War and Thrift destroys thrift HAT war must replace. Victory Bond is the most pro- fitable and easy form of thrift. It rebuilds--and yields pro- fit! Buy Victory Bonds The Bank of Toronto, Market Square, Kingston FOR street; room and kitchen, B. & C. Brick Bungalow, heating; extremely modern, B68 Brock. Street Brick house, detached ,down-town, south side of Princess electrie light, four sleeping rooms, double parlor, Good value, hardwood floors, Price $3000. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency. SALE dining Price $3000.00, ¢ hot rooms, water Phones: 68, 874w. ce donated by R. J. ro-operation with Hri- us "PUT UP" the money Let and "PUT Hun The DOWN' boys the BONDS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS Ahaha People's Watts ri 179 Wellington St. cut flowers daily; funeral designs bouquets to order. © Freak ned wedding QUALITY !! ECONOMY !! I pam "GOLD BOND" VEGETABLE SOUP. 2 tins for 25c. for it. POTATOES prices before buying your win- ter supply. : 9 Friendship's Canada Food Board License No, S-17773. 210 Division St, Phone 545 dno Ask NEW GOODS JUST ED the best ne, the best Mince Meat, pure g5 and Jellies, Flaked Wheat andl apd Rolled Oats. G.W.V.A. (Incorporated) Pool and Billiard Rooms open. Meetings commence vember 11th, now No- & TENDERS SEALED TENDERS marked "Ten- der" on the envelope will be recelved at the office of the Connty Clerk, Court House, Kingston, up to 12 o'clock, noon, on Saturday, Nov. 16th, 19S, for the nndermentioned supplies for the County Gaol, from Dee, Sint, 1915, to Dee, Sixt, 1919, both days Inclusive, Bread, Barley, Oatmeal, Sugar, Salt, Pepper, Beef, Pork, Mutton, at per Ib; Milk, Molasses at per ga Penn, Benn, Carrots, Potatoes, Turnips, af per hu Brown family soap and Electric sonp ut per Ih. Hand thrashed straw at per owt, The whole of the above mentioned suplies to be of good quality and delivered at the Gaol when re subject to approval of Governor Gaol or County Clerk, Tenders ill be received for paris of the nhove supplies, and security will be required for fulfilment of contract, The lowest or any tender not neces marily accepted, Kingston, Ont, Nov, Sth, 1918, J. W. BRADSHAW, County Clerk, Fresh Cut Flowers Ferny, palms, funeral designs, Horal aprays, wedding hoaquets made to order . JOHNSON, Florist 115 Broek St. Phone 238. ------ ei. Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Fronts and Fig. flings, Remodelling Rulldings of all Kinds. EXPERIENCE ESTIMATES 72 University Ave. Address, 272 "REMOVAL NOTICE James Modney, Shoemaker, Wishes to notify his customers and King streeet (o-2 King streeet, be- tween Johuson Willlam streets, and will continue to give the very best service in Boot and Shoe repairing, Your patronage solicited, A At NEW ENGLAND BREAD IS BEST Get it at your gro- cer's. All good gro- cers handle it. Phone G18 and the driver will eal} Cannda Food Hoare License No 5-127, Fruit & Candy Store Cholee Fruits and Nuts in Sea. sun; Home-made Candy, DO YOUR ALE hy VICTORY 66 Princess St., Near King St. Phone 273 Canada Food Hoard License Nos, | Eraifs, 9-1020; Candy, 11-410 The the public that he has moved from 279, T HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1918. A AIR OPERA HOUSE |= TUES., WED. 2.30 And 7.20 p.m. MON.,, Daily at Superior Vaudeville PARALTA PLAYS "PICK OF THE PICTURES." Presents J. Warren Kerrigan One Dollar Bid Also the Pathe News, Exceptionally Fine Comedy and Other Reels. Matinee 10c Evening 16c¢; Any Seat Reserved, Se Exiry STRAND TO-N GHT 4 THE GREAT NAZIMOVA "TOYS OF FATE" Brilliant, Vivid, Colorfull--In Seven Acts SPECIAL ALL THIS WEEK Miss Ruby McAllister Soprano, Direct From Two Solid Weeks at Regent Theatre, Toronto. EIGHTH EPISODE "The House of Hate" Keystone Comedy----Strand Telegram Strand Orchestra. 10c--~--PRICES ALWAYS--20¢ Griffin'S PictureS William Fox Presents Virginia Pearson In A Daughter of France Chas. Ray In His Own Home Town ALSO A Victory Bond Picture AND A Keystone Comedy NOTICE. forbid anyone buying from or selling to Alexander Martin real or personal. property from the estate of the late Charteg H. Martin of the town. ship of lLoborough, county of Fron- tenac, (Signegd) Charles I hereby Wesley Mart CARD OF THANKS _ Mr, and. Mrs, MH. Jordan and family Wish to taank the Barriefield Construc- tion Co. for their generous contribution and also their neighbors and friends for thelr Kindness during their sad bereavement, A A rst Auction Sale Furniture, 228 Stuart street, Wednes- day, Nov. PF pom. Leésage up right © nearly new, parlor chairs, fancy table, lace and other cur- S, oak 'hall suite, oak din. ¥Y and ether rugs, oil springs nattresses, wing ma- ard, gas tea setts bed irgom cloth, pillows chine, rior lamp, | plate and dir canned Allen, fren i and Tele phone + Broc k St reet Cooke's Church YOUNG PROVLE'S SOCIETY 'Monday, 8 P.M. Speaker: Rev. Dr. WILSON, OHALMERS CHURCH Subject: "The Effect of the War ow Missions." ALL CORMALLY INVITED bmn in SOME HOMES SADDENED ON THE GREAT DAY News Comes of the Death Over- seas of Several Sol=- diers. Mr. and Mrs. JX J. Scanlan, 215 Princess street, 'were notified Mon- day morning that their eldest son, Pte. Joseph Scanlan, had died in France on: Nov. 5th of pneumonia. Pte. Scanlan went overseas with the' 13th C/M.R. three years ago and es- caped sarious injury until taken down with pneumonia. He was twenily-one years of age and one of Kingston's best hockey players be- fore he went forth to fight for king and country. Frederick Bryan. Mr. and Mrs. * Thomas Bryan, Bath road, were saddened on this day of peace when they received a telegram that their son, Chief En- Frederick O. Bryan, had died {wounds on September on Friday of pneumonia zt the naval hospital at Halifax. Deceased eu- listed two years ago and has been in continuous service. : ---------- Donald Morgan McCannel. r. and Mrs. Donald 8. MeCan- offi, Vietoria, B.C., have received word that their son, Pie. Donald Morgan MeCannel, had died of 27th, with gunshot wounds in the head. The Frid intimation came to J. B. e of Kingston, who was a pe:- Swak friend of the deceased. He was formerly a Queen's student in and a popular athlete. William 1 4 Pz ADVERTISING RATES First fasertion, 1¢ a Word, 'Eaeh con- necutive lusertioh thereafter, half. cent a word, Minko charge for one insertion, 25¢; three insertions Sie; mix $1; one month, $2, CONDENSED HELP WANTED MAIDS, ALSO A CHARWOMAN. SALE APPLY Amited nanan ---------- Det VERY Ww AGON. A MAID FOR DINING ROOM APPLY YW. A Johnsor ; COR - | sultered from One, 'million citizens of Illinoi¥ have attacks "of mfluensa Yave died since the dis- : weep the State, and TR 000 ase hogan COOK. APPLY MHS WALDRON, or | a n treet -- alas! lost a But throug Fwase hall WW ho, ' There was a young lady named Hill, rh a Lost returned by a lad, ® ten-dollar bill; Ad. and is blowing it still. . WANTED GENERAL OR i UNFI RNISHE BD ROOMS, HEAT- 8 3 Apply 36 w ORKROOM; Apply Miss pleasant, Co,, Ltd McCallum, ! : Yorson. AT COMPE NT GENE R t "a Bost« ONCE, ant and 2 LOCOMOTIVE mon th Fy Hest oj CT PIANOS OL new Lind- rincess street Fr "URNISHED, AT REA collegiate be Street pre- + KINDS OF We also wr ber of second. and stoves, military se blan- 45 Princess POSITIONS WANTED. ARLE Whig MARRY --1 Hot SANDS TS, Wi 30.000 up "REE Cal Motions de, San Francisca PATRIOTIC, STEADY, WELL PAID employment at home In war or time--Xknit .socks for us 'on fast, simple Auto Knitter, Particulars to-day, 3¢ stamp. Auto Knitter Company, Dept. C-24, Col- lege, Toronto, Ont. iH PRICED FRUIT HAS CREAT a splendid "demand fors nursery stock. Oar trees are known as the pest In the trade. We want reliable salesmen to sell in unrepresented country and city districts and jay well for services rendered Over six hundred acres of fruit and or- namental trees, shrubs, ete. Exclu. sive selling rights for allotted ter- ritory. Write Pelham Nursery Company, Toronto. rR ------ WOMEN WANTED We have light, pleasant work to offer women and girls. Active workers make excellent wages. Apply to Miss McCallum, office of N. C. Polson & Co., On- tario Steet. I ) rn Apr. LIEUT. G. K. WA BIRTHWARKS and skin blem- ermanently, with- experience Dr Kye ar, Nose, Specialist, H \IR, Mot ES, Ww ARTS, SITU ATIONS VACANT. AMAZING 0 solicit .or- bring sam- washings. Make dol. Y Bradley's Company, Brantford, Ont, y» PATRIOTIC We will pay handsomely to distribute reli- patriotic literature In community Spare time may 1sed Sample free. Interna- al Bible Pr Toronto; DRESSMAKING RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, resumed business, solicit for fall and winter work 202 Alfred 1 strewf. TERS MISS having orders Addreg DANCING DEPORTMENT by appointment for adults and "Victory Madge- Street "DANCING AND private lessons datly Classes children Learn the waltz," the national dance moiselle Hudon, 3% Union west, Phone 120 INN SSI NINN OUSE, R.AF., With the Royal Navy on aefive service in the Mediter- ranean and eastern seas. He was a student at Queen's when he enlisted in the Queen's Engineers in April, 1916, London. He is the fourth member | of the family who has died since the | beginning of the war. = Leon Trotsky, wah minister and foreign minister of the Russian Bol- sheviki Government, has resigned, according to a despatch to-day from Helsingfors. M, 8kbarsky is reported to have succeeded him, Saturday was Ypres Day. It was celebrated wi meetings and speeches in many parts of the United States in honor of the British who died ja the first battle of Ypres, ! al You are perfectly safe in & haying all the Victory Bonds 4 ou hope. $0u san pay for. + ho bought all they dared-- more perhaps than ty 2 fires Teene Eff ih Langford. Ward has been received that Pte; pn wie "Lavestord, mouth; dea we Beet eed FEEDS G | Victory Loan Is Vital. The Victory Loan is vital not only to the proper ending of the war, and to the speedy home-bringing of our boys 1 khaki, but also to the success ful solution of the after<4he-war pro-| gm blems our country will have to face direstly pedce comes, It is your duty-----it ts the duty of every person who loves Canada--to upfiold Canadian credit to the -uttér- most. Do it with the same whole hesrtedness in the same spirit of self-sacrifice, with the same high nobility of soul, that our gallant sol- diars have exhibited for you. Invest t-oday in the Victory Loan--in all 'the Bonds you Fan. Help Canada over the Top! : Australia's War Dead. Melbourne, Australia Nov. 11 -- The latest figures on Australia's casualties show 4hat the dead amber 58.890 and the wounded 158,199. The. significance of these figures will be realized whem it is remem- bered that the whole population of Australia' a dod five FOUND PAIR OF GR AY MITTENS, COR. ner of Clarence and King St FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FRER Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The dive. tisement will be printed iz this column free of charge, ARE. FINDER PURPLE >A this office and re- Kindty ceive 1 "ICE, 258 PRINCESS EWAR, DENTIST, Weldngtron Sonbay corner streets DR. DRS, Sp DEN tists AND SPARKS, Wellngton stree ky's. Phane 346. T0 LET HOUSE, APPLY SEVEN ROOMED H. F. Norman, corner patrick and Charles street HOARD, locat- CLASS ROOMS AND improvements; centrally Apply 243 Brock street FIRST an ed DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS; central and modern, No light- housekeeping. Apply to Box 72, Whig Office. STORAGE FOR FURNITU RE and ry MeCann's Agency, 88 Brock or 621 St. 2 ROOMED APARTMENTS ed with every light housekeeping J 3 Division street Phone 1434w, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy roc or 8; your own lock and Key. » . ony Storage, 289 Queen street Phone 526; res. 98% UNFURNISHED suitable for light housekeeping, bathroom flat; good locality rent moderate Apply Box Whig Office, THREE on and ¥-N FURNISHED ROOMS WITH EVERY convenience for light housekeep- ing, on bath room flat; in good locality, 222 Whig Office. Apply Box TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS sure. able for light housekee also une furnished bedroom; rer mod - erate Apply i$ Lower Rideau street. THIS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS glad to hear from Any one thinking of using. classified - advertising, Write of PAgne us about it. We may be able to help you. British Whig Pub © FACING THE PARK, HEATED of four rooms, with bath, e Hght, gas and large balcony, able for housekeeping Apply 376 Albert street, between the hours of 1, 2 and 8, 7 p. MONEY TO LOAN. $2,300 TO LOAN ( Ny FIRST mortgage city property 7 per cent. also 31.000 at as terms, Apply Box N-6, Whig Omid, I HAVE FUR REPAIRING. FURS TO RE REPAIRED, NOW IS the best time to have vour furs re. modelled and repaired. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. White furs clean ed. S. P. Bowes, Purrier, 198 Syd- enham Opposite Centra) School. street, TO RENT. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, 15¢ KING ar, apposite the Chategu Belvidere, ARCHITECT POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. . ehants Bank Buildin corner Brock and Wellington 4 ts. LEGAL CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER Law office, 7% Clar- n. and solicitor, ance street, Long A. ROOMS, PAGE SEVEN ER ep Te The People's Forum EERE ENN LEE EE EER atthe 0000000 Addy FOR SALE + GOOD CART HORSE, CHR ---- ti -------- GOOD DRIV ING HORSE ® YEARS OLD, Wall sell Cheap to quick buyer Ap- Ply 27 Pembroke stree, ert Y WHEELS AND TIRES; ALSO erfect, Columbia aud Overland Bicycles, Geo. Muller, 371-373 King St, 'Phone lesz FISHING TAC KLE THATS re FoR fHshing, go to Frauk WwW, wooke, $9 Clarence street, opposite Ameri. ean Consulate, X Telephone S91w, T ROOMED SOLID ni NRICK "HUNGA- low, furnace, gas, electric fignt; nArawoeod rors; lot 165 feet deep, Apply 129 Frontenac street, north su RESIDENG E OF REV. CANON FOR. er), I1¥ Albert street Recently repaired ang renovated Supply otf coal in Apply on premises GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; Tour own cholee, $34.50, Terms, $5 cash, $1 per r week, C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 181 Princess St. es ce tee i oye ------ STonM WINDOWS FOR SALE~--GET IT price list showing cost of win. dows glazed complete, any size Halliday Company, Box 61, Ham. iton SECOND-HAND chairs and ta- HAVE Turniture, buffets, bies; will buy all Kinds of furnis tire ahd stoves. J. Thompson, 338 Princess' street, Phone 1608. WILL BE FOUR weight 2 hs Lounie or single and sound. Har- ness, buggies, waggon, sleigh, ete, Call at 174 Lower Bagot street. ap phone 15 we Goon FOR SALE, in spring; HORSE years SQUARE, GRAND PIANO, RXCOPEL. lent tone, perfect condition, a snap, terms or cash (would r } Owns er going west Call ar noong or evenings Mrs. Campbell Smith, 429 Division street, SURPLUS OFFICE FURNITURE; 3 desks, 2 tables, 1 letter press, 1 cupboard pigeonholes 1 sett shelves, 1 lce cream freezer, § oak partition glass top same chitirs Geo. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence St BIGGEST ADVERTIS. Sometimes use a little this, 'A phone call or & postal will bring you full particu lars about this department, British Whig Publishing ('o OME OF THE rs to-d advt 3E CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE, NEW (0T. tage, Marge double fot, barn{ upper Princess street. $800 down secures this comfortable home, For pars venars write Go BE. Fralick, @iéen- burmese, P.O, AND. SOFT Woon Also green hard and soft four-foot wood delivered at CPR track at Christie's Lake sration or Mud Lake siding write R. W. Mark's, Ohristie's Lake P.O, Ont, STANDING HARD by the acre LUMBER--BUILDING MATERIAL FOR Sale---about three hundred thous sand feet clean second-hand pine lumber at the Crossen Car Works at Cobourg, Ont; including two and three inch joists, two-inch fiooring, matched gheeting, boards, newms, about fifteen thousand feet oak lumber, sash; everything mist be sold in few weeks; salesmen on premises; special prices for ears oad orders: Canadian Wrecking Co, head office 108 Teraunley street, Toronto, BATEMAN'S REAL BSTATE AGENCY, PART FINISH. FRAME BUNGALOW, 3 lot, eheap for ed with good sized quick buyer, $1000 FRAME HOUSE, LARGE LOT, no improvements, IMPROVE. $1650--FRAME, 8 Roo MS, oft - IHEnts, Targe Tot and stable, Union: weést, a garden; ROOMS, STONE $1650---FRAME, off Chatham foundation, street, $2000--AT land, $2500 month; B2400--FRAME, NEW, 7. Jdmprovements, 67 CVARENCE STREET, FINANCIAL MARYSVILLE, WOLFE 18 frame house; large lot FRAME HOUSE, PORTS Improvements, large lot, ROOMS; ALL INVEST. incorporated 1862 Nickle, K.C,; vices president, AB Cunning han, Money issued gn city and. farm properties, municipal and eounty debenturés; mortgages purchased] investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed. R, C, Cartwright, manager, 87 Clar- ence street, Kingston. FRONTENAC ment Soclety: Président, W LUAN AND a ------------ - nin LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE, Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,216. In addition te which the policyholders have for Spcutity the unlimited lability of property, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or' giving new business get ' rates from Strange & Strange, Agénts. Phone 338. ire doe te td! BOARD AND ROOMS, Goon BOARD AND ROOMS, A'PLY Mrs 4. Btingon, 212 Knig street ray 1871 * labs in Dry Condition