PAGE TWELVE Ideal Xmas Gifs The light that says "There it is!" FALSE STEP here, or a wrong turn there, is made impossible even on the blackest of nights, by an Eveready DAYLO. It points the way ~--Surely and Safely. Don' t ask for a flashlight --get an Eveready DAYLO ALL YEAR .° ROUND + We have a grand assortment in now. But there'is a shortage this year and we advise Buying Now different Come in ind. look over the . » ' + We recommend No. 2604 and 2619. 'TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO, 88 Princess Street "Home of the Brunswick," Phone 529 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1918. In the World of Sport THE NH.L. For at Least a Three-Club Circuit ' This - Winter. That the National Hockey League will go through a-flying this season in spite of the Canadian Hockey As- sociation was determined on Satur- day last at Montreal when represen- tatives of the Ottawa club, the Can- adien ¢lub and the Arena club met at Montreal to make plans for the coming season. 'Tommy' Gorman, of Ottawa, said that ¢lub was with the N:H.L. to the finish, and as the Canadiens and Arenas are also in it means at least a three-club cir cuit. . -What is more, the clubs de- cided to band together. for five years and fight any or all oppesi- tion that might try to disrupt them. The most important ameadment passed was that relating to the pen alty rules. In view of the fact that clubs do not suffer hardships un- PREPARES wv stitutes are allowed, it was decided that in future for all minor fouls substitutes would not be allowed until the penalized player had sery- ed three minutes of his penalty and the team had Jiayed without his services. In major fouls, substitutes will not be allowed until a player has served five minutes of his penalty. In mateh fouls substitutes will not be allowed at all, the offending cub to finish the mateh short of the services of 'the penalized player or players. The schedule will be divided into two parts, as in the past two sea- sons, and the winners of each will play off at the end of the second half. A series of three games will be played, and the club winning two out of the three will earn the title, results to count and not goals, as formerly. The playing rules were changed 80 that a spaced centre of the ice will (be marked and .off-sides and accidental kicking of the puck will not be penalized. This is an adop- tion of a rule used by the Pacific Coast League for the past four winters. The clubs will continue to play six-man hockey. The assurance of ice for five years for at least two of the three clubs represented, 'and the third practically in the same position, it was decided by the clubs to bind themselves together for that period, and Frank Calder was elected for a five-year term as president and secretary. France's Best Athlete Missing. Recent reports from Europe state that France's greatest athlete and best-known aviator, Maurice Boyau. is missing. The news has caused the greatest sorrow, as Boyau, who was recently made an officer of Lae Legion of Honor, with the insecrip- tion "the bravest pilot and the most complete athlete who makes French aviation illustrious," was koowa all over France, Starting in the war as a second- class private, Boyau, who capiaintd the Rugby teams against England, Wales, New Zealand and Scotland, 5c Poet Cigar 5¢ Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Olgan S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. WE ARE NOW SHOWING OURNEW RANGE OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN mi were generally of =| calibre. : Only two players, Bi few puck and who was a great association football player and all-round ath lete, soon became an aviator and lieatenant, gaining tweve war cross~ es, the Military Medal, the DS.O, and the Cross of tht Knight of the Legion of Honor. Before being made an officer in the order he had downed thirty-five Germans before he was himself brought down in flames in the German lines. 'Boyau was to havi been presented jon a date shortly after his disap- pearance with a diamond and pla- timum Legion of Honor cross, bought by a half-penny subscription made among the athletes in France. " Wanderers Expect to Operate. Rumors are rife in "Montreal hockey circles that "Sammy! Lich- tenhein will operate the Wanderer franchise this season, and play the home games in Toronto, until such time as the Westmount Arena is rebuilt. Tre Montreal magnate . dropped put of hockey jn 1916, claiming that he.conld mot see his way clear to continue in the game while the war was on. However, it is now report- ed that, owing to the cessallon of hostilities, he is anxious to get back into the game. - Wanderers' were -always a great drawing card in former days, amd Odie and Srague Cleghorn," remain, but Lichtenhein expects that quite a chasers will be on the 'market' in tite event of Percy Quinn deciding not to operate. i ------ ing tn. Baseball is' Assured. Baseball is assured for next sea- son as a result of the end of the war, according to sentiment at the ae a, {anual Sofivention of National 'Association of rofes- Sonal. Baseball Leagues .a t Peoria, President nti Michael H: Sexton of and J. Farrell of rg N.Y. presid- [Jed over the meeting. The baseball - the calibre of the game Sept ud entirely up k "the war situa- SPORTS' GREAT PART. -- In the War ok Prive to Raise $17 This will be the greatest week in the history of Sport. Never before have all. branches of sports' big family been active time. The sehedule of events ip 'be held be. tween now and next Monday is fur- ther proof of how sport in all ite many forms will answer the call 10 thi colors in time of need. If the drive to raise $170,600,000 for the United 'War Work Campaign Fund fails to .go over the top it will not be because sport failed to do its dn all parts of the Lountry ela- herate jpreparations have been made for football, track, trap shooting, bowling, basketball, golf, tennis, bexing, wrestling, skating," soccer #nd swimming events. The only sport that will not be actively re- presented is baseball, and that is because 'it is out of season. But baseball has not failed to 'help. The players, umpires and clubs that participated in the world's series have already contributed. ten per cent. of their 'winnings to the fund. Last week August Herrmann, ehair- OVERCOAT WE HAVE A COMPLETE RANGE" OF OVERCOATS der the present penalty rule, as sub-| championship] ins an man of the National Cajyriission, as a pet a cheque for $16,00 the un TION INVITED A--t------------ Value Of The Horse, After ghe victory of the British in Palestine, for which horses were so}. largely responsible, it is to be hoped we shall jiear no more about cavalry being an effete arm of the service, A high caste Arab and a thorough- bred are the most courageous horses in existence. Most of the Indian cav- alry remounts come from Australia, where the thoroughbred prevails al most exclusively in the breeding of all the so-called Walers, There are noj. better remounts in the world, and many of the sort are no doubt in Palestine now.--London Sportsman. SLose MEETING CUT UP PRONT ING A BIT OF CRAVAT BAND Cluett, Peabody & Co., of Canada, Limited he , Nn. The Banks will advance you ioney to buy Victory Bonds on a Twelve Monthly-Payment Plan How much money did you save last year --$100, $500, perhaps $1,000--and you have it mn a savings account all ready, like a prudent patriot--to putinto Victory Bonds. But--just 2 moment: If you saved $100 or $500 or $1 ;000 last year, how much do you expect to save during the coming twelve months? You can now capitalize your ability to save and help your country at the same time. In this way: Any Chartered Bank will give you credit for ninety per cent, of the amount you can save to put into Victory Bonds and the Bank will carry you for a year, charging just the same rate of i interest as you get on your bonds--so the i interest costs you nothing. oy You can pay off your bonds to the bank in monthly instalments and each i instalme Hi to earn 5/ per cent. for you the 4 ¥ moment it is paid. = - ~~ Step in and see a Banker about it to i San | day--it costs nothing to investigate an and 3 no risk in any event. PRICES ARE REASONABLE INSPEC. ¥ |