Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Nov 1918, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1918. : PAGE SEVEN ty ET ---- a --- G R A N D OPERA SN A A HOUSF War and Thrift TO-NIGHT ok The People's Forum Tomorrow Mat. & Night ENR ENN ANNE ENN HAT war destroys thrift America's Foremost Stars rst : : a a RTT TN must replace. The Victory Bond is the most pro- 0S. Ise | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES ; FOR SALE GOOD DRIVING HORSE § YEARS OLD, fitable and easy form of thrift. | : ASD. Pion tnserton, 1c 8 therntten Matt RATIYING HOUSE § YEARS OLD, E 5 cent a word. Mi for by 27 Pembroke street, mrss --_--------_------ & A thrifty old fellow named Joseph, A PAIR OF BROWN SPANIELS FOR It rebuilds--and yields pro-| fit! Ed 1 Robi S Lk Who often had things to dispose of, bunting partridge or duck, App HELP WANTED : % . to 2668 Wellington street, Ww. mn ' Said the W hig Want Ads are, SINGER SEWING MACHINE AND Oxi ee eet teem etme 3 OR KINGSTON ° GENERAL Without doubt, by far, Brillant Favorite enter. Apply In the Brilliant English Comedy H The best little, sellers he Know of. 87 Colingwood Street, city. . oP y ¥ y Success. it sone Bu Victo Bonds " DELIVERY WAGON. ONE 1916 FORD TOURING CAR IN Apply 'W, J. Lee, grocer, perfect condition, Apply Frost erm City Storage. Phone J26w or 959w, eneral AIDS, 150 A CHARWOMAN, AP- a emma Le, 3 . ply Orphans' Home. | a a hs I SULKY WHEELS AND TIRES; Ase The Bank of Toronto, Market Square, Kingston | G TRatp ron pIviNG Woo AFL : ae | | Ties, Columbia and Oyariang § Johnson street, WANTED GENERAL cr) King St. Phone 1082, © Ts, Se ---------- A -------- coal in, Apply on premises. street; electric light, four sleeping rooms, double parlor, dining REE = , iC CO EVE.: 25c, B0c, 75¢, $1.00, $1.50 McCallum. N. C. Polson, Co. Ltd. for cash or In part payment of new d- Nishing to reach the owner may peace time--knit socks for us on second-hand furniture. We Also | sme ou , FINDER ture and stoves. J. Thompson, 333 FURNACE MAN. APPLY. 10 Xion ; FISHING TACKLE THAT'S FIT FOR jolsor, 165 King streel Wesh|n., sin' SEWING AND DRESSMAKING. FOUND fishing, A Soca vi 198. Apply Miss Gough, 140 Union street, 9 Clarence stree u- ---------------- an Consulate. aiophan ne re a ---------------------------------------- G90D. GE NERAL, ABLE TO COOK: NO | | = = -- - ing © re , FURNISHED HOUSE, ABOUT Mng Or IFORIRE. _ ADDIy- Miss rooms, wanted immediately by re- " room and kitchen, B. & (. Good value, Price $3000.00. A ob $120 or A ¢, 50¢, 75¢, . " SPR » a INE vianos and grafono C. WwW AT ONCE, ( oy i N' GENERAL do > 8a. mited, 121 Princ s Ly reporting the facts to a Bost Fare ¥, Limited, 121 Princess street. The British Whisk: The &dver. ||FARM OF 65 ACRES, ONE MILE WEST s 1 Kni A ye prio et a Saray the fast, simple Auto. Knitter, have for sale a number of second- | PURPLE SILK SCARF eens freee eer eeererbry icture Particulars to-day, 3¢ Samp. Aste hand heaters and stoves, military Kindiy leave at his office and re- Princess street, Phone 1609, wnnyef t Knitter compaty, Dept. -44 Col- harness and military herse blan- cefve reward. -------------- me, Re G WwW V A lege, Toronto, Ont. Kets, etc. S. Shapiro, 45 Princess & g . eo Valle t street. Phone 1287. ILLUMINOUS FACE, INGERSOLL|BLACK PONY FOUR YEARS OLD; 5 pony colt, five months old; pony WANTED IMMEDIATELY 3 (OMEE- 3 0R 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, HEAT-|| PARCEL CONTAINING A QUAN- ee : 4 CE OF REV, CANON FOR. The Prettiest Play That Has Come From England In Years ' 2 YEARS IN LONDON ] 1 YEAR IN NHW YORK Hor a. 18 Wellington street. sponsible party. = Apply Box 115, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. . . GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN Brick Bungalow, hardwood floors, ¢ rooms, hot water s ATS NOW ON SALE. ON SALE. a , on, of Collins Bay Terms to soit 4 watch, on Union, Division or John. buggy. pony. sleigh; twe wheeled | | | tent ousekee per. Apply Rev. Dr. ed, for small family. Apply 36 tily of tape. Owner can have 4 WEEKS IN TORON | RLS y Wiig. Office, NTO |GIRLS FOR THE WORKROOM; TISED FREE selections; your a cholge. $34.60. heating; extremely modern, Price $3000, € : 3 paid. $25 at AER Apply Mrs | = -- 0 I'O BOAT tisement will be printed i. this ; | WANTED MODERN MOTOR AT, P y purchaser, Apply William Britt, Kings 'y, Kingston Mills. Clergy street, west. same by calling at T. A. Ran- erl, 218 Albert street. Recently lon street, repaired apd renovated. Supply of Brick house, detached ,down-town, south side of Princess PRICE ICES: pleasant, light work. Apply Miss aon en Ce GHT . PIANOS form 8s cas Ad rnenta il Anyone finding anything and Lindsay, tAmitad) 121 Princess St. Bt. "® "noe es 9 Conroy, . care Rev. Dr. Kingsley, | Wo oo 0 dition: -- for personal use, column free of charge, : Apply J. K. Carroll Agency. Xingston Mills. Phone 1130, ring Cash. Write full particulars to J Colling Bay, or on 'premises, B56 Brock BUsot Phones: 68. B74w 1 ahd. George Simmons. 33 Jarvis St., To- - roe eet : : PATRIOTIC, STEADY, WELL PAID Ranta. WE HAVE GOOD SECONDHAND employment at home In war or WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF LOST furniture, buffets, chairs and ta- bles; wil buy all kinds of furni- Fata a i (Incorporated) William Fox Presents HIGH PRICED FRUIT HAS CREATED | = eC rue om Fini ston ar Jon. ay 3 . a--splendid - demand for nursery" n e Y 1 2 g sceive re- cart; also harness, Apply 138 Nel. 5, 3 ¥ ' big house for study. Must be quiet. 220 Johnson street. Receive re Ply Pool and Billiard Rooms now . im a stock. Our trees are known &s the No' other roomers in House, "Pable d. son street, or phone §93, Thin specs donated} R open. Meetings commence No- Virginia Pearson In best in the trade, We want reliable board if possible, Will pay $5 .t0 n wp d by R. nd salesmen to se n unreprasente reek Tor > Fight Fog he Rodger In co-operation with ere vember 11th, : ! country and oity districts and pay hh Ay Rilo Sem Box 7000, DENTAL SQUARE, GRAND PIANO, EXCEL- tish Whig ane A Daughter of France well for services rendered. Over W hig 1 yHice Re alt . * lent tone, perfeot condition, a snap, weary six hundred acres of fruit and or- = A KNAPP, r PRINCI terms or cash (would rent.) Qwn- namental trees, shrubs, etc. Exclu~ - B . Pm AOE 258 [PRINCESS er going west. Call afternoong or street. one 683. evenings Mrs. Campbell Smith, sive selling rights for allotted ters POSITIONS WANTED fresh Cut Flowers Chas. Ray In iw Tio reham Nursery - DR. GORDON C. DEWAR, DENTIST, 428 Division street. . IVA MIDDLE-AGED MAN; RELIADLE corner Princess and Wellington z . et a ai ep Ferns, palms, funeral designs, florsi| His Own Home Town SESEEEIR REE SEY Sud steady. APPly Box '933, Streets. Phone 1678. SURPLUS OFFICE FURNITURE; 2 sprays, wedding bouquets made to order desks, 2 tables, 1 letter press, 1 3 es = DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- cupboard pigeonholes, 1 sett % * F. J. JOHNSON, Fl Is! ro a Erb tist 169 Wellingt t t, A 3 to d work, unpackin 8, ellington street, over a on A150 and xe-packing ammunition, Good i PERSONAL Carnovsky's, Phone 846. a ret Ry Pion or rs oo Apply to Capt. A. C. Me- Geo. A. Bateman, 67 Clarence St, 115 Broek St, : B . . bf Prempro sep Er nye - tu h Ordnance Stores, Cohen % |MARRY~THOUSANDS LONELY, CON- b "PUT 7 A Victory nd Pic re + Bullding, Cataraqui street. * genial memvers, worth $50, LL TO LET . . o- "4 will marry. Descriptions FRIES SOME " THE BIGGES D - The Oys Notice to the Public AND Gebeledeieadedododede ded Pafedoefeded dodo do de Joded Ralph Hyde, San Franciseo, Cal SEYEN ROOMED HOUSE. APPL gr BL AER . F. Norman, corner Patrick and advt. like this. A phone call or A " r DOWN the Hun Mrs. Ainslie Wishes to snnounce thay a She S45 GI OL SED ALL Sl, WASTS, HITHMARKS Caries street. postal will bring you full particu- HT " i n A K and all gro - . Ror Inte munband: Wn. to Aimar ur eystone one Comedy shes removed permanently, with.|iIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, | inp woos fof department. Bri out gear; 30 years' axpetience, De. all Improvements; centrally locat- J. Lake, ed. Apply 243 Brock Street. . : the corner of Clergy and Princess street. The patronage extended to her Fimer Eye, Note BONDS Inte husband will be greatly apprecint- Throat and. Skin Lect: 10 | B RURNISED HOHE, BATEMANS REAL ESTATE AGENCY. ed by the undersigned. agot street. 8 A A IRNISHE -- 3 , Wm. G. Alnsli central and modern. No light- SPEAK LOUDER id n a me A housekeeping. Apply to Box 72, FRAME HUNGALOW, & ur Fans. Whig Office. h good sized lot, chéap for SITUATIONS VACANT. quick buyer, AAA AAA AA rr AN AA THAN WORDS }| REMOVAL NOTICE TO-NIGHT We have light, pleasant || -- -------- -- "= ___ 3 ZING Et STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN |g1050-- James Modney, Shoemaker, Metro Pictures Presents Dainty work to offer women an ANA ERA a "dry. McCann's Red] Estate [TF "no FRAME HOUSE, LARGE LOT, Wishes (o notify his customers and Vi 1 D In girls Active workers ma out rubbing. Promise to solicit or- rane 86 Broek St. Phone 326 jhe public that ho hay moved from 3p 10ia Dana . , ders with ten cents will bring sam- or 821. ¥ieso--rn AME, 8 ROOMS, IMPROVE. King uirecet to 258 King ustrecet, he- "Flower of the Dusk" excellent 3 wages. - -Applyt ples for four washings, Make dol. 'ments, large lot and stable, off IIIA dtttd rAd | and will continue to give the very bent A Sid ie Lusk Miss McCal Hum, office. of Nrantford Ont, hdley's COmMPANy, |; pooMED APARTMENTS, FURNISH. | (Union west. . service in Boot and Shoe repairing. |! reasure House of Human Emo- N. C. Polson & Co., On- ford, od I every, conviniente I $1030---FRAME, .. Roous, oiToNs oundation, garden; o hatham t, Your patronage solicited. tions tario Steet. TO RENT. Division street. Phong 1434w, stree ' Your patronage solicited, Watts i crida - " A Al ~ \ FLORIST © International Star AT ee ne Cees Betvidere. | FORAGE YOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, Sein Manyeviin Seve " Let us "PUT UP" the money and Aan. NEW ENGLAND Elaine Hammerstien In rrr «fry, airy rooms; your own lock and Shera siren ® tnihe tenes, 9% lasse0 --vmaws "louse, pomrs month; Bnprovements, large lot. $2400--FRAME, NEW, 7 ROOMS; ALL 179 Wellington St. Fresh cut flowers daily] funeral designs Z Sad wedding bouanets to order. Out BREAD IS BEST "HER MAN" FINANCIAL BOARD AND ROOMS. wa evders ven spec atten - ---------------------------------------- : A Dramatic Spectacle of Love and pe, PIN ct AEN NNN NNN NN tt . En G oon BOARD AND ROOMS, Ary LY i FRONTENAC LGAN AND INVEST. |" rs. W. J. Stinson, 212 Knig street TH eonveniance or llghg. housokesh: improvements. . Adventure. ment Society: Jucorpornied 1867 Mrs 1871. QUALITY !1 Get it at your gro- || Wi.'S Hart In Brita oon SECURE, ee (toon BE 5 0 feo BT 2 | or ov ammnow vrmm, ECONOMY !! cer s. good gro- || «The Silent Stranger" honey Jusued Low sity sand dares AKCHITEOT re . ---- ES PAYS 0 debentures; mortgages purchased; . oy y cers handle it. PRICES ALWAYS 10¢ and 20c investment bonds for sale; deposits | POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. |TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS SUIT- able for light housekeeping, also "GOLD BOND" A RA Findings received and interest allowed. R. chants Bank Building, a on " iv al I ® * C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clar- _Brock and Wellington one furnished bedroom: rent med- one nud the driver will eall ence street, Kingston. re re erate; "Apply 48 Lower Rideau VEGE ABL ---- Cannda Food Board License No Street, Sele @ DRESSMAKING -- a SOUP LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND , Som: THIS, DRPARINENG 15 ALWAYS The students and former students of Fire Insurance Company. Available [piss RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKE EFARTH Regilopolis Uollege are requested to at- assets $61,187,215, In addition to having resumed business, ni, Sind to hear from &n one thinking which the policyholders have for orders for fall and = winter work Writs o paul fe abe Svertaing. A k rE (tend the funeral of the Inte Fr, Morgan security the uniimited liability of Pan, . 16 UL 2 s Finn, which will take place from 106 Addres 202 Alfred street. may be able to help you. British ates . h\ wv ' S city property, {insured at lowest | Carpenter and Builder Clergy street, Saturday morfilog at § possibile. rates. Before renewing hig; Pub : FUR REPAIRING, 2 tins for 25c. for it. , W. R. BILLENNESS || ~~ mer | old or elting new bisinces ent BaeiNg ee YK 1 rates from Strange trange, o " Specializing Store Fronts and Fit. STOCK MARKETS, Agents. Phone 325. I AT MONEY TO LOAN. un oan un BRAIRED. SNOW H tings, Remodelling Hulldings of all " "DANCING AND DEPORTMENT"~ | © HAVE $2.500 70 10 modelled and repaired. Satisfac- BETA i pxreriesce [| Quotations - Furnished" By Bongard, LEGAL Drivate Jossons 2 A mortgage city 8 Rig I FIRST Hon guaranteed. Whit furs Nisan § 0 at CXPERIE ; A eo Vv. wr 1 oc LP wes, prrier, 198 Syd. Address, 272 University Ave. Ryerson & Co., 239 Bagot . » . y cent.; also 3, 000 at same terms \ ¥ g ; children, Learn the "Victory Apply Hox N-f, Whig Office. Srham street, "Oppesite Central - AA Ap POTATOES EE Street. A. B. CUNNINGHAM, HARRISTER Waltz," the national dance. Made. V AA sr -- . - and solicitor. Law office, 78 Clar- moiseile Hudon, 39 Union Street Seam------ ence street, west. Phone 120. . A AN sf, lO New York Stocks, ea A situa . i open. 2.30 pm. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE : = ¥ Atehigon' J... ih 9% 98 . [ Choice ear load. Get our COKE ORDERS B & 0 58 59 arkes Square, Saturday, Nov. th, Sat turday, vs Sth, lode, Market vy y n , . Ate 5 4 A ey - " o'clock. One ligh ay mare ip |? hen cabinet, eater, @ prices hefore I. your win ONLY CPR. .. .. .. .. 171 170 good coadition; medium weight. horse blankets, leather . g ter supply. NYG... ee 32% 82% : straps and other articles. ! TAKEN 91% WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer, WM, MURRAY, Auctioneer, Friendship' S ] Souhas Fac. ws wih 108 3% j COME! COME! COME! Heavy Winter Overcoats at $18.00, not consan Keg Ress teense 4 || The James Sowards [|S Faui [0 3 "TENDERS A PUBLIC MEETING|f| 2 "special price" fora day only, but com- or : : pared with the average coat at $18.00 to- hb No, > 210 Division St. Phono 545 St Union Paci SEALE ' aC if SEALED TENDERS marked "Ten: o-operation , -------- Chama, 345 11 Coal Co. "MW atimntie Gui .. 111 | dev ui the thslope. will be received |, A jecture" aru ttt I] © 0 very ry special value. Special | dutty Phone 155. Marine. pid... 1 120% Hoste, Winastum a 1315 stock sons | Sons. of Engl fall. Y, 8 Very very spoeial va ue, ow 5, for the ns o and » prices on our raincoats and Sweater coats, Gen. Motors 134% glen Saturday, Nove Studebaker . : : 3 i ; 69% undermentioned supplies Cre the Codnty | Corner Montreal and Princess streets, pre T Re Willys-Overlamd 26% 27% Loi tat aoe mein ver > "IFRIDAY, NOV. AH Ladies' furs, a ig sectifies. ey NEW GOODS JUST ' : iam oboe... ... 65% Miread, Harley, Ontmenl, Sugar, Sai, at 8 . RECEIVED Baldwin Loco, .. . 179 Pepper, Heel, Beef, Fork, Mutton, at ver Ib Chair to be Rr § Prof. Jordan, Peanut Butter, the best ||(7 Am. Smelters .. .. 913% 913 Nik Meiskees at "Turaips, ot De | B.A, DD. Music in attendance. '] Oleomargarine, the best Mince Anaconda .. ... .. 71% 723% | Mrewn family soap nh lacie say man Meat, hn gh and Jellies, Black Tea, 40c Ib Shine, wens 42% - per Ib. Hana hrashed straw eid per CARD OF 1 THANKS Flaked Wheat and Rolled Oats. nspiration ..... . 54% 55% heisvhole' of the alters, Esq. Supt, 107 PRINCESS At the Green Tea, 40c 1b [i vin copper . "0 99 3075 | unica oie. af the above mentionsa] London Lite insurance Co. | The Up-to-datetClothing and Men's Furnishifg Store. ue Grocery th Cham, Step $6 | IRiiect ta aEDSEI oF Cavonnar or | Do I hank ERENIE ee f e Io to than Your company 800 Ibs. Are bei sold at Gaol or County Clerk. th 3 a 490 & 492 Princess St., ng Midvale .. .. .. . 44% | genders will be received for panty af ast af of p Hal id A ing Rett ement Phone 530. those prices at the al... ., 807% the above An A LE : BS: Stee... i Paar remem | Gh fae of my oon Hy po . ' Ml Anis-Chatmers .. | ° p 3 : : take great pleasure in recom. coli Bom Marche Grocery [|i El Ri i | IY Slabs i in Am. Car Fdy. .. .. . : J. W. BRADSHAW, Yours truly, Distillers 5 County Clerk. HORACE ATTWOOD. Ind. Alcohol .. Am, Sumatra .. Tobacco Prods. . Mex. Pete. Cholee Frulin and Nuty in Sea son; Home-made Candy. ¥

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