pte. William Dixon killed at the front Her case ir being handled by Nickle, Farrell & Day. The Order, through their law: vers, have entered a defence and plea has followed The defence i8 a unique one, of great importance and interest In Section 69 of the constitution and laws of the order which was in force at the time of the admission of William Dixon in November, 1914 and has been In force since then, » was stipulated that no benefit shall be payable on account of the death of any member while engaged in naval or military service of ay country ex cept in the defence of the British Em pire, or any part thereof, and that should death result while a member is engaged in such military or naval service of any country except in de fence of the British Empire or any part thereof, the beneficiary or bene ficiaries shall not be entitled to re- ceive the insurance or other benefits but all benefits shall be forfeited to the order From the proofs of death furnished it appears that the death of the said William Dixon oceurred while he was engaged In military service in the European war, which has heen car- ried on. for the past four vears, buf the sald Willlam Dixon did not en- gage In said military service in de fence of the British Pmpire or any par thereof, but on the contrary from, on, or about the Sth day of January, 1918, up to the time of his death was engaged in sald European war, which was a war not for the de fence of the British Empire or any part thereof, but the said war' arose And the said Willlam Dixon engaged therein in defence of Belgium. be- cause of the violation of the neutral- ity of Belgium by the German em- pire, and the violation of treaties be- tween the German empire and Bel glum, and Great Britain declared war against Germany before Germany de- tlared war against Great Britain for the said reasons, and Great Britain and her colonies have, during the past four years, engaged in the said war for these reasons. Therefore, the Canadian Order of Foresters claims that under Section 69 of their constitution and laws. the plaintiff is not entitled to receive the insur- S| ance money claimed. Also, the High Chief Ranger of 'the Canadian Owder of Foresters is sued a circular to all subordinate courts of the order, ineluding Court Piecadilly, No. 383, of which Willlam Dixon was a member, advising the of- : ficers and' mémbers thereof that in {case any members of the order who joined after the 1st of August, 1914, should enlist, they ceased to become i members of the order. This case, which will shortly come up for trial, is certain to evoke a ug} Sreat amount of interest. for in it involved a principle which will af- Ln thousands of insurance policies, and will involve millions of dollars. Owing to the unique nature of the defence, it will probably be looked upon as a test case, POULTRY ASSOCIATION. Will Have an Exhibition on Jan, 21st, 22nd and 23rd. At a well attended meeting of the Kingston Poultry Association, held last evening, it was decided to put on a poultry show on Jan, 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 1919. The president, C. 8B. Anglin, occupied the chair, and a free discussion as to whether to hold « show was participated fn by a num- ber of the members, and it was finally decided by a large majority to go ahead, R. J. Bushell was greatly in favor of holding the show, and his optim- ism, seemed contagious and within five minutes between $30 and $40 was subseribed by the members present to set the ball roiling. Last year's birds were among the finest seen anywhere and the prizes exceedingly generous, 'but it is fully expected the doming show will greatly excel that of last oe the matters decided was to give every Jeturned soldier a pags Values | into the show BOYS PEADED GUILTY. Threw Stones and Smashed Window rea as Tomes, oo belo | @ s were arra ned re Magistrate Farrell in Juvenile on Friday morning, charged Smashing a window in S8t.| church, The offence was tted about five oteigels on Sun-| Jamul Arnel hei ili INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOOATL , NOTES ANI AND TERMS oP NERAL INTEREST. Ha In the City and Vicinity au the Merchants Offer to the Renders of the Whig. Oysters, Satirday, Carnovsky's. Stanley Wood, letter carrier, is laid up as a result of illness. W. Swaine, plano tuner, orders at McAuley's, or 'phone S84W. Freach-Canadfan euchre to-night, over Sargent's, 8 p.m. Be there Dr. William Nicholls, street, has returned from a success fal deer hunt. Another big batch of boxes for soldiers overseas was left in the post office on Friday. The weather on Friday was ideal, A couple of weeks of this brand would save a lot of coal Read every page of the Whig's see- ond section. , The news given is inter esting. Scan carefully the advertise- ments. The police are looking for one of the 'silent policeman" which was removed from one of the: street *Orners. The Bell Telephone Company has been ordered by the Railway Board to supply data upon which it bases its claim for an Increase of rates. Now is the time to have your plano tuned, We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis faction, C, W. Lindsay, Limited, Corpl. D. Fleming, who was among the soldiers who returned from over. seas on Wednesday, and who served with the 21st Battalion, lost three brothers at the front. Dr. Robert Hanley was out for the first 'tigte on Thursday, after his se- vere illness, and was warmly greeted by his many friends. He is still very weak, but is progressing. The Retall Merchants' Associa« tion has been asked to express its views on the request of the letter carriers to have Wednesday after- noon off during the entire year. We will rent you a plano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing ent we will allow the six months' rental on purchase price, and arrange easy terms on bal- apace. CO. W, Lindsay, Limited. Creamery butter yesterday reach- ed the figure of sixty cents a pound ir Kingston. The same thing should be done to it as has been done to the kaiser, the Portsmouth philosopher says. The Woman's Missionary Auxili- ary of Brock streef, Methodist church met Thursday fternoon. Mrs James Cook, Cataragui, gave an interesting" address explaining. the necessity of the rest fund for in- capacitated missionaries. There was a large attendance and a gene rous collection for the fund. Kingston Presbytery. A speci meeting of Kingston Presbytery was held on Thursday afternoon, with Rev. Dr. Macgilliv- ray presiding. The e¢all extended by Cooke's church congregation to Rev. W. Tavior Dale, of Toronto, was sus- tained. It was signed by 266 mem- bers. laduction will likely take place on nthe 27th inst. Tho other ealls were aldo sus- tained, viz., that of St. Johns church, Pittsburg, to Rev. J. A. Mec- Lean, of Newburg, with induction on the 26th inst., and that of St. Andrew's chureh, Trenton, to Rev. R. A, Cranston, Palmerston, nized a Hockey Team, oe attery, R.C.H.A., have or- ganized a hockey club for the com- ing season, with the following of- ficers: Hon. president, Col, J. N. 8. Leslie; president, Lieut. J. Slade; secretary-treasurer, Gunner J. P. Walsh; manager, Major E. H, Lan- caster; assistant manager, Sergt. E. H. Beechie; committee, Gunner I. H, Lyons, Bdr. J. V, Grace, Bdr, G. H. Way. It is proposed to enter 4 team -in the intermediate series of the OUH.A, in this district and from material available prospects are bright for a good season. In Marine Circles. M.T. Co's bulletin: The tug Laura Grace cleared for Montreal with two grain barges the tug Thémson arriv- ed from Montreal with two barges, and cleared for Oswego the steamer India and barge Burma, are due to arrive to-day. The India is loaded with grain, from Port Colborne, and the barge Burma has coal from Char- lotte the steamer India 'will clear for Moutreal. in, . "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" BUY VICTORY i "BONDS TO-MOR- ~ ROW Kingston Must Not Fail 7 + Last year in Kingston one in eve ve of our pobulation Dove ht bends; 1 o do fara i | mus oer hE 5 n tha - Al's Flag Jove ru Clarence | steamer Omaha, Phone 919 LATEST POPULAR MUSIC IN SATURDAY'S SAL E. Too for a Gort Oh Frenchy, Wee Wee Marie, Smiles, A Lump of Sugar Down in Dixie, When You Come Back, I'm Sorry [ Made You Cry, Three Wonderful Letters From Home, Say a Prayer for the Boys Out _ There, Meet Me at the Station, Oh Papa, Oh Papa, In the Land of the Wedding Bells, K-K-K-Katy, | Don't Want to Get Well, Good Morning Mr. Zip-Zip-Zip, If He Can Fight Like He Can Love, 'Ha- vana, Go Over the Top With Reilly, When You Come Back. BUY VICTORY BONDS The last opportunity you will have to purchase a Canadian Government security at 51%. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Open Nights PA i a a size. PTT YY YY (223 day special at pga urday, 21 x3 .. 3ix4 .. terns. . Saturday . Men's Heavy Socks VY NN NINN TE VV VY YY YY SAVINGS At the McFaul Store. Bed Comforters, assorted patterns, good Saturday special 500 yards of hemp stair carpet, § width, inches), assorted patterns. Satur- Carpet Squares, specially priced for Sat- 25c Each Ladies' Boudoir Caps, white, pretty pat- Ladies' Black Cashmerette Hose . Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose . . Ladies' Brown Cashmerette Hos A clearing lot of remnants of dress goods and silks for half price on Saturday. AAA A A AS A EN A AN PN ti Newman & Shaw & The Always Busy Store -$2.69 up 25%, 30c, 35¢ . $13.95 and up . $25.00 up a A A TA hf hh ch i nh a .25¢ 25¢ and up .35¢c up .75c up died de fh a oa ba oe aa a ie Fruit & Candy Store Cholee Fraulis and Nuts in Sea. son; Home-made Candy. DO YOUR 8IT: BUY VICTORY BOUNDS, 66 Princess St., Near King St. Phone 273 Canpda Food Beard License Nos, Fruits, 9-100¢; Candy, 11-410 NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED Peanut Butter, the best Oleomargarine, the best Mince Meat, pure Jams and Jellies, Flaked Wheat and Rolled Oats. t the Unique Grocery 490 & 402 Princess St., Phone 580. ' ; OC. H, PICKERING, Prop. Cassada Food Board License No 8.21 A DONNELLY COMPANY BUSY. Has Released Several Sunken Ves. sels Kast of K The Donnelly Wrecking Company has had a very busy month. The steamer William Johnson reached ing the steamer Stewart W., which went on Scow shoal, 'nine miles east of Alexandria Bay, where the steamer Keystone was sunk. The vessel was towed to Ogdensburg on Thursday to be docked. Its shoe, propellor apd rudder were damag- ed. The Stewart W. had 1,600 tons of coal for Quebec. The Donnelly Company patched and pumiped out the barge John Gaskin, sunk in the Soulanges can- al two weeks ago with 43,000 bush- els of oats for the Imperial Gov- ernment. After lightering 20,000 bushels, the barge was pumped out and taken to Montreal. Its cargo will be reconditioned by drying. The tug enac and steamer Monday released the at Leish- Johnson la 'man's volt a Jyaddiagton, Iroquoid® am which will be tioatéd in a souple 0 of. days. : ! here. Friday morning after releéas Wood Fuel Dry slabs and hard cordwood in short and long lengths, Ha Cor, Hag ron tun Bis. ~ il Hudson Seal C oats / id provements W. F. GOURDIER LRP 78-80 Brock Street. A Solid Brick Dwell. On Pine street. Ay Heating. electric light and all $41 A Brick weling On Alfred street; all Toy 2d lan 0 XxX . $3500 A New Senii-Bunga- low On Victoria Street; all ime A fall list at office When you want to buy or sell a home, see, E 9 Nol § Su 39¢ Pound Agent for Page & Shaw nd Liggett