Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Nov 1918, p. 8

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S _PAGE FOUR | | __THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1918. er ---------- THE BRITISH WHIG forth Polo mutters, ptiing by "NO ORDERS YET SENT OUT |SIMPLE WAY TO TAKE OFF FA 2 CAN He nc pis-} i 85TH YEAR FED Pend , ' RTS IN CALL- predicting TO SLACKEN EFFORTS I i | { ING MEN TO COLORS. i ng a conveni let foup | : - @ : li Id Be Wise For Desertors 4 | chase a case of Marmol Prescription | {il COLLARS : COLLARS WS © wok x jse or Deserters to, : : aaalmoia 1 & t y | Give Themselves Up--Operation of | Tablets whip ar ji gist (or 1! yOu : 2 for 25¢ 1 ; ys 2 for 25¢ i ier, send 75¢, to Marm ¢ animals, | D "aft May Not Stop Yet. | No orders have beer scting them! Se : | Ppariment of Ju ¢ > I | no exercise ! wood-chucks PERG Woodward avenue De il | and follow direct s it is elain waking {as lazy as you like ns gE aii all Style Headquarters--Men & Boys jout the defeat suffered at Caporafio} Tice. : cou = y i harmlessness.- That is vo | deemed "3 ie, there would have i {last year by the capture of over ome, : 3 4 : - nt } safeguard, i it ye 3 : ; | beer y ( i he present! : {million Austrians and 6,000 BUDS. | time as t t i ive not been . is Italy has achieved one of the greatest 2 z t for service! | jos I N ittle w or | Since the outbreak of influenza Since s ri ies of all time Little wonder|® t 2 stories v : 1 that time efforts have been directed Keep Canada Booming. | : 4 that Austria quit there was not . A 8 i | / Aus 8 vo mas t the apprehending of de- | . | / juss left to go on with ser Sean . «1H / rn s stated that it would be a On the success of the ictory Loan ~~ ET . ; I nt | Tos » Sepdy brin ' Government' control of the news| wise thing for deserters to give!" ts the sheedy bring our | : = . gio is ives up _ | Victorious troops. You we hem to Hil Terhed Dally AS iSemi- Weekly b7 Dring industry, by which paper wil | thr dghout the milita, ave Come back to a prosper anada, ©0,, LIMITED, be distributed to all newspapers in! .bsented themselves oh wiry Ly | J. G. Elnott vive os President the-eountry, in ordet To protect the homes, and m ad to esc ape the a 5 3 " : "ang to which they Leman A. Guild .. - Editor and emaller papers, is being considered| net thrown out t itch them, imag-| "1! : 39 8. pros] US one at % af imi . : pandas on he success 3 Managing-Director. in the United States. Some such|ining that when peace comes they will] +) rwise of the - in I } = Fy 1 be able to arn 10 their homes and | Sher wis the Victory Loan. Fo Telephones: easure wi ave to be adopted in 3 ! romes andi... xfs the Pit an abi ? Business. Office ., ... ... .. ,. 3 | measure will h P resume their old oceupaions without |" at {he future integrity of Editorial Rooms . ee 29 this country if thousands of Papers, jot or hin i. Sowever | { stment, valn Work Job Office ... ... ... ... 0... are to be saved from going into liqui-| he still : as 1 's of th 8 oy at tates in t le Wear nd - - a gE ice vour spendin Lend your Ji : SUBSCRIPTION RATES dation. law, and ¥ i failure : T ; (Daily Edition) {or t0 meet the oblizatbons of «it | gs. Buy all the Bonds you pos- 5 One year, delivered in city .. ..36.00° a wil probably 1 it i 1 3 no car Go your limit ° One year, if paid in advance .. .$5.00 THE WHIG'S WAR PROPHECIES i prot ably be, it is s a . a los du 5 ' One year, by mall to rura; offices $2.50 ~" . . . : of their privileges as citizens RC re 1 One year, fo United States .. ..§250| /The war situation during the |gome opinion favors their being « © Cease Operations. (Bemi- Weekly bition) 1.00 |Past year has been one of many sur-| prived of the ot Sue In . tice h rs bees posted up . : '3T courts and ot vil rights, Others 1 Uhenieal plant ag contend" tha rsons will be |"! that the T.N.T. and THE ATLANTA ULSTER lines will not be rebuilt As a One year, by mail' cds '2 . One year, If not paid in advance $1.50 prises. Events have moved £0 5 me year, United State: ; : : Une year. to od States quickly since the Gérmans made | at Six and three months pro rata, i | suflicier (3184 > the condem-| 2 : : ue BONFRULI REVREBHUERGIVE {un Ir, Erol stash Jsaimet tho Al! uation o public opinton. No. have 1 | It all TNT. and coticn line em A coat that will give you the maximum of~ Bruce Owen .. ., 1 St. Peter 8t. | Heq *8 In March that even | extended, rever, the offenders ar AYE ATEeived their discharg wid hil 3 ™ hs : Bence wirei 23, Peter Bt March els | rie ded, however, {hat aftenders of |". o> 11ve received their disettarge; satisfaction. There is no getting away from . : y most optimistic have 'been grea his cla AD expec 0 be mcluded ths F.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg. C heago Yin af ar : . | garding the nitric and sulphurie * . {astonished. And those who adop:- |!" peace comes. | FOC the popularity of this ulster coat. You see them Letters to the Editor are published 2 aa : a} nar ail r fprmer ad ' wel | . nix, Over [the actual name ef the ed ajbessimistic outlook have found | gee, "ome a hands of the | smokeless powder plant will be on well dressed men everywhere. They give writer. their pessimism quite unjustified. | Der ¢ Justice, and however xd at least for a short time on - - (tredted cotton) receiyed from| an air of being comfortably and appropriately Atta hed is one of the best job | It has been a hard vear for the war x th ! avo heing taken, es ww en hl rinting offices tn Canada. . ha : iar . wi will always be- befor © points. A large number of] : : : - hide Prophets, Jor vary few of them Ravafthe Prospect will siwa; hoes x émployees at t have dressed that inspires confidence and respect. been able to sum up the situation where they were f ; OWT \ town and others are | ting tof M I c 1 1 1 1 € 11 ] f b i The circulation of THE BRITISH | accurately. It is therefore a s urce | porting for i a ¢ any C arming moc e€ $ mn a : Woo a TICS Whig Is authenticated by the | of gratification to the Whig to look | tardy act, and talon with | er eee with handsome silk shield linings, ready to BO : ' ber " « . ths here ould be « y ri The jor jo wor inate | Dock Jo. the Gasly days of 1918, and het, there would he no « thee] 0, Tips Help Appreciated. show now. $25.00, $27.50, $30.00, $32.50, Hammond {to find that the forecasts in our col-| altios ) in ! 5 Sasi rms omema | WINDS have been fully realized pene however, not to he forgottoe es Yr nite 5 WE ha $35.00, $37.50, $42.50. For the Hun, the "worst is yet to Without being accused of boastine.| that peace with he come." it is with perhaps pardonable pride BETTY Slop the é ollow - 3 : raft The Siberian ec ingent 1 1 } zre | e----- amine . that we scan the editorial columns pdr have worl \ y do 4d there i He e have i ' ty i 10 ava | Gray . 1 [SH he v Kk tod d ere i ppreciat he camipaigr f the| Don't quit becayse the Germans!of the month of February, when all | chance for deserters to show real re-| Whiz, = The ie po" ! hs do. Keep on buying Victory Bonds [the world awaited with great anxi- | pentapce by trying to join it { and e publication of so There is no better investment. ety for the great German blow on {items in almost every issue relating . (to the loan cannot help but greatly] 78-80-82 Princess Street A J Audit Bureau of Circulations. rte, c-- |the western front In the month of The great German boast bas February the Whig made. a careful dwindled to a "contemptible" study of the situation on all fronts, : a | whine! and the conclusions arrived at were The Walser 48 wearing a silk hat {published In the editorial columns § 8 of the month. i ir 1 lin the third week ? | and frock coat; soon 1e wi y Reading these articles now, it is 5 be = i Membury, 325 Seaton St 3 ¥ 3 | Toro » Ont., writes "Ihave used' down to striped pajamas. ; i a. found that they present' a remark- |. ; | Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and | Now that Toronto has celebrated |*P1Y accurate forecast of events, as . ¥ { found them to be of great benefit to] ity the oming of peace Germany the following extracts will show. 3 2 A | + In fact, I consider they saved mn reven nn can't i refuse the Boon "| "The advent of large American oo a i life Sid I have told many of my i A DDERS ; ¥ : : | forces in the field will once again : . Relilors about them, £ Noteratiet 1] 1 J . * If Germany will call at the back | turn the scale in the Allies' favor * ; | wa: in poor health P' e doctor said | Light and handy for puting vp Storm windows. We stock L 1 emic door she may get a hand-out. And {The * Allied council are quietly bat 4 5 ¥ |it was change of life, as I was over them in 24, 28, 30, 32, 36 foot lengths. yet that would be too good for her. |Surely making their plans, and thease 8 jon years old, and that I would '9 If each individual will carry {plans will - ecertainly include some 3 - jig 10 fre eu arcta) of By B U N I ba thie Metical Boag Ditcer's » \ , ig instructions and use a - "We are the salt of the earth," provision for a strong offensive. The | {ful shock that nearly killed we. The & . ( at ¢ . p the summer should : : Phone 388 Hardware King St. ; Spray or Gargle deciared the kaiser at Bremen in {latter part of 8 doctor my husband sent for said 1905. But if the salt has lost its [find the Allies once more driving < ' would soon be all right, and sent up of Permanganate of Potash we savor in 1918, wherewith shall it|back the invaders. The year 1918 |some medicine, but it only seemed ee 4 will be safe from Spanish in- be salted? will at least see the defeat of Ger- i : Roy crease the Reo, i was 'then : l fluenza. : - SA ---------- many's final hopes in this theatro . 3 bi R 3 fe ia hs houphial. . hk Uontors i : ; Wa have this solut gt made If we would be worthy of our|of war." ("The Western Front," a w [stand my case Feed Your Poultry £ 30 he Soler Sire from noble dead--who died that we [February 12th.) . + rr i | Then they sent for a specialist, as b 25¢ BOTTLE. might. live in freedom---the very "On this front (Italian), which | § i i! ley began to think dt was my mind. ), Purina Baby Chick Feed y a ren 8 2200 3 2 the specialist camo he weosll Ti! : re 2500 | When the specialist came | w Purina Chicken Chowder ra Be 4 ¥ least we. can do is to buy Victory |was recently a great source of anxi-] ? 5 i i . cee es . ' 4 (baffled, for I answered his questions : Eentadl ; " " . p Bonds to our utmost. ety to the Allied couneil, there is 6 i Pe lall right. Every day I was getting|| Purina Scratch Feed . e xiv vx +o DOOR ' ADL every reason to hope for early suc- RL a ei Iweaker, and when my husband came More Eggs and Cturdy Chicks. 3 . +. S700 . + "If we had never entered theless With well-prepared, united he could see that I was going, as I For Sale By ou. Brive as 3730 p* oy r rch e580 sy Ne aw sehr Ri LIEVUT.-GEN, SIR ARTHUR GQURRIE.|could read his the ughts, but said . oe rar Fentrowsis Dieses she New action here a great victory can be |G" Ce mand the Vans, HotRIng. \ 2 a - 8% Easel b DRUG STORE iW Street Jo al, > ia | Cana Yorps Prance During the ; ww vara or a ios urn x 'ilwon . ¢ oie . and the public {anaaian Oc ry a Fran During th | Next day a friend came with a eab D. Couper. 3 . oe . 18F Princess St., Phone B48 Britain and France would still beep look with confidence to the i rere jand took me to their home. They got 811-3 Princess Street, eres: BE ten er a b fighting without thought of sur- operations in the Italian theatre of {a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Phone 76. 200 meres. p Ne ei daunted a a Bh a a a render." war.""--("Italian Front," Febru- Swiss Break With Soviets. | Pills, 1 started taking them and be- 2 acres. 4 . eA ts rn ig - ene ary 13th.) ' Berne, Nov. |11.--The Swiss Fed-|gan to get better, and at the end|V === : Boren veer = Turkey, Austria and Bulgaria went| ii eral Council has decided to break off | of two weeks, I could walk around ~---- ~-- - 260 acrex, y. A " . ' 4g "The Allies now have the power, all relations with the Russian-Sovier{the room. I am now well and able to acres. 5s . into the war for what they could get 8 ' 4 3 ern Price > "wh rl 'wma and it is quite' reasonable to expect | Mission. The members of the Rug-/do my own work 4 acres, RE vir oy : out of it and all they got was out off, they will take "the initiative|sian delegation have been asked by | Price 50c a box at all dealers or THREE FULL Pure Clover it. Germany, which had the same and commance the backward push the Government to leave Switzerland mailed direct on receipt of price by object in view, will gain a similar \ 1, | POCAUSE Of their participation in re-'The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- H i which will clear the Balkans of the to. Ont. LOTS FOR SALE oe 9 oney Real Estate and Insurases, in fhe Comb is very iE volutionary propaganda read. enemy. The time is almost ripe for Fr ---- ee : Allied offensive, and this offen-| The Bolsheviki have sent home all|{®® : , ; ; - - ( )n Clarence Street. : y the remaining members of the Ger-|®1¥® IS sure to be successful." "4 ¢ g Nelson Street Kingston Ontarte, scarce this year. We have man legation in Russia, They must ho Balkan Front," February y . . Thote wha Appreciate CHEAP Ne a small quandity which we have been pretty bad when the Bol:|' i) vant invigorating will are selling at sheviki couldnt stand, them any "The Allies cannot expect muecn or em 'I OI yi ; Ee p prefer Dalley Coff W. H. Godwin & Son <LOTHING ON EAS 40c. per Section. from Russia during 1918." ("The 0 ie longer, oii 7 {Russian Front," Fab. 15th.) . to Ril. Insurance and Real Estate. TERMS ' German-owned factories in the] = "Although it may seem over-op- od to and 1% The 89 Brock St. Phone 424 Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Pars, Jas. Redden & Co United States, valued at $200,000, tmistic, it is not.teo presumptuous --- Gentlemen's Suits and Overcosts, License Nos. 6-450, 5-184, 000, are to be sold by auction under|' expect that the end of the year ou Pe ~ep---- N. Morris, 374 King St. the direction of the alien property! Will find the Mesopotamia and An Order<in-Coumeil has heen Se Palestine expeditionary forces at passed appointing Joseph Robert There is talk of a peerage---some custodian. Teutonic peaceful pene- A z Aleppo. .Thus an effective harrier Bruce, superintendent of the Royal} say even a dukedom for Prince Ar- tration has gome'forever, 3 1 : y : » 3 ox will be in a position to block for Bank of Canada, New. York, to re-|thyr of Connaught, in recognition of es : present Canada before, (ugar pro- his accomplishment of sever pe tit in your city and county." Was: Pulled Through THE TRYING TIME * IN A WOMAN'S LIFE | l | : ¥ > 5 al import- It is reported that revolution-|ever the kaiser's eastern aspirations. gramme committee ant a a ists seized several German warships [The end. of the 1918 campaign will : : ne : a Winnie inissious. and took them out of Kiel, sailing | Probably find the Allies in control 7 5 ie : . 5 is his own. northward. Safe to bet that they|0f the eastern situation. The mili x , en : : won't go very far northward, exe-|tary situation is still full of hope, ; J : RB rhe first is ri Sod. who rb cept under the British flag. and 1918 will bring the Allies a > lent him what he has: and the ; ------------ great deal nearer to the victorious : A 3 : second is his country, which wb has secures] him its possession, Ontario has good reason ° to be {peace for which they are united."- . proud of her Victory Loan record. |("Mesopotamia and Palestine N 3S ; \ . Up to Friday night the total, as re-| Fronts," February 16th.) ; : w-- . Ported at headquarters, had reach-| From 'these extracts it will he ' SX LS : : Nothing that & man posses. | od §150,322,400, as against $139. iseen that all of the Whig's prophec- 691,000 from all the other pro- lies, if they can be called such, have : - vinces combined. been fulfilled. In these days when DA NEE ORTHY of their name, because Maple = : 1h the military critics of the world are TE : Leaf Ti he h i 7 Toronto newspapers junounced finding themselves at a loss to ac , See : sa i tires Yo tie Samina : 1ctor i, the conclusion of peace terms 'and [i,1, ery analyse the situation, as 8 f SS : : necessary to reach their objective-- Ss : y : } 5 the city celebrated the event on . : : : : Thursday with tremendous uprour.|deMonstrated in an editorial in] . : A gE > More Miles for the Dollar! : , these coltmngs last Wednesday Tris + ? ; "But, alas, the report was premature, ¥, this f \ : = : Abd tho ctawds smelt, te dark, a Athievamant Js mote. a YO, : : Maple Leaf Tires are honestly built by sido streets us the most suitable - The aim of thé Whig and its ; \ \ & : " : : way home. Kingston newspapers ®it0rial staff has always been to L pO. age : skilled craftsmen, using high grade materials, never mislead their readers tiig|Present the latest and best opinions pos RN 2 : grt 1 ug tne j : {on all subjects of public - 1 oad Ke \ y And now, for the first time, you can get and it is gratifying to know that, fu 3 > OD d _ Non-Skids for the price of Plain Treads. The falee report of the signing of the matter of summing up the war 5 2 : ric terms proved to be one of | situation AF time. when ruts be A\ = | ; . PEALE: your deater For Moplt Luat Tire, World's greatest = hoaxes, The events were covered with uncer. : vo) A Get particulars from leading jobbers. nOWs was transmitted to Ameries, | tainty, the Whig did not. fall 'short : > 1 JOBBERS : Write us for prices and terms. At 1s alleged, by the United Press, ot the best. > Associated Press, from which Flicht Lies: Alan Pao 5 : 7 - of Th e Maple Rub > Lim ; Whig derives its dai : "Lieut. Allan Phillips, BR at sof Sa Leaf k a ot give ror ing avaning Ts, of this ity, has beenf NY . basa, MONTREAL, | huni a the discovery of the Cross, . ar od bry :

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