Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Nov 1918, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR i. THE BRITISH WHIG! Sor raury ot ogre json of she vosss thas 798 'ser ] seen | Canadia are not so mu er-{ without them i A Chal d - ested in whether Democrats or Re-| Every loyal man must ask him- |} :allenge to Canada. | public } irs in the Un-lgelf "What can I d l in tha | ited St: as they are in the faet|war and keop Canada in. 3 ound American e¢ob-| financial position?" The answer is é 5 tibia ae RE then 'he lnited States aving *ub eribot $866,000 000 ov is be ougress deter-| "Buy Vietory Bonds : v 3 UE Buy Victory I jective in the fourth Literty Loan Fined toya s5-opesgte with yi Ye of $5 0C00.600 600 g tda the Allie n prosecuting the war : wark ia fhe | . rive ta: 10 $i. | v Hu lantil every vestize of autocracy Is 23 3 United AV £21 A oY w nar 4 { Chil ¥ nites 7 pr { overfhrc wn and the cause of demo- PUBLIC OPINION State What : spi i demon- J : craecy | Irinmphs it of what Be i ( J 3 .e f 3 lust wot only equal -but Serpe we anf we S FYL "HEADQUARTERS hi Cala gh <7} oS be Whore ity Arg ten : OUR MERCHANTS AROUSED. The Other Extreme. exceed &his high per . tAnaconda Standard) 3 2 A Kingston's retail merchants are sustend of aL On a basis of 4,000.0 n beter er capita would 'mean nothing if not loyal. They insist|kaiser will now be accommodated {Hoy 000 or 44.600 000 | that this old city, so-rich in histori- h one in the cooler required i$ G00 But as the TH i ' em drive proceeds a. 'public will not « Difference, sati ith it it military ardor, shall do even more - Hie be satisfied with the half billion A iy fit In th . t seta. clot is a) So the mecessity of keeping up than is required of it in the present | A man g p tit his shape Joo pace is quite obvious hings Victory Loan campaign. Zealous of As ev » . ter than they y Pale bes But woman, just to be preverse, must go even a little aster I ia ¥ } 3 of the city, these vé been C The American he good name 0 16 ys ARSE Gets shapes to fit her clothes! 918 ve een Boing. he / , Sr ou Semiv eeniy bY merchants have taken steps to per- al achievement is a challenge to Can- 2 r : i g which musg be taken up Re- CO, LIMITED, | fect their organization and te give Something Has H appened. i Li eS ory of is i Drive ul veland Plain' Dealer) i } 3 tha : 5 y veil t/a boost to the campaign that will ALA ; a tha tf iCanadians at hom Fn ot ia ha Editor Sen i eo " . a ps When the most wasteful nation in t home that i Canadians " ome : Managing- Director put it "over the top" in grand style the world learns to save peach stones are worthy of those wYgrses Re} nese | 30 far, Kingston has 'done well, butland nutshells it's a sign that some- | Will not rest second any other Sanncas ome Televhones: . .. ...24s'they want Kingston to do better. |thing imports has happened - in | COURLry he 2k KdMorial Roomy Sh AW eae ae 29 s 3 y the world I = : : | h Pl d [ Job OMice. «+ «is Ii ii ili3yy, The success of the Victory Loan -- FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Aix Hal E nl -------------------- mime =i maans much to the mercantile in- rs iki & MUARY. HE | oad Br 3 in ! 3 ; Wz i 4 RRC j tevests of the city, and our mer- ork Evening Sales Made at 24 3-8 Cents om dei a £2 A did ; / alstseam Can it be that Germany is not go- Board on Puesday Afternoon. a = ; i ® ; ® One year, Jelivored In city Pe 38.00 chants are wide awake to the fact ig hig: Ing Albert: anythis Front fF of Sd: A 1 AR ] paid in advance .. .$5. ng to charge King Albert anything At a meeting of the rontenac | ; 5 AE ' € RE | Isa Popular that Eréss 2 in the san, the cgl associations and so infused with One year, r One year, by mall to rura; offices $2.50 SA Sr "0 for having takem eare of Belgium Cheese ;Board held on Thursday Une year, to [¥ nited Slutes . +.3260] TRACTORS BRING EW ERA. for him during the most critical | ternoon there was boarded 283 boX . b Abs (Semt- Weekly tion) . % "a ein : Le Yl Ms Hg y Ls 20 £ 2° Was bod hy out MAA § ira) } } . { 4 y } One year 1 mark cagh $100] The American agriculturist grows |yeais of its history? es of white cheese and 103 boxes of | HH oH ; # £ : Uy: Lgl A De ariture One year, If not paid in advance 3 590 | enthusiastic over the prospects 4 mn colored Five factories sold 24 | 1 ye 8 : 2k av ' 1 a Une vear, to United States .. . ha . < a T Enid vie t Six and three months pro rata. evolve from the use of tractors. It One Thing Sure. 373 cents he following fact - (Buffads Enquirer) boarded: TT MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE v| 30¥S:: Germany may be,.as she R. Bruce Owen .. 23 St. Peter St "Farm tractors are the big thinzlahle to get orders to all sth ¥.K.Northrup, 225 Fifth eh New York 2 i: nd i & OER oir . : g + ¥.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bidg., Chicago in agriculture to-day And they ars{marines to spare passenger ships --Apegan, 6; Cold Springs, | . | going to be a bigger thing in agri ? they return to port, but she £0; enburnie, Thousand Wore M acount re Dybiist ie | culture to-morrow. Farm tractors)" PM ie yaly get. gris io 31 ot Writer, are not going to revolutionize east } nL Pr oy Send "Attached 1m one of the best 1ob|ern agriculture----rather - evolution- k Mr. Gibson pring Sfficen Wn Ounads. ize it Farm tractors, as farm the- offering of Glenburuie automobiles, are going to make The Hou : X n tf the Ger | audiwo Fo doland bought 'the offers] The circulation of THE BRITISH | money for every farmer that owns [man Burlesque Theatre y steps g of Silver Springs and Ontario at | Whig Is authenticated by the one. They are going to add more] before »eurtain and 1 al|24 : suts, and at the same fig f "A slight mishap has |yre Mr. $2mith bought the offering | ABC eres 40 'every. Warm by musing hE rk Andit Bureau of Circulations. 8 fo 'every farm by msing the] Co Veith the performayce." of Glenvale Society Bramd Clothes unusued acres underneath the usu- ot Tho -Board adjourned Until No Ving " ¢ 0d jou Nd AA amine | ally thin sheet of plowed ground Neglected Rights, vember 21st, and this will in alll © Aipac The war has brought out the flae They are, going to make plowing i Oo j3tar) likelihood be the last meeting of The troub is 'that we do not use the season | qualities of thousands of Canadians |ang gisking and soil preparation 50 |..r free institutions. Those . ia / as nothing ever did before much better that more bushels 'and [authority encroach upon them. The ara - | ® EN acres are going to result as surely | people neglect them. They are too American prisoners in Germany | ; : i That cat that ate the canary can as if more acres were cropped with | deferential to authority, and allow [are being badly mistreated in spi'e | e e ui not smile any wider tham the Lion a larger labor unit. Let mus ses sae ORC) meniis to pass without pro-|of the protests of the American Red | that has just swallowed the Tur-j|_ Cross Those arriving at the prison key. what lengthening the crop period ee ------------ camips at Limburg, Darmstadt and | at, €€ ® % 2 5 5 by shortening it really means. It uilty Must Suffer. Giessen 'dave their clothes stolen | "i means wh 3 is fi ini oodstock Sentinel-Review and their boots replaced with wotd-! 3 The war news is good; it keeps an eH Lhe soil Is fit to til} in There are €0 mar Poeoply in Ger- en sabots epaced = i the spring you can do the Job many y it NL mia d y tek ar * many whose hands are red with Premier Borden and part of. his ays or weeks quicker than you|ypicod and who will show a natural { Cabinet will leave for England ve:y f it will also catise them to loosen up : at ever did that job before." anxiety to shift the responsibility [shortly, it is understood. and buy Victory Bonds. I oy aia she responsi ity gto. | Society brand tailoring. Plain greens, greys and browns. Prices: SG - rh ends of justice will not be served if ol $30, $32. 50, $35. 00, $37. 50. 'Where will the kaiser eat his| WHAT THE VICTORY LOAN [> 0 JU0 C0 Fh eSCADE Ol SUCH | Sbbbbbbesbdbbbsbiiibssns Christmas dinner, denied him In MEANS. a plea * past years in Calais and in Paris? Men engaged in finance, such as rr r---- 1 If nothing else will make # {| 7 bankers, directors of large corpora- The store ads afford to you the IN-| % your old car go, you might try + H We lope 1 will be in a prison. tions, manufactarers, bond aad. ts. | FORMATION you need in order to|# a Want Ad. + IH ee NA - ' 0d 10-1 huy economically and with good * + The Watertown, N.Y, Times trit-|vestment companies and insurance judgment as to commodity values. dedeededidodidebdolodododlob db dled Sb ddd ly remarks: "The terms of the ar-|companies are heavy investors in} 7 v mistice with Turkey pull. the «tall | Victory. Bonds for two reasons, viz, | . . . ; | feathers right out of that bird." they know that the government .s - = : : ' { Ce urgently in need of the money to i" The German crown prince is for|carry on Canada's business, and pp ing ymes the first time at the head of his|that the bonds offer one of the best troops, leading a magnificent re-|and soundest investments it is poss- » % 1 treat toward home and mother. ible to tind. The private individual, the people in good humor. We hope a Ar att NE Heavy Scotch Cheviots .. .. ... $25.00 $5 $30, $35.00, $45.50. 1 i | ent Is. oa 1 however, does not fully understand WEARY WILLIE I } PERG BBD BB oe Peg ERA hes A Movewent a on foot Io plas a the obligation that rests upon him ; - It is thé royal Teuton, and wearily he speakse "I HH } citizens' candidate in the field es|.. pow his failure to come forward : started all this shootoin'; - hence tears upon my! NEW | Bi NEW TWEED HATS cheeks;, oh, visions great and splendid my dreaming | | TWEED mayor. It is felt that the job should with his money effects the welfare #eek the man, rather than the man of the country ~ soul attended; 'I thought war would be ended, with ry. For years we have ' i ' } : ' : triumph, in six weeks. th ht 4 lezions | the job, ' borrowed vast sums from Rritain Vout have : Rar a eh regions] | HATS ERRORS for the development of the country " that in their pathway lay; I thought 'tweuld be ant doe * Poel " rors » ' $ # erie ee "See {Poch" is mow the universal After the war be fea - outing, a%ime of gleé and shouting, and 1 could do | {iil answer to all of Germany's pleas £98. It became ap | : : h » A8{ parent that Britain must not be ask- some spouting to big crowds every day. [ saw myself 78-80-82 Princess Street Kingston, Ont. for peace. When they see Foch, od to hel of in ®&lory, upon a milk-white steed, while monarchs, . the Huns' arrogance will rapidly © help us, and we undertook t> gs whipped and gory, knelt in the dust to plead; four] re pron find elsewhere what was needed, 4 years 1 have been fighting, four years of war affright- ||} (disappear. and some loans were placed in ths ; & ing, and 1 find, at this writipg, my dreams all gone| United States. When 'that couptry to seed. The truth comes to me slowly----1 have nol ¢hance to win----the truth is most unholy --your Wil-| shout for the Victory Loan. There entered the war her money markets helm is all in; and all around this planet, wherever] is need to invest every available doi- gradually closed and Canada has {oy MASON, [ may scan it, men's hearts are hard as granite, from | h 1 io | hati ord 11 tak hipping, th h I plain] I 4 pay her own way. n order to do} hating me @e sin. have to take a whipping, the trut plainly see; my aud lar it we are mot to be beaten in this Canada has to' sell bonds to| hands are red and dripping, and none will pity me; oh, none will sigh in ffl . EXTENSION Pure Clover the race by other cities sorrow, if I am licked to-morrow, ome will want bo a lo ~ produce cash equal to the wages re- rope and a tree. Was Bic Lid a as I od hated NT Too one | Complaints have been made |Ceived by the worker, the cost of|is jeaden weighted that rests upon by brow; the throne that one I treas-| LADDERS against a milk vendor who is al-|Materials used in the manufactura| ured, the robes in which I pleasured, now bring me grief unmeasured} | : of war supplies, and the food sold I'l trade them for a cow. For I am loge and friendless, a king without a Light and handy for putting up storm windows. We stock | In the Comb is very chum; my loneliness is endless, for never fri. :d will come; for all the! them in 24, 28, 30, 32, 36 foot lengths. i scarce this year. We have leged to have been giving short measure. But what about the long [DY the farmer--every war contract, world: will hate me, detest me and berate me, until morticians crate me, ! ' : s a small quantity which we prices he has been charging? every purchase of wheat, beet, I when 1 am dead and dumb." . | ' i bacon, cheese or butter depends up- ' -- WALT MA S( JN. B U N T S : | are selling al A good newspaper, selling tojon there being someone who will, ' 40c. per Section. readers at two cents a copy, is the |by buying Victory bonds, make i* $e | : greatest bargain left to us in thess [possible to pay in cagh for these THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN | : > a ---- 2 = - - -- 3 war times. And that would still ba [contracts and purchases. Every Copvriche EE EE E EE Jas. Redden & Co. true if the price were three cents. [Man with a.-bank balance can buy PyTIght, ; ooh = 2 Ji " License Nos. 8-450, 6-184, these bonds and many without a A. Corker he was in name and in deposit can do so by paying in in. . ' ' nt : : s stalments... Many people have been i . character. He was a Canadian who nts. ¢ | : escaped from @Germany on the|made rich by the war and wage 1S seventh attempt. He walked 200 earners are receiving better pay . 23 acren. . Price... .....8 2300 reven Il miles before he obtained freédom. [than ever before. re 60 ncrem. Price ... .. .. 2 y aeres Priee ... ... - The success of the loan means 1 HERES A DRESS '~ - . t; ; SUIT + HIRED TO ueres, Pelee ... .., ER The kaiser is not dead yet; his|gpnge $500,000,000 will be put into A CEMTLE MAN LAST devtes © LC 7 pl emic 50 Sia a doleful yaps, however, Indicate] circulation, and everyone who beae- NIGHT AND HE wounds. But let no one stop buy-| fits hy the eontinuance of business ; ? RETURNED IT " Hee deine If each individual will carry ing Victory Bonds; they shouid {activity or hopes to, must feel cali-] | WITHOUT A SPoT rol! : Price [0] out the Medical Health Officer's know that many a wounded dog has|ed upon to buy a share of tha bonds, ON IT -- (T REALLY ' Price ... .. instructions and use a (Bot In his deadliest bites. - [however small that may be. Wo : be PRS Ryle : 200 on Spray or Gargle King, noble and. commoner are} AC Prospered by the war--we all : cop (MIRED IT To Wm yy 3 ia of Permanganate of Potash we ys RE, 29 a Som p know that--but it was Que to Can- i / ae i Swi an a will be safe from Spanish In- ronliden ot winbing the war, or ada's acceptance of the credit of] | ' ; 2 A ; ROR fue, 1 re the American newspaper b-lp.u,, 04 the Allies. The cosh FONG : is ; nee Me lave this silution male J tors on their return from England. foauivalent of that credit: however HIS \ yd 1 ¥ ; to the proper strength from J That also was the conclusion ar- a : mn Oger K pure distilled water. 1 must be raised somewhere and it i 2a . § . ; 25¢ BOTTLE. rived at by the visiting Canadian is only possible to do it by the Issue ; 4 Ww Eh Hn ) 4 : a : editors. of long term bonds. The govers- me : : : kL 1ctor i nt. 2 n 3 ; ment has no capital that could be CRRaR RP sn ? ' DR. CHOWN'S | § an American authorit 0" 2 exacting a bey thon oar in- | Used as a balance against the credits ried for war has nd ths H 5 AEA 1 AR a Re RE : ; demnit Ger ; es out-1°* purchases a ; ; ; ' 3 \ : : | Eat hr ae i ar ey ent ik | 1 &% PE DRUG, STORE | i ed to, with the exception of Canada |°*% Of the administration. gl 4 | \ I O ; S : into | WI the peaple of Canada, whose ; ; \ : ' : : 1 T This country,; which jumped Toyal 8 ty and devotion since the war te war In Aughat, 1314, 1s surely, O07 S51 LA marvelpillp now ; [hesitate to complete thé wef 4 BR 7 ATL : : ; mansarate with her services. task Eo the song of Victory on their ips = : 8 Fon ! a) Pn Tr Eis OF WITH TE WAR. Lot everyone be prepared to sharef | dann -- 3 emma ae 1 : I in that song of triumph with a con- sciousness of having done his duty. {With his money which is a part of the price of VICTORY. You are not giving your money---you are the government's are richer Kingston must do more than Nothing that a man possess sex is his own. There are two prior owners: The first is his God, who has lent him what he has; and the which daub hhh doa ea a 4 9

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