Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Nov 1918, p. 10

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PAGE SIX THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1918. 000000000000 ES 106s PROGRAMME © OBR Soa: | May Keep W ell and Strong. | Pittsburgh Pa.--*1 keep house for my husband and myself and I got] J nip a4 weak, run-down, nervous con- At a meeting he in Mayor dition and no appetite. /T heard how | | . \ . Vinol helped others and tried it and | . JLonsignment of Red Ho Heaters. Will ] | Ee on Monddy morning. arrangg it Dll me up so I am strong, have toast bread, boil, fry, broil, in fact will cook 2 . pis |2 800d appetite and feel better in ments Were made for the DIE levery way."--Mrs James Croker a meal for small family--$4 50 m ~U, civic celebration to-night, The reason Vinol was so success The demonstration will start ful in Mrs, Croker's case is bacause S us DEMONSTRATE THEM EE . a 28 t contains the very elements needed ' a 30 1% y on the market Square at: ¢ to build up a weakened, run-down 2 o'clock. Following this Pro- Isvstem, make rich red blood and = Be gramme there will be a bonfire create strength. ¥ hd on' the square, and afterwards a Mahood's Drug Store and at he D Aid man o( 11 1] {hest drug store in every town and lw iN . & oY ILS 8 monster parade, which will cit ¢ ; i y in the country. y py iy J loc | PHone 441 167 PRINCESS OT. leave there at nine o'clock. There will be five trucks sta- a. _ tioned on the square. The INCIDENTS OF THE DAY K H LE 1) pd 8] | Ni central tru¢k will be placed in . : g " front of the market house, LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF where the RIC.H.A. band will GENERAL INTEREST. hw wt iE | be stationed. Mayor Hughes | will preside. There will be & assed choir and a minister I a . . : i oo} Readers of the Whig, will deliver an address on each 2 ack. 'The programme will be.) H. Jarvis is ill at his home on tract. The progra : | Ann street. as follows: | There will be civil service examin- Doxology. ations in Kingston on Dee, 13th, Prayer. W. Swaine, plano tuner, orders at rn CY £3 a VE McAuley's, or 'phone 564W. Hymn, "0 God Our Help In | ™\yijjam CHE and family, Gana- Ages Past. noque, intend to move to Kingston Speeches. soon. Hymn, "Onward Christian Sol-| Cheese sold in Picton on Friday at tara 25 15-16¢.; at Iroquois and Stirling diers at 2430 Band selection, "O Canada." Now is the time to have your God Save the King plano tuned. We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- | faction. €, W. Lindsay, Limited. DEATH OF MICHAEL GRADY Rev. H. E, Curry went to Calabogie to do special work when he was at- tacked by influenza. He was nursed ASSISTED IN BU In DING KINGS- | for several days and then came back TON & PEMBROKE RAILWAY. to Kingston to recuperate. We will rent you a plano, and at Was For Many Years a Prominent | end of six raomths if you feel like Railway Contractor, and Was | purchasing instrument we will allow Also Interested in Mining--Was | the six months' remtal on purchase Native of Utica, N.Y, and Came | price, ard arrange easy terms on bal- Here Forty-three Years Ago. | apace, C. W. Lindsay, Limited. Kingston has iost another good| Mrs. H. Lawless, Grafton, aged citizen in the -person of Michael | twenty-nine years, born at Westport, Grady, who passed away on Satur- | died on Sunday, Two of her sisters day night at 11.15 o'clock at his| lare Rev, Sister Hazelton and Rev. home, 68 Earl street after a very | Sister Mary of the Assumption of the brief illness Deceased was in his Hotel Dieu, Kingston. usual good health up till Thursday, when he was taken with a weak spell. | suffering with his heart. He rallied, "The Lord reigneth, let the earth but later became much weaker until | [ be A, " was the text chosen by the end came Saturday night. | Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson, of Chalmers The late Mr. Grady was seveaty-Pchuroh, for his morning sermon,which six years of age, and was born in| was a powerful discourse and full of Utica, N.Y He "was a prominent | | thrills. The war was practically over, railway contractor, and was widely | he said, and the peoples who had known. He came to Kingston with | fought for the Christian ideal had the late Col. Flower in 1875, and as- | cause to rejoice that God had given sisted Col. Flower in the building thom the victory. ~The war had de- of the Kingston & Pembroke Rail- | yeloped into a conflict between two way | ideals. - There was a difference of He was also interested in minerals, | opinion in Europe as to the proper and was regarded: as an expert on] definition of God. So the great con- minerals. In his early days he did | flict became in reality a holy wdr, It ¢ or | was because of the high ideals of tite joc or spotting a the west, a For | Canadians that the German leaders tired life He was very active, and | never cared to send their troops was a familiar figure on the streets, | against the soldiers from Canada, be- Deceased was 'a man of sterling | cause it was for a great ideal 'that character, and warmly esteemed by |©Ur men fought--mnot for conquest or his wide circle. of friends. The | Sain. Réferring to the Victory Loan, news 'of his death was learned with [Pr Wilson declared that no person = neers regret, and in his passing who had money to spare or feared for the city has lost a citizen who took [the years following the war could be a keen interest in everything that called either a good citizen or pati had for its object the welfare of the otic. "He appealed for SYeFYhouy-¥ ho | city and for the betterment of citi- | could do s0 to lend of their sav ngs zenship- He was a Roman Catho-|'© the Government to finish the great lic, and a member of St. Mary's Ca-| Work which Canada was consecrated. thedral. He is survived by his Er -------------- W wife, three daughters, and one son: On Saturday there were ten deaths Mabel, of the American Red Cross, | in Hamilton from influenza. in France; Helen, assistant superin- \ 9 tendent of St. Mary's Hospital at | Brooklyn, New York: Anna, at home, | 7. with the Canadian Army | and Jay, Service Corps, at the front. ( PI LL silous- | A tone exquisitely pure, Best LATEST WAR NEWS X.. | perfoct, rounded and for all liver flis. Try them. b EEE cr ystal-clear--makes the ' 7 y Fi t t af taf twenty-sl Ger- Oc : a or hande of vation Black Tea, 4 Ib Co vi A Wa io) LUMBIA™ NOLA President Wilson issued - formal Green Tea, 40c Ib \ proclamation at 10 a.m. of the sign-| | i "The Ore Incomparable . Musical Instrument" ing of armistice. HE: { The Aled troops will not, until']] 300 Ibs. are being sold at ' those prices at the Happenings In the City and Vicinity -- What the Merchants Offer to the To T Brock St x (lately occupied bygi¥ E. Paradis), where we have installed a well equipped exclusive battery, starting, light- ing and ignition service station with a staff of experts at your service. I a «+ Send us your battery this winter for dry storage. Willard Service Station Phone 1340. 3 I. LESSES, Prop. AAR At Chalmers Church. The guns are silent--the trenches are vacant--bloodshed has ceased--Democracy is triumphant--freedom is assured. I. STC EE ENTS Germany, the beaten; whimpering bully of the nations, lies x stripped of power, whining for mercy, shudderingly awaiting the alin righteous retribution to be exacted for her fiendish crimes against an outraged, worn civilization. 3 | AEA A-------- A war-worn world is nursing its wounds and planning for a xy future of peace and universal freedom. In this day of thankful joy and glorious triumph let us not forget the imperative duty lying immediately before us. Let us manfully, dutifully and determinedly round out the nation's splendid effort. Let us be as big in this triumphant day as our men have been heroic in the fiery din and bloody peril of battle. \ And it is tone that has given Columbia further orders, go beyond the line reached at 11 a.m, Monday. rots ae reared in pavil push Bon Marche Grocery ||| Grafonolas the place they hold. , It is their tone men leave Krupp works. Work in Cor. King and Earl Sts. ~--unmatchable in its natural purity and absolute [ *Siarebat Foch has oifed the Gor- Fon manga fidelity = that justifies their description as un- aE Siovin.o'oms pasallelessinsruments of magic 7o hg fos toes Ong Se, LO Weare prepared to demonstrate this $17 Es Sc As | ara ome.. Convenient texma of payment who have refised the German . er ------------ in the city permission to pass throbgh Now fs. the timo to come and | arranged JY A Jertitary ol wl Yo have) ~All the large German cities are now . i in the hands of the revolutionists. and overhauled. 3 Germany's navy is scattered into ; disjointed units, each seeking sahictu- ary in Danish ports or waiting in Gér- man 'harbors. 'Wurtemburg," Sehleswig-Holstein | § le at} ry WW 121 Princess Street themselves infdependent republics. - 2 i Ek a i Saxony #8 near & Hike declaration. : r ---- - --t Dresden is now in the control of pauBune the revolutionists, : Poland republic has annexed the Austridn erown lands of Galicia, President Wilson has cancelled all " i yr i outstanding United States draft calls, A E I : London newspapers issued at 111} TRAI | OO Adi telling o of the {the signing af the ar ¢ mistico. London joyously cele-| J. Ly N % bred he rect brio «Ae with the TORONTO WINNIPEC-VANCOUVER ; R bore the "thle of the past Leave Toronto 7 p.m ; Sd - Arrive Winnipeg 12.10 p.m. (Second Day) Arrive. Vancouver 10.05 p.m. (Fourth Day) 5 THROUGH EQUIPMENT Compartment Observation Cars, Standard and Tourist: Sleeping Cars, Dining Car, Pirst-class Coaches, Colonict Cars, Toronto ia. Sanconyer. A round-trip ticket to the Pacific via the "Can Pacific" rinits a 'wide han reciean ono Roti routes without additional charge dian Pacinc" pe diversity _ of nm that her husband, lLicut. F. i 4 Casselman. Wiltshire Regiment, has bon wounded and. admitted to CANADIAN § FIC HOTELS IN WESTERN CANADA 2 Red tal, Rouen, ALL THE YEAR FEAR ROUND " Winnipeg; "Palliser LL Alexandre Vancouver; "Empress Hotel 2 sr a tracks, sam hoy 0 Imperial ; Fur tickets Ftmion ih WE ome, CPA iy Tikes Dine: Con Frineess ami SCraiEhE 'an AAR king : tte. ne th ear swemen Streets; Phone 119%. Am ow

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