Ideal Xmas Gis l $260,000.08 Victory Loan objective undertaken by the "There it is!" FALSE STEP here, or a wrong turn there, is made impossible even on the blackest of nights, by an Eveready DAYLO. It points the way ~--Surely and Safely. Don't ask for a flashlight --get an Eveready DAYLO ALL YEAR ROUND We have a grand assortment in now. But 'there is a shortage this year and we advise Buying Now Comesin and look over the kinds. We recommend No. 2604 and 2619. GOLD different | money asked for, Ontario would be faced with a trying economic situation ! stimulation of industry through previous war loans. "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1918. ® Ontario Must Not Fail! TO THE PEOPLE OF ONTARIO: We are now in the closing days of our great effort to reach the Province. While subscriptions up-to-date ' have bedn most gral 15 and indicate a keen appreciation, both of the urgency of the situation requiring this Loan and of its unusual attractiveness from the investment standpoint, we have still 2 great many millions to raise if the Province is to fly its Honor Flag on Saturday night. Having shouldered fhe burden of one-half of the national quota, the people of Ontario to-day cary a tremendous responsibility. . WE MUST NOT FAIL. Our boys at the front have finished their job, They will expect us to finish ours. The money being raised in the Victory Loan is needed to maintain them in their occupation of the Rhineland, and to finance their glorious home-eoming, We would be unworthy of their unstinted sacrifices were we to fail in any respect in this solemn obligation, WE MUST NOT FAIL, for the immediate future prosperity of Ontario and the nation absolutely depend upon our having achieved the full quota when the campaign closes Saturday night. Should we fail to lend the in which unemployment and distress might become general. Our extra- ordinary prosperity of the past four years was due almost wholly to the If our great army of workers is to be maintained in steady employment, and work found for our soldiers as they return, we must launch at once upon a large reconstruction programme in the financing of which the proceeds of the Victory Loan will play a vital part. ™ WE WILL NOT FAIL. Ontario has carried through successfully every war effort undertaken by her since August, 1914. If every man, woman and child in the Province, realising the seriousness of the situation, resolves to do his or her utmost and puts every spare dollar inte Victory Bonds before the end of the week, Ontario will not fail in this, her final effort, It may not be possible for our canvassers to call upon every citizen. The Ontario Executive of the Victory Iman Committee therefore appeals to every one in the Province who has not yet subscribed to the limit of his or her ability to go to the local campaign headquarters and volunteer the loan f their last available dollar, Ontario has occupied a premier position in Canada's contribution to the cause of civilization. Help maintain her proud place. Lend to your Limit----and we shall not fail, Chairman Ontario Executive, Victory Loan, 1918, NAN ~_PAGE THIRTEEN The After Effects of Spanish Influenza This terrible scourge leaves in its wake weak hearts, nerves, impoverished blood, and a general run-down, condition of the system. Thousands of people throughout Canada are just now needing the timely use of Heart and Nerve Pills They will stimulate and strengthen the weak heart, bring back the shattered nervous system to a perfect condition, renew the lost vital- ity, build up the strength, and enrich the blood. Price 5 The T. MILBURN CO., LIMITED, Oc a box, at all Dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by shattered debilitated Milburn's TORONTO, ONT. % FOR HEALTHIER "Ranks with the Strongest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Prusw Office, Roya! Instance Bide i MONTREA 1 For *BRCY J. QUINN D. Couper. Manager, Ontario Branch. Torente 811-3 Princess Street, W. H. GODWIN & SONS Phone 76. Feed Your Poultry 1 Purina Baby Chick Feed Purina Chicken Chowder Purina Scratch Feed © More Eggs and tardy Chicks. Sale By "Heavy, heavy hangs over your head." "0, | know what it is, daddy! You hold it too close and | smell it--it's WRIGLEY'S!" ""Righto, sonny -- give your appetite and digestion a treat, while you tickle your sweet tooth." 3 Chew it After Every Meal TN 5S Flavour Lasts! * A SPORTING GOODS CO. 88 Princess Street "Home of the Brunswick." Phone 529 Kingston INAS. EA ot SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ! Baby Walkers and snookers. Tea Waggons in Oak, Walnut or Mahogany. China Cabinets in Oak, Wal- nut or Mahogany. 3% Music and Parlor Cabinets. Library Tables, Fumed Walnut oe ester great iio. Easy Chairs in leather and tapestry «Tea Curates _ Bedroom and in all fluishes at eid Motor and Horse Equipment Zor . PHONE N77 , ~ Oo RL] ey $3.50 to $6.50 foom setts "SYRUP OF FIGS' CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at Tongue? 1 Remove' Poisons From Stomach, Liver and 1s. Rvostorse Jia, look at that old suffragette Hying to crow, i. pi