WHITE ARCTIC FOX SCARF Open lined with white or striped silk as desired, Muff to match $50.00 Fine, beautiful, fluffy, prime skins. McKAY'S Custom Made Furs. Kingston's Reliable Fur House. All who heard the glorious velce of the great artiste, Victrola XI. $174.00, GALLI-CURCI on Her last visit to Toronto will be delighted to know that she is goon to sing in Massey Hall again, Galli-Curci chooses the VICTROLA as the insirument on which her accomplishments may best be heard Heifetz Galli-Curci These the reigning artists of the day are to be heard in Massey Hall this fall. Both insist on the Victrola as the only Instrument worthy of their genius. Their indgment must be accepted as final. The Victrola must be the ultimate ambition of every home of culture and refinement. Mahood Bros. ap -------- EN 8 rooms, hot water furnace, electricity, hardwood floors, | verandah. Glasses A choice selection of homes. ¢Cann's "M 86 Brock St. Phone 326 or 621 'What the average man needs is El thet are mon-explosive. ' 'A gpingter's tdeal man js one who .~ Will say the word. : : EE ee ea! ; Another shipment of the famous god sia Hell . Get your syupply now as our supply is wu hry Scarfs, $50.0 J | A a setae ne iting ¢'%{ a cause for much regret among his 2 10 RETIRE FROM COMMAND AFFECTED, LOCAL ILL-HEALTH HAS NOTES AND ITEMS OF BRIG.-GEN. HEMMING. Happenings In the City and Vicinity He Has Given Splerdid Service While} ie 8 oy ans the War Proceeded; Now He Feels Justified in Secking Rest, . | Teaders of the Whig. ey Brig.-Gen. T. D. R. Hemming, ¢.].. W- Swaine, plano punef, on erg a M.G., general officer commanding, MCAuley's, or 'phone 5647 ng Military District No. 9, will, on Nov.! Let Kingston go over the op or 27th inst, complete thirty-five years ihe ¥ fetory Loan; every cen military service. # Ly : : Gen, Hemming was born in the i Take 2 Slice of the V Je tory Lo id province of Quebec on Nov, 6th, 1862 it is go or the Canadiz PD He entered the militia on Nov, 27th, 8 1883, was made brevet captain Dec! 21st, 1883, major July 17th, '1887, I88, beyond Pléviia, brevet leutenant-colonel Dee. 21st 8 successs, , 1899; appointed to military staff! ; : Sept. Let. 1909; colonel Nov. 15th,' exhibition at the poultry and pet | Stock show in Brockville. he late John Inglis leaves, besides mother, a wife and little daugh- The party had 3 T 2 a , ter, Thelma, nine years old. Theré was no meeting of the Fron- !tenae Cheese Board to-day. There : will 'be a meeting next Thursday, {The freshmen of Queen's Unlver- sity are-to hold a reception in Con- | | vocation Hall on Friday evening. I | Kingston is certainly on her good behavior. There was no session of the I | Police Court on Thursday moming, t | The Red Cross Society gets $100 from the collection at the victory thanksgiving service in St. George's i | cathedral Wednesday evening. | Now is the time to have your | plano tuned, We carry two expert i | tuners and will assure entire satis- | | faction. C, W. Lindsay, Limited. if | Mrs. George Goodell and daughter, Ruth, who fave been visiting rela- tives in Kingston, have left for Mor- risburg to visit her sister, and will afterwards go to Watertown, N.Y. {| We will rent you a plano, and at end of six roomths if you feel lke | | purchasing instrtment we will allow {the six months' rental on purchase { price, and arrange easy terms on bal jamace. C, W, Lipdsay, Limited. } If the Utilities Commissfon does {mot settle in ful for its work in con- GENERAL | nection with the new gas tank, the pa i Kingston Construction Company 'in- 1910; chief staff officer Aug. 1st,' tends entering an action early next 1907; district officer commanding 'Week. Military District No. 8 Sept. 1et.! Every merchant knows that good iii 1809; AAG. ic. administration 2nd merchandise is-hard to get. Yet every li Division May 1st, 1911; officer com- reader of the store ads knows that fii manding 3rd Divisional Area March our merchants are succeeding in sup- lll 1st, 1913: brigadier-general May plying the legitimate il 24th; 1916. . | their customers. | At the dutbreak of the great war, Leading Kingston ladies, who are i Gen. Hemming offered his services to working in the interests of the city's iii the Government for the C.E.F., but infant population, tell the Whig that il the Militia Council very wisely de- owing to the increase in the price of iii termined to retain him as gemeral milk many babies are now underfed, fii officer commanding M.D. No. 3. His as their mothers cannot pay fourteen i administrative ability was well cents a Yuart. li known at militia headquarters, and . Corpl. Ernest R. Kénnedy, of No. 8 li} the record of M.D. No. 3, in the or- Detachment, Canadian Ordnance li} ganization of overseas battalions and Corps, left on Tuesday for Victoria, lll reinforcements, and their dispatch B.C.. to take up elerical duties with jl overseas, is a proud one. It is esti- the Siberian detachment of the C.0.C. mated that 45,000 men left this dis- He is a son of Alexis Kennedy, assist- lil trict. So thorough was the organ- ant superintendent of the Metropoli- ization that troops of this district tan Life, Albert street, ~N were among the first to entrain for, Valcartier camp in 1914. His own ill son and son-in-law have been at the -- ili front for more than three years. | But this was not to be the only lil work our G.0.C. was destined to por- ji} form before the war terminated. The . ¥ or ll passing of the Military Service Act a A omentous ageiston was made at | a Mater iif brought with it new and onerous du- Soctet on Woduood afternoon l}| ties calling for the exercise of rare when * was decided with few dis. i qualities of astuteness and tact: sentin i t bi i while its enforcement in some Dg Voices, to abide by a resolu- and, Jw tion placed upon the books last ses- districts was attended with more or sion that all forms of initiation less irritation, there was mo opposi- . tor » : should be abolished. The meeting on or bitterness here, which is a arose out of a ¢hall : enge by the sopho- tribute to Gen. Hemming. His work mores to the fresh iol entailed a vast amount of office work & freshmen, which nearly witich has increased greatly during CUiMnated in a rush on the cricket Je past year, but his conscientious Seid = Juesday ftefugon. At the regard for duty and his wonderful', » 'arge gathering in Convocation 1 on Wednesday afternoon the spirit did not permit him to relax ; his personal oversight of the admin. eP0lution on the books was main- tained, after speeches for and tration--ev vhen his health de-! alps thet bo re Pi rest, he = against its rescinding had been given yielded to the earnest solicitation of i umber of Speakers, Heliaing his immediate friends and his phy- Py P hyp t ay 5 A lott siclan's advice, in the late summer | oc HARE. io ent: J.-M, Hazlait, A few weeks at his summer camp femneth Kiell, John Burry and oth- did him a great deal of good, but he °™ 3 wis r omentons decision feels that after his long service, and inasmuch as was ceclared a 8 . ing that if rescinding motion particularly after the exactions of the Meet 3 past few years, that he 18 entitled to hed been carried it would have meant a rest; and, it is said, that ho has that student government at Queen's intimated to his immediate friends WOUM bave had to be abolished. his desire to relinguish office before demobilization takes place. This is HEMMING cet NOT TO HAVE RUSHES, For Fall Ana Winter, Prevost, Brock street, has a great assortment of ready-made clothing, and a Splendid assortment of gent's furnishings, His order clothing de- partment was never hétter assorted with new goods. It will pay you to examine his stock before buying. Sin en, a aa "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" civilian friends---particularly among the latter and the members of his staff by. whom he is beloved. Gen, Hemming is a thorough sol- dier and a gentleman and it is the hope of his many Kingston friends] that he may be suitably rewarded for his faithful and efficient service. -------------- Last of Trowiers Launched. The last of the five trawlers be- | ing built hy the Collingwood Ship~ buflding Company for the Naval! A Service Department was launched ' | from fle shipyard on Thursday. af-| iterngon al three o'clock, . These le { | trawlers are 125 feet long, and aie, p : to ba used in patrol work. The {| If) vessel just faunchad was designated | A fii T/R.57. As it left the ways and || ; glided into the water it was named |} : by . John Sowards, who per- § formed (he ceremony in a graceful | manner. rh stmt i An Active Worker. 4: THE OAILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1918, - i GENERAL INTEREST. | L. T. Best is back from deer stalk-| Kingston has a number of birds on| demands of]. m---------- | per $100.00 bond. premiam they will command. ¥ Phone 919 at $116.80 per $100.00... At 5% Sai Seu A few years after the American Civil War U. 8. Government Clarence J. McCuaig, one of Montreal's largest brokers in writing of the last 414 Loan, sald that in three i they should sell at $111.70, in four years at $114.40 and in five years % mow offered on the Third Victory Loan just figure for yourself the . ae Now is the Time to Buy Victory Bonds "There's a Reason" bonds were selling at $131.00 % Victory Why Leave Money in Savings Banks at 39, When the Govern- ment of Canada Will Pay You 51%. Members of the Victory Loan Committee will be at this store during the week and each even ing up to 9.00 p.m. to furnish all information desired, THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Open Nights back and not go ed to this loan. es DR. JAMES L. McKEE. pointed to Queen's. A new professor has been ap- pointed to Queen's University in the erson of Dr. James Ll. McKee, A. MSc, Ph.D., who has been appointed to a position in the chem- istry department. Dr. McKee comes with a splendid record. He is. an Irishman, and took his B.A, de- grea at Queen's College, andl his M.Sc. at the National Um versity of Ireland, with first class honors in each case. Thereafter he studied for two years at Freiburg, Germany. where he stook the de gree of PhD, Returning to his i} native isle, he was for four years demonstrator of chemistry at the 'University College, Cork. He wis then appointed professor of chemis- | at the University of Mount Alli- ih N.B. On the outbreak of t Hl war he enlistdd, but for medical réa- fons he was prevented from going | overseas. He served his however, as a chemist in the ex- plosive works at Trenton, where he Hi wae for one year in charge of the lj research work, and latterly }| chemist. chief Prof. W. €. Clark Leaving, 'Queen's University is to lose for 8 time another of its pr Belfasg, | country, |. Kingston Boys Went over the top at Ypres, Passchen- dale, Vimy, Mons, etc. Will Kingston hold Over the Top Victory Loan? One in five Kingstonians subscribed to the last loan. One in sixteen have subscrib- i ARE YOU ONE, OR SIMPLY ONE OF THE FIFT EEN? ' N ewman & Shaw = The Always Busy Store = iat roses BUILDERS SUPPLIES woe Wood Fuel The Fruit & Candy Store Cholee Fruits and Nuts th Sea. son; Home-made Candy. DO YOUR BIT; BUY VICTORY BONDS, 66 Princess St., Near King St. Phone 27 Canada Food Beard License Nos: Fruits, 9.1020; Candy, 11-410 & electric light and' « hone, NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED Peanut Butter, the best Oleomargarine, the best Mince Meat, pure Jams and Jellies, Flaked Wheat and Rolled Oats. + t the Unique G 400 & 492 Princess BSt., Phone 580. C, H. PICKERING, Prop. Canada Food Hoard License No - S-2152, . Hudson Seal Coats W. F. GOURDIER Phone 700. ve ww A Solid Brick Dwell. mg. 2 On Pine street. H.W. i A Brick Dwelling On Alfred street; all improve. ments, and Jarge barn; lot 66 ¥ provements : A full list at office | When you want to buy or sell { soe, | a : Malin & Son