Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Nov 1918, p. 7

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KINGSTON WENT WILD iy SPREADS OVER | Probs: LY Fe ee THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1918. Stomach So Bad THOUGHT HE WOULD DIi vel? AX BAT ANVIHING NOW. | by Best § [mm hewn ue OVER THE GLAD NEWS CIVILIZED WORLD S000 The misery which stomach trou c . i bles cause the _sufferef knows only (Continued from Page 2.) Germ Eludes Bacteriologists * ° 1 -- 2 P = {too well, and any one who ha er rh rn Health thorit == rescri tion lea knows what joy it would give (0 They Broke the Bell. And Are h Auth ities foo L : > {be able to eat three good meals a da px BL James Bateson and Con- ' Es : and not be punished for it after les James Cotter and James Dow-{ ania] Lo e= : : Nearly howd bate ors a |mey hai the honor of ringing the bell The influenza epidemle continues TF ervice . irrit at the City Hall The three Jims' |Wnabated ravages are not con- } weak stomach acts as an ant, : t ity and even the little 'that is ea pulled the bell for all they were fined to this city or evén to Canada, == = = a th Never before hid ti lq {and cal eports indicate that it is|== causes such torture and is digest wiki ne e ad the ol b fb Wag ey 8 y A 1s unequalled in this district. so imperfectly that it does little bell been sounded with more enthu-{rapidly s ME. ver the civilized: = apa je openses at Jou: good. ? : | siasm It is said that the bell rope | World Ne baffled 'medical skill = Bary ce from early morning ti Before vou can eat heartily, and ¥as broken, so hard did the sturdy [to an | extent and has claimed = . . . = Bight, means 80 much to not pick and choose. YOur tood vou | custodians of the law pull. more victim# perhaps than any other : , le sick, Your doctor rea es must put your stomaeh right so that | Many citizens celebrated on horse {epidemic in score of years, The : © -- == : == = = . this, and is depending more and it will manufacture its own digestive back One fellow came down Prin- [germ has elude the bacteriologists Juote OB ua~=jusp as we expect fron act . 1 digestive s street riding a horse and drag- |and medical men now agree that the - Sap nh re OW tock | BIDE some tin pans after him best cure is prevention. The slogan "Take It to By ry Big Bech Wo «| Some were so overjoyed at the| The surest prevention is fo build Bests, we want to be the OO ere i gon a tly | news that they commenced to cry.|up the bodily powers of resistance watchword of the sick. in gg of Digestion] The news affected people in many {and to get the system into the best and dyspepsia that other digas a | Ways. The majority made a big [physical conditions possible. It is n _ but there were others who re- now universally agreed that it is pos- 9 were powerless to reach. oe : H. L. Fairweather Cumberland | mained silent, apparently stunned at sible to perfect the powers of resis- Bay, N.B., writes: "1 was troubled | the news tance of the human system so that it The Satisfi with my stomach for two years, and | The Salvation Army headed a big can throw off almost any infection Drug Store, sometimes was so bad I thought 1 parade of men, women, boys and not excepting Spanish Influenza OPEN SUNDAYS. would die. 1 tried everything | ever | Birls up and dakn Princess street It has been discovered that persons heard tell of and had medicine trom | Shortly after seven o'clock When | who are wesk and rundown are the : {the parade broke up the Salvation earliegt victims, and if you find your- three doctors, but continued to grow y A i 3 : worse. One day I read of some won- | Army band played patriotic airs on |gelf tired or weak and losing flesh or A A yA A AA A TITER) | Srcui cures made with ~ Burdock | the market Sub, as Lo Na lvomattich and generally run down | al Anthem was played there was @leonditiogn and below your normal] Blood Bitters, After taking two bot-| \ ties, 1 could eat any kind of food | PIE. demonstration on weight, this warning should be heed-| : without any bad effects, and by the One man celebrated by riding ubjeq promptly time 1 had taken four | was in per- and down Princess street sitting on If you are in this condition noth fect health." a trunk which was towed by an au-ling on earth will build you up and Sawed in Stove Burdock Blood Bitters is manufac- tomobile strengthen you like Tanlac, which contains the most powerful tonic pro- tured only by the T. Milburn Co, a ut RET Lengths Limited, Torongo, Ont, Queen's Students Celebrate. perties known to science. As a_re- Following the market square meet- | co iructive tonic and system builder BOOTH & CO. Wood's Phosphodine. ing there began the grand snake it is without an equal and contains 3 dance: of the 'students, of Queehalep, very elements needed by the sys- 7g DT Continues to-morrow and Wednesday with additional bargain opportunities. The splendid enthusiasm displayed at this great sale by the erowds of jubilant enthusias- tic. thrifty women is justified by the splendid values offered and 'the spirit of the times--Gomplete Victory and Peace! Warm Winter - COATS The Great English Remedy, | University A col. ; Phone 133 Aa mdi, fe University up Princess street. FOr op 14 give you fighting strength to Tones and invigorates the wh rer an 1 the scholars zig-zagged F WwW nervoussystem, makes aew Blood over an hour the scholars zig-zagged | p,q off the influenza germ. This is oot est Street Debility, Mentat and. Brain Worry, Despon- | «ov among the decorated cars that dency, Joss of nergy, Palpitation of the | 1 °° © by the recognized authorities and re- Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, siz dashed up and down with all sorts}... « tain ra . J DOHA ERRRR TREE ED forss.' | please, six will cure. Soldbyall | of patriotic emblems and noise-mak- jerance works, in luding the L nited A A rene | GTUSEISES or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of ing device attached Soon the States Dispensatory and the Encyclo- rice. New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD 3 . . MEDICIN C0. TORONTO, ONT, (Formerly Wiadear.) | MEN joined with the women of the Goats ever displayed in Kingston we are choosing the following as special attractions for Tuesday shoppers: poedia Brittannica and leading text- books used in the school of medicine. FUR-PLUSH COATS-- . 5 only Salts Maxim Seal Plush Goals self trimmed with belt and convertible collars, fully lined. This is a speeial value that though worth $35.00 we have been offering as a leader at $29.50. To clear the lot ro rn ern ubiversity and She souibisied Oreos This statement is further proven by e ave Each man had a girl by the arm, and the fact that millions of persons who ' sauntered along with abounding en- aye gp Bh fle ' [218 --- iC $ P oa 2 Le @ COKE ORDERS Ad marching several times up medicine, and by the fact that Tanlac in ONLY and down the street they proceeded is to-day having the greatest sale of 3 , to Queen's University, and in Convo- any Jogi; on the market, over eleven | TAKEN cation Hall they sang the college million bottles having been sold with- I Jost Arrived : songs and roared the college yells in the past three years. . Campbell's Tomato Soup me J. Courtland Elliott took the chair, Tanlac is also the ideal %trength- Campbell's Vegetable Soup The James Sowards and after a few words called on Prin- ening tonic for persons who afe suf- Clark's Tomato Soup cipal Taylor for a short address. The fering from the after-effects of In- Clark's Vegetable Soup Coal Co. Principal enthused his already ex- | fluenza, grippe or bronchial troubles Distributors for Red Rose Tea--the | cited students, and at each sefitence |and hundreds of thousands are using Good Tea, they burst forth into unstinted ap- it daily with the most gratifying re- Victory Bonds are the popular plause fle pald eloquent tribute |Sults. ) "5 thing. Buy Them! to the fiftean hundred Queen's stu- In connection with the Tanlac g dents who had offered their services, treatment it is necessary to keep the and called upo nthose who were still bowels open by taking Tanlac Laxa- in the university to remember the tive Tablets, samples of which are W R McRae&Co Relieves CATARRH of { aching hearts upon this the wonder- included with every bottle of Tanlac. . * EW th ful day of peace, when the thought Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. | © 4 LDEN BLADDER ¢ of the lad under the poppies of Flan- | Chown. In Plevna by Gilbert Ostler. ro Hos and all $l ders fields would bring sorrow to | In Battersea by C. 8. Clark. In Fern- desing No. i mers Y parents' hearts instead of joy leigh by Ervin Martin. In Ardoch by --- ) CAPSULES The students then serenaded the M. J. Scullion. In Sharbot Lake by! men in Queen's Military Hospital, W. Y. Cannon. ¢ i Fachoapeulepears the € | and on the campus Professors Tay- ~-ADVT. SALE PRICE - -- NEW YORK CLOTH COATS-- 24 only Canadian Velour, Whitney, Frieze, Ghin- chilla and Novelty Pweed Coats in the season's smartest designs, to be had in colors Nigger Brown, Serbian Green, French Burgundy, Italian Grey, Navy and Black. in all sizes, attractive values priced from $20.50 to $37.50--repriced especially for this sale, SALE PRICE .-- --- or ww eas mnouviers SELON -- -- -- -- -- -- Eo = -- E f = = = -- = = = -- = -- -- -- -- -- - a = = -- Be -- -- -- cing,' Cures Nereous | up and down the street, picking their | "si oment of facts and is supported |= : \ With the largest and best assorted stock of Winter = = = PE 1 = ] 2 -- = = =z -- -- -- = -- -- -- ER -- --_-- -- -- -- -- A Sweeping Clearance Suits To-morrow we will place on sale our entire stock of high-grade New York Suits---the choicest collection of the season's most fashionable models---the cloths are--Broadcloth, Velour, Gabardine. Serge, Cheviol amd Noyelty Tweed Effects--every suit new this season--no - reserve-- all . sizes, priced from £25.00 to $75.00: SALE PRICE LESS 33 1-3% A wane ne 07 k A i , Ma ald ar Matheson spoke |r en " ! J ; ai are of lor, dedonaid ad atheson spo getting up the boys this morning ¢ old be al Arrangements have been made for It was a good job, the. mayo! de- a huge student parade on Monday clared Monday a holiday. The in night which will be the first since dustries blew off so much steam The rush is now to the the outbreak of hostilities. The | they would not have had sufficient | students will proceed down Princess to run the works. a street to the City Hall, and, after the . " ar a wt | UNITED GROCERY ||| TWO WINNERS |[niving vier oer wi sios shoes | ofshis WHEL alin songs, they will go te the gymnasium, ye-opening of the schools. but there : here an informal dance is planned 5 ed for kinds best . ee was no session. The bells were an of he Buy Victory Bonds to be held sounded, but it was in celebration FRESH FRUIT i i of the joyous tidings. The schools < "Kiddies" Were Out. have been closed for a month on To Keep the Huns Out. Some boys were out as early as|..count of the epidemic, and the Customers Bo away dally ad. six o'clock in the outlying parts of | "yiddies" were certainly glad that vertising our business. The the city, beating tin pains and yell- | ne sehools did not open. n Buy Metal ing for all they were worth im 1 Several citizens celebrated by fir- Old Kingston Drown The Kaiser. Weather Strips Ing off rifles. Firecrackers were Od R A New York, wires the To Keep the Wind and Snow also in great demand. Whig: "Since five o clock this morn- - - Out. One citizen was heard playing a|jne the peace celebration has been RE A patriotic air on his violin at six | wonderful. Whistles; beds; bands, err o'clock | horns, continuously whoop her up. There is a place for everything, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. The mothers had no trouble in | old Kingston drown the Kaiser." . larence St. A - a nr Tut Sow people have asses to the ; : "CATARRH WOOLTEX BLANKETS-- CASHMERETTE STOCKINGS-- {5 only Heavy Woollex Blankets in 200 pairs Extra Heavy Full Sized fancy light colored plaid + designs, Penman's Brand Black Cashmerette pegular $8.7 5, Hose, in sizes 8%, 10, 38c a pair or SALE PRICE $5.95 SALE PRICE, 3 for «+ «:oeevs 188 Princess St. BEN LER, Mgr. b w= = 3 u == b = o o = = o . Celebration Notes, - Among the 6 am. visitors to the| : COLDS Whig were Rev, Dr Macgillivray and Rev. Dr. R, J. Wilson of Chalmers church who were very early out with V A BRONCHITIS - "the boys" to celebrate. e Que t . * CURED Chalmers church was heated and E opened early Monday morning. for WITHOUT DRUGS people who might wish to drop into 5 2» iit 1 i the edifice for a moment of prayer. 1 3 is really .impos-| The day was one for prayer as well as All stock sizes in sash and doors sible to treat Ca-{notex Ismonstration. tarrh, unless by in- One of the earliest of the return: COMFORTERS-- . y WOOL SPENSERS -- {8 only, Imported Cotton Bown Gom - 10 doz. Shetland Wool Spensers, in forters, with fancy colored chintz h broad range of the most wanted coverings, sizes GOXTR, regular shades-- just the needed article for $4 cach, X : wearing tinder your coal ensuring ® 1 SALE PRICE IE extra warmth. regular $3.00, SALE PRICE cer ine oo $1.98 STEACY'S SCOTCH YARN-- 200 Ibs. of our Famous Scoleli Un- breakable Yarn in colors Grey. White = EE = = z = ES : Ss X haling the soothing dier-eelebrant h M HI= STRIPED FLANNELETTE-- { 4 x iC 2 | odd soldier-eelebrants wah Marcus d= 8 ards FN Mepcey SPC Allan' L X ' germ-killing vapor of| Hood now a member ¢f the Wiig re. |= and Black, guaranteed full weight to SOU yards of Soft, ! leeey Ame Fiean, S$ um r ar ¢ Catarrhozone. Its rich| portorial staff who nobly did his' the pound. Flunheiette, Jull 38 ine hes wide, in Iotorla ard fragrant essences are| hit" in France. a good variely of dainty co or com- v Bt. ¥ u Phone 1042 . breathed from the in-| . At §a.m--# joyous citizen met She SALE PRICE --- cee -- $2.48 hinations, worth 40c. a yard, aler to every sore, | mayor coming down town and asked == 62c.a h a Se IRE ee diseased spot in tho | nim what should be dono, "I think|S= or 62¢. a hank SALE PRICE 27c. breathing organs. Not! the first thing we should do is to = a single germ can es-{pray," replied the mayor who at once ==% cape the healing! proceeded to carry his ideas into of: E == = 5 = teacy's - Limi "The Woman's Store of fumes of Catarrhozone| fect by having Principal Taylor offer NEW FURNISHII : which acts on the in-/jrayer at the big meeting In the : SHINGS FOR THE . fected linthgs of the | City HEI. : ; + nose and throat just The boys at the Mowat Memorial ~ WINTER MONTHS. 8 as an ointment would |Sanitorium joined in the general : ? 8 act on a cut finger. celebration early in the day. They You see Catarrhozone|formed a band of whistles, bugles jo0ihaes, Slanpiges, and tin cans and marched from the : 'heals. It cannot fail{ hospital to Princess street, where 5 : to reach and cure Ca-ithey joined in the procession. They EEA ORONO larch; NY RT were headad by 4, hie banher beat A NT : wonder on ~~ weak ing the words. "The Boys From t Died Of Wounds In France, [ihe AMC. He faves a wife, besides|y throats, 'bronchial, Mowat. Down With the Kaiser. Thomas Gaskin, of the customsia number of relatives in Kingston, coughs, deafness, huzz- They sure did contribute to the 18 | fier, has reveived word that hisfto mourn bis loss. ing ears, and all other noise that was going om. ~ nephew, Ur. Harry Dunlop, son of | Acai damn symptoms of Catarrhal| (Campbell Bros. of the Princess iy, jaic Ald. Dunlop, died of wounds ; street hat and fur store telebrated | (n° pe ANC PNCPng or Dunion| THOMAS COPLEY Catarrhozone by throwing out their surplus stock was practising his profession in Peru bis dy. Compete gu of hate of ll kde 3 arg howd | Ree wa broke ont Koon tv), Telephone 367. 7 tof . ne oO Ww o sufficient for three. the hats wage old stock, and . : years ago he home and joined tars Helly se fo hy fig ge months' use. Smaller were by the FOUBEET |i~ ~~~ : a tienes A sizes 50c, all deglers. or 10! will receive prompt sttention. +. 19 Queen street. DPE J} stock Printing, "Choice Dairy Butter," i 000, $2.83; 5.000, $15.00; iy J $23.00. cu HBS ly printed with your own copy. } |R. J: Reid 1} 11,000, $3.50 $:900, $15.00; 10,000, $25.00. ladded a touch of solemnity HW cial prices on farger quastivies | iTBjofcing. he soldier to be h charges paid on 5,000 and over. | was Gunner Donovan who died on} au Saturday. Yu ah it is far easier for a needle { throuxh the eye of 4 esma

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